Unification Sermons and Talks

by Reverend Joong Hyun Pak

Kingship and Royal Family

New York Regional Service
4West 43rd Street
Sunday, October 29, 1995

Good Morning brothers and sisters;

This morning I had very joyful tears coming out in this chapel because God's Holy Spirit is in this room. The Holy Spirit is the power of true love.

Yesterday I attended the Sisterhood Ceremony between Japan and America in Philadelphia. Four hundred women from two nations crossed the bridge of reconciliation. The Japanese and American women really embraced each other with tears. One famous American lady psychologist also crossed the bridge. She said she never sheds tears, but during this ceremony, she did. During the bridge ceremony there were tears of repentance. Japan and America fifty years ago were enemies. Millions of people were sacrificed over the ocean, but now, because of Father's inspiration, they gathered and crossed the bridge of friendship and became sisters. During the evening there was a banquet, good entertainment and all the sisters both Japanese and American danced for one hour. This was a wonderful dance. So, last night we shed tears of joy. Here in this room I also shed very proud tears of joy. Why? Because here in America and in this world there is more and more racism. But in this room, black, white and yellow are in harmony worshipping God and are concerned about the future. Today this place is holy place. You are very blessed and spiritually rich people.

A few days ago, one hundred fifty nations' leaders gathered in New York to discuss world peace. I was following what they discussed, but I was very disappointed because they do not know the true meaning of peace. They do not know the true will of God. America really wanted to build one world under God but there is not yet world peace. We are now living in this proud country of democracy, America, and we talk about a Royal Family; it sounds a little strange. Where does this Royal Family exist? In America everything is equal, that is the ideology of America. What is a Royal Family? Americans lack a Royal Family life. From England when they hear about the Royal Family, they are very curious and want to take pictures. There are many Royal Families all over the world, but most are in decline. As I understand it, the traditional idea of a Royal Family had to stop. People accepted royal families because they were the model of human life; they demonstrated and taught the high virtues, high morals and very good standard of life. Therefore, people wanted to reach their level, to arrive at some kind of dignity. But today's secular Royal Families all failed. More and more Satan is invading their moral lifestyle. They no longer can be a model. Furthermore, dispensationally, the true Royal Family has appeared, so secular Royal Families are no longer necessary. Therefore we must understand about the Royal Family of True Love.

This morning, you did the 5:00 am Pledge Service. Usually Saturday night people drink, dance and go back home and then sleep till noon. But our Unificationist lifestyle is very different. Sunday we wake up at 4:00 am; then we do Pledge Service. It is not easy, but it's wonderful. All the world is in deep sleep, so many drunkards, everyone sleeps. But we are pledging to our Holy God, who is our dear Parent. We recognize, "You are my eternal parent, and I am your child", so God is our King of Kings. We are His sons and daughters therefore we are part of the Royal Family. Amen! Please read Family Pledge #3: Our Family, centered on true love, pledges to perfect the four realms of heart, the three great kingships and the realm of the Royal Family." Royal Family sounds beautiful, but if we do not understand it, there is no meaning and value. God and True Parents gave us the crown of the Royal Family. Physically we did not see, our physical eyes cannot see. Spiritually we can see, a crown and a halo. Also, Father said that we need three great kingships. In human history how many kings have we had? So many of them were killers. Are the three great kingship like this? (No.) (Rev. Clarke reads St. Paul's words, Romans 11: 17-18.)

St. Paul said that there are two olive trees in the world; the true olive tree and the wild olive tree. He said that we belonged to the wild olive tree. So we have to cut off and deny all old things. We have to engraft to the true olive tree. Here is the wild olive tree, here is the root, the trunk and these are the branches. Here is the true olive tree with the same components. We need to cut from this wild olive tree and engraft to the true olive tree. With this connection, I am going to explain the meaning of Royal Family.

We emerged from the satanic Royal Family. The Bible teaches that Satan is our parent, our king and our ruler. He uses spiritual power to control our character, personality and all our desires. Thus our lives are being controlled. The Bible says that Satan is the ruler, therefore he is the king and we are thus part of his Royal Family. We can say that the wild olive tree is Satan's Royal Family and the heavenly Royal Family is the true olive tree. What is the difference? Usually, the wild plant has fruit that we cannot eat, perhaps it's too small, bitter, sour, it's useless; thus the fruit of the wild olive tree we have to throw in the garbage. So Paul said that we are of the wild olive tree, in the satanic Royal Family. Through the blessing we received the true elements, true love, but still inside here we have the wild olive tree habits. Thus, blessed family life is not automatically true family life, we will have that some day, but we still have bad habits. That's why, even after the blessing we have many bad habits in our lifestyle; our central figure says, you have to do this, follow this heavenly tradition, etc. But we are not so interested and many times we say that we are under a lot of pressure. This is a very important point. So we belong to the Royal Family, but we have the elements of the wild olive tree because of our lifestyle and our thinking.

Royal Family means the True Family and we receive life elements from True Parents, but we need to practice the blessed family tradition and lifestyle in order to belong to True Family. The next point is to achieve the three great kingships means one generation, second generation and third generation we need to practice the tradition. If the tree is not growing up, how is it possible for it to bear fruit? If there are a lot of branches, then there is more potential for fruit to come. The first generation is to become grandparents, my children become parents and my grandchildren. This is the meaning of the three great kingships. Then we have the four realms of heart. We have four position foundation here; children, husband and wife and grandparents. We need to experience four kind of love, children's love, brothers and sisters love, conjugal love and parents love. Through this our love is maturing. The more experience we have, the deeper our hearts become.

