Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon

Faith [Part 1 of 4]

Please Let Us Experience The Heart Of Jesus Christ

Father! Please let us come to understand the heart of Jesus who had to leave his beloved disciples behind, and, going the path of the cross, had to go to the eternal world, and please allow us to be able to experience and feel keenly the heart of Jesus Christ who gathered his disciples together at his knees, and who was so concerned and had requested earnestly to his beloved disciples who had followed him while sharing his joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure for three years.

We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become beloved children who are able to humbly offer ourselves as sacrifices in relation to the one Will, and while fathoming with our minds and experiencing and feeling keenly with our bodies, please let our minds, which are able to respond to him, penetrate into heaven, and if his mind moves, please let us move together while moving the people of the earth.

Please allow us to be able to experience and feel keenly the heart of Jesus Christ, who in the situation of this bitter human world saw all the crowds who followed him fall away, and only the twelve apostles remained; but he could feel that even among them, before long, Judas would betray him. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to experience and feel keenly today through our minds and bodies the heart of Jesus Christ when all that remained of his three-year course of public life, in which he had done many works and believed in the people, was this kind of lonely situation.

Father! Please let us experience and feel keenly today the aching heart of Jesus Christ who spoke back and forth with heaven while facing the path of the crucifixion. And we earnestly hope that you will establish us as children who are able to become object partners of comfort to his heart as living sacrifices who have bowed down before you, Father.

We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

May 23, 1956

Please Let Us Become People Who Represent Jesus

Oh beloved Father: How many times did Jesus hope for repentance from the people of Israel, from the Pharisees and the people of the Jewish religion who did not believe in him?

Please allow us to become people whose minds and bodies are touched by the course of Jesus who was driven out and pursued and was not able to sleep in peace, and please let us become people who cannot help but feel the heart of Jesus, whether we want to or not, and who cannot help but begin to resemble his heart, whether we want to or not. And furthermore, isn't it the Will you are seeking and the hope we are desiring that such a heart must appear in our midst?

Please let us feel that now we have the responsibility of having taking upon ourselves the course that Jesus Christ walked and the message of the gospel which Jesus left behind, and the responsibility of returning the glory of victory to you, Father, by fighting with billions of satans.

Please allow us to become children who have attitudes that are able to stand firm, and who believe in your words of life and your words of truth, with dashing demeanors like that of Jesus, who believed in heaven and stood firm when facing the crowds of all those who had gathered together.

Please do not let us boast about ourselves before Jesus today, and please do not let us talk about our situations before you, today, Father. Please lead as to be able to represent your mind, Father, and to be able to take the same position as Jesus. If it is your desire, Father, that we appear without hesitation in front of the people at any time, at any hour to represent the Will of Jesus Christ, then, Father, please come to each one of us, and command us about each thing.

I earnestly hope and desire, my Father, that you will lead us to become saints who are mobilized in relation to the Will, and who are able to go out and fight representing Jesus Christ in order to realize your Will, Father.

Now since we shall firmly shout out your Will to all people, Father, please establish us as warriors of heaven, and please establish us as your children. Please give us directions, please advise us, please call us, and please establish us in a position you can be proud of.

Earnestly hoping that you will love us and guide us, we have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

May 27, 1956

Please Let Us Actualize The Value Of Christ's Life

We have come to feel in our hearts the history of toil of our father who has been carrying out the providence by establishing the laws of heavenly morality in order to establish throughout the cosmos destined relationships with the life of restoration. Father, please guide us to become people who deeply realize that you have been toiling for 6,000 years in order to establish the world-level value of life.

Since we have understood that it is heavenly law that you cannot guide religions that do not form relationships from the individual being up to the whole, please allow us to be able to now live the lives that Jesus Christ hopes for, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to know the value of the love of Jesus Christ.

Since we have come to know that we too must have the determination of life which Jesus Christ had, please be with us so that we may drive back the invasions of Satan and be victorious on the field of battle where we can find the value of our individual lives.

Since we have come to understand that Satan's accusation exists in relation to our doing the course of restoration of the value of life which Jesus Christ left behind in Jesus' stead, please guide us so that we will not be people who are accused by Satan in relation to the course we are persisting in and going forward on from the level of our individual lives up to the life of the world, and the life of the cosmos.

