Individual Preparation For His Coming Kingdom

by Sang Chul (David) Kim

Chapter 2 - The Principle of Creation

I. How God Created Man And The Universe

1. How Growth Begins In Each Individual Creation
2. Significant Use of The Three Number

II. How Can God Directly Rule the Universe and Man?

1. What is Perfection?
2. What Relationship Should There be Between God and Creation?
a. Divine Essence in God's Creation
b. Universal Prime Power . . Action of Give and Receive
c. Proof of Universal Prime Power

III. Relation of Invisible Spirit-World To Visible Physical World

IV. The Spirit-Man Within the Physical Body

1. How the Spirit-Man Grows

V. Why God Created Man and the Universe

1. Love to God' s Eye
2. Beauty to God's Eye

I. How God Created Man And The Universe

God did not make all things, including man, in a minute. After speaking the Word, and with the power of this Word, all things did not instantly fly into place. Let us find out God's process of the creation and the period of time necessary to complete it.

Gen. 1:31 Says "And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."

A day signified a period of time. There is much controversy as to the explanation of the time element involved in the creation. The Heavenly Father's conception of time is different than man's conception of time.

II Peter 3:8 "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day."

It is obvious by the science of Geology that the Creation took a long period of time. When we study man and animals and all plant life, also the earth itself, we see that His process of creation is established upon definite laws, harmony, order and principles.

The scientific, or geological explanation of the time element involved in the creation is in harmony with the events in the Bible, as shown by the following chart:

Chart On Creation

Process of Creation According to Genesis

Biblical Record of Creation:

1. In the beginning was the heaven and earth, void and darkness, then came light causing day and night.

2. Formation of the firmament or heaven, dividing the waters.

3. Dry land or Earth brought forth grasses, herbs and trees.

4. Sun, moon and stars--to divide the day from the night, for signs, for seasons, for days and years, and to give light to the earth.

5. Moving creatures, fowl, whales, every living creature in air and sea.

a. be fruitful b. multiply c. fill the earth

6. Cattle, creeping things, beast of the earth, and man.

a. be fruitful b. multiply c. fill the earth d. subdue it
e. dominion over every living thing.

7. God rested.

Chart #1

Chart On Creation

Process of Creation According to Science

Geological Time Table of Creation:


Heaven and earth

Light - succession of day and night

Cosmic Era

Azoic Era


Firmament - sky - no scientific proof.




Plant life

Archeozoic Era

Proterozoic Era


Luminaries - no record.



Moving creatures, flying creatures, sea monsters, animal life

Palezoic Era


Cattle, creepers, beast and man

Cenozoic Era


Sabbath Rest

Psychozoic Era

Chart #2

Every creature; all animals, including man, all plant life were created to grow to maturity after a given time. There is a growing period in the process of creation which has three orderly stages. All things must pass through these three orderly stages of growth to reach maturity or perfection.

Gen. 1:5 "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."

Evening, night and morning show three stages, the three periods of growth.

Evening is the time when the act of creation was completed. This is the first period or the Formation Stage.

Night is the time when all things grow to perfection state. This is the second period or the Growth Stage.

Morning is the beginning of the first day as perfect beings. This third period is called the Perfection Stage.

In the first stage, God has an idea; His thought or plan as to Creation. The second stage of the creation was the word. Through the Word of God, the action was applied to accomplish the creation. The third stage is when the visible creations appeared. We can see the three orderly stages again: we could say that the idea is the symbolic stage, the symbol of His thought and plan. The second stage would be the representational stage for the spoken word, or command which represents the power and action in order to build, or complete the work, the original plan, or idea. Then the third stage is the substantial creation, the visible manifestation of the symbol, or idea in the beginning. The substantial visible creation in the third stage is the completed, matured or perfected work by God.

1. How Growth Begins In Each Individual Creation

The Seed. The first stage is the seed itself. The seed grows to the second stage of growth which is the tree. The third stage would-be -the grafted tree bearing the fruit. This completes the three orderly. stages of growth and is the matured or perfected creation. It is the same with blade, ear, corn, as we see in:

Mark 4:28 "For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear."

Man: Infancy is the first stage of man's growth. Then man, passes to the second stage which is the stage of youth, and from youth man passes into the third stage, which is the matured adult. Then the perfected or matured adult begins the life cycle again reproducing life from the seed.

