Unification Sermons and Talks

by Reverend Joong Hyun Pak

1996: A Great Year for the Providence

Rev. J. H. Pak
This sermon was given at Belvedere on November 17, 1996.

We haven't met each other for over one month. I left on the October 14 and returned on November 14. Time is moving very quickly. I traveled with True Mother throughout America city by city. Sixteen cities in all. Then I went for one week to my country of Switzerland. On October 8 we held the inauguration of the Family Federation of World Peace in Switzerland. After this I traveled to Uruguay in South America to attend the Children's Day celebration and then I returned to America. Now the weather is very cold. I am sure many of you were tempted to stay at home this morning. However, you all overcame and attended here this morning which makes you all very blessed people.

The month of November is a very special month for me. In November 1997 the blessing of 3.6 million couples will take place. We have just one year until that event takes place. Time is so very precious. This first time that I visited my country of Switzerland was in June of this year. The second time was just one month ago. During this five month period the time seems to have passed so quickly. Therefore, when we think that there is one year until the next blessing, we have to realize that time will pass very quickly. This means that we should spend our time very wisely and invest ourselves in order to bring the victory in November 1997.

This morning let us reflect back upon 1996 on what we have accomplished. Time is moving so quickly for us. But more importantly, we are living in the time of the Messianic dispensation. True Parents are now on the earth with us. However, they will not be on this earth forever. When I was in South America to celebrate Children's Day I observed how True Father is working just like a teenager. He has amazing energy. But nevertheless, he also has grown old. But True Father demonstrates to us how to usefully spend this limited time on the earth. He lives one thousand per cent for the sake of God and humankind. Therefore we need to learn this lesson well of how to dedicate our lives and invest our time usefully. Through this we can perfect ourselves and lead fruitful lives. This will connect with our eternal life where we will live with God and True Parents forever.

What did we accomplish for God during this year of 1996? The time of harvest is over and we now are entering into the season of winter. The winter symbolically means judgment. What did we commit for the dispensation of God. True Father has given many directions to us. But how much have we cooperated with Father's work? We need to look back and repent and make a new determination for these last months of this year.

I observed in South America recently how very hardworking True Father is. We all spent last night in our simple apartments with our families. However, our True Parents are still in the wilderness in South America. They sleep from motel to motel and very humble church centers. They long to bring victory within South America. True Father and Mother came officially to America in 1972, twenty four years ago. During that time Father invested completely in North America. But within just one year in South America Father has achieved so much there. The victory which Father brought here in North America over twenty four years, he brought back to South America and duplicated within just one year. We need to pray especially for November 23 when President George Bush and Prime Minister Mulroney from Canada will take part in the opening ceremony of the Washington Times in South America. Father is now opening ten branches of the Washington Times in South America.

These ten South American nations receive the Washington Times via satellite to their computer systems. Then it is printed there in those countries. This is all due to the amazing advance of technology. President Bush will travel to Uruguay on November 24 where 4,200 Japanese women will travel to South America to dedicate themselves to one year pioneering of South America. These sisters have separated from their husbands and children and dedicated themselves to South America.

Father and Mother are still in the wilderness down in South America. They are so hardworking. Father has invested twenty four years in this nation. Even without Father and Mother being here, by ourselves we need to carry on in their place. At the age of twenty four years of age are we self managing or still babies who need their diapers changed and mother's milk? (Self managing) Therefore, by ourselves we need to manage by ourselves here in North America and bring the victory. Do you agree? (Yes) One very handsome member of the second generation is smiling at me. He already understands my meaning. All those who are eighteen years of age raise your hands please. [One member of the second generation raises their hand] Are you able to manage your life by yourself or not? (Yes) Does that answer mean that you will go beyond the level of your parents life of faith? (Yes) Thank you. I trust you.

