The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2009 |
The words of True Parents on the occasion of the 233rd Anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America
We have left the Era Before the Coming of Heaven and have entered the Era After the Coming of Heaven and the era of the unity of Cain and Abel. We are formulating a new history as we enter this important era. These words relate to a worldwide 100-day movement centering on the Bunbongwang, the 50th Wedding Anniversary, the 55th anniversary of the founding of HSA-UWC, and 110 years, and the publication of my autobiography.
Even though the era has changed, the environment in which you live does not change. Just as we cannot discern the precise moment when day becomes night, and we cannot discern the precise moment when the seasons change from spring to summer, so we cannot identify the precise moment when one day ends and the next day begins. Time continues on as though it were still the same day, even though in actuality there has been a transition to a new day. The same is true with history. We did not recognize the precise second when the Era Before the Coming of Heaven ended and the Era After the Coming of Heaven began.
People tend to believe out of habit that time continues along the same line from yesterday, today and tomorrow. But look at history: when a new age arrives, what happens to the old values that people may have held for tens of thousands of years? No one realizes it at the time, but a way of life that had persisted for tens of thousands of years can change in a single second.
People do not recognize when there is a transition from one age to another. It is the same for transitions in the life of an individual and for transitions in the family. For example, there is a time for parents to be focused on raising sons and daughters and a time for them to be focused on serving the ancestors. There is a time when the grandfather has the role of parents and a time when he stands as a king. There is a time when parents are working things out as husband and wife, and a time when sons and daughters are going through the transition to becoming husbands and wives themselves.
The Era Before the Coming of Heaven can be compared to a person exhaling, while the Era After the Coming of Heaven is like a person inhaling. The Era Before the Coming of Heaven can be compared to shutting one's eyes, while the Era After the Coming of Heaven is like opening one's eyes again.
People are not aware of when they blink their eyes. Except when you consciously blink your eyes repeatedly, are you aware of when they blink? Do you think about your breathing in and out? The map shows a division between East and West. There is the Tropic of Cancer at 23 degrees north latitude and the Tropic of Capricorn at 23 degrees south. Yet people do not realize that South and North, and East and West, are separated because things are opposite of what they should be. It is important to know this.
That single second when things changed from the Era Before the Coming of Heaven to the Era After the Coming of Heaven was the same as any other second, but it marked a change in the entire cosmos. That is the reason for the word "Won-gu." Say it with me: "Won-gu." I am moving forward centering on this word, "Won-gu" -- the Won-gu Peace Cup. I don't think you realize that as a result of this tournament called Won-gu Peace Cup, the universe has changed. Are you aware of what the Won-gu Peace Cup Cain-Abel Cosmic Competition has brought to heaven and earth?
Do you understand that at the Fall heaven and earth became one and separated from God? Do you understand that the Fall occurred when heaven and earth became one? When a man and a woman love each other, what change occurs in the sexual organs of the man and the woman as a result of their sexual act? They may appear the same, but they become different. Thus, it is important to understand that at the split-second of the Fall, we changed.
We live our lives without realizing that the world can change in a single second. Yet in that single second of the Fall, all heaven and earth plummeted from the level of the New Testament... to what? In the space of a single second the individual being of absolute faith, the individual being of absolute love, and the individual being of absolute obedience all become separated.
Today the world is divided between those who use the lunar calendar and those who use the solar calendar. There is division between the East and the West. Yet their first ancestor was just one. So how did this first ancestor have descendants who became divided between West and East? How did all the separate countries come about? How did people come to be divided into high and low? How did siblings come to be divided against each other? This is the question.
How can the things that were divided become one again? The change that divided them took place in the space of a second, so the change to bring them into oneness again should also need only a second. The earth was supposed to be revolving around the Center during that particular second, but it turned in the opposite direction instead. It turned in the opposite direction and continued in that direction, so now it needs to go back to its original position This traces out a figure eight. A figure eight.
Think of the figure eight as two gears meshed together. What will the smaller gear do? If the smaller gear turns to the left, the larger gear will turn to the right. They cannot turn in the same direction. The teeth on the smaller gear must mesh with the teeth on the larger gear. If one, two, three teeth match up, then four, five and six will match; thus they will all be in position. Once five teeth bite, then all the teeth from the sixth one on will match up.
This number six is the issue. The number six. Say with me. [Number six] A family consisting of a father, a son, a daughter, and each of their spouses completes the number six. Then the number seven becomes the issue. When that number seven is born, the family enters into a new world. Then what happens to the larger gear? It becomes the partner that moves as the smaller gear turns. So when the family completes three stages, the larger gear also goes beyond the number five, goes beyond the number six, and what happens?
Which came first, the lunar calendar or the solar calendar? How do you Western people answer? Did the lunar calendar come first, or was it the solar calendar? The lunar calendar came first. So should any of you not know the lunar calendar?
What needs to happen to the larger gear in order for the smaller gear to turn like this? It was made so that its thousand teeth would match up and turn with the smaller gear. But a person who doesn't know this cannot tell if it has one thousand teeth or ten thousand teeth. If there are a thousand, then to turn it once the small gear needs to make a thousand revolutions. Yet no one is aware when that larger gear makes even just one revolution. There is no awareness at all.
You did not know the time of your birth, and you do not know the time of your death. It happens in a second - in just a second. Death occurs in a second. In that one second the most eminent person can either fall down or go forward and live. In other words, in that one second, one person will rise to the highest level and find there a horizontal plane in which to dwell, while another person will fall down to a low horizontal plane and dwell there. There is a high horizontal level and a low horizontal level. The low horizontal is the bottom of hell. The high horizontal is the heights of heaven. Yet people are not aware of this.
Which comes first, the right or the left? People don't know. Likewise, because no one understands the time we are living in, there is confusion like we see today. Because people do not recognize that it is the Last Days, they are failing and falling into ruin. Also, people who live as individualists without committing themselves to a partner, who live in a world where subject-object partner relationships are of no importance, will fall into ruin. The United Nations was established, yet why do nations continue to fight when they could be resolving matters through the United Nations' good offices?
What happens to conflict when we enter the age of the level horizontal? The level horizontal is a place of tranquility. There will be no conflict. It is like the tide, which after it has come in and reaches its highest point, forms a level horizontal where there is no motion, no conflict. After the moment of high tide has passed, the water begins recede and resumes its motion. It recedes, but people who do not realize that the tide has come in and formed a level horizontal also do not realize it when the tide begins to go out. In time it goes all the way out and forms another level horizontal at its lowest ebb. Then it starts to come in again.
This motion always forms an "X." It reaches a level horizontal and then comes down here. The level horizontal that was formed like this first moves to the left and once it has gone to the left it comes back and seeks for the right. Then the standards of "O" and "X" will all come together. But what has happened instead? This thing called "X" is not able to go through, and it doesn't work.
Where does the "X" form? For human beings to exist there needs to be an "X." The great universe is completely empty. There is motion where there is emptiness, so what happens in the midst of that? Many "Xs" can easily fit into a large circular space. Many "Xs" will fit into an "O", but even a small "O" cannot fit into an "X."
The question here is the point of separation between good and evil, between good spirits and evil spirits. What does it mean that evil spirits and good spirits came into conflict with each other? It means that the gears did not mesh. What does Satan do, centering on himself, in the presence of God, who is the large gear? Heaven turns in a certain way, and Satan says, "I have to turn in the same direction." But he can't, and so he takes it over and tries to force it to turn backwards. This is the issue of lineage centering on love.