Further in Gen. 1:5 we find the Bible gives these three orderly stages, as evening, night, and morning. We can call these three orderly stages of growth Formation, Growth, and Perfection. Only after reaching maturity, only after passing through the three orderly stages of growth, can all things, including man, attain perfection.

Three Orderly Stages Of Growth In Creation
















Mark 4:28

3. Adult




2. Youth




1. Infant




Genesis 1:5

Diagram #5

2. Significant Use of The Three Number

There we many instances involving the number three in the Bible - such as: There were three docks in Noah's ark; after the flood Noah sent the dove out three times. There were three kinds of offering by Abraham; Jacob served three periods of seven years each at Laban's home. Moses was hidden for three months as a baby, there were three periods of 40 years in his life, he fled Egypt in three days, and there were three days' darkness in Egypt. There are three orders of archangels. Many events in the life of Jesus were related to the number three. There were 30 years in Jesus' personal life, and three years in His public ministry. Jesus had three temptations by Satan, three main disciples - Peter, James and John, three prayers, in Gethsemane. Jesus was three hours on the cross, three days in the tomb, and He was raised on the third day. There were three questions to Peter and three answers by Peter. Salvation is by the trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are three kingdoms -animal, vegetable and mineral. There are three elements of the physical world - solid, liquid, and gas. We can see the number three is significant to God and is used throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament showing many Heavenly things centering in the number three.

II. How Can God Directly Rule The Universe and Man

All creation is under the autonomy, or autonomous rule of the Principle of Creation. During the period of growth all things are under the indirect dominion of God. We can see that all nature; plants, animals, the weather, the four seasons and the like are indirectly controlled. We call this the law of nature. A child is born and naturally grows to adulthood, so even mankind propagates and grows according to the law of nature, or the autonomy of the Principle of Creation.

God lets man grow under indirect dominion without dependence, for man must accomplish his own perfection. The element of human responsibility will determine what a man shall attain.

In the beginning, the Fall occurred before the maturity, or perfection of Adam. This is why man has never received the Lordship over the universe which God promised man in the beginning. No creature could fall after having attained perfection; nor could any creature fall after having received God's complete love. If Adam and Eve had fallen after their perfection, then God's creation would have to be considered imperfect, and there would be no hope for mankind. But we know that God is not imperfect, and that therefore, mankind can look forward with every hope of fulfillment.

One might ask, "Why didn't God control man and all things directly, then there would have been no fall?" God does not control man as a robot; God gives man the privilege and responsibility of accomplishing and attaining this perfection. Then God counts it as man's own accomplishment. God does not have a direct relationship with fallen man.

All the creations had grown to perfection and were waiting for man to become mature and perfected. At this stage, man would rule and dominate the universe directly, since God had promised to man on earth, the Lordship over all creation. Man fell before reaching his maturity intellectually or spiritually; therefore, man has never directly controlled the universe or received the blessing of perfection and Lordship as the perfect sons of God. '"When man attains maturity, or perfection of mind, spirit and body, God will love and rule man directly as a perfect man. If Adam and Eve had been perfect, they could not have fallen. They could not have been tempted. Therefore, they fell before becoming perfect. In perfection, there is no fall; in perfection, there is no sin. According to Heavenly Law, God cannot directly control imperfect man. In perfection, God and man are one in Divine Love which can not be separated by any means.

Rom. 8:33 "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God."

1. What is Perfection?

Perfection is a state whereby man stands face to face with God, having a perfect relation of give and receive. Man can realize God's love in full by responding and returning to God, man's love, beauty and glory. In this state, man will have oneness with God in divine heart. After reaching oneness with God in heart, man cannot fall or be separated from the love of God.

All things had passed through three orderly stages of growth, had reached the stage of perfection, and were waiting for man to attain perfection. Because of the fall of Adam and Eve, which took place in the highest part of the growth stage, man never attained the third stage which is perfection, and man has never had Lordship over all things. Since the fall, God's plan has been to restore man to the original perfect sinless state which existed in the beginning. Thus began God's Restoration Providence (discussed in later chapters of this book).

While man is under God's indirect dominion, man is responsible for completing his own growth and perfection. When man accomplishes this, God will bless him with Lordship, he will receive God's perfect and direct love, and man will be the most intelligent and glorious of all of God's creations. Man will have direct dominion over all creation through his Lordship, and God will have direct dominion over all things through man. Only then will man be the most glorious of all the creations.