What did we accomplish during this year of 1996? Those of you who have visited ministers during this year please raise your hands? So many of you. The past six months you were asked to call or visit ministers and so many of you seem to have done so well. [Reverend Pak draws on the board] We have the life of children, brothers and sisters; the life of husband and wife; the life of parents. This is our life course of development. Satan took God's eldest son at the Fall. The second son, Abel has stood more on God's side. Then we as the second son have to take back the elder sonship. This is a very important stage. Then God's dispensation goes to the parentship. This parentship ship brings back elder son and younger son. Elder daughter and younger daughter and bring them back to God. This is a very important part of the dispensation which Father and Mother have accomplished through the Women's Federation for World Peace. During the past two years we conducted the 2,000 American and Japanese women sisterhood ceremonies throughout the nation. This was very victorious. This touched and inspired so many people. The second World War ended fifty years ago, but still America and Japan could not forgive one another. They held resentment. Also worldwide there has been much conflict.

The Japanese women came to America and went through the sisterhood ceremony with American women. This was a very spiritual ceremony amongst the American community. Many Japanese and American women repented at these ceremonies and became true sisters. They promised love and peace to one another. Through this program we connected to the very righteous high level women's community. Through this program 500 world class leaders attended these ceremonies. Through this they came to trust Father and Mother and are now working with us.

On November 23 in South America President Bush and Prime Minister Mulroney will travel down there. The schedule for President Bush is fully booked for the next two years. President Bush canceled his schedule and came down to South America to work. President Bush has a lot of political advisors around him who complain to him that he is too close to Reverend Moon and helping the Unification Movement too closely. But President Bush always tells them that his sister-in-law Mrs. Sugiama, asked me to come to Japan and to South America because she is the national messiah for Uruguay. He claims that it is more a family matter. Therefore people around him cannot complain.

Now a world class leadership, left wing and right wing, working with Father. Because True Father's teaching is so high, meaningful, logical and so good for world peace. Therefore they are unable to deny it. The Cain world is so inspired through True Father. This kind of victory has been brought by True Father. Now we are conducting black and white sisterhood ceremonies throughout America. This also has been very powerful. The media have reported on these ceremonies. The Newsday reported on the Riverside Church black and white sisterhood ceremony recently with a big article. They clearly announced that the Women's Federation for World Peace was founded by the Reverend and Mrs. Moon. There was nothing negative in the article. Now we are holding American Indian and white American women ceremonies.

The Europeans who originally went to Uruguay totally annihilated the Indian population there. This nature is truly satanic. This is a Cain- type nature. This nature was not created by God. We have a similar history here in North America. Therefore these sisterhood ceremonies are very meaningful. In Matthew chapter 5:8 Jesus said, "blessed are the peacemakers, they shall be called the sons and daughters of God. We have to be peacemakers. This is very important.

In America this year we have been teaching religious leaders and community leaders, True Family Values. The Principle of Creation is centered upon the family ideal. Whereas the Fall of Man is the breakdown of the family ideal. The restoration history is centered upon the recreation of the ideal true family. The purpose of the coming of the Messiah is for the purpose of restoring the true family ideal. If we want to become true sons and daughters of God we have to be born again. Therefore we introduce to participants in these seminars the meaning of the blessing ceremony. After listening to this lecture our blessed couples, both first and second generation, came and gave testimony as to the difference of blessed family life and blessed children. This is the education program that we have been teaching in Washington, DC.

Last week 150 ministers came and this week over 300 ministers have come. I will go to DC the day after tomorrow. Without True Father's teaching there is no way for us to do this. True Family Values is one of the best gifts to us and mankind. Ten years ago True Father gave us the CAUSA world view which we taught to the Christian leadership. Basically CAUSA was centered upon anti-communism and then the teaching of Unification Thought. But ten years ago ministers came because we urged and begged them. But now it is very different. Now they are very hungry for the truth and for true family values. In America today family values is a very popular phrase. It is used by the media, politicians, ministers and everyone. Because the American family system has broken down. Christian churches have become confused themselves and are even giving their blessing to lesbians and homosexuals wedding ceremonies.

Now American realize that the problem of America does not lie within the government and military but rather within the family breakdown. Therefore Christian ministers are now looking for someone who is expert enough to teach them about family values. Now in America we are witnessing the opening up of family institutes etc. This year during the presidential campaign, both the Democrats and Republicans were promising to focus on family values. Both President and Mrs. Clinton promised to make the American families valuable again if they were re- elected. But if we ask President and Mrs. Clinton the meaning of family values they will not be able to answer clearly.