When the lineage gets on board with Satan's program and turns like that, what happens on earth, from then on? Existing beings on earth cannot form the lower wheel. Hence they do not live. The universe cannot breathe. Breathe in with me. [Takes a deep breath.]
If a person wants to get ahead in the world, to become a bigger person, he or she must first become smaller. This is the principle of breathing. But people are not aware. We must pass through the time it takes to breathe out -- whooooo! And what happens next? Once all the air has been let out of the football, then we can consider how to let it breathe in so that it becomes larger.
To take control of front and back, take control of upper and lower, and take control of the whole and the moment, it is important for all the reciprocal relationships to be connected. When they are connected, there can be motion like this and like that. When something grows larger, there is motion like this and like that, and everything is in motion to support it. The whole is in motion, but the question is, how they are connected.
After breathing out -- whooooo -- the question is how to breathe in again. If you can do it three times, you can reach the level horizontal. Who made the situation like this? Was it you? Was it the President of the United States? Was it an ambassador to the United Nations? It was brought about by the Fall. Because of the Fall, we fell from the level horizontal.
At the level horizontal, how do a man and woman breathe? When the man breathes out, the woman breathes in; when the woman breathes out, the man breathes in. For this to happen, the upper and lower, front and back, and left and right are well connected. So when the man goes up, the woman naturally goes down. When the man goes to the right, the woman stands on the left. What happens to all things, as they respond to the man and woman breathing? Spring, summer, autumn and winter follow each other in turn. What is above and what is below are properly distinguished.
However, if the woman stands first, then the man has to follow. Just because something is big doesn't mean it can act like a king. A king needs a queen. When his partner is no longer there, even the king ceases to exist.
It is important to understand this principle of heaven, earth and humanity. This concept does not exist in either the West or the East. Why? Because the Fall was committed, and everything came into conflict. After you breathe out like this -- whooooo -- you should breathe in again. But if you and your partner are fighting and saying, "You should die and disappear," what will happen? If one person disappears, there is no one remaining who can breathe in.
When your ball loses air and becomes soft and collapses, what has happened? It collapsed because one of two powerful forces pushed on it, It became smaller by breathing out -- whooooo -- because a powerful force applied pressure. And when it has completely collapsed and gets to the level horizontal, it can say to that force, "OK. Now let's see you breathe out!"
Where does the force go after the ball has collapsed? Where does the force of motion go? This is the issue. Even the smallest crack will catch it, and then what happens? The mouth will go "wheeeeek," and the force enters there. The two forces combine to become even more powerful, and the horizontal gives way to a powerful force of expansion. This begins a logical regime that can continue on for eternity. Western people all live without realizing this. Each person thinks he or she is the best, and says, "Look at me! I'm the center. I am the central point/'
No one understands what the consequences of the Fall have been for this world. Only I understand it. For this reason, unless I set birthdays by the lunar calendar of the East, there won't be a place where people can breathe on an eternal foundation of Sabbath rest. The level horizontal is born by breathing, alternately becoming larger and smaller.
A line is something that connects two entities. On the line that connects a subject and object partner, what does everything do to bring them closer to each other? What is it that pushes them in the direction of the center? You need to understand: the only thing capable of this is the force of true love. The force of true love.
When a man and woman are far apart, each puts himself or herself first, saying, "Man is number one," or "Woman is number one." Don't you realize that you say this because you are fallen? You say, "I am a man; I am number one." "I am a woman; I am number one." Don't you do that?
What are man and woman? The man can say that he is the best, but if he is alone, he cannot breathe. The woman if she is by herself also cannot breathe. The man cannot rise up if he is alone; the woman cannot rise up if she is alone. Yet when this is reversed, everything becomes possible. If one partner goes out, the other stays at home. Is what the partner at home does important? Inside and outside are both necessary. Left and right are both necessary.
Because this concept is absent, human beings live ignorant of the fundamental basis of scholarship and culture, and cannot grasp why they are deficient. It is the True Parents who come and teach this for the first time.
What happens to entities that are separated from each other? Where are they separated? Where is the source of their separation? People have not known that the separation began with lineage.
Do you Westerners understand lineage? No, you don't understand how important lineage is. Do you Western people understand blood lineage? All you know about is a man and woman becoming husband and wife. Now even your conjugal bonds are in ruins, so you disregard your sons and daughters and ignore your ancestors.
What's this about individualism? You will be struck by lightning. What's this about white supremacy? Let's hear you justify it if you can. Obama is now the President, and so black supremacy will appear. Until a central body based on the true love of True Parents appears, the universe cannot become one, and everything is perishing.
God gave the judgment of fire to Sodom and Gomorrah, but today it only takes a command to detonate an atom bomb or a hydrogen bomb. Evil people will say, "I couldn't care less," and act without making any distinction between friends and enemies. If someone says, "I don't care who dies," and pushes the button firing a hydrogen bomb, humankind will be destroyed.
How do we bring a fundamental solution to this extremely dangerous situation? The error lies in the concept of "absolute" faith. What happens where there is an erroneous concept of faith? True absolute faith is about doing as the absolute God does. Absolute faith does not exist apart from absolute love! There can be no love in a setting where people act in faith, but with disregard for the object and subject partners of love.
What does absolute obedience mean? What do a man and woman do in order to make love happen? The man recognizes the value of the woman as an absolute being, and the woman recognizes the value of the man as an absolute being.
Without practicing absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, a person casts away his own body. He removes himself from the place where he can disregard his own value so as to go up or go down with ease. Being unable to go down and become smaller, he cannot go up and become bigger. Instead, he would do better to think that he himself does not exist. He needs to dwell without any attachment to "I."
Do we seek to die or to live? The basis for whether we die or live can only be true love, God's true love, which is capable of taking control over the moment. How can there be a basis for existence when this love is ignored?
What is it that enables God to say that He is the Alpha and Omega, the Cause and the Effect? What is it about God that makes Him both cause and effect? If He were to cease to exist, there would be no cause, and no process. What is the central point of the Alpha and Omega? It is not man. It is not woman. It is not even God. It is not True Parents. It is true love.
God, acting from the core of the fundamental motive of creation, sought to create a partner with whom He could relate. But what happened? The Fall occurred. God sought to have unified lineage as the foundation of a true family, but this was not realized and the family disappeared. Are American families really families?
The origin of life is the father and mother, who are each separate instantiations of God's dual characteristics. By what power do they then become one? We are born because of love; we were nursed and raised with love. So our purpose must also be for the sake of love. A man by himself cannot be an object partner of love. That is why women are necessary.
What is woman? What is the organ that defines woman? It is the concave part. Who does the concave part belong to? You American women! They say that if a woman entices the men around her and marries and then divorces three times, she can become rich. What happens to such a rich person? She will go to the worst place in hell. She is opposite of what she should be, and because she cannot go to a high place, she will fall down. If people knew this as a matter of common sense, they would not be able to commit adultery even if they tried.
Our concave and convex parts are absolutely God's possessions. They belong to God. A woman's concave part is not her own, and a man's convex part is not his own, yet people don't know it. How do these convex and concave parts become unified? They must love.
