The Words of the Cromwell Family

About God (written from inspiration)

Tossa Cromwell
October 24, 2009

God is greater than anything imaginable by human thought. He created the entire universe, which is perfect in itself. He created an ecosystem, a system of natural laws, elements (as on the periodic table), atoms, molecules, and the potential capacity for all that has been created by humanity on the earth.

God invented the family -- he made it possible for humans to procreate and gave the natural desire in parents to care for their children. He gave humans the capacity for faith, love, hope. He allowed humans to wish for better things for themselves and others, leading to great technological developments in history.

Yet, in all that God created, in all that he gave to human beings, he never imposed His own will on human beings. I believe that he assigned Lucifer and other angels to teach human beings about Him, especially about His works of creation. Yet, Lucifer rebelled and wanted to make human beings and the creation his own, earning the name of Satan. After being taught by angels about God, God hoped that human beings would feel gratitude toward God and want to build a beautiful world out of the universe God created for them. That beautiful world would be their offering of love, returned to God in gratitude for His creating the universe for them. As Adam and Eve's life spans were close to 1000 years (or perhaps more), they could have made many discoveries and established a true Kingdom of Heaven on the earth in their lifetime.

God has been saddened throughout history because His story was never told. Sun Myung Moon was probably the first to realize how He felt and to preach it to the world. He realized that human pain and suffering is derived from divine pain and suffering, a secret long kept away from human knowledge by the forces of evil.

Now, God is perhaps happy for the first time in history, since His Son he sent to the earth, Sun Myung Moon, has established a family without any ties to Satan and a community of followers, who through constant effort he tries to keep away from ties with Satan. The final effort he is making in his life is to establish a heavenly kingdom on the earth, together with his followers. Perhaps he feels that none are more qualified to continue his mission than his own children.

God is greater than any human being on the earth. There is no way for a human being to come anywhere near who God is. Sun Myung Moon paid indemnity for the sins committed throughout the course of human history and completed the providence of restoration in his lifetime. What that means is elusive to me, but it is part of my faith.

I think that God wants to see a world full of people who love one another, do not hate one another, do not fight with one another, are willing to give what they have to others less fortunate. I think that God wants husbands to be loyal to their wives, parents loyal to their children, siblings loyal to one another, and children loyal to their parents.

I think that God has been trying to inspire and guide many good-minded people throughout history to create a Kingdom of Heaven on the earth. Advances in science and technology, medicine, music, art, literature, etc are all signs of how God has inspired development throughout history. A world of fast communication and transportation, greater global economic freedom, and the spread of political systems based on the values of freedom, equality and the brotherhood of men are all part of God's work of recreating the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth.

I wish and hope that God's work throughout history so far can all be connected and united with the efforts of Sun Myung Moon, who has striven so hard to build God's Kingdom in his lifetime. I worry that a future Unification Movement run entirely by Sun Myung Moon's children, would be unable to fulfill such a task. (But I may be misjudging their knowledge and wisdom -- I hope I am.)


Recently, I have come to new realizations. The realizations I have come to were not come to through philosophical reasoning or any mere intellectual activity. Rather, through experiences, internal and external, I've come to realize some new points:

1. True Father, as the Savior and Messiah was more precious to God than the rest of humanity combined. Hence, God was willing to sacrifice humanity, religion, or any other endeavor of humanity in order to protect and raise up True Father. At the time of Jesus, God sacrificed Jesus for the sake of humankind, but at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus, God could sacrifice humanity for the sake of his one true son, True Father.

2. The ultimate purpose of True Father's coming to the earth was to establish a True Family. At this time in history, God will sacrifice whatever he must in order to protect and raise up the True Family -- that is my firm belief. Seeing the current state of international relations and the global economic crisis, I feel that I might be right.

3. All those who wish to support God's providence should do all they can to support the True Family. In America, we should support In Jin Nim and her work. That doesn't mean to try to be brainwashed by her or to blindly follow her. However, it does mean to be willing to submit to her leadership. As God's representatives on the earth, Blessed Families should constantly strive to uphold and support the True Family.

It's sad that I hadn't realized the above things sooner -- but I guess later is better than never. 

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