Unification Sermons and Talks

by Reverend Joong Hyun Pak

The Year of Great Blessing - North Korea and the Providence after Kim Il Sung

Rev. J. H. Pak

This is the second excerpt from Reverend Pak's sermon given at Belvedere on July 17, 1994. The first was printed last month.

Day and night, Kim Il Sung wanted to kill Father. Day and night, he wanted to attack South Korea again. Even according to today's world standard, North Korea is a strong military power. Step-by-step its soldiers and their minds have been taught to believe that South Korea and the United States of America is its enemy. They have such anger and resentment because of this teaching. So this North Korean culture and national atmosphere is full of anger and resentment for South Korea and United States of America.

I watched this kind of circumstance: True Father never got angry at Kim Il Sung. During the forty years, always he talked as if Kim Il Sung is a true elder brother. "Ahh, Kim Il Sung is miserable. He has to change. He has to repent. I need to do that for him. I need to help Kim Il Sung." Father was always willing to help him, following the Jacob and Esau course. Just like this. Always, he never personally complained about Kim Il Sung. He always painfully thought about Kim Il Sung. That's it. Father was never angry.

I have been working in New York. If someone were to make trouble for me-and I know who's making trouble for me-I get "Cained-out." I think, "This guy, ugh!" But I must follow Father's example and forgive him, embrace him. Father has always done it this way. During these forty years, never have I seen Father use one bad word against Kim Il Sung. Always Father has gotten angry about Satan instead, not Kim Il Sung. Why? Because Kim Il Sung has been the puppet of Satan. Father is not angry with Kim Il Sung. Kim Il Sung was a miserable person. Behind Kim Il Sung is Satan.

What is Father's goal? Father wants to cut off Kim Il Sung's relationship with Satan. Father's goal is always to forgive. What happened to Kim Il Sung? Father wanted to help. Finally, Father went to Pyongyang in 1991. This was after Father went to Moscow. Can you imagine? The person whom Kim Il Sung hated most was Father. But he invited Father. Can you believe this miracle? Father went to Pyongyang. Even I didn't know about it. I saw a newspaper that Father and Mother were in Beijing and they were on their way to North Korea. This was very shocking. I thought about the possibility that Kim Il Sung might not let Father come back, but would keep him. Then what could we have done? Kim Il Sung could have said, "Ha, ha! My enemy. You came into my trap, okay, you stay here forever." It was that dangerous.

But Father and Mother arrived smiling in Pyongyang. Kim Il Sung brought Father's sister, sister-in-law, nephew and all the relatives from across North Korea to meet Father. All of these people had suffered. But because Father was coming back, Kim Il Sung gathered them together, dressing them in better clothes. Father's family had really sacrificed in North Korea.

For forty years, Father's sister could not meet Father. How much did she miss him? At the airport she cried. Father said, "Sister, do not cry. This is not my personal, private visit. I have a mission. This is why I came here. So don't be crying." If Father was visiting on a personal level, he would have also sat down with his sister and cried and cried. For forty years, Father had missed his hometown, was kept in prison for three years in Pyungnam, and was persecuted. If he wanted to, how much he could have cried too.

Father was invited to Pyongyang. One of North Korea's smartest professors-he's a government official who is an expert in Kim Il Sung's ideology-sat down with Father. He gave Father a lecture on Kim Il Sung's ideology. He praised Kim Il Sung saying, "Kim Il Sung is our father, he's a great leader, he did a great job and he's the new sunlight of mankind and our new history. You have to respect him."

But what happened? Immediately, Father stood up and said, "Okay, from now on it's my turn to talk. I will give you my response of what is my understanding of Kim Il Sung's ideology." Father continued, "Firstly, Kim Il Sung's ideology is WRONG! Kim Il Sung's ideology IS NOT TRUE! Even though you talked to me, you do not convince me. I do not believe you." This was so dangerous for Father to say.

While Father and this secretary of North Korea communism were together, Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il listened to Father's argument. Father said they were wrong. Please believe that Father is this courageous. Father knew this was very dangerous. Anytime, they could have killed Father, put him in jail. Father was completely in their grip in Pyongyang. Who controls the government, military and police power? Kim Il Sung and his son! But Father said, "Kim Il Sung's idea IS WRONG!"

Kim Il Sung and his son got a shock. The others were shaking in their boots. They quietly came to Dr. Pak and whispered, "Please. What are you going to do? Why is he doing this? We are scared. This is difficult. Please have Rev. Moon be quiet." They could not speak directly to Father, and told Dr. Pak instead. (Laughter)

The next day they met again. Father "punched" Kim Il Sung by saying, "Kim Il Sung, there is NO HOPE! If I don't help, you will become miserable. Your life is at risk." This was such difficult situation. The officials called Dr. Pak again: "Dr. Pak, What happened? Why is Rev. Moon doing this? This is really dangerous. You don't realize who Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il are. You won't be able to go safely home. There's no guarantee for your safety."

They had three appointments scheduled to meet with Father. But before the last appointment, they came early to Father's hotel suite. This staff joined Father's breakfast: "Rev. Moon, good morning. How are you? How was last night? We want to join you at breakfast." They were invited in. Then they said, "You are tired and this is your hometown. Please rest today. Go sightseeing. We'll talk with Dr. Pak." They were afraid of what Father might do. Father said, "NO! I HAVE TO GO! I well go with you. Let's go." Thus, the third "punch" was about to happen.

