Creating a World of Peace - The Thought and Works of Sun Myung Moon by Joon Ho Seuk |
Volume 5 - Education for a Culture of Peace [Part 5 of 5]
5. Reverend Moon's Educational Activities
A. A Life Devoted to Education
Reverend Moon's life has been one of educating people. In the early days of his ministry he was called "Teacher" by his followers. Later he became known as Father Moon, or simply "Father," as they came to understand the importance of parental love both from his teachings and as exemplified in his relationship towards them.
Goal to Educate People of Goodness
From Sun Myung Moon's Philosophy of Education, Seoul, Korea: Sunghwa Publishing Company, 2002.
My goal is to educate people to be people of goodness following God's will. I want to raise young people with education in heart as well as an exceptional education in knowledge. I want them to be the people who love God, who love humanity and who love the nation so that they can be the owners of a new history.
His philosophy of education is that the purpose of education is to raise people to resemble God.
He has always put this into practice, spending countless hours himself educating Unification Church members. Reverend Moon's investment in education is evidenced in the many educational organizations he has founded over the years. The following section contains several examples.
Investment in Education
From Sun Myung Moon's Philosophy of Education, Seoul, Korea: Sunghwa Publishing Company, 2002.
Education needs to be strengthened all the time. This is why I have always invested in education no matter what opposition or difficulties came my way. Whenever I had the money, I would put it into education.
B. Educational Organizations
Reverend and Mrs. Moon have founded numerous educational organizations which serve to educate people to live in a culture of peace. These organizations range from academic schools, colleges, and other institutions, to schools for the performing arts and martial arts.
Additionally, Rev. Moon has founded organizations that teach the value of marriage and family. In fact, he has commented that everything he does is connected to education. The following are some examples: Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles
World CARP
World CARP (Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles) is the student and youth affiliate of the Unification Movement, founded by the Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. World CARP membership is open to young people of all races, religions and cultures.
The central philosophy of World CARP is the Divine Principle, the teaching of the Reverend Moon. It is a God-centered and family-based perspective on humanity and the universe. The Divine Principle is the basis for all World CARP activities and is central to understanding its worldview on true peace.
The mission of World CARP is to encourage conscientious young people to live for the sake of others, by bridging the generations and transcending the boundaries between races, nationalities and religions. To accomplish this mission World CARP carries out the following activities:
Pure Love Education, a worldwide project to promote sexual abstinence in preparation for marriage and family life, and a vital resource in the battle against AIDS;
World CARP Symposium and Convention, an annual gathering of World CARP members and leaders from around the world to share testimonies of success, learn new skills and celebrate the World CARP Youth Festival;
Mister and Miss University International, promoting character and talent among college-age youth;
Special Task Force (STF), a full-time training program for high school graduates;
Workshops and seminars, the study of the Divine Principle, and other student exchange activities.
Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles
The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) advocates the following:
Striving for individual excellence through challenging limitations.
Establishing enduring relationships, based on the model of the true family, which build toward lasting peace within the larger community and the world.
Engaging in regular community service, and practicing moral, ethical relationships in preparation for family life and career.
International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences
The International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS) is an interdisciplinary academic forum dedicated to examining the important issues confronting our contemporary world. ICUS provides scholars with a rare opportunity to discuss issues of fundamental concern to humanity in the company of a distinguished international, multidisciplinary group of colleagues.
International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences
The International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS) has two basic themes:
"Unity of Knowledge," which offers comprehensive analysis of specific topics with input from a broad range of disciplines International Educational Foundation
"Science and Absolute Values," which reflects on the philosophical, religious, cultural and ethical issues that are relevant to scientific inquiry and application
International Education Foundation
The International Educational Foundation (IEF) was founded in 1990 to advocate character education, service learning, family education and prevention education in all parts of the world.
The work began in the countries of the former Soviet Union in 1990 with an international exchange that brought students and educators to the United States for leadership training seminars. This led to collaboration with Russian educators to produce comprehensive educational materials for moral and prevention education in local schools.
Since then, hundreds of teacher training seminars have been held to introduce teachers to these materials and to new methodologies that successfully integrate universal values with specific local cultural traditions. Currently, curricula developed by IEF are being used in over 10,000 schools in Russia, Mongolia and other countries of the former Soviet Union.
International Educational Foundation
The International Educational Foundation (IEF) has the following purposes:
To cultivate heart and character through a balanced approach to education that integrates the best of Eastern and Western, spiritual and material, as well as traditional and contemporary values.
To address youth issues such as abstinence education and drug abuse prevention with a heart-centered approach to character development and an ethic focused on pure love.
To empower families through marriage and parenting education that upholds the family as the seedbed of virtue and the school of love.
To promote civic responsibility and foster a culture of peace through teaching about conflict resolution and encouraging volunteerism that reaches across boundaries such as race, religion, ethnicity, and nationality.