It is because of love that we are devoted to our families and can say, "I would not mind dying for your sake." Because of love, a man is willing to die for his woman and a woman is willing to die for her man. Only love can save us. If we live and die by love, we grow bigger and go higher. If we live by love, then the universe as it is now becomes the Kingdom of Heaven. Hell disappears in the midst of heaven, so even all the evil devils become objects of mercy.
I have heard that Westerners will even kill the horse they have been riding if it becomes lame. They will shoot the horse. By Eastern philosophy, even if a person has been in a coma for ten years, we should watch over him as long as he is alive. In the West, if a horse is bitten by a snake, they just shoot the horse and leave. Such a way of thinking exists. Instead of dealing with the animal by leaving it to fend for itself in nature (and perhaps recover), they deal with it by applying human force. They think, "I am in control." But what happens when you control things like that? You are going to disappear in any case.
Rev. Moon is promoting a philosophy of peace. A philosophy of peace. I am the owner of peace. The owner of what? The owner of lineage.
What is the love of Alpha, love of Omega, and the love of the process? You think that to find this love you have to be large, but there isn't a principle that allows you to find love by becoming larger. Even though two people love each other, if each is trying to become larger, then they will grow more distant. The more distant they become, the less there is of the things that can fill up the circular place in the middle. If the two people continue in this way, they will inevitably separate.
To unite them they need a force -- a circular force -- to push them from the left and the right. After it wraps itself around their lower parts and everything breathes out, it can breathe in again in an instant. If you were to blow into a ball for five minutes, it would surely become large. But is there anyone with a stomach large enough to blow the ball up that big in a fifth of a second? Where can we find a force that has such power?
It only takes a crack for air to get in. It only takes a crack for water to get in. It only takes a crack for sunlight to get in. If there wasn't an opening, you would have no way to breathe. It is because living things let them in that air, water and sunlight can be the basic elements of life. If even one of them is missing -- if water is missing, for example -- life ceases to exist. If sunlight is missing, life ceases to exist. Are you confident that you will not cease to exist?
How amazing are the words "One Family under God"! In "One Family under God," we see God's lifeline, God's air line, and God's sunlight. The roots of God, the Alpha and Omega, are deeply embedded there. Only when we analyze it this way can we say, "Wow!" We then will come alive to find our ideal partner of love. There cannot be a unified heaven unless we each establish an ideal partner for whom we would not mind to cease to exist, absolutely.
So are you ready to offer your lives? There are West Point cadets here, and I think you have been taught that you should be ready to die for your country. The traditional philosophy of West Point was that a person must be ready to save their country even at the sacrifice of himself, his love, his family and clan. But where is that traditional philosophy of West Point today? Where is the traditional philosophy that made America great? Is it individualism?
The world of individualism will not survive. Not only is individualism doomed, but so is family-ism, nationalism, state-ism, and even world-ism. Even a philosophy that encompasses the world will fall short; the only sure way to survival is the way that transcends the world, which is cosmos-ism. "Cosmos" encompasses every nation.
What is the "ism" of all nations in the cosmos? It is the philosophy of the Peace Cup, This is so vast; it is larger than the cosmos. What is the core of the Peace Cup philosophy? You didn't know that it is the concave and convex parts of man and woman, that is, their sexual organs.
Women have the concave part, don't they? Does it belong to them? Who is it for? It is for a man. If there is no man, there can be no woman. If there is no woman, there can be no man. Where they are both together they expand and create a family. The family is a huge pocket where heaven and earth enter into God and dwell there, where parents enter into God and dwell there, where everything enters into God and dwells there.
The concave and convex parts that convey the lineage of the parents are so precious! They are the concave and convex parts of God Himself. Hence, they are capable of becoming infinitely large or infinitely small.
What happens when you sleep lying face down? Even if you routinely sleep lying face down, is it the correct way to sleep? You Western people lie face down when you sleep, don't you? Why do you do that? Eastern people sleep correctly, lying on their backs. They sleep in the form of the Chinese character for large. They are large people.
What happens when a woman who claims to be the best mounts on top of her man and makes love? Will the water she is supposed to receive be received, or will it spill out? The man's convex part should become larger than the universe and provide the woman amply with what should be received. She needs to be the receptacle. So what value is there that she insists she is number one? If it all spills out, what will be the result? That is why many Asian men say they will not live with an American woman. They say that in her family the man becomes a servant. The woman acts like a king and thinks of her husband as her servant.
We lost the universe in a single second. But if in that one second a husband and wife become one in absolute love, everything will become absolutely large. Even though we are extremely small, even though we have breathed out and arrived at an extremely low point, we will become absolutely large.
What kind of city is Chicago? While others may fight, the people of Chicago work diligently and shed sweat. They tend to their cattle and farms, and they feed the people of the east coast and the west coast. It's important to know this. At the same time, Chicago was the main origin of the Mafia and is where many sins originated. In Korean, the word "Chicago" sounds like an expression that means, You worked diligently and completed all the work, but you need to continue working diligently and establish everything.
Chicago feeds the East and West coasts and sustains them. Yet what happened? Rice is cheap, and the price of fish is controlled by the government and does not rise, so food is not hard to afford. One would expect that if the consumers on the East and West coasts live well, then the farmers in the central area should be able to live even better than they, but instead Chicago has become poor and it is left guarding the outhouse that smells like feces. Will they sit still for this? I have to take control of the East and West coasts, where people live well, and of the Eastern and Western worlds, the worlds of the white people and of the yellow people.
When the people who live in Chicago gained power, they took the food and everything else they produced and exported it. They sold it to the Soviet Union and to China, Now, however, because they taught everything to the farmers of Russia and China, what does America do with the rice and meat that it used to sell to nations around the world? They won't buy it any more.
Places like Brazil and Argentina produce their own meat, so what do they need of meat from Chicago? The people of South America won't buy it for fear of mad cow disease. Recently, there's swine flu from pigs, threatening an epidemic that no amount of money can avert. The swine flu virus mutates and creates more viruses. If a more virulent virus were to appear and spread throughout the air, humanity could be destroyed in a short lime. If the virus were to spread throughout the earth's atmosphere, everyone would die overnight.
In this frightening world that teeters on the verge of self-destruction, how can married couples expect to live long and grow old happily? Fallen people in the United States have become ring-leaders of lust. Is it alright that today homosexuals are taking the lead in this country, merely to justify their lifestyle?
These people hate Rev. Moon the most. "Rev. Moon is our enemy!" they say. "He is the chief of those who block the legalization of homosexual marriage. Therefore, we won't let him continue."
If my original idea had been to establish a world based on the unity between then-president George Bush and Kofi Annan, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, suppose this represented the unity between Cain and Abel? Imagine that one night a question had been posed to these two men in front of all 6.5 billion people of the world: "Is the teaching of Godism true or false?" What if they were to answer, "It is true," on the world stage?
After that, the U.S. and the U.N. and Russia and China could unite as Cain and Abel should have. Within this scenario, the realm of Sabbath centered on the Parents UN, would have been proclaimed at the Universal Peace Federation convention at the Peace Palace.
What is this year's motto? The Era of Proclaiming the Victory of the Authority of Absolute Sexual Ethics, True Love, True Life, and True Lineage in the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. It is supposed to be fulfilled by August 15th this year. Are we there already?
To establish three stages with George Bush, George W. Bush, and Jeb Bush, the Bush family should have become one through the three stages of formation, growth, perfection. Then that family should have become one with the world of black people represented by Mr. Obama.
