The Words of the Kinney Family

Father's Love

Joe Kinney
November 8, 1999

I was driving Father during the time when Sung Jin was born in 1975.

It is Korean tradition that the Father not go to the hospital. About 3:00 pm we all waved as Mother went off to Phelps Memorial in what is now called Sleepy Hollow, NY about 2 miles north of East Garden..

The next day father called for the car and I expected we would head to the hospital. Rather we went to Barrytown. At this time the seminarians were doing the catch the carp thing with Father. Col. Han who rode in front with me explained that would always members first before his own Family.

I knew a short cut from the saw mill parkway over to the hospital that [Father's regular driver,] Daikon had never taken. It would save 20 minutes. Col. Han almost panicked when I took the exit and told me that If I got lost and delayed Father seeing his daughter for the first time I'd would not be a popular guy at all.

Father made the deliberate conscious decision to spend time with the members first and then see his newborn daughter.

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