The true answer to family values lies within Father's teaching, Unification Thought and the Divine Principle. The past fifty years of Father's ministry has been centered upon the ideal of true families. Father began with the three couples blessing, 36 couples blessing, 72 couples blessing, 124 couples blessing, 430 couples blessing and right through to the 1995 360,000 couples blessing. We Unificationists, including myself, are always wondering why Father is always doing larger and larger blessings and teaching true family values. But through the teaching of these recent seminars and seeing what is happening in today's America, I really learned a lot regarding the depth of Father's teaching on the restoration of the family. By the end of November we will complete teaching 3600 ministers true family values education. Last week almost fifty percent of these ministers agreed to attend the next blessing ceremony. Also they want to bring their church members to the blessing ceremony.

Ten years ago God have the CAUSA world view. This was a great opportunity and victory in America. But this year Father has given us the true family values ministry and another even greater opportunity came to America. We must not lose this chance. We now have President Clinton re-elected to office once again. He is a very controversial man in many ways. The republicans accuse him of having so many problems. But the American media helped this man to become re-elected. This clearly shows how the American media now is. We can no longer trust the American media because they have lost all moral standard and values. I brought with me today this newspaper with me this morning, Seigei Times Washington based correspondent Mr. Shin wrote about why President Clinton has been re-elected. According to this article, Mr. Shin reports that President Clinton promised to reinstate family values through controlling the kind of television shows that children are able to watch. Also he promised to maintain the family leave act which gives a parent time off to take care of children, as well as giving a woman more time in the hospital after the birth of a child. He promised so many family programs which gave him 17 percent more vote from women than Mr. Dole got.

In this last election the electoral turnout was the lowest in American history. Approximately forty-seven percent of the American people voted. Among this forty-seven percent, President Clinton received forty-nine percent, Mr. Dole received forty-two percent and Ross Perot received eight percent. Mr. Clinton received seventeen percent more because of this larger percentage of women's votes. Why? Because he promised to uphold family values. This is a very good sign for us. God's dispensational work in America should be very hopeful because American people are reaching towards family values. Behind this value atmosphere are True Father and True Mother. There is a powerful movement towards family values in the society now, but you and I don't appreciate it so much. However, today we have to realize.

From now on we will go to 3600 Christian churches with the ministers and teach to those congregations the true family values and bring them to the blessing next year. Within the Muslim area of the world our missionaries are most suffering and difficult. Even more difficult that they were in communist Russia. However, American Muslims are different because they understand the Old and New Testament as well as the Koran. However, in nations in the Middle East if a person is caught drinking alcohol or taking drugs they are killed or their hands are cut off. They don't allow the new Western theater and American programs and films to be shown because they are considered immoral. Maybe this is good. American culture and immorality is now destroying other countries of the world. American Muslim live within this immoral society here in America. Their second and third generations are now struggling and need family values. Many of them attended our seminars and were so inspired and want to work with us.

Not only religious people are seeking true family values, even atheists are longing for true family values. God has given us an amazing opportunity, and an amazing atmosphere. God and True Parents have created this for us. True Father has worked so hard this past fifty years. He has dedicated and sacrificed himself diligently for God's ideal. Now the whole world begins to open towards the true family values. This is a wonderful opportunity. Already there are 3600 ministers waiting to work together with the True Family Value movement. In working together we can easily witness to 160 couples and bring to the next blessing and we will fulfill our tribal messiahship mission. It is very easy. After today ask your district leader to assign you to your church district. They have a list and they will give it to you. After Sunday Service today, go and attend to the service of one of these church districts. Serve that community and donate to their church and then together with the minister teach true family values and bring them all to the blessing.