The Peace Kingdom comes together in the name of True Parents! The solar and the lunar calendars cannot exist apart from each other. A thirteenth month should be added to the existing twelve months of the lunar calendar to deal with the problem of the shortage of days. The lunar calendar enjoys the advantage of being the origin of the number thirteen. There is no such provision in the solar calendar to stretch from the existing twelve months to the number thirteen. The lunar calendar is able to adjust its whole structure for the sake of a smaller entity. If the number twelve does not match, the counting is adjusted to accommodate for an additional thirteenth month. It exemplifies the fact that a minority element should be able to overcome and digest the larger whole. We can overcome and digest all satanic people and families at once, in one bite.
The sea has such capability; that is why the sea is important. The sea is able to process and digest not only sewage and other stuff that pours into it, but also an entire country. Therefore, the Pacific Rim era is what kind of era? It is the era of refuge.
When it was time for the people of Israel to return to the land of Canaan, God gave Moses His special order, "Now, go back to the land of your ancestors! Go back to your hometown, to Jerusalem!" Had Moses been able to enter Canaan, he was then supposed to gather the 31 kings and chieftains of that area and instruct them about following the Law centering on the Ark of the Covenant. They were to understand clearly that if even one person violated the Law, the whole country would be fundamentally ruined. After the whole nation, including each individual comprising it, had returned the homeland, each individual's mistake would mean a failure of the whole nation.
God gave Moses a family-type standard: the deeds of a father and a mother would determine the rise or fall of the whole nation. As fathers and mothers of their tribes, all the thirty-one kings of the land were supposed to display proper etiquette and make tens of thousands of bows in front of the Ark of the Covenant as it passed by, all the while repenting of their past sins. Nobody could pass the judgment without exhibiting such standard. Any group of people that would not submit itself because of pride and ambition would be excluded. If one person failed to submit, his clan and the nation to which he belonged would be expelled.
Look at the Second World War. It was a confrontation between England, America, and France on one side, and Japan, Germany, and Italy on the other. England is the mother-country and America is her child, isn't she? What is France, then? It is a furnace that holds seeds of fire ready to burst at any moment. France is a country ready to burst with fire. Japan and Asia were to become a central region based on the three nations of England, America, and France, subjugating the three nations of Japan, Germany, Italy. They represented the three generations of the whole world -- formation, growth, and completion. This was to prepare for the settlement of the era of the Fourth Adam, which comes on the foundation of the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Completed Testament Ages. Did you know this? Of course you did not!
Precisely because you were not aware of these things, I made a textbook that teaches everything. Those of you who are parents should buy this book for each of your children. If you have twelve sons, you should buy twelve copies of the book and educate your children to achieve the unity of the number thirteen, counting you, as parents, in the center. Have absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience! Based on the content of this textbook, your sons and daughters will become one and never separate from God.
Twelve sons represent twelve branches and form the number thirteen when you include Jesus. Jesus needed twelve disciples come before he could form the number thirteen. But because the number thirteen was not established, the twelve sons sold and denied their father. Did they not kill him?
The sinful lineage that was left behind and that destroyed the universe can be traced back in history to Arctic hunters. Since there is not much food in the Arctic, Cain occupied the plains and the land along the rivers. Originally, citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom were supposed to arrive; however, this did not happen. Instead, the land was taken by hunters. To cope with a hard life, they made guns. Hunters are thieves. Hunters like to see blood spilled.
If four people start out on a hunting expedition in the fall, only one will return in the spring. Why? Each of the men knows some good spots to catch animals such as tigers or wolves, so together they traverse peaks and valleys in the mountain forests to make their kill. At some point, they decide among the four, "This fellow is weak and won't make it. Let's kill him and take his share!" One person would be killed in December, one in January, and one in March. In the end, the last person remaining would take everything for himself. He would have all the prey that the four of them had hunted down since they started the previous fall.
When the hunters return, they have no friends, no sons and daughters, and no relatives to share the proceeds after they sell their booty. They are alone with no siblings, no father and son, and no other relatives. If they were lucky enough to catch a lion, they might need to return early. Since they arrive back by spring, they could plow the land and plant crops, but can hunters do farming? So instead they wander off to seek higher mountains, higher domains, and higher fishing places. A fishing place has no owner. Even if people are judged for killing animals, what harm is there in catching fish at a fishing place?
Do you know that Sweden and Norway were pirate bases? If countries could come together on a hunting trip, there would ultimately remain only one country. So, white people studied firearms and invented the machine gun.
Did you know that the machine gun was invented by Czechoslovakia? The scientific civilization of Europe started in Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia is in fact two countries. It is the country of Cain and Abel. They created the machine gun, a most powerful weapon. Since this is a hunter technology that the men of Czechoslovakia used to kill and to defend themselves. When they caught a bear, they would use it to fight over the prey.
Who will do the hunting? The job will be delegated to dogs. People raise hound dogs that chase wolves, tigers, and lions by scent. Hunters can tell the animal by looking at their tracks in the snow, but dogs can determine whether it is a bear or a lion by the scent. On a plain, a trained hound dog can tell whether the scent belongs to a tiger or a lion. In the arctic area, however, the scent is weak, so the hunter has to look at the tracks in the snow. Dogs cannot deal with footprints, but in warmer climates a hound dog can tell the difference between different animal species by scent.
The sea beasts include alligators and anacondas. An anaconda snake can devour even a lion, a tiger, or a wolf. The snake's head stays immobile while it moves its tail and catches the prey in an instant. Since heaven knows that the anaconda has no rivals in the water, it chose to judge the world centered on the sea. This is not a superficial statement. How does Rev. Moon know? Heaven taught me this.
When the world talks about Rev. Moon, they think that since everybody else is fallen, Rev. Moon also belongs to the fallen lineage. This is a mistake. Since Eve committed her mistake, she bore Adam's blood lineage in her bosom and raised offspring. Adam can recreate himself. Adam can fully grasp the principles of heaven and conquer even such dens of immorality and lust as Las Vegas. I have this ability.
In gambling, there are numbers from twelve to twenty-one. Dealers would cheat their patrons with these numbers. In Las Vegas, I realized that since Satan took over the number nine {twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty- one) centering on number four (4 x 9 = 36), one can be victorious by taking over the number nine. While the white people throw away numbers from twelve to twenty-one, Rev. Moon has good intuition about number nine. He knows which number comes next. A professional has a keen scent.
Since I know this, I would accept number 13, number 14, number 15, number 16, number 17, number 18, number 19, number 20 and number 21.1 know when the bridge comes out. A person who knows these things can rule Las Vegas. I can trump Las Vegas that is ruled by the white gang that tricks people out of their money using the number 21 centering on the number 12.
I went to Las Vegas 12 times this year. This was my 13th visit and it is the 233rd Anniversary of Independence Day for the United States. What is the meaning of 233? If you double this number, you get 466.
In this fallen world, you become 60 years old when you turn 46 years old. You can't go above 80. That's why nine times nine is 81 (9 x 9 = 81). The numerical computation should make nine times nine equal 101. However, Reverend Moon will bring 101. Father will bring 201, 2001, 200,000,001 (two hundred million one), 2,000,000,000,001 (two trillion one), and even 20,000,000,000,000,001 (twenty quadrillion one). That is, they are in the palm of my hand. Is what I am saying true or false?
