Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and thse who hear will live. (John 5:25)

What has been the wish of mankind from the beginning? Wouldn't it have been freedom from ourselves, sin, and, further, from God? What is this? What is liberation? Which road has the mankind been working to realize this and what has God been working for this?

Now let us see the providence of God shown in history.

And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. (Rev. 22:12)

We can say that human history is the history of God's providence of salvation. It is to restore God's purpose of creation and is completed throuth the Messiah. Therefore, God has ben working for a long period in order to send the Messiah and mankind has been waiting for him to come. At this moment, we have something to do, which is to make the foundation on earth to receive the Messiah. In order to do that, we have to, through a process, offer conditional objects for the foundation of faith and remove the fallen nature to lay the foundation of substance.

Calling a bird of prey from the east, the man who executes My counsel, from a far country. Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it. (Is. 46:11)

When a central figure who has to set up these two foundations should fail to accomplish his mission, , , Since God's predestined will of salvation is absolute, He is working to fulfill the will though the time of salvation may be prolonged. It is because His will can be accomplished only through man. Accordingly, we often find that a certain historical course, similar to that of a past age, is repeated in later ages, although there may be some differnece in degree and scope. We call this phenomena 'providential time-identity.'

And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you. (Gen. 17:7)

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A family which God can deal with on earth was made by Abraham, the father of faith, and Jacob for the first time. Abraham succeeded in laying the foundation on the family level to receive the Messiah. The 2,000-year period from Adam to Abraham was the peroid in which God was searching for a man, Abraham, in order to do His providence and man laid the foundation for restoration through indemnity. Therefore this period is called the "providential age for the foundation of restoration" and is the age of symbolical time-identity. The 2,000-year period of the Old Testament Age that begins from Abraham was the period in which to restore the 2,000-year period from Adam (which was invaded by Satan due to Abraham's failure in the offering) back to the Heavenly side centering on the Israelite nation. Therefore, this period is called the "providential age for restoration."It is a period to establish a foundation to receive the Messiah on a netional level.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." (Rev. 1:8)

Jesus came as the comsummation of God's providence of salvation but the Jewish prople did not receive him as the Messiah. Accordingly, the time of salvation had to be prolonged with a promise for the second coming. The will that God wanted to realize on the national level had to be restored on the worldwide level. This is the "providential age of the prolongation of restorarion" and is the age of image time-identity.

When we read the Bible, we can find that the providence to restore the foundation tp receive the Messiah has been repeating itself in the human history. This period when God tried to accomplish His will by calling Christians, the Second Israel, is called the age of substantial time-identity.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. (Rev. 22:13)

The providential age of restoration is divided into the period of slavery in Egypt due to Abraham's failure in the offering, the period of Judges,the period of the United Kingdom, the period of the divided kingdoms of North and South, the period of the Jewish captivity and return, and the period of preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

The providential age of the prolongation of restoration is divided into the period of persecution by the Roman Empire, the period of Chridtian churches under the patriarchal system, the period of the Christian Kingdom, the period of the divided kingdoms of East and West, the period of papal captivity and return, and the period of preparation for the Second Coming of the Messiah.

By comparing the characters of each period, in terms of time, nation, culture and environment, we can understand that human history has been created according to God's consistent providence of salvation through indemminity.

Then He said to Abram: "Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hudnred years. (Gen.15:13)


The Period of Slavery in Egypt and the Period of Persecution by the Roman Empire

The 400-year period from Noah to Abraham was invaedd by Satan, because of Abraham's failure in the offering. Therefore, during the period of slavery in Egypt, the posterity of Jacob were miserably persecuted by the Egyptians for 400 years after he and the 70 kinsmen, centering on his 12 sons, had entered Egypt. In this period of slavery in Egypt, the chosen nation separated itself by circumcising, offering sacrifices, and keeping the Sabbath. After the period of slavery in Egypt had ended, Moses set up the center of the Old Testament by receiving the Ten Commandments and words on Mount Sinai. By receiving the tablets of stone, the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant, the chosen nation, the First Israel, came to set up the will to receive the Messiah. The Jewish people did not believe in Jesus. However, the 12 apostels, the 70 disciples, and the christians centering on Jesus kept performing the Sacraments of Holy Communion, Baptism, and the Sabbath under the persecution by the Roman Empire for 400 years. After that period of sacrifice was over, Christianity was publicly recognized in 313, and, in 392, it was finally declared as the national religion of Egypt. After the period of persecution by the Roman Empire, the Second Israel, the chosen nation, decided on the New Testament by collecting the records of the apostles. They thus broadened the ground to receive the Lord of the Second Advent by establishing churches centered on the words.

