Unification Sermons and Talks

by Reverend Joong Hyun Pak

The Safe Settlement of True Parents and the Completed Testament Age

Rev. Joong Hyun Pak
(condensed version)
Sunday, February 27, 1994
National Headquarters Chapel

In 1963 I was a pioneer in a small village in the Korean countryside. I did itinerant work in very cold weather, like this winter. At that time, God revealed to me that I should prepare to go to the modern-day Rome. The modern-day Rome is America, particularly New York City. I waited 12 years. I could not believe that a young boy from a country farm would someday dedicate for America in New York City, so I have prepared nothing. My small goal was to become a humble ordinary Unification Church pioneer on a small island or countryside and successfully dedicate for God.

But now I'm working for America, New York and the world; this was my dream. I could not imagine it happening, but God told me so I believed it. Then in 1975 I came here and I dedicated myself to work in New York for ten years. Then Father assigned me the Boston region, the Denver region and the Seattle region. I then returned to my hometown region in Korea for one year and then Father asked me to go back to New York. I thought that this is really my last chance to dedicate to New York and fulfill what God gave me originally. So six years ago I worked for three years. When I left New York again, I thought, well, that's it for New York. But my heart stayed here, because New York is my second home town. I love New York, not because of the skyscrapers and big department stores but because of the lovely brothers and sisters: your purity, your faithfulness, your patience and your loyalty. I really owe you my humble service.

This third time is really maybe my last chance. I'm sorry for you because you must with humble Rev. Pak, so I really humbly beg and ask you to join with me and truly change New York again.

This year Father gave us the new motto, "Safe Settlement." If we open the dictionary we can find "safe" and "settlement", but "safe settlement" you cannot find. Father created this term; they are divine new words. Also "completed testament age" is our Unification Church word. A new culture is marked by a new vocabulary. So many things we must create anew. Unless we practically understand "Safe Settlement" and "True Parents and Completed Testament", we cannot witness to people and we cannot practice the principle.

First of all, we need to understand Completed Testament Age. Completed Testament Age signifies the completion of the Old Testament Age and New Testament Age, the accomplishment of the Old Covenant and New Covenant. This is the meaning of the Completed Testament Age. Originally if Adam and Eve had followed God, we would not need the Old or New Testaments. We would have arrived directly at the Completed Testament, fulfilling God's ideal, God's covenant and God's promise. The existence of the Old and New Testaments presupposes the Fall of Man.

Originally God created Adam and Eve. Our human destiny after creation was to grow to perfection, establishing God's ideal substantially. This is the human responsibility. They reached the perfection of the growth level, but then they fell, and gave rise to our most sad history. So human history is really a history of restoring their growth, until we reach the final goal, the perfection level. Then we truly become the image of God. We become the living God, the visible God. We become God. This is God's goal for the growing period. This potential was given only to humankind, not to animal, plants, or fish. Only humankind received the responsibility to grow up fulfilling perfection. This is not a burden; it is a blessing. To become children of God means that we become God. This is the blessing of all blessings.

But we lost this blessing. And then humankind became stuck in jail, in the satanic kingdom, hell. This is so sad. In Asia, the most important religious leader Confucius did not know about original sin, nor did Buddha. Even moreso, humankind growing up in hell couldn't realize they were living in Satan's kingdom. As sinners we didn't know. The biblical prophets teaching humankind realized more and more that we are living in Satan's kingdom and that history is an exodus from Satan's dominion. This exodus is the meaning of the Old and New Testaments.

Without indemnity we cannot escape Satan's dominion. So to help us escape from Satan's dominion, God sent people to guide us, like shepherds, the prophets, the spiritual forefathers. Through Moses God began the Old Testament providence. Moses never asked us to believe in him and his wife. Instead, Moses brought two tablets of stone. He went to the top of Mount Sinai and brought two stones, which held the true guidance for humankind to separate from Satan. Why were two tablets of stone important? Originally, Adam and Eve were sinless. They fell, and we received the wrong birth. Through the Messiah we must have rebirth. The Gospel of John teaches that you have to experience rebirth. But to begin to understand that and make a foundation for it, we needed a symbolic messiah first. One table was symbolized Adam, the other symbolized Eve. The tablets of the law symbolized the male messiah and female messiah. Those were the two tables Moses brought. All humankind, then, was to center on the tabernacle which housed the tablets of stone, and through that finally connect to God `s ideal. This was God's plan.

Then they placed the stones in a tabernacle, made of good acacia wood, with beautiful decorations; this was the famous ark of the covenant. So the people of Israel had to follow the ark. Next they had to follow the tent, and finally they built the holy temple. They then had to obey and follow the Temple.

God's dispensation was really to send Jesus Christ as true parents, uniting and loving his spouse. It was to send the male and female messiah. These two figures, True Father and True Mother, substantiate the ideal of the Temple. The purpose of the symbol is for us to actually follow the Messianic figure. Once Jesus Christ came, the symbol was no longer necessary.

So Jesus Christ came 2,000 years ago. His life of 33 years was very hard and very sacrificial. He dedicated his life for the sake of humankind and God. His real messianic work was so serious and miserable. Under difficult circumstances he sacrificed and finally he received the crucifixion.

Jesus Christ's worst handicap was not that he had no automobile or no big chapel. This was not his most important difficulty. The most difficult, difficult handicap was that he couldn't find his spouse. God promised, as John 3:6 says, "You must be reborn." We need rebirth by True Parents. Jesus Christ needed to find his spouse to accomplish this, and then he could announce to heaven and earth, to the entire world and cosmos, that he was the Messiah. I am the Father Messiah, and here is the Mother Messiah. We are True Parents of humankind. All humankind, including the past, present and future, please come to us and you may be reborn.