After the number ten, comes the number 11. If you go back to the past and look at how the number 11 is formed, there would be a big wheel with a larger 10-times yoke to go around it. However, today people do not know what to do with this 10-times yoke. Therefore, number 11 is turned upside down and when you go back to the past, people live as they are and do not multiply: they do not like to give birth to sons or daughters, men do not like women, women do not like men, and since people do not like families, it is all over. The owner of the family carries the blood of true love and comes as the True Love King of absolute love and absolute faith and when he launches the start of the absolute family, this world comes to an end and is immediately digested. He swallows it in one bite.
The satanic world goes down in one bite and God's world is swallowed in one bite. There are two stomachs after all. Cows have four stomachs so they have to chew all the time (Yum-yum!) for digestion. It is possible. Rev. Moon is able to swallow and digest both worlds.
Why? A cow has four stomachs. A sheep has four stomachs. A goat does, too. Ruminating animals are those that stay. The same can be said about pigeons. Pigeons cannot lay more than two eggs. A pigeon, a ram and cow were offered as a sacrifice. In the sea aren't there salmon? Salmon give their own flesh to feed their offspring. Since there is nothing to eat during the cold months of November, December and January, salmon sacrifice their own body to provide for their young.
Even though Satan thinks he can use the three worlds as bait, when the time comes, all is turned upside down and what do you think happens to Satan's meal? I can put it in one pocket and digest all the three worlds: the satanic world, the democratic world and the communist world. Rev. Moon is disliked most of all for his teaching by the communist party and the religious authorities in the democratic world. Don't they say that I am trying to swallow their religion? I can swallow both worlds -- the left-wing and the right-wing -- in one bite. In Korean, the expression "in one bite" sounds like "honey rice cake" and therefore implies eating something very delicious. I am going to eat them up in one bite and digest them with pleasure.
The position of parents should also be digested. Even God should be able to occupy the center position and be reborn in the royal capacity to command over God's kingship, True Parents' kingship. There is nothing to fear in the whole universe since the unity of two bodies has been achieved. The world was unified in an instant from the day Rev. Moon made the proclamation of Settlement of the Parent Abel UN.
Everyone is broke. There is no economy that is able to save either America or Las Vegas. As soon as I can bring together the two worlds of religion and economy, both will live. Does religion come first or economy? Politics are conducted by Satan as he manipulates religions. After the religious world, the nation will be influenced together with the world of affluent white people who used to violate human life centering on the economy. Since the United Nations could not unite, as long as the big wheel of the Heavenly Kingdom is missing a smaller wheel inside it to rotate in the opposite direction, the free world is going to disappear.
If there is only the family of Rev. Moon, the family of Father and Mother, left in the world, it would be the new Garden of Eden. Satan's seed, fruit, and all ugly things in the environment will be eliminated. A small island such as Hawaii will become the place where this family lives happily cultivating the soil with all modern amenities at hand. This place will become the starting point of the Kingdom of Heaven, the return to Adam's origin. Rev. Moon's family does not disappear.
That's right. Since Rev. Moon's family does not disappear, it will find a kin nation centering on the blood lineage. Korea and Mongolia can form precisely this type of kinship. Do you know about Lamaist tradition in Mongolia? According to this tradition, a married Mongolian woman hopes to bear a child from a foreign guest. The Lamaist husband is willing to share his wife with the foreign guest. Since the tradition has it that the child from this union is destined to become the King of the country, the nation will ascend centering on the non- fallen bloodline. Like the rod of Aaron that budded, if a rod is driven in, then unless the blood of the previously married line flows in the opposite direction, the way to heaven is blocked.
So, what was inside the Ark of the Covenant? Inside were the two tablets of stone, the manna, and the rod of Aaron that budded. In the satanic world, people do all kinds of strange things between married couples. Husbands cheat on their wives: one man has a wife and up to fifty mistresses. Rich people live like that. Both Chinese and Americans. Failing to digest China and America is not possible. As for Russia, it is not as big. World peace cannot be achieved unless these families are connected to the recreated bloodline.
Time has come for the United Nations to unite with the United States through the Parent Peace UN. The "Cain-Abel Universal Peace Federation Won-gu Peace Cup" was held as the venue for the unity between Cain and Abel. This event, centered on True Parents, was a tremendous accomplishment that overwhelmed heaven and earth. Where did it take place? This event that shook heaven and earth, was held in the Original Palace of heaven and earth. The beginning of the commemoration was centered on the 13-day period, the Coronation Ceremony, the Golden Wedding Anniversary, the 55th Anniversary of the foundation of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity and formed the origin of the 110th Anniversary. Going over 110 years. The dual ideal is established.
Because the providence of individual salvation has entered the era where the family, nation and world could be united at once, the restoration of the Heavenly Kingdom is now possible to accomplish over one evening. What if I arrive in America after having accomplished the program that had failed to take place over one evening here, and the American people, together with President Obama, say that they want to attend Rev. Moon? Even if they say so, I will say that I don't like the idea and will have to go and reside in Russia and China, countries where the standard of peace have been established.
Also, do you know about the people that live amidst the ice of Arctic and Antarctica? They are called Eskimos. "Es" stands for "special." "Mo" stands for "moon" (which also means "door" in Korean). The king of those people is "moon" and, centering on Rev. Moon, people in the frigid zones of Arctic and Antarctica will establish the kingship. Eskimos have waited for the arrival of their king and it is only "M" that can open this special nation with a key. Rev. Moon has to become King. This way the nation that was driven by the white people into the midst of the Arctic and Antarctic ice becomes the free world.
Should the white people become Eskimos then? The white people cannot kill Rev. Moon. The door of heaven, the door of the Heavenly Kingdom opens up with the salvation of the two brothers. Not even the King of Peace can accomplish something greater than this and since the Peace Cup King and Queen, Peace Cup Grandfather and Grandmother, True Father and True Mother, True Husband and True Wife, True Children, and True Family are now established, heaven and earth have become one and we can live in the united independent Fatherland, God's Fatherland, on the soil of Jeong-ju, which becomes our original hometown.
The Russo-Japanese war began in Jeong-ju. The flow begins from the Yalu River near Jeong-ju, then proceeds to Yangtze River in China, farther to the Yellow River and, centering on the Korean Peninsula, enters the Pacific Ocean. This area of the Pacific is the place of refuge.
Those who live in the Pacific area can now become one with Rev. Moon. Where does unity begin?
When Mafia, Japanese Yakuza and criminals of all other countries flood into the Pacific Rim area seeking refuge, this region will be proclaimed a refuge zone and a peaceful mood will set in. Using this method, on the day these Mafia chiefs, Yakuza bosses and gang leaders of all countries residing in the Pacific Rim area unite with the UN, these Mafiosi will become great loyal subjects, saints of saints and kings of kings that exhibit the utmost devotion. Having pursued power and having made a mess out of their relationships in clans and nations, they will discover a country that is even greater that what they sought for. In that case, the independence/restoration of the homeland is inevitable.
The country where Cain and Abel have fought needs to become one centering on the blood lineage. This is final. Once I leave here, you may choose whether to follow me or not, to live or to die. As far as I am concerned, I have taught you everything. I have made a textbook for you.
There is a required textbook for your children. Please, bring the booklet. Those of you who are parents should memorize this book centering on the number 13 which is formed when you count your sons and daughters and your tribe, including yourself, the owner. Kindergarten students, as sons and daughters of heaven, should read this textbook ten times, 100 times, 1000 times more than True Parents did. Rev. Moon has not read it quadrillion times, so as you do it 110,000 times more, you should memorize the book by heart -- page by page, line by line -- and pledge to fulfill the parental responsibility that you were not able to fulfill up to this point. That is how well parents should know the contents of this book.