Then Samuel took a flask of oil and poured it on his head, and kissed him and said: "It is not because the Lord has anointed you commander over His inheritance? (1 Sam.10:1)


The Period of Judges and the Period of Christian Churches under the Patriarchal System

The Jewish people, who entered the land of Canaan under the guidance of Joshua nd Caleb, wwere led by judges for 400 years. In the period of judges, they formed a new nation of God's elect, centering on the judges in the new land alloted to each tribe and laid a foundation to build a nation which serves God only. In the period of Christian churches under the patriarchal system, the patriarches held duties corresponding to those of the judges in respect to leading the Christians. Christianity, after its liberation from the Roman Empire, spread the gospel to the Germanic tribes, who had moved to Western Europe because of the invasion by the Huns. By setting up the Germanic people as a new people of God's elect, they were able to build a nation which serves God spiritually for 400 years.

The Period of the United Kingdom and the Period of the Christian Kingdom

Upon the entering the period of the United Kingdom, the period in which the judges led the nation was over. The prophets, the chief priest, and the king were in a triangular position. The United Kingdom began with the prophet Samuel ordaining Saul under God's command, making him the first king of Israel.

Therefore the Lord said to Solomon, "Becaues you have done this, and have not kept My covenant and My statutes, which I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to your servant. (1 Kings 11:11)

In the period of the Christian Kingdom, the period of the patriarch's leading the Second Israel was over; and the monasteries, the popes, and the kings began to lead the Second Israel. Pope Leo III ordained and crowned Emperor Charlemagne of the Kingdom of the Franks and Charlemagne I, II, and III led the nation for 120 years.

The Period of the Divided Kingdoms of North abd South and the Period of the Divided Kingdoms of East and West

The period of the United Kingdom began with King Saul and continued through King David and King Solomon. But because King Solomon worshipped the gentile gods, the ideal of the temple was broken. The Kingdom was divided into the Northern Kingdom of Israel, centering on the ten tribes in the position of Cain, and the Southern Kingdom of Judah, centering on the two tribes in the position of Abel.

Likewise, the Christian Kingdom, established by Emperor Charlemagne, also was divided into three-the East Frank, the West Frank, and Italy- because his three grandsons quarreled with one another. In 919 B.C., Italy was under the rule of the East Frank. Therefore, the Kingdom was actually divided for about 400 years into East, which was closer to God's side, and West, which was more on Satan's side.

Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of Lord spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so taht he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and also put it in writing, saying. . . (Ezra 1:1-)


The Period of Jewish Captivity and Return and the Period of Papal Captivity and Return

Following the division of the United Kingdom, the Northern Kingdom of Israel fell within about 260 years due to the people's faithlessness. After that, the Southern Kingdom of Judah, due to its faithlessness, also failed to restore the ideal of the temple. Therefore, in order to fulfill this will again, God had the Jewish people be taken captivity into Assyria and Babylon, the Satanic world. In ###, Babylonia ruled the Southern Kingdom of Judah. There was the 70-year period in which Daniel, other members of royalty, and many other Jewish people were taken captivity. This period is known as the "period of the captivity in Babylon." There was also the 140-year period which lasted from the time of the Jew's liberation by King Cyrus' royal decree after Persia destroyed Babylon in ### until the time when they could return to their land for the third time to set themselves up as the nation centering on the prophet Malachi to prepare for the Messiah. This period is known as the "period of the return of the Jewish people from Babylon.

Now these are the peeple of the providence who came back from the captivity, of those who hd been carried away, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away to Babylon. . . (Ezra 2:1-)

Since the United Kingdom and the CHristian Kindgom which had to realize the ideal of the temple was getting more and more corrupted, God showed many signs such the defeat of the Crusades so that popes and priests might repent themselves. However, instead of repenting, they were often involved in dispute with king over secular matters. Thus Pope Boniface VIII came into conflict with the French King Philip IV, and was even imprisoned by him for a time. One generation after, Clement V moved the Vatican from Rome to Avignon of France in 1309. There the successive popes lived as captives for 70 long years, under the restraint of the French kings. After that, Pope Gregory XI returned to Rome in 1377. Still there was a confusion in Rome. For example, there was a time when three popes stood in triangular positions for the time being.