So Jesus Christ had to reach the position of the original Adam and Eve. This is very important. He had to prepare his bride. The True Parents' gate is the Messianic gate, and the Messianic gate means gate of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus Christ needed this, but he couldn't find it. So he was crucified, he sacrificed his life and remained True Parents symbolically, spiritually. If Jesus Christ had found the True Mother figure and female Messiah, and they had become the True Parents, two thousand years ago all of humankind would have experienced rebirth through them. They would have become children of God, citizens of God's kingdom, the image of God and the living God. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth would have been fulfilled. But two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ only fulfilled this spiritually, symbolically. But we can't see the spiritual. This is no reality. So we have been waiting for two thousand years.

Our True Parents came in 1960. This was really a historical year. Our True Parents' wedding ceremony, this is the fulfillment of John's Revelation 19:7, the marriage of the lamb. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ said, "Blessed are those who attend the wedding of the lamb. Please rejoice and be glad. You are so lucky. You are blessed persons." This Revelation verse 19:7 is fulfilled.

Our True Parents established the True Family, and the True Tribe, and Nation and World. Father blessed entire world through the Unification Church in 160 nations. These nations were enemies: Korea, Japan, America, Germany, England, French, all were enemies of each other. All of these brothers and sisters, beyond racial and national boundaries, centered on God and True Love, we became one world, one family. The most important thing is that in 1993, Father announced beginning of Completed Testament Age. Until 1993 he made the foundation to solve all human problems and God's problems. Our True Parents arrived at this level. We are not there yet, but by 1993 they arrived at this perfection level.

So how many years did this take? 33 years. Jesus Christ was crucified and sacrificed at age of 33. So our True Parents' marriage was in 1960 and by 1993 they fulfilled all of God's dreams and God's promises and God's blueprint on earth, taking 33 years.

Last year at the Kremlin, 6,000 people welcomed True Mother, and appreciated and accepted True Mother and Completed Testament Age. This took place all over the world. In America we did not only 50 states, but also Congress. I thought that the Unification Church is so controversial that politicians will not come, and thus that even if one or two senators or congressmen attend True Mother's speech it will be a victory. But seventy senators and congressmen came, plus 150 of their staff people. Then Father announced that Mother must speak at the United Nations. The United Nations is symbol of the political kingdoms of the satanic world. I thought this was also an impossible task. But your prayer, your anxiety, your really deep sacrifice and your dedication to Father brought victory.

Why I am repentant today in front of you? Because even last year, Father said go ahead; go do 12 cities, go ahead with 50 states, go ahead with the nation's capital, go ahead with the United Nations. My faith was so weak. So this year my new determination is that no matter mission our Father and Mother give, I have to absolutely believe and unite. This is my determination. What about you?

What is the meaning of safe settlement? God's ideal of creation is multiplication and expansion, vertically and horizontally. From 1993 to 2000, seven years, we have to use this model of a blessed community and expand it to the world. This is the meaning of safe settlement. Safe settlement means to make it work on the ground. We need horizontally expand out, reaching out one by one. This is the task of the next seven years, safe horizontal settlement. So for this safe settlement, God is no more in the sky. He is now in True Parents' heart, True Children's heart, in the blessed family heart, not in the blue sky. God is now here, so the spirit world are all here in this room. Five or ten years ago, no one could imagine the fax machine. So from now Safe Settlement expansion work for seven years is with spirit world working together with us.

So now we can achieve complete rebirth. God could not work on earth without a foundation. Because all His ideals are working in reality He can come down. So heaven can give and take with earth. In the Completed Testament Age the enemy Satan cannot work. When we say True Parents and Completed Testament Age, Satan is most afraid. If we always repeat it, it becomes a powerful generator of new energy. Why? Because the almighty God has come down and united with the True Parents in the Completed Testament Age.

From this year to the year 2000, six years remain for us to expand witnessing and education. How? By ourselves, being self-motivated, self-generated, happily, willingly moving together. This is our next seven years course.

When I came here on February 1, I gave the four aspects of the course of spiritual life: (1) Prayer life; (2) Worship life; (3) Witnessing life; (4) Serving life.

From whence came this tradition? The New Testament Age was begun by Jesus Christ. After Jesus Christ's resurrection and ascension, he went to paradise; on earth only remained Peter and the other disciples. Who was the central figure? Saint Peter. They all came to him and asked, "Brother Peter, what can we do?" That's the question. Therefore if you look in Acts 2:37-47, you wil see that Peter first suggested to them, prayer life. We pray. So at that time began Pentecost. And then he suggested that they worship together. And then he called for strong witnessing and testimony about Jesus Christ. Then finally, fellowship. Love each other, eat together, share together and fellowship. Those four points defined early Christian life.

At the beginning of Completed Testament Age, as chosen, blessed sons and daughters of God, our life's four major goals begin with prayer life. Why prayer? We need more and more to work together with spirit world. We need worship life, to bring our God with us, to bring glory and honor to God, make joy and happiness to God. And we need witnessing and testimony to our True Parents. This good news should spread into your neighborhood, your tribes, your friends, your classmates, everybody. Witness. And then finally, serving. To serve is to practice true love. These are our four goals of life. If we follow this way, complete victory will come.


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