Children's love begins inside the mother's womb. Inside the womb you received father's and mother's love. God created Adam and Eve in the womb. After that is brothers and sisters life, conjugal life and parents life. Parents means that you have children. Why do you need to become parents? It is because when the wife is pregnant and the husband takes care of everything, at that time, you can learn God's love from the beginning, the seed of life. This is the four realms of heart. I have experienced in your generation the parents heart, my son's and daughters generation is important, my grandchildren are important. These are the three periods; these are the three great kingships. They are inseparable. Without the Royal Family we cannot do anything. Engrafting must be very strong otherwise, even blessed families have left because their engrafting was not strong. It is very important to have the first generation, second generation, third generation engrafted very strongly. In the beginning at the Garden of Eden, God became the first parents, the first generation, Adam and Eve was the second generation and Cain and Abel was the third generation. But this family failed. Their generations were completely separated from the will of God; they killed each other; they hated each other. Three great kingships mean, God, Adam's family, Cain and Abel have to stand in front of God's will and become family of true love. Adam and Eve need to be perfected, the grandchildren need to be perfected.

The Royal Family, the three great kingships and the four realms of heart are inseparable. They have each a different function, but go together and only then we can become true families. God and Father have assigned us to become tribal messiahs. Every blessed family has to become a tribal messiah. We are not the original messiah, we are the small messiah, please do not misunderstand. However, messiah is messiah. It means savior, king of kings. You go to your hometown, witness and guide your tribes. If these tribes follow you very well, what will happen? These people will become Royal Family through you. That means that we are all connected to the Royal Family, three great kingships, and the four realms of heart. Three great kingships means three times the realm of heart; the first generation has to achieve four realms of heart, the second generation has to achieve four realms of heart and the third generation has to achieve four realms of heart. At the same time the three great kingships are achieved and the Royal Family is also achieved.

What is tribal messiah? You came from the wild olive tree, your ancestor is Satan, he was the king and we were Satan's Royal Family. We have to deny and escape to the true olive tree, the Royal Family. You received the blessing and came to the Royal Family only because of True Parents. God gave us the Blessing, Then Father assigned tribal messiah which means to take care of tribes. It is not good enough to just cut off the wild olive tree and engraft to the true olive tree, but we must help others to do the same. Cut off this one and engraft it here, cut off this one and engraft it here and so on. Our tribe also can become part of the Royal Family. We go teaching what is the meaning of true love, what is the meaning of True Parents, what is the meaning of true family, the meaning of eternal life, the meaning of the kingdom of heaven and earth. Through this Blessing you can enter the kingdom of heaven on earth and come to engraft here. We need to help them create the three great kingships and the four realms of heart. This is tribal messiahship. If you do tribal messiah's mission you have three benefits; One, God's liberation because the wild olive tree has been God's headache for long, long time. Second, we give liberation to our ancestors. They are coming to help us because it is time of resurrection.

I will give you one example. In the sisterhood ceremony last week, one Japanese young lady attended. She was so serious because ten days before she had a dream in which she saw her American sister partner. She came to America and was waiting for her. The Japanese sister dreamed that the American sister was dressed in military clothes. The Japanese woman was matched with the woman she saw in the dream. Amazingly, that American woman realized that one of her ancestors fought in Indonesia during World War II. Through these sisters ceremonies so many ancestors came to be resurrected.

Three, we have to restore the land, the economy and the culture. That is the meaning of one great Royal Family in the cosmos. Royal Family is very simple, but very important to understand, it is the engrafting from the wild olive tree to the true olive tree. True Family and us together we become the Royal Family. What is the responsibility of True Parents, the True Family? They give us true love, they teach us how to have true family life.

The blessed family's responsibility on the other hand is not just to receive, but to also to give. Because the Japanese members give so much, they will receive much more. Thus, if we receive so much from God and True Parents, so much love, grace and education, especially eternal life. But, we are not protecting True Parents and True Children enough. We need to protect True Parents, True Family, True Children, True Grandchildren. We are Cain, True Family is Abel. We have to go through them, we have to follow them and protect them. My advice to you is to pray for True Parents' and True Childrens' success, then we will always be happy.

Sometimes you say, "Oh! even if True Family is successful or not, I don't care. Only my wife and my children are important." However, 3,500 years ago the people of Israel did not protect Moses. Then what happened? Moses suffered and thus all the Israelite people, the first generation, perished in the wilderness. Furthermore, 2,000 years ago Jesus received trouble from his twelve disciples and Israelites. Therefore Jesus suffered, and then the disciples and all people suffered. Right now our True Parents and True Family are suffering because Satan is doing his last work to destroy the root. If we do not become a protecting wall for them, then Satan will attack your own family, your wife, your sons and daughters, your grandchildren. We cannot establish the kingdom of heaven on earth without True Parents, without True Family.

The meaning of Royal Family is that by engrafting we become part of the Royal Family. Some day your tribes will be part of it. We need to protect the root which is True Royal Family by becoming wider and wider, by bringing more branches we feed the roots. We have a tree, and it is composed of two parts. The root gives elements to the tree and receives elements from the trunk and the branches, the trunk and the branches have leaves which give oxygen and receive carbon dioxide and transfer elements to the root. This kind of give and take is what keeps us strong and healthy. Today we could really understand what St. Paul said 2,000 years ago about engrafting to the true olive tree.

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