To teach children, you should take advantage of various presentation methods used by the satanic world: pantomime and songs, comedy artists and tragedy artists, as well as cartoons. By means of these various methods you should teach your children how to take dominion over the world and say to them, "This is what you will become in the future." this book has everything you need.
Wherever the children of blessed families are on this planet, their parents have no choice but to give them this book as presents since it was recommended by True Parents. You cannot give a greater blessing than this to your children. Once you do it, all is done. I have opened the doors of heaven and hell so that your sons and daughters can become princes and princesses of heavenly country.
God did not create women-angels. Why didn't He? There are many women. Some are selling their bodies on the street! Some men are enjoying their services and those men are the first-born sons of Satan.
Mothers are not recognized as mothers in heaven. Queens cannot receive recognition as queens, grandmothers don't get recognized as grandmothers, wives are not recognized as wives, and the wives of Cain and Abel do not receive recognition as daughters-in-law.
Look. First God's wife, then True Father's wife, then King's wife, then grandfather's wife, father's wife, one's own wife, then Can's and Abel's wives -- eight women in total were violated. Since it is free sex, one may live with one's mother and even with grandmother. Even one thought of it makes me nauseous.
Those who enjoys things with their convex parts inherited the satanic lineage. All of Satan's first-borns were like that. That is how they messed things up. They made a huge mess and made inaccessible normal entrance into a woman's concave part.
The seed that was hidden inside God's bone came out around the age of seventeen and started its journey toward the destined position, but look how long the journey throughout human history took until today? God had set out on a quest to find his wife but the way to the womb was completely messed up and the opening disappeared since it is now covered with rags. Where is God supposed to go? "True Parent! Surrender to us! We hold it in our possession." However, Satan's world cannot swallow it completely in one day.
Then, let us argue theoretically about what is right. Let us discuss things from this viewpoint, "Are you right, or am I right?" Whoever starts talking, stumbles. Who can surpass Rev. Moon's theory? The Cosmic Sabbath of the parents of Heaven and Earth! Theoretically, this is also beyond any argument. From the Cosmic Sabbath we move to absolute sexual ethics, to the owner of the absolute seed of love, to the Second Coming, to the Savior, to the Messiah. People did not know that Jesus came to Israel in this capacity. They killed him.
Even if there is a woman, she cannot open the cavity by herself. What needs to be done to start the fire and warm up the concave part? What is the temperature of a human body? 36.5 degrees Celsius. The convex-concave jar should be boiled to the temperature higher than 38 degrees Celsius.
The seed carries with it a fever which is even hotter than that. It is the bone of God's bone, the flesh of God's flesh, the blood of God's blood, the skin of God's skin. When the time comes for marriage at the age of seventeen, this core seed starts its journey and the convex-concave jar boils up to over 37 degrees Celsius. The concave part opens its doors beginning with the womb and the vagina saying, "Please welcome! God's desire, the union of God's original love and Parents love! Please come into my womb and plant the seed!" This is the desire of a woman.
Men need to keep cool. When a cool thing goes in, how does it feel? When the convex part travels through the vagina and enters the womb, which is 38,39,40, even 43 degrees hot, it wants to stick there, saying, "Wow! Feels good!" At 38 degrees, the seed says, "Wow! Feels good!" and enters the womb. Since no woman is able to generate this heat of love that goes up to 39, 40, 43 degrees by herself a woman welcomes the man's seed of true love.
All beings began with the purpose of welcoming the seed. Aju! Aju from God, from Adam, from Eve and from the Archangel. Aju to the blood lineage that has established a family line which eternally inherits the kingship of the heavenly nation!
Very good! "Good" (Joh-ta) sounds like "flying on a bird" in Korean. "Jo" means bird, doesn't it? This means flying the whole vast universe on a beast. Climbing on top of God's head and going on a journey. Imagine God taking His baby on a ride around the whole country through both the corporeal and the incorporeal worlds. That is why there is the Won-gu Peace Cup. It is Peace Cup. Which cup is that? It is that of the wife of True Parent, Grandfather's wife. The era of women is inevitable.
Can an individual communicate with the universe? Can a family communicate with the universe? Can a clan communicate with the universe? Can a country communicate with the universe? The UN cannot communicate with the universe. It will never know how. Would anyone who has opened all the doors and obtained all the knowledge ever leave his position even if asked to do so? Even if you pray hundreds of millions of years for such a person to run away, he is not going to leave.
Blessed families, raise your hands. You know everything. Centering on the Principle, you know the structure and can tell the stages in the three-dimensional world of the Heavenly Kingdom. On a flat ground surface, you first raise the columns, then the ridge of a roof, than the rafters, and finally you put the roof tiles. Unless you belong to a certain area, you cannot live in God's house. Such a person cannot live in the Universe, which is God's house.
Not all last names can pass. Only those last names can gain entrance as citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom that have become complete after receiving the Blessing. This is the way to become the citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom. There is no other way. Those Korean residents abroad that opposed Rev. Moon of the Unification Church will say after reading his memoirs, "Oh my God! I am a sinner! Where do I go now?"
What should these people do? Even if all the doors are closed and the walls of the castle are high, they would still choose to climb over these walls upside down, facing the ground. They cannot climb the wall face-up; upside-down is the way to go. If they climb up facing the ground, then when they go over the wall they will be in the proper standing position: feet on the ground. That is how to become owners.
However difficult it may be, one has to climb up to the throne from which it is possible to subjugate the satanic world. Unless one becomes the owner of the Heavenly Kingdom, there is no way to set up proper kingship. For all those who are climbing face-down, there is no other way to go up except through receiving the Blessing. Having received the Blessing over one night, those tens of billions of Blessed families have to struggle as they are climbing up the wall; however, what a glorious moment will it be when they reach the top and realize the everlasting reign of peace! Aju!
Nothing needs to be learned or found for I have taught you everything to the very last. Since it was difficult to teach you I had a textbook made, which is this book ; so what should you do with it? In the US, the President should say in regard to this book, "Hey, you parents should teach about this book in your families and even in kindergartens." There are even some families that have not only twelve sons but even thirty-something sons and daughters. Such families should equip themselves with thirty-something books and the mother and father, as representatives of the number thirteen and in the position of having been killed due to the opposition of the twelve apostles, should center on the kingship and teach their sons and daughters on that basis on behalf of the authority of the Heavenly Kingdom and the Kingship.
In the main text there is a song for a baby, isn't there? "Dear baby, sleep tight. We are preparing a world of dreams, a world of eternal prosperity, for you, and they will become your royal family and your followers and your kinsmen." More songs with such lyrics should be composed. I am telling you to create more songs.
It is like the flower and the fragrance in the satanic world. The flower and the fragrance are both beautiful, and in addition to them there is the fruit, the three representing the formation, growth and perfection. The seed centered on God, Cain centered on the flower and the fragrance, and Abel centered on the beauty, the three should be united into one, and when the man and woman who are born inheriting those things come together as husband and wife, then heaven and earth would also come together in unity, and thus the site of the Kingdom of Peace would come to a settlement in heaven and on earth, with no places left out. And finally the Parents would come to a settlement on earth and everything would be completed.
