The Words of the Koch Family

We finished a 40-days prayer chain for new members

Peter Koch
July 2, 1970
Wien, Austria

The month of June has brought much joy to the Austrian family. Right at the beginning of this month we celebrated World Day with praying and singing. We gave the guests a performance of our folk dance group. This little group of folk dancers still needs more training, but it is getting better and better. The great surprise on World Day was the visit of Harald [Unger] from Turkey, who stayed with us for a few days.

Since we lost the old center in Olzeltgasse, a new one had to be found. It was like a little miracle that we were led to a very suitable place and could sign the rent contract on June 11th, the 8th anniversary of the European mission. Within 10 days the whole center was painted and the moving accomplished -- to the great bewilderment of the landlord, who had never seen anything like in his life.

We finished a 40-day prayer chain for prospective members. Three boys and one girl joined the family this month. In order to finance the trip of 2 members to Korea the family started a money drive. Some of the members have taken 2nd jobs while most of our male students have started on a construction job during the semester recess.

In the name of our True Parents

Peter Koch 

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