Then the children of Israel, the priests and the Levites and the rest of the descendants of the captiivity, celebrated the dedication of this house of God with joy. (Ezra 6:16)


The Period of Preparation for the Coming of the Messiah and the Period of Preparation for the Second Coming of the Messiah

The Israelites received Jesus only after the 400-year period of preparation for the coming og the Messiah, after their return to Jerusalem from Babylon. They were restoring the foundation by erecting the temple and by studying the law, thus arousing the movement of reformation in their faith under the guidance of the prophet Malachi, in repentance of their past sin of having worshipped evil spirits. This period is called the "period of preparation for the coming of the Messiah." In Jesus' day, an external foundation on which to be able to expand the idea of the Messiah and restore God's purpose of creation -from Israel centering on Christ, to ROme centering on Israel, and then to the world centering on Rome-was already prepared by God's providence.

If indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of gospel which you heard, which was preached to every ceature undder heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister. (Col. 1:23)

The Israelites (Christians), who kept their faith toward God centered on Jesus' gospel, made a external environment to receive the Lord of the Second Advent while being persecuted. The medieval Christians after the pope's return to Rome were restoring the foundation of faith by arousing the movement of religious reformation centering on Luther. However, in this period, as a result of humanism, the ideology of Enlightment, and the freedom of faith, religion and ideology experienced a gret choas.

For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. (Heb. 5:12)

The 400-year period since the movement of religious reformation till the end of the World War 1 since the movement of religious reformation is the period of preparation for the Second Coming of the Messiah. We divide this period into the period of religious reformation, the period of struggle among religions and ideologies, and the period of maturity of politics, economics, and ideology.

The Period of Religious Reformation (1517-1648)

The corruption of the popes and leaders prevented the foundation to restore man's original nature. As men pursued to restore the original value of creation, the movement to restore Hellenism, humanism, and the movement of restoration of the early Christian spirit emerged.

And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. (1 John 5:20)


The Period of Struggle among Religions and Ideologies (1648-1789)

The external pursuit of the original human nature recognized man and nature through reason and experience -not through God and faith,- giving birth to the Cain-type view of life. In the 18th century, it influenced the Enlightment, the doctrine of deism. THe Enllightment also infuenced left-wing Hegelianism, socialism, and the Communist ideology. Internal pursuit of the original nature aroused the movement to restore Hebraism, which motivated the Religious Reformation. The movement of Pietism, Methodism, and the Quakers formed the Abel-type view of life.

The Period of Maturity of Politics, Economy, and Ideology (1789-1918)

Upon entering this period, these two views of life formed two types of world. The society of absolute monarchy the formed Cain-type democracy that was created by external method such as the French Revolution under the influence of the Enlightment, and the Abel-type democracy realized in England and the United Stated centered on the freedom of faith.

Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. (2 Pet. 3:13)

God blessed man to have dominion over all creation (Gen. 1:28). Therefore, we must realize a blessed social environment. Seen from the providence of God, the Industrial Revolution came from the providence of restoring the living environment for the ideal world. The Revolution stimulated developed countries to pineer the settlement of colonies. By doing this, the foundation on which to propagate the gospel was laid.The Industrial Revolution and development of science have significance in fulfilling the blessing of dominion over all creation.

Wars break out because of external causes suah as political, economic and ideological causes. There are internal causes, too. The internal cause of wars is to restore the world og truth by smiting the non-principled world in the type of perfection of the threee great blessing due to the fall. World Wars are what the good sovereignty centered on God and the evil sovereignty centered on Satan run against each other on the worldwide level. The Lord of the Second Advent should put an end to the world of evil sovereignty and realize the world of good sovereignty of God.

FOr God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

We can see that the history of those, who were called by God to be the First Israel and the Second Israel, repeats under similar time period and condition. God's will to realize the purpose of creation by sending the Messiah on earth is being handed down even now through many exemplary cases. We have to understand that the living God exists, working throughout the long history of mankind with an individual, family, nation and the world. Konwing that, we have to become those who work to realize God's such a longing in place of Him.