Then it would not be heaven and earth but instead earth and heaven. In the human world, the grandson would take the place of the grandfather, and the father the place of the son. By coming to a settlement in reverse, everything would finally be settled in their original places, and wherever one went, the links in the settlement would be connected even to the ends of the world forevermore. Planting the seed of settlement, the Heavenly Kingdom would naturally sprout and grow, and give birth to sons and daughters who can move it to the perfected position of the Kingdom of Heaven and together enter the Kingdom of Heaven; only then would the original ideal before the Fall be achieved, would it not? There is no other theory than the theory of being re-created and perfected, and thus entering the position of the Kingdom of Heaven of the Ideal of Creation. There is no other truth, no other connection of lineage.
There, because of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, one could not be estranged even after thousands of years. Even if one died a million times, one would not be able to detach oneself from there. Whether you are white or black, your histories have nothing to boast about. Everything should be cast away and the roots should be engrafted there. There is only one central root. Everything is OK, and when I say everything is OK, by OK I mean the Open Kingdom! To the Americans it would mean Open the Kitchen! Next comes Korea. Korea is the site for the liberation of the fatherland.
There is no more explanation to add. When you go into the kitchen you open the refrigerator. In the kitchen you drink water, and if you are hungry and find bread, you eat it, and if you find meat, you can also eat that too. If you were on the verge of starving to death, would I tell you not to eat them, if you were my brother or the kinsman of my sons and daughters? There would be no one to say no.
Where did I go yesterday? Las Vegas is Cain, and the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas is the center. At the top there is MGM and Bellagio, which are Cain and Abel. The Mirage and Venetian are also Cain and Abel. The Mandalay refers to the group of people who hang others. The "lay" refers to the fact that it is connected. So it is the Mandalay Bay, meaning the bay of hanging people. It means coming to the edge of the final cliff and drowning in water. The question is, would you fall or not? Why does Bay come after? It is the matter of sitting at the top and falling and dying or not.
When you hold on to True Parents, the liberation of the individual, family, tribe, race and nation takes place. The victorious kingship that can even liberate the disunity of the USA and the UN has been inherited, and next the supremacy has been inherited, and next there is the main figure who can resolve everything officially, so what is to take place? When you meet him, and he comes to save you, how happy would you be? You should come to the US and make such a thing, and that's why it is Mandalay! The US has no other way but to die, and it will meet its end right here.
Obama should be "Oba me." Why? If one is told, "Be my representative!" and thus becomes the representative of the whites and the blacks, then there will be someone to serve him. The earth is Cain whereas Abel is spiritual, and they should be made one with True Parents!
"Mandalay Bay! I have come here to see you, so follow me. This is the nation wherein you can live, and it is possible to follow the path to the throne in the Heavenly Kingdom when you become one with me!"
That is why the ideal practice and the ideal fruit cannot be without the absolute God. When could God have a family and love? God requires absoluteness, uniqueness and eternalness.
For this reason, absolute sexual ethics are necessary; what is needed before the absolute and unique sexual ethics? If there is an eastern side in a society, there must also be a western side; there must also be a wife, and the wife of the firstborn son to establish the realm of the four-position foundation; and if two men and two women only asserted themselves, there would be no way they could be united as one. They should become one on the basis of the four-position foundation, for otherwise there would be no way to unite into one the sons and daughters, the men and women, and not only the tribes but also the framework of divided families.
Hereupon, centering on God, the two beings, Adam and Eve, could finally be connected through one line. The two lines could be connected into one, and thus bring Adam and Eve together as one on a single path. But what is the pole of woman and the pole of man? Though the North Pole and the South Pole are connected, what is at the center that can open and connect the two and rotate? It is only true love that can do that. True love is meant to stand at the core; it cannot stand in the Eastern USA or the Western UN countries. The fundamental is the center.
Of the twelve apostles, the number 13 is considered the unluckiest number because with the coming of Jesus, the number 13 is crossed centering on the months in the twelve directions. The 13th floor is denied from the 10th floor or the first floor.
The East centers upon the number 10, and the lunar calendar is also centered on the ten months. 360 days is derived from the opposite sex, but the number 12 does not have an objective partner. The West is centered on the number 12. What is a foot? In the end, meters will appear after the feet That is Abel. In the end, the metric system will become the center. The US should also use the metric system; why does it use different terms for measurements and distances? It is divided into two factions.
The lunar calendar and the solar calendar are divided into two factions, and how can the unified foundation be established centering on the sexegenary cycle of the lunar calendar and the solar calendar? Without the conclusions drawn from Rev. Moon's teachings, there is no zero point of everything being OK. And because there is no zero point, everything is done freely. There is no top in 180 degrees. Because everyone will reach the last and then cast everything off and be saved, and go on living, they will be told, "Those whose siblings have followed the position of the evil prisoners, turn around!" and then they will be issued passports as the citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom. What more happiness could you wish for? The brothers and sisters would enter together. Centering on the one bloodline, there is only one fatherland, nation and homeland. There cannot be two homelands.
The USA is composed of 260 million immigrants that have come together as one nation, but the West is not united as one, is it? They are from 12 nations, but Germany, France, Italy and Great Britain are enemies. How can they become one? The bloodline must become one first.
The Blessing is the core factor that can unite into one absolutely. How easy is it to inherit the bloodline? You would have to inherit it even if it means having to give up your possessions, your life, your nation. In short, everything. It is something that cannot be achieved even if the hundreds of nations and hundreds of races living on this planet offered everything they have simultaneously, and yet that very thing is happening right.
In the ticking of a second, the outside and the inside is decided. Centering on the one second, the sphere is formed in all directions of east, west, north and south.
The round ball of Peace Cup! In the "Peace Cup" Cain and Abel appear. The Peace Cup of mother and father -- only when that takes place can the mother and father become the pouch that can embrace all heaven and earth in this world. That is one great round ball, and thus could the East and the West all enter that pouch together and have the flesh and blood of the one father and be born bearing the essential elements of the father. They failed to be born before the father. Instead, they were born of the mother, and inherited her flesh and blood, and so they cannot forget their mother.
In the last days, the sperm will enter all at once, and, centering on the Will of God, all of the 6.5 billion human population will become one overnight. How many men and women are there? 3.25 billion men and women can, through marriage, become of the same flesh and blood, that is to say, become fellow brethren. How simple is restoration! Now we are living in a country wherein all heaven and earth can become one within a week, nay, within three days, and so that is possible.
Will you take part in this or not? [Yes!] The nation, the fatherland and the homeland, where such a thing can take place will come to be, and you should give up the US or other UN nations composed of immigrants and offer everything you have and exchange it with the bloodline, and become beings of a value so great that it is comparable to a thousand times, ten thousand times the value of your life, and double the lives of the 6.5 billion human population. Only then can you come to stand at the top as a perfected tribe over 6.5 billion people. The world of the logical outcome where such a thing is possible, that is, the restored Kingdom of Heaven, will come to be.
The place we returned from yesterday is Atlantic City. It is the central region between the Northern and Southern USA. What is New York? York refers to a Zelkova tree [Neutinamu in Korean]. New York, the Zelkova tree of the new Garden of Eden! A Zelkova tree, together with the pine tree and the bamboo, lives for a thousand years, whereas all other trees die out within a few years.