The Little Angels and Sunhwa Arts School
The Little Angels is a children's dance troupe whose performances have inspired audiences throughout the world. Since 1965, this dance company has acted as an emissary of the peace-loving spirit of Korea. The purity and beauty of the children's performances have been instrumental in encouraging hopes for the unification of North and South Korea.
Little Angels and Sunhwa Arts School
Little Angels and Sunhwa Arts School have the following purposes:
A person who lives for the sake of others.
To realize a culture of heart through Korean art
To promote true art which expresses true beauty through internal beauty
To spread the spirit of peace throughout the world
To support the education and artistic development of the children's dance troupe
The Sunhwa Arts School Pledge:
In the true love of God,
I know that all people are my brothers and sisters.
I cast off self-centered desire,
I live for the sake of others:
For those close by -- my family and school,
For the larger world -- humankind.
I strongly determine to become
A person who lives for the sake of others.
Sunhwa Arts School
The Sunhwa Arts School was established to support the education and artistic development of the members of the Little Angels dance troupe. With special emphasis on the arts, this school has become known as "the Julliard of Korea."
Martial Arts Federation for World Peace
The Martial Arts Federation for World Peace (MAFWP) was founded in 1997 by a consensus of martial arts Grand Masters, Masters and instructors from over 70 nations.
Martial arts, with their emphasis on unity between mind and body, offer a constructive alternative to the hedonistic and self-centered values of today. Based on cooperation among the various martial arts disciplines, the federation aims to support a moral society through the development of inner peace and goodness in each individual.
Martial Arts Federation for World Peace
The Martial Arts Federation for World Peace (MAFWP) has the following purposes:
To cooperate to inspire a moral and spiritual renewal in young people
To provide a constructive alternative to immoral and materialistic values
To support the establishment of a world of peace through the development of inner peace
Professors World Peace Academy
The Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) was established to support the academic community in the quest for peace.
With chapters in over 100 countries, it forms a broad network covering the globe and provides links between scholars on all continents. Since its founding in 1973, PWPA organized more than 2,000 programs, published more than 1,000 books and papers, and sponsored more than 200 student scholarships.
Professors World Peace Academy
Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) has the following purposes:
International - to promote the creation of positive global values in education
Academic - to promote the highest standards of academic excellence in its programs and to support the free exchange of knowledge and ideas
Interdisciplinary - to promote mutual cooperation beyond national and international boundaries and interdisciplinary studies beyond limited specializations
Future Oriented - to develop future scenarios for a better society
Practical - to provide useful information and constructive strategies to address local problems
Sun Moon University
In order to realize God's purpose and to establish a world of peace, Reverend Moon recognizes the need to educate people in all academic areas. Therefore, he envisioned the establishment of a world-class university which would have at its educational core the primary truths of God's ideal: the recognition of God's central existence in the world, our responsibility as human beings for our relationships with each other, and the purpose of humankind to establish a world of peace centered on God.
Sun Moon University began as a theological school, later developing into a four-year college and finally a full-fledged university.
Sun Moon University
Sun Moon University has the following purposes:
The founding ideal of Sun Moon University is:
To cultivate people of character who explore and practice the truth
To develop citizens of the world who embrace their neighbors in a culture of heart
To educate professionals who apply their creative efforts in service to society Unification Theological Seminary
Love God
Love Humanity
Love Your Country
Unification Theological Seminary
The Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) is a graduate school that carries out instruction, research and publication in an interfaith setting for ministries that foster faith and character development, godly families, healthy and growing churches, and communities of peace and justice beyond race, nation and religion.
The main campus is a former Christian Brothers seminary on 250 acres of scenic land overlooking the Hudson River, and the extension site is housed in the New Yorker building in Manhattan.
Unification Theological Seminary
Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) has the following purposes:
To provide theological education that prepares students for leadership in the Unification Church and for the practice of many types of ministry
To prepare students for ecumenical and inter-religious work in the spirit of Unificationism
To promote the Unificationist worldview as an alternative to atheistic and materialistic ideologies
To provide philosophical and theological training that will benefit students entering the social services, journalism and other non-clerical occupations
To prepare students for doctoral studies in theology, philosophy and related fields
To operate a curriculum of spiritual and academic quality that fosters the spiritual formation of its students and helps create a community as an expression of Unification Thought and life
World University Federation
The World University Federation (WUF) is an association of colleges and universities dedicated to the education of students capable of leadership in their fields and exemplary citizenship in the global community of the twenty-first century. With the support of scholars worldwide and by utilizing the opportunities offered by current information technologies, the World University Federation forms an international, interactive network or virtual community.
This community represents the best cultural and intellectual traditions of each member and also pursues the universal values essential to achieving world peace.
World University Federation
World University Federation (WUF) has the following purposes:
To promote the establishment of an international network of institutions of higher learning
To make a positive global influence on education
To create a world in which people live in peace, cooperate with each other, and respect individual rights and values, eventually becoming members of a global society