October 14 - 29 True Mother spoke in sixteen cities within America. True Mother really worked so hard. Even during those sixteen days that I was with True Mother I was so tired. My lips cracked and broke out through lack of sleep. But True Mother never showed any tiredness, she was strong and determined and completed forty three nations tour. In every city it was victorious, and I realized how much the dispensation of America was so much raised. In Florida we have approximately fifty members, but other states cannot easily help because they are too far away. But fifty members brought 800 guests. I realized, America is no longer difficult to witness to. Amongst the audience there were English, Spanish and French speaking people. We prepared the text for them. The opening prayer was delivered by Reverend Jackson and sent many of his minister friends to Washington. He brought two bus loads of his church members. They told him on the bus that they were going to change their church name to the Unification Church. (Applause)

Through the True Family Values seminar many church ministers wanted to change their church name to the Unification Church. However, we suggested that they wait. America is open for witnessing now. Every city was pretty similar, but in the more countryside places our members seem more pure, more faithful, more united and hardworking. Whereas New York, Washington, DC and Los Angeles only our members attended, not many guests at all. We have to repent for this. Members throughout the states are truly hardworking and committed. One significant victory was in Chicago. Usually we rent the hotel ballroom for the speech as it is generally very convenient for everything. But in Chicago, Reverend Dr. Barrett whose church is Life Center of God in Christ. This is one of the biggest denominations in America. Revered. Dr. Barrett founded his church. It has a first and second floor like a theater type of church. It is a very beautiful church. He invited True Mother to use his church for her speech. Three weeks before his congregation and Unificationists did a service together and I gave the sermon.

When True Mother visited Chicago, Unificationists and Life Center members became joint ushers, joint security for her speech. Reverend Barrett welcomed True Mother and escorted her in to meet the ministers, business people and other community leaders who had gathered to greet True Mother. True Mother sent me to greet them and they were all so disappointed. Therefore I asked True Mother to please go and so she did. True Parents are so popular. Everyone wants to meet them. When True Mother was speaking the microphone was problematic and so Reverend Dr. Barrett went upstairs to adjust the problem. From the upper floor he could look down on the audience and he was so inspired to see a multi racial group of people all listening to True Mother's speech. During his whole life his ministry has been only to black people. This was the first time for him to see a multi racial congregation sitting in his church.

Only True Parents have the foundation to work on such a large scale multi racially. True Mother asked Reverend Barrett to hang in the front of his Church the flag of the Family Federation for World Peace which he agreed to do.

Cardinal Bernadin of Chicago sent a beautiful proclamation to the event and his secretary brought it to the stage for True Mother. He said that he really respected Father and Mother's fulfillment of world peace and he realized the value of the Family Federation for World Peace. He claimed that hand in hand we could work together. This is what his proclamation stated. I'm sure that he received a warm welcome in the spiritual world from Heung Jin Nim and Daemon Nim. Why do you think that Cardinal Bernadin sent the proclamation? Through the True Family Value seminars many catholic bishops, ministers, nuns and other leadership attended. I'm sure they urged him to do so.

In each of the sixteen cities where True Mother spoke, governors, mayors and city leaders sent proclamations. These proclamations all read, Today is the day of the Family Federation for World Peace. From now on the words True Parents and True Family have become popular. These governors and mayors of America announced True Parents and True Family and Family Federation for World Peace. Therefore this can be considered a powerful victory. What do we worry about. We can go anywhere in this America and teach the True Family Values. From now on we can so powerfully bring the victory.

First, we teach Christian and Muslim ministers, professors and community leaders; second, we become True Family Value and Divine Principle lecturer; third, we go to the churches, Muslim temples, school campus and each area teach Divine Principle and True Family Values; fourth, on November 29, 1997 we bring them to the 3.6 million blessing.

In Korea last month they already brought 4000 couples to pre-blessing. CNN did a world report on this. Next year we will hold 3.6 million blessing, but already pre-blessing ceremony has been accomplished. All over the world True Parents and the Family Federation for World Peace and True Family Values are now booming. This is the final dispensation of God. True Parents teaching of True Parents and True Family and In Search of the Origin of the Universe we need to read every day.

Washington, DC, Chicago, and Los Angeles are now ready to do pre- blessing ceremony. You and I now realize that we are not so much help to True Parents, but rather by themselves they have brought about this change in America. From this morning onwards we really need to repent and join with True Parents in God's dispensation and become victorious together. We are proud Unificationists, proud blessed families and we have amazing power. You and your wife and children need to testify as to how you brought victory under the guidance of Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. Then everyone will follow you.

We now live in this wonderful victorious Messianic age. If we lose this chance we will become minus. Therefore we have to bring victory. From now on we have to practice and amazing benefit and victory will come for us.

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