2. What Relationship Should There Be Between God and Creation?

a. Divine Essence in God's Creation

Romans 1:19-20 "Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God has shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead."

Therefore, we can say the invisible things of God, His eternal power and great glory, are clearly seen in God's visible creations of the world. God's essence is manifest in the visible creations. We can see the eternal power and eternal Godhead, which is God's essence, when we look at His creation.

In the animal kingdom, in all birds, fish, insects and animals there we two essentialities, male and female, which can be called subject and object.

In the vegetable kingdom all trees, plants and grasses have the two essentialities of male and female, which according to Botany, are called stamen and pistil, reflecting the subject and object relationship.

In the mineral kingdom, the mineral particles have positive and negative ions reflecting God's two essentialities in a plus and minus relationship or subject and object relationship.

Atomic energy has protons and electrons. These reflect plus and minus elements which are positive (subject) and negative (object). Electricity is composed of positive and negative charges which correspond to plus and minus or subject and object relationship. The solar system, also, functions on the plus-minus, or positive and negative principle.

We can see God's two essentialities reflected in the creation of man and woman.

Gen. 1:27 "God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

Man and woman in oneness reflect the image of God. Man alone or woman alone cannot reflect God's image.

God's two essentialities are clearly seen in the creative process. All creation reflects plus and minus elements. We see that:

Light is the plus element -- Darkness is the minus element
Heavens - the plus element -- Earth of is the minus element
Soil - earth the plus element --Water is the minus element
Male - the plus element -- Female is the minus element

Everything, every subject, must have its object in order to maintain its existence in the Universe. There is no individual creative existence which can maintain its existence unless it has its correlative part. There is nothing in existence which can maintain its existence without being a part of a pair. All things exist in pairs complementing each other.

God's creation is the substantial object of His two essentialities. His creation consists of individual perfect beings, perfected through three orderly stages of growth. Individual perfect creatures are divided into two categories; the first is man, the second is all things. Man is the visible, substantial object, or the representation which consists of God's image-the direct image. The universe, which consists of all things, is the symbolic representation --the indirect image of God.

b. Universal Prime Power Causes Action of Give and Receive

God's power works in all His creations. How does the power form? God is the source of power, so all creations which God made receive power from God. Subject and object, plus and minus, male and female, all form a correlative standard on which give and receive starts. This action which unites two things, becomes oneness with God and resembles God, then power is generated. Nothing can continue existence without a reciprocal relation. Whenever any two things form give and receive, the result is energy of action and power. We can see the power of God in every existing thing. This source of power is called Universal Prime Power.

If we look at the relation between the mind and body we can clearly see the relation which should exist between God and man.

God created man for the action of give and receive and planned to have perfect give and receive with perfect man. God becomes the big plus for the action of give and receive and man becomes the minus element for the action of give and receive. Whenever there is a reciprocal relation of give and receive God's work starts, then:

Whenever there is perfect give and receive between a subject and object, there is oneness and a revolving cycle is formed. When a subject and an object have give and receive a.) creative force begins b.) there is multiplication c.) and then there is another creation. This is reflected in the animal kingdom and in the vegetable kingdom. Such as: male, female = offspring.

God cannot give creative force in God's image until man is worthy to receive the blessing as a perfect being.

c. Proof of Universal Prime Power

Where can we find God's power? All living creatures and inanimate objects have three things: 1. existence 2. multiplication 3. action. These three are all related to the power of God through the action of give and receive.

If we look at the atom, the electron revolves around the proton, forming give and receive. There is existence, multiplication, and action.

All plant life gives oxygen for the existence and life of all creatures and man, who in return give carbon dioxide to maintain all plant life.

All heavenly bodies have pushing and pulling power. When a substance revolves around another, two opposite forces are always in action to maintain balance. In the study of Physics this is called centrifugal and centripetal force.

All mankind maintains give and receive continually in daily life. Action is maintained when sleeping by inhale-exhale action of the lungs. The continual function of the circulation system and the continual action of the organs of the body function day and night with continual reciprocal relations of give and receive. Thus, there is power and action generated.

There is proof in the scripture of give and receive, or pushing and pulling action.

