Truth Is My Sword Volume I - Collected Speeches in the Public Arena |
by Bo Hi Pak |
Introduction by Dr. Robert Grant
Dr. Robert Grant is Chairman of the Christian Voice and former Chairman of the Coalition for Religious Freedom organized to protect the First Amendment right of freedom of religious expression.
I had the interesting experience of meeting Dr. Bo Hi Pak for the first time when, in the early 1980s, I was invited to speak in Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C., at a religious freedom rally. The rally was occasioned by the persecution of Rev. Sun Myung Moon by the U.S. Government.
I was not then a member of Rev. Moon's church nor am I now. But I did feel that a great injustice was being done to both the Rev. Moon and his church. Clearly, nobody felt that injustice more than did Bo Hi Pak. And his sense of heartfelt concern was contagious.
This proved to be but the first contact I would have with this unusual man that would, over the years, mature into a very close and treasured friendship. On Dr. Pak's invitation I became Chairman of the newly incorporated Coalition for Religious Freedom which he had been instrumental in establishing. Later, in 1995, when I was married in California, Dr. Pak flew to Palm Springs to show his friendship. We appreciated this typical act of kindness which has so often marked his relationships with people.
In 1987, I, along with two former U.S. Congressmen and civil rights activist Dr. Ralph David Abernathy, started the American Freedom Coalition as a broad-based, bipartisan lobby with 50 independently established corporations. The focus was to continue the struggle against communism during its waning days.
But the unseen part of that scenario was the behind-the-scenes encouragement and support in a thousand ways given by Dr. Pak. He challenged us at every turn to do whatever we could do to help save this country from not only military threat, but also from spiritual and moral collapse.
Bo Hi Pak's deepest motivation is a spiritual one, and one which he readily attributes to his devotion to his spiritual leader, Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
Over the 15 years of our acquaintance, I have seen Bo Hi Pak in a number of different settings, here and abroad, and in the company of a wide variety of people of high and low estate. He is universally gracious and sensitive. Dr. Pak has a rare gift for warmth and for inspiring people.
His speeches are replete with humor and insight. Never boring. Always thought provoking and on target. Although not an American citizen, he is more than simply a resident of this country; he is a patriot who loves this country more passionately than do most home-grown Americans.
And there is no question but that Bo Hi Pak, through the many things he has instituted and accomplished in his long and distinguished career which includes overseeing the establishment of the Washington Times newspaper and a host of other important organizations, has left an indelible mark on America. And we are all grateful to be able to call him and his lovely wife our treasured and very special friends.
Read these speeches and enjoy not only the significance of the language but also try to capture the passion of this very rare human being.
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