The Words of the Sedehi Family

Kadosh: The Movie The Story of The Fall of Males

Shahram Sedehi
April 29, 2012

Yes, that is not a typo, I said, The Fall of Males, and Not Men, which usually would mean mankind, including women. Until True Parents came, Males (men) never took full responsibility for the fall of man. They saw themselves at most partners in crime with the women.

In this movie about a wife of the son of a Jewish Rabbi in Israel, we see the root of all the problems between men and women in our modern society. The Wife of the Rabbi's Son, Rivka, is accused of being a cursed and even impure woman for being barren (without child) for 10 years, since their marriage...

Actually the doctors, whom the Rabbi does not listen to, discover that it is the Rabbi's son whose sperm has some defect, and not Rivka, his wife!!!

Anyway, you watch the rest for yourself at

This movie really could depict the fall of man, being Fall of Males, actually!

Many times, the Unificationist husbands mimic certain statements of True Father about how women has failed their responsibility. But we men don't realize that True Father can say those things, because he has truly loved women, represented by his wife, our True Mother. And we don't have that victory, yet. We simply need to focus on our own restoration as men, by first becoming a truly good "servant" to our wife, as a good archangel, restoring the failure of our elder, the Archangel Lucifer. 

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