The Words of the Cromwell Family

The Third Temple of Jerusalem - An explanation of Reverend Hyung Jin Moon's words on the building of the Third Temple of Jerusalem

Tossa Cromwell
August 2010

Tossa Cromwell is a Korean-English translator/interpreter and a contributing website editor for Unification Church USA

It's important that we understand that the Completion-stage Cheon Bok Gung, which our movement is working to build centering on our International President, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, is not some effort to emulate the so-called mega-churches of the world. Cheon Bok Gung, in Father's own words, is to be a foundation to substantiate Cheon Il Guk by January 13, 2013, and it is to complete the Abel UN providence. Moreover, Father said that all peoples around the world should consider this their greatest responsibility and work together for its completion.

Moreover, our international president explains that Cheon Bok Gung will be God's Third Temple, and a rallying point for humanity's long-cherished desire for world peace. In this article, I will attempt to illuminate the meaning of the Cheon Bok Gung as God's Third Temple.

We know that there were many cases in which people received the Blessing or took Holy Wine without knowing what it was or without faith in True Parents (beyond the faith that they were being given something good and perhaps that it came from Reverend Moon). In this way, True Parents were able to spread the Blessing and eradicate the original sin from millions and perhaps billions of the world's people. This was an incredible victory in the late 90's.

Although the Blessing (or Holy Wine) may cleanse the original sin, there is yet much hereditary, collective and personal sin, which we can confirm just by engaging in conversation with someone on the street, watching TV, or even looking into our own hearts. In order to cleanse all types of sin, church members willingly have gone through indemnity courses and followed leaders through the wilderness course and even now during the transitional age between the wilderness course and the time of the great settlement of God's Nation of Cheon Il Guk.

It would appear that Cheon Bok Gung is to be a visible manifestation of the Unification Faith, out in plain sight in the middle of the Korean capital, the external partner to the internal holy grounds established in Chung Pyung. After True Parents' passing, it will represent their eternal external manifestation on the earth, and it will be one of the most precious holy sites in the world because it will have been built during True Parents' life on the earth, and at their spoken direction.

There have been many church centers, church buildings, holy grounds and other sites built by our movement, but we have never built a temple before. As in the example of the Growth-stage Cheon Bok Gung this is a temple that will honor not only Unification- ism, but also the other great religions of the world, Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam.

The First Temple that God asked his chosen people to build was in Jerusalem. Once the mistake of Abraham, the father of Judeo- Christian faith, had been restored through indemnity through the 400-year course of slavery in Egypt, and that course had again been restored through the 400-year course of judges, allowing for the Israelites to inherit Abraham's foundation, then the 120-year period of the united kingdom could begin. These three periods (the 400 years of slavery, the 400 years of the judges, and the 120 years of the united kingdom) are being restored through indemnity during Father's life course. In 2001, the year after Father's 80th birthday, the course of Cheon Il Guk began, which represents the age of the united kingdom of Israel.

The third four-year course in the 12-year course to build Cheon Il Guk, which began on January 13, 2001 and is to be completed by January 13, 2013, began in 2009. This four-year course, among other things, must also restore the 40 years of Solomon's reign during the period of the United Kingdom. Solomon reigned during the last 40 years of the 120-year course of the United Kingdom. It was during Solomon's reign that God told the Israelites to build the First Temple of Jerusalem. It is also during this last four-year period in the course to build Cheon Il Guk that Father has given the direction for Cheon Bok Gung, the Third Temple of Jerusalem, to be built, Father has also said that the holy ground of Jerusalem is to be moved from Israel to Korea.

The Second Temple of Jerusalem was built to replace the First Temple, which was destroyed in 586 BC when the Jewish nation was exiled to Babylon. It stood between 516 BC and 70 AD after permission for building had been granted by Cyrus the Great of Persia, who freed the Jewish people from their captivity and allowed them to resettle in Judea. Now all that remains of the Second Temple is the Wailing Wall, a Jewish holy ground where Jews go to shed tears, lament that the temple is no longer there, and pray for its rebuilding.

According to Father, this holy ground on which the First and Second Temples were built must now be moved to Korea, as Korea becomes the homeland and hometown for the First, Second, Third and Fourth Israels. And the Temple of Jerusalem is to be rebuilt as the Cheon Bok Gung. 

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