The Words of the Baldini Family |
Hello brothers and sisters! Well, I came prepared for the exercises, but not for the ceremony.
We had the opportunity to answer the called of True Parents. On the 13th, was Sunday afternoon we should arrive in Korea until the 16th. So we went out 14th, and arrived in Korea 16th at noon, and in the same day, True Mother was preparing to travel to Las Vegas. But we were able to explain to her our heart as members of Board, to receive here in Brazil, a true son, Hyun Jin Nim. We might also explained how we become members of Board. We were called to support the work that should be done in Mato Grosso do Sul. Then, a few details, the members of True Family did not know about how to become board members.
So we might see through the True Mother and through the people with whom we speak and hear very well what the real situation of the church in Brazil. One of the important things that we see is that there is a different methodology between what Hyun Jin Nim is doing to what Hyung Jin Nim is doing.
True Mother told us the issue after the True Father has carried out a large number of events and conferences in the last 40 years, True Parents have decided that now is the time to reap the fruit of that work. The fruit of that work now is to contact these important people, bring them to understand the Divine Principle, the ideal of Unificationists, make them members so that they can work for the construction of Cheon Il Guk on Earth. So now is the time to educate these people, it is no longer a time to hold major events, major events have already been made. It is a time to reap the fruit of that work as well, True Parents have decided that the Reverend Hyung Jin Nim is the person who shall carry out this work this time. Then, True Mother said obey the determination of the True Parents, and we said to her, "we'll absolutely obey the determination of True Parents".
Truly, to explain to her, as well as the members of board than we were responsible for the organization to receive a true son [Hyun Jin Moon] in Brazil, sorry for not doing a better preparation and have created a number of circumstances where brothers from around the world could see things we never would that happen in Brazil. We sincerely apologize for having caused so much trouble for your heart. But be absolutely sure that our desire was to do all things for the true family members. But she made it clear that a method has now been chosen to continue the work of True Parents, and we said absolutely we would follow the guidance of True Parents. Another thing is that we have heard many things, a series of circumstances that are happening that we did not know, I think a lot of brothers can certainly hear something from the Reverend Kim and Rev. Shim and that will explain details of things that are happening that do not we knew. But the most important thing right now is to obey the guidance that was given by True Father.
That document, Mr. Peter Kim, including three of them, brought us the original document signed ... Dr. Seuk is the president of the church in Korea, brought the original document and said, "Look, True Father signed that way and so it has to be done," and we are committed to absolutely follow the guidance of True Parents. We make it clear that we are not partisan, that we were not supporting this at the expense of that, I think that this idea what happened, really did not exist, because it was our determination to support those who were doing work in Brazil, especially one working in Mato Grosso do Sul. And we might explain a lot of what we know about the condition and circumstance in Brazil is little bit different from what existed in other countries because the UCI [Unification Church International] had a specific job in Brazil that did not exist in other countries. Unfortunately, in certain moments, we said things and did things that should have think better and not have done. Especially for President Simon said some things that should not have spoken, then, here publicly, I really want to apologize before him, and work more seriously, thinking that some things ... when the head is hot sometimes talked words without thinking and this has consequences for our lives and for the providence as a whole.
One of the things I realized is that when studying a lot during this trip, and analyzing the history of the Old Testament and New Testament, what happens in real providential families determines the fate of peoples or nations that are involved here providential. So we should pray a lot to that there is absolute peace, absolute harmony and absolute tranquility in True Family, and we believe that is very close to this happen. We could see the work of Rev. Hyung Jin Nim the great concern he has for the people of North Korea as soon as the unification performed. His plan is wonderful because he really knows the hearts of these people needs to be filled with truth and love of True Parents. His plan for the unification of the Koreas, his plan for the world is really a fantastic plan, and yesterday to hear his words we see how he can convey to children, youth, adults, the elderly, and a way as didactic as perfect teachings of the True Father We are confident that many good things are happening. I just have to thank for these days we spent in Korea that we have learned so many things at the right time we will share with you. Actually for those who somehow hurt the heart, sincerely apologize, and we can continue working harder for the restoration of our nation.