We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to be able to firmly block the accusations of Satan in our daily lives, and to have the determination that we will block it from the viewpoint of history, and please allow us to be able to fulfill that responsibility.

Since we now know that we must resemble the perfect character of Jesus, who had dominion over all the things of creation, beloved Father, please guide us to be able to resemble the character of Christ. And since we, no matter who we are, are in a position of having to go a course of struggle, Father, please lead us so that we will not be accused by Satan in relation to our lives in society, in relation to our characters, or in relation to love.

Please be with us in order to realize the love of Christ who earnestly hoped to realize the love of our eternal Father.

Earnestly hoping that you will take dominion over us so that we may have the value of life which Christ established, and realize that value on this earth, we have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

January 6, 1957

We Will Experience The Heart Of Jesus And Go The Way Of Golgotha

Father! Concerned about our own present unworthiness, we must of course become people who can weep, but we earnestly hope and desire that you will guide us to become sons and daughters who are able to weep, concerned about the fruits which were Jesus' will. At the same time that we must become people who weep, concerned about the incompleteness of ourselves, please allow us to become people who are able to repent and shed tears having seen the enticements of Satan who shouts and vilifies Jesus, and having seen that the world has become evil and has not fulfilled God's Will.

While always feeling the gaze of God upon him during the course of his life, in order to complete the course of restoration through indemnity, Jesus offered himself as the sacrificial offering for restoration until the very moment he died. In that same way, no matter on what day or at what time Jesus comes to us, please do not allow us to forget his gaze which is upon us, or his footsteps as he approaches us. Please let us realize that up until now there have been uncountable times when we have ignored Jesus' gaze and his footsteps as he approached us.

Father! Please allow us to become people who repent about the number of tears we have shed before heaven, and about how little we have comforted the heart of Jesus who came to humankind unchangingly even though we betrayed him not once but even two or three times.

Oh Father! Since your lonely sons and daughters know that the time of world-level judgment is not far off, and the garden of the universal Golgotha is right before our eyes, please guide us not to walk a path of faith which is centered on ourselves.

Since our lives are not our own, and the lives we live in our daily lives are not our own, and our hopes and desires are not our own, please guide us not to live our daily life for our own selves, and beloved Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us not to have our abilities, requests and desires, all these things for ourselves.

Even if we go the way of crucifixion in place of Jesus, we earnestly hope and desire, loving Father, that you will guide us to become sons and daughters who finally come to know the unchanging faith of Jesus; who are able to repent, shedding tears in Jesus' presence before the day of the judgment of Golgotha comes, just as Peter lamented in his heart and shed tears as a fellow believer in God when he saw Jesus carrying the cross; and who are able to lay bare what we have done wrong, and weep before you, having taken universal repentance upon ourselves.

Father! Since we will walk the footsteps of Jesus in his place, Father, please give us the mission of being able to save the pitiful people of this land, and please allow us to walk the remaining way of Golgotha.

And as we defeat Satan everywhere in the world and realize the foundation of the glory of victory, we earnestly hope and desire that you will lead as to be able to attend the resurrected Jesus in our lifetimes.

We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

February 10, 1957

Please Let Us Hear The Voice Of The Good Shepherd

Father! You sent Jesus Christ to the earth as the Lord of dominion over the eternal ideal and as the Lord of dominion of eternal goodness in order to narrow the distance which had become greater between us because of the fall of the human ancestors. Please pardon humankind which could not attend Jesus as the Lord who came as the substantiation representing you.

We know that it is because of the inadequacies of our ancestors that Jesus was caused anguish, and we have come to know that Jesus' anguish still remains because we are inadequate today. Therefore, please allow us to become able to fulfill your hope that we will appear respectable before all the things of creation by inheriting the precious work of the good shepherd.

And please allow us to be able to realize the hope of Jesus, and please allow us to be able to appear with your life and your love and Jesus' life and Jesus' love. We have come to realize that if we do not become like that, in the future in the world of humankind, we will be unable eternally to resolve the anguished situation of Jesus Christ who came as the good shepherd.