Matt. 7:12 "Therefore, all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them:" (a perfect example of give and receive).
"What you sow you shall reap" (again we see give and receive.)
Matt. 18:19 "Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven."

Man can have give and receive with God if his mind is united with the mind of God.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

God is continually giving and we, in turn, must give love and obedience to God by believing in His Son, Christ, who gives life. If, in faith, we take God's Word through His Son, we receive everlasting life. By returning love and obedience to God, the result should be a circling action of give and receive, and perfect harmony and oneness between God and man.

When man attains the perfection, there will be perfect give and receive and perfect harmony between mind and body; between husband and wife, between parents and children, and among all nations.

III. Relation of Invisible Spirit-World to Visible Physical World

How do we know there is an invisible world? God created all things in pairs to correspond with one another. Therefore, there must be an invisible world to correspond with the visible world. The spirit-world would be the subject, or plus and the physical world would be the object, or minus, for the action of give and receive, thus reflecting the two essentialities of God that exist in all other things in the creation.

We cannot see the mind, but we know the mind exists. We cannot see love, but we can see the power and the results. We cannot see hate or wind but we see and feel the power and see the results. We cannot see spiritual things with the physical eyes, but, nevertheless, the spirit-world exists. We cannot see God who is a spiritual being, but we can see the results and experience the power and love of God.

We cannot hear the sound of the earth revolving, or the sound of high frequencies; we cannot hear many sounds which can be heard by animals and birds. Hi-fidelity produces sounds which the human ear cannot detect; nevertheless, they are reality; they exist and cannot be denied. There are many sounds heard only by electronic instruments. There are, also, those spiritual things we cannot see or hear with the physical senses, but they can be heard and seen by our spiritual senses.

Matt. 17:1-3 "And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him."

How can we deny the spirit-world when the spirit of Elijah and Moses appeared and talked with Jesus on the earth? Their bodies had been dead and decayed for hundreds of years. It is obvious that their spirit lived on in the spirit-world. Today, Jesus lives in spirit in the spirit-world. God, a spirit, exists in the spirit-world.

II Cor. 12:1 - Paul says "I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord." Paul goes on to say, "I know a man in Christ who was caught up to the third heaven .. whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows. And I know that this man was caught up into Paradise . . and he heard things that cannot be told, which man may not utter." (R.S.V.)

While Paul's body was in this physical world, Paul also traveled by spirit or in spirit to the spirit-world. (See and hear things spiritual.) Paul could not reveal those spiritual things which he saw and heard.

IV. The Spirit-Man Within the Physical Body

I. Cor. 15:44 states "It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body and there is a spirit body."

The Relation of the Spirit-Man to the Physical Body on Earth

There is a physical body and a spirit-man in each human being on earth. The spirit-man lives within the physical body. What is the relationship of the spirit-man to the physical body of man still living on earth? The physical body consists of a fleshly mind and a fleshly body. The function of the fleshly mind is the same as that of the animal or fleshly instinct. It is that of existence, breeding, and protection. The fleshly body consists merely of flesh, blood, and bone. The physical body, in order to grow, mast have the plus element of air, heat and light, and the minus element which is the nutriment from food.

What is the definition of the spirit? To save confusion from now on we will call the spirit, the spirit-man. The spirit-man is an invisible entity detected by the spiritual five senses, and exists forever in the spirit-world after the death of the body. The spirit-man has the same five senses which exist in the physical body; sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. With the spirit-man using the spiritual five senses, man can sense and know what is going on in the spirit-world. The spirit-man functions like a radio or television. When man is in tune spiritually with God, he can discern and know the spiritual things of God. God is continually broadcasting and sending, but man is spiritually so dull that he cannot receive. Since the fall, the spirit-man functions like a defective radio or a defective television. Until mankind restores this damaged spirit, he cannot receive directly from God, as Adam and Eve did before the fall. God created man capable of exercising, living and having both spiritual life and physical life.

The spirit-man consists of a spirit body and a divine heart. We find verification of the spirit body in the story of the transfiguration in Luke 9:28-36 at which time Jesus' spirit-man was seen by Peter, James, and John. We also find that the spirit-man of Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Jesus Christ. The physical bodies of Moses and Elijah had passed away several hundred years before this. Their spirit body lived on in the spirit-world.