There is a golf course we own in Mt. Seorak named Pine Ridge Country Club. We also bought a golf course in Yeosu. They are the Cain-type and Abel-type golf courses. The US cannot become the kingdom of golf courses. In the golf world, Korean men and women stand out. In the sports loved by the US, the ratio of Eastern players to Western players is steadily rising.
There will come a time when they won't be able to beat Asians in basketball. Did you know that our University of Bridgeport basketball team ranked number one? When can blacks exert their power? Who was it that carried the cross of Jesus? Simon something was it? It is Simon. [Simon of Cyrene] Yes, it was the Simon tree, and he could have gone on for thousands of years. Who was the king of boxing? It was Muhammad Ali.
And who was the really excellent singer who died recently? [Michael Jackson.] He may have Asian blood in him. Even in the case of the Mafia, only when the Spanish Mafia and the white Mafia are united could they lead the Asian Mafia. If they do not become one, they cannot lead the Asian Mafia.
Hawaii means "Finish your work!" How can all the work be finished since there are so many walls? It is a place where all walls have been broken down, and Eve has been placed in the position of the woman, for which reason the women there are open sexually and dance and play naked. Theirs is the way to return to the Garden of Eden, and first they dance with their shoulders, then their hips, and finally with their feet, which causes them to roll around and do the snake dance like this. There is no one who cannot dance, is there? At a party, all the five races would dance all kinds of dances.
They are entwined like snakes, and in winter snakes of all colors stay together underground. Three kinds of snakes are entangled together. They are entwined with one another to keep their temperature. For several months they do not eat. Be it a snake or anything else, they can survive not eating for three to four months. Even fish can live without eating for a few months. That is also the case for people who live by the sea.
That is why when God passed His judgment. He did so leaving out the sea. When you think about it from this perspective, what is the beginning and the end that can be concluded by Rev. Moon? Even in the case of the eyes, the right eye is Abel and the left eye sees well because the left side has inherited the blood of Satan. In US many left-handed people can be found. Raise your hands if you are left-handed. There are a lot of left-handed white people.
Why is this the case? They were hunters and so carried guns on their shoulders, for which reason they did not use the other shoulder. When they slept, they slept on their left arms, and did their work centering on their left hands. They are left-handed. Why? Because they are the descendants of hunters. You cannot deny this.
I came to East Garden, and what is the name of the bridge here? It is Tappan Zee, and it means to be very big. The Pacific Ocean, the great sea is Tappan Zee, and it is the bridge of the earth! Not just anyone can cross the Washington Bridge that connects the east and the west, but anyone regardless of social status can cross the Tappan Zee Bridge. Isn't this the mainstream path centered on the planet Earth? There is East Garden there, and also a famous poet and a literary man lives there. They are all gathered there.
The most blessed region in New York is the East Garden region. This region has a lake and a fishing spot. And it is only this land and no other in the New York region that can breed deer and everything else. It is a fountain site. Isn't there also some university there? Bear Mountain signifies that bears lived there and that it is the central mountain in Eastern USA.
So why did Rev. Moon come here and make a central headquarters for fishing? In New York you can catch striped bass even in winter. It is only in New York that you can catch fish in all seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Because it is New York, it is easy to catch fish because they are plentiful. Even if the planet Earth broke apart, New York would remain. It is a shelter. It is a place for the long-living trees, the Zelkova trees of New York. Of all the trees, it is only the Zelkova tree that has the greatest number of seeds.
I am also the person who captured the main land where Columbia University is situated. My sons and daughters went to Columbia University. They studied there and later at Harvard University. When all of them have graduated, twelve of my family, including my sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, would have graduated from Harvard. Where could you find such a family where so many in three generations have done so? Could you find such a family among the whites? Do not be proud of your white heads.
Next, where is the best university in New York? [It is Princeton.] Centering on these three universities, the eight great universities give that three times eight is twenty-four, and the three universities are recognized as having the same value as the eight. Centering on the eight Ivy League universities, it is three times eight is twenty-four. 24 universities will move the US.
Everyone is turning into egoistic individualists. They must all return to idealism centered on God. God is the benign King. Satan, as the evil dictatorial king, is destroying the world, but the benign dictatorial King of the Heavenly Kingdom should protect and nurture the kingship of the three generations.
Now there is nothing I cannot do if I put my mind to it. It is all over. Under the banner of the Abel UN, we will establish the one true and ideal family, the family that can be united as one. There are more than 6000 languages in the world. And it is only the Korean language that can integrate all the different languages into one. Even English cannot be used as it is on the computer without making a new language. Ga Na Da Ra Ma Ba Sa Aa Ja Cha Ka Pa Ha. This language can write whichever language in the world backwards or in the correct order, in whichever direction. It is the language that can act as the owner, and it is the Korean people who own such a language. This language was made based on speech and communication.
What are the eastern barbarians? They are the champions of wars of the eastern country, and are also good archers. They win in wars because they are smart. They use tens of thousands of strategies and always win. The nation of Goguryo endured for a thousand years. It became a kingdom a thousand years ago. Goguryo has not died out yet and is trying to come to fruition in Korea, but China is causing trouble.
They say, "World peace refers to China and the Soviet Union" but even if the nations of Soviet Union and China are in existence, they cannot unite the religious realm into one, and therefore China and the Soviet Union need to become one and act in concert with each other to serve the religious realm. I told Gorbachev about these things and said to him, "Once I get you to serve God and the religious realm, the kingdom of the unified universe will come to be in Moscow."
However, it did not come to be in Moscow, Beijing or New York. New York and the Washington region did not serve their purposes. Everything was lost. Where would it be then? We can draw the conclusion that the only place that now remains for the kingship centered on God, the place that is to be the fatherland of God and the homeland of God, is none other than Jeong Ju in Northern Pyungahn Province, Korea, the hometown of Rev. Moon. That is the land of True Parents.
Through True Parents, the True God, the True Ancestors, the True People, the True Nation and the True World can come to be; in short, the unified universe can be linked by one bloodline. Such work needs to be done rationally and not forcefully. If one knew the value of the Blessing, one could not but follow it and vote for it.
If the UN does not listen to me, I'll say, "So keep on fighting amongst yourselves!" It is the lowest horizontal level. What is horizontal is the Pacific Ocean. And when the Pacific Ocean is completely filled up, the only island that will remain above water is the Hawaiian island. Do you know which mountain can be found there? The highest astronomical observatory on the planet.
In terms of the history of the mountain, it is the highest place when measured from the very bottom of the ocean. The mountain there is said to be 4300 meters in height. But when you measure from under the ocean, it is the highest. Underwater, it is over 10,000 meters in height, so it is 14,300 meters in height overall. Mt. Everest in the Himalayas is only 8850 meters, isn't it? The mountain that has its root in the bottommost part of the planet Earth is Mauna Kea in Kona, Hawaii. It is the best corner in the world, the farthest place.
I went there and made the Hawaii King Garden and Hawaii Queen Garden. The highest and best corner in the planet Earth is Kona, and the coffee of Kona! Is it Koffee, or coffee? When you say "Koffee" in Korean it means nosebleed. (Laughter) In Korean we say coffee, not "Koffee." If you say "Koffee," it is blood from the nose. When you pronounce it strongly, it sounds like Koffee. Then it would taste like nosebleed. The best product of Kona is its coffee.
It has been already 38 or 40 years since Rev. Moon made a guard post and made communications from Hawaii. I also offered devotions there