Therefore, by opening the doors of our hearts, please guide us to be able to hear the voice of the good shepherd who is calling to us. Now that we know the anguishing situation of our Father, and know your lonely situation, and know the situation of our Father who has worked so hard, we are deeply ashamed of ourselves. Oh Father, please guide us not to become supplicating, wretched people who place all our sorrows, loneliness, toils, and suffering on Jesus.

Now that we know all the secrets of Satan, your inner situation, and the inner heart of Jesus, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will give us the strength to take responsibility for your situation, to take responsibility for the sorrow, loneliness, suffering and restrictions of Jesus, and to be able to fight with the billions of satans.

Father! Please let us be able to gaze upon Jesus who is working, filled with sadness, and who is worrying about our situation, and please allow us to realize that even today Jesus feels the pain of hanging on the cross due to our heartbreaking situation.

We have not known that when we are in anguish while relating to heaven, sorrowful while relating to heaven, and lonely while relating to heaven, in order to comfort us, Jesus comes to feel a greater loneliness, a greater sorrow, and greater suffering. Now, even if our suffering is greater than the suffering of Jesus, and our sorrow is greater than the sorrow of Jesus, and our difficulties are greater than the difficulties of Jesus, please help us to become true sons and daughters who are able to be concerned and to beg in order to take away the sorrow of Jesus.

And we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become able to follow behind the good shepherd and to comfort the fervent heart of the good shepherd. We earnestly hope that you will let us become people who take on the mission of Jesus in his stead and who are able to contend with and fight steadily against Satan, even though the invisible Satan creates distress and fear while attacking us directly in our lives, and we earnestly hope that you will establish us anew as sons and daughters who are able to inherit the life of Jesus.

We have prayed all these things in the name of the lord. Amen.

March 31, 1957

Please Let Us Experience And Feel Keenly The Heart Of Christ

We know that Jesus Christ, who was sent by you, our Father who had worked hard for the 4,000 years after Adam, came as your incarnation, as the fruit of tears, sweat, and blood, and he came with the mission of having to shed tears in your stead, to shed sweat in your stead, to shed blood in your stead, and with the mission of having to resolve your enmity.

When we think that Jesus Christ walked a path of tears representing heaven, walked a path of toil without a moment's rest: representing all the people, and walked the perspiring course of his public life, Father, please allow this to become a time when we sincerely reflect on whether we have become people who are able to face that kind of Christ.

When Jesus was carrying the cross on his back and going towards the mount of Golgotha, in the distance there were women who bewailed and lamented him, but Jesus turned to them and said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.

Today, please allow us to be able to experience and feel keenly at this time the earnest heart of Christ as he said that. Since we know that a person who does not know the situation of the cross cannot receive the salvation of the cross, and that a person who does not know how to experience and feel keenly Jesus' heart when he was going to the cross, cannot stand on the side of truth, Father, please look with pity on your sons and daughters who have gathered here at this time.

Even if we don't possess anything, and we don't have anything to offer to you, Father, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to be able to become guardians of goodness who, having engraved in our minds the loneliness of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, meet and fight with the enemies who are invading and coming in.

We know that the time has come that today we must go over the peak of the world-level Golgotha, and we must shout out to this world, which is like a wasteland, the final appeal that Jesus shouted out in the place called Gethsemane. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will guide us not to become sons and daughters who live for ourselves and keep Christ at a distance.

Father! Please allow us to become people who, while representing the heart of Jesus Christ, first take responsibility ourselves for the difficulties, when there are difficulties, and who first take responsibility ourselves for the sorrows, when there are sorrows, and who, even if we were to collapse having gone through suffering ourselves, if it is the Will that heaven desires, are able to fight and go forward willingly submitting to that.

We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

June 30, 1957

Please Let Us Experience And Feel Keenly The Aching Heart' Of Heaven

Beloved Father! We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become so completely one in mind and one in Will that if you are still, we are still as well, and if you move, we move as well.

Please allow us to feel the heart of Jesus at the time when he faced the lack of faith on the earth and when he was concerned as he comforted God's aching heart and was frustrated. And we earnestly hope that you will allow our minds not to just remain at a standstill at this time, but rather to be able to move connected to your heart and the historical heart of Jesus.