After the airplane landed, Father asked one of the secretaries, "Do you believe exactly what Kim Il Sung teaches? I mean, do you really believe in it?" Father gave everybody "punches." The North Korean secretary is a high level leader or minister and is respected. Especially under communism, when you become a minister or secretary, your whole life is hard-working and crazy. Despite this, Father pulled his ear and "punched" him. (Laughter) Father asked, "You really believe Kim Il Sung is telling the truth? You don't believe it, do you." This is Father's powerful faith, Father's powerful strength.

Even though Father was like this, Kim Il Sung prepared Father's hometown Chun Ju and sent him there to visit. Father was completely respected. Then Kim Il Sung's staff said, "Father Kim Il Sung, please don't meet Reverend Moon; he is crazy. If you meet him, he will really disrespect you. He will cause big trouble. If he disrespects you, we will have to put him in jail and this will cause big political troubles for us. Father Kim Il Sung, please do not meet him." They strongly suggested this. Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il know they cannot trust the political world powers. They need someone who is perfected. They need to seek forgiveness. They need someone to explain to them about world history. Even though Kim Il Sung's history was bad, nobody knows about it. Kim Il Sung knew how to destroy his past mistakes. He was a genius of disguising his troubled past.

Who can control Satan? Clinton? Do you know that Clinton does not know if Satan exists or not? Kim Jong Il doesn't know either. Only Father knows.

Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il realized this. Their original minds know this. So Kim Il Sung said, "Okay. I'm going to meet Reverend Moon." Father and Kim Il Sung met and talked about many secrets. Kim Il Sung asked many things. Then Father said, "Kim Il Sung, okay, I will become your younger brother, if you become my elder brother." Then Father gave a big hug to the giant. Their hugging was like bears hugging. We call this a bear hug. They talked and then Kim Il Sung said, "Please protect my son."

What is Father's Principle and strategy? If Kim Il Sung died or his son was killed, this would not solve anything, this is not the answer. Satan would just send another Kim Il Sung or Kim Jong Il. This is not the solution. Rather, the solution is to recognize him as a historical enemy. Kim Il Sung's background is not only 40 years old, but includes 6,000 years of human history and Satan is connected to that.

Therefore, we need these people to change. They must repent and change from the satanic side to godly side. If Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and North Korea really became united, if they came to understand God and Divine Principle, they would have become crazy for God. North Korea would have become the nation crazy for God. Now they are a nation crazy for Kim Il Sung, but someday they will become the nation crazy for God.

Does North Korea have the AIDS problem or not? No. They do not have divorce either. In North Korea, there is not very much of a class struggle going on. In this setting, Kim Il Sung met Father, they gave each other a good hug and demonstrated love. We do not necessary know all the secrets about this meeting, in the future they will become known. All the results will become known. After that, Kim Il Sung invited so many of our leaders to visit. There are so many matters on which he received Father's advice.

In a sense, power, politics and money are peanuts. That's nothing. It has no meaning to us. How much are we really following God and True Parents and True Family? This is what is meaningful and important. We need to realize this everyday.

So, Kim Il Sung completely surrendered to Father. Satanic true parents are finished. Actually, in 1991, it was finished. Already Kim Il Sung had no power. It is now the Completed Testament Era. It is the age of the second generation. Kim Il Sung had to go to the spiritual world. His role is finished. Who is responsible for the future?

We need our second generation to realize their responsibility. The blessed second generation is very honorable, but they also have a responsibility. Do you agree second generation? We have a responsibility.

But Kim Jong Il really loves his Father. We need to have more filial piety to our True Parents and God than Kim Jong Il has towards his father. More than him. If he were to learn Divine Principle, he would say, "I practiced filial piety, but did Unification Church second generation do that?" He will complain because of us. Kim Il Sung used military power, money power, KGB power, political power. He wanted to rule the North Korean world, killing people. It's difficult to make people love this. It did not work. On the other hand, True Father has nothing. He only has True Love; Divine Principle is his true power. He practiced this. And today, in this world, there is only one person can establish a new world, that is Father and Mother.

This year, 1994, is the turning point. Father completely finished what is the True Parentship. It took forty years to accomplish this True Parentship course. On May 1st 1994, Father performed a ceremony. So True Parentship is completely created.

How difficult was it to complete these forty years? How difficult was Father's forty year wilderness course? How difficult! How lonely! How painful Father was day and night. And Mother. They sacrificed so much. To beat Satan, we did not use money power, military power, political power. Winning over Satan is indemnity power; with love power and Divine Principle power we can be victorious over Satan.

From now what is the future? From now on the future of history is generation, generation, forever, forever. No more darkness is working. True Love and the power of True Parents is continuously in this world, generation after generation. Amen? (Amen) In just forty years-May 1, 1994-Father did an international, world-level ceremony claiming victory after forty years! Father performed this ceremony in Korea, May 1st.

After that, Kim Il Sung is gone because he was the satanic true parents. He is already in the spiritual world, and he realizes: "Oh my God. I did so many bad works." But at least in the end, he invited True Parents to North Korea and then there was the hugging. True Love was winning. Finally, Kim Il Sung did a good job or bad job? Good job, I think. Now he is the opposite of what he was. Finally he understands. He is not our enemy anymore.

The kingdom of God is coming soon. The kingdom of tribal messiahs is also coming soon. From now on, True Parents responsibility is all finished. From now on, our second generation, also our tribal messiahs, have the responsibility. This is their future. It is OUR responsibility from now on! True Parents need to rest. They need to "space-out," forget all their headaches. They need to liberate themselves from all their headaches, because True Parent's forty year period is completely fulfilled in victory. From now on, this is True Parent's position.

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