The divine heart is derived from God. It is in the divine heart that man can possess deity, have the likeness of God, and is where God abides. It is in the divine heart that the spiritual five senses are experienced. In order to grow, the spirit-man must have the plus element of divine love and wisdom, and the minus element which is spiritual atmosphere. That is why, as Christians, we must pray together, study the Word of God and sing praises to God. Without this spiritual atmospheres our spirit-man deteriorates and finally dies. The spirit-man gives the divine elements to the physical body, while the physical body gives vitality to the spirit-man. The spirit-man is the plus element and the physical body is the minus element for the-action of give and receive.

Where is the conscience line? It is the highest function of the physical body, but the lowest function of the spirit-man. Thus we can see the spirit-man is an entity just as realistic as the physical fleshly body.

1. How the Spirit-Man Grows

The spirit-man must grow within the physical body which serves as the soil, or a place for growth and development. Without the physical body, the spirit-man cannot grow to perfection. The spirit-man grows through three orderly stages as do all other things in creation. The first stage is the Old Testament age, the Formation Stage. The second stage is the New Testament age, the Growth Stage, and the third stage will be the Complete Testament age, or the Perfection Stage.

Why do we say Complete Testament? Testament means promise. God gave the promise to Adam in the Old Testament--that he would have perfect spirit, a perfect mind and a perfect body. Adam fell and these promises have never been fulfilled. God gave many promises through Jesus in the New Testament age which will not be fulfilled until His Second Coming. Therefore, Complete Testament means the complete promise, or fulfillment of the Old and New Testaments.

The Three Stages of Growth of the Spirit-Man
(living within the PHYSICAL BODY on the Earth)

Perfection attained by:
1) Men on Earth
2) No original sin
3) Divine Spirit

We will compare the growth of the spirit-man to that of a one hundred watt light bulb. In the Old Testament age, the Formation Stage, the saints on earth attained approximately thirty percent (30%) of their spiritual growth. Through the Mosaic Law, or the Ten Commandments, they were justified to God and attained the stage of Form Spirit. In the New Testament age, the Growth Stage, the saints on earth attained approximately sixty percent (60%) of their spiritual growth through faith in Jesus Christ and through the Revelation and the New Truth which Jesus brought to mankind. The saints on earth attained the stage of Life Spirit.

Upon the death of the physical body, the Life Spirit saints go to Paradise to be with Jesus. Only through the Ministry of the Second Coming will the Perfection Stage be fulfilled. In the Complete Testament age, the saints on earth will attain one hundred percent (100%) or the complete perfection of the spirit-man. They will attain the stage of "Divine Spirit." The perfection will be attained only by the following: first, they must be men on earth; second, by those who have done away with original sin; and third, by those who attain the stage of Divine Spirit. Perfection can be attained only by those who complete these three requirements.

A perfected spirit will not appear in Heaven until the perfected spirit entity matures while living within physical man upon the earth. The Kingdom in Heaven cannot be established until the Kingdom appears first on the earth. In order to establish the Kingdom on Earth, Jesus said, "I will come again."

V. Why God Created Man and the Universe

What is man's position in the universe? Man is a small microcosm, (a little world) the substantial and direct representation of God's image. The universe is the indirect symbolic representation of God's image. Thus we can see God in all of His Creation. All things in the universe are visible physical creations and correspond with the visible physical body of man. The physical universe is the direct image of physical man.

God made the universe for man, that. man may feel joy, comfort, and happiness through responsive stimulus from all things in the universe. Since man cannot feel, or experience full joy by himself, God made the universe to let man feel stimulating joy from all things.

The subject, the Invisible God, wants the visible man as the object to form the action of give and receive. Love and power is generated when God and man have give and receive. A man alone does not feel joy and power until he finds a woman with whom he can have the give and receive of love; then power and joy are experienced. In like manner, all mankind should have this relationship of give and receive. As a result, the generation of power and energy of existence comes into being. Likewise, God does not feel joy alone; but feels love and joy from man who should reflect God's image and nature.

God wants to see His own image; His invisible image objectively, reflectively, and visibly in the visible man. Then God's ideal for the creation of man will be fulfilled. God wants to receive the impulse of stimulating love from His works of creation. Since the fall, man is like a broken mirror, with the image distorted; therefore, man cannot return beauty to the Heavenly Father and cannot give love and stimulation to the Heavenly Father.

1. Love to God's Eye

Love is the power with which a separated subject and object are trying to be united into one. It is the power which unites husband and wife, parents and children; all relations in mankind where a subject and object try to unite, are drawn to one another by this power of love. It is the power through which the brotherhood of mankind will be united with God. There are three kinds of love: 1) love of parents to children and children's love to parents 2) brotherly love which should exist throughout all mankind 3) love of husband and wife to one another.

These are shadows of God's love that we may know and experience God's love. The Kingdom of God is the kingdom of love, which is fulfilled in Rev. 19:7. "For the marriage Of the Lamb is come and his wife hath made herself ready."

Matt. 25:10 "And they that were ready went in with the Lord to the marriage."

Through the love of the Lord we are united to Him as one; in marriage with the Lamb, we become the bride.

When there is perfect love between God, as the Father and mankind as His children, Satan, or evil, cannot invade. Nothing can separate man from this love of God. If we return to God our beauty, God's love naturally comes. Man is created for God that God may feel joy, love, and stimulus. The purpose of this love is to form the foundation of beauty for God, to receive God's perfect love, and to have oneness with God as an object of God's love. (This was the original divine plan of the love relationship).

2. Beauty to God's Eye

Beauty is the phenomenon by which the subject and object have give and receive centering 100% in God. The more love of God one has, the more beautiful one becomes and he will shine with an inward spiritual beauty. Beauty to God's eye is not the secular type of stimulation and beauty which man has developed and set up as a pattern. To God's eye, we become beautiful only when our love is centering 100% in God's love and centering in God's Divine Will.

We now wait for the direct dominion of God through the perfection of mankind, when all creation will give joy, praise, and thanksgiving to God and will receive directly, the divine love of God, the perfect love of God, and mankind will return to God man's beauty and glory. This is the age when God will realize the perfection of His creation. Because of the Fall the Ideal World was lost, so God set up His Restoration Providence to restore this world to His Ideal World, which is the original purpose of creation.

It is vital that mankind should know and understand why God created man and the universes and the true relationship which should exist between God and man; between man and the universe. It is vital that man find the divine love of the Heavenly Father that man may return love and beauty to God. Only when man and the universe are restored to God; only when man and the universe are in perfect harmony with God's divine law and will, can peace, love, joy and happiness fin this earth.

Chapter Two Summary

1. After speaking the Word and with the power of this Word, all things did not instantly fly into place. A day signified a period of time. Peter tells us "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day".

The number three is significant to God and is used throughout the Old Testament and New Testament showing many heavenly things center in the number three. All things in creation must past through three orderly stages of growth to reach maturity or perfection -- Formation, Growth and Perfection Stages.

2. During the period of growth all things are under the indirect dominion of God, and grow to perfection according to the autonomy of the Principle of Creation. According to Heavenly Law God cannot directly control imperfect man.

3. God's two essentialities, clearly seen in His creation, are reflected in man and woman. All creation reflects plus and minus elements, positive and negative charges or subject and object relation. All creations receive power from God through the action of give and receive; creative force begins, and there in multiplication and another creation.

4. God created all things in pairs to correspond with one another. The invisible world corresponds to the visible world for the action of give and receive. There is a physical body and a spirit-man each having the same five senses. The physical body, consisting of a fleshly mind and fleshly body, has give and receive with the spirit-man which consists of a spirit body and divine heart. The spirit-man grows through three orderly stages as do all other things in creation. In the Completed Testament Age the saints on earth will attain Divine Spirit or complete perfection of the spirit-man.

5. Man is a direct representation of God's image; the universe is the indirect symbolic representation of God's image. Love and power are generated when the subject, the invisible God, has give and receive with the object, the visible man. Love is the power with which a separated subject and object are trying to be united into one. There are three kinds of love which are all shadows of God's perfect love that we may know and experience God's love. The purpose of this love is to form the foundation of beauty for God, to receive God's perfect love, and to have oneness with God as an object of God's love.

To God's eye, we become beautiful only when our love is centering one hundred percent in God's love and centering in God's Divine Will. Only when man and the universe are restored to God, only when man and the universe are in perfect harmony with God's Divine Law and Will, can peace, joys love and happiness fill this earth.

Because of the Fall this could not be fulfilled, resulting in three spheres: God's Repentance Sphere, Satan's Control Sphere, and the Groaning Sphere of All Things.

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