Please allow us to feel your aching heart in our minds, and please allow us to experience and feel keenly the heart of Jesus Christ who ached to save humankind, and we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to atone for all the sins of darkness which remain in our minds.

Since we know that in front of us Satan is always acting to block your grace, Father, please allow us to become people, Father, who, by realizing when and in what kind of position your grace comes, are able to go beyond the attacks of Satan and are able to be held in your eternal embrace of love.

We earnestly hope that you will allow us to be able to feel your touch of mercy, the touch of our father who has sought us, and who, while carrying out the providence for 6,000 years, has not cast us aside even though we have been foolish and inadequate.

We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

January 12, 1958

Please Let This Become A Day Resolving The Sorrow Of Jesus

Father! We know that in order to recover Adam and Eve who were lost, after you worked for 4,000 years you sent Jesus to this earth as the person with the external form of Adam. The greater your work was until the birth of Jesus, the greater the source of pride for heaven Jesus should have been, who was born due to that work, and it would not do unless he became the pride of humankind and of all creation. Heaven knew that kind of truth, but the earth was ignorant and did not know; heaven welcomed him, but today we cannot help but be ashamed that not knowing, the earth did not welcome him.

As we reflect on the sad truth that the hopeful gaze of our Father, who had worked so hard, had to rest upon poor Jesus, who was lying in the manger, we keenly feel that our ancestors did not have faith, and our ancestors did not have loyalty. Because we know the fact that the mistake of the fall of Adam and Eve was demonstrated by humankind once again in that place, today we cannot help but be extremely sorrowful and feel that sad historical truth in our hearts.

We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to be able to comfort your sorrow, Father, in place of the chosen people, the people of Israel, who were not able to comfort you in the past.

Since Jesus came and went, two thousand years or so have passed without our knowing it, but we know that the world of heart transcends tine. Oh Father, who transcends history, please allow us at this time to become able to hold and embrace the heart of Jesus Christ who went to heaven with a sorrowful heart.

We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow this to become a time when we are able to honor in our hearts the appearance of Jesus at the time he was born, by our knowing the enmity that penetrates and remains on the earth and in heaven until today, and the anguish of the 2,000 years after Jesus came and went.

Father, please bless this moment today, when we are celebrating that day, and please allow the sorrow of Jesus who came and went 2,000 years ago to be resolved through this one day by revealing the glory of the joy Jesus had hoped for. Since we, who know all the innermost hearts, want to celebrate this day, please allow all the anguish of the past which humankind didn't know about and left behind to be indemnified because of this time, and we earnestly hope and desire that by allowing us to be able to stand before you, Jesus will be happy, and you will be comforted, Father.

We earnestly hope that you will allow this to be a holy time when we will be able to find the source of happiness by resolving through us the grief left by thousands of years, and that you will allow what we are offering with united minds to you, Father, to become a historical offering which resolves grief.

We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

January 3, 1959

Please Let Us Fathom The Heart Of Jesus This Day

Father! None of the people on earth know this day, nor have they realized the anguish of heaven, and they know even less about your endlessly sorrowful heart. We cannot help but thank you for having allowed us the grace of the glory of being able to celebrate, as the birthday of Christ, this day which people do not know about, by allowing this day to those of us who don't know the lamentable truth of that day Father.

Please allow this celebration today to be an opportunity to comfort the heart of Jesus who has been in anguish for 2,000 years. Please allow this to become a time of reflecting on Christ, who was born in a position of anguish, offered his life of more than 30 years, and did not avoid the path of Golgotha; and to become a time of receiving his old battles as unfinished works. We know that it will not do unless at this time we inherit, as our mission, the great work that he left behind during his lifetime.

Oh Father! The people on the earth do not know that the enmity left behind by Jesus still remains on the earth. Please allow the minds and bodies of your sons and daughters who are gathered here now to be caught by your heart, and please allow us to know the heart of Jesus which was like that, and to be able to comfort him by understanding about the heart of Jesus who faced death.

Since this is an important day when it will not do unless we leave some evidence of victory before you by establishing a condition, even if it is by our honoring a new will on this precious day, please remember this day.

While earnestly requesting you to please manifest yourself through joy, we have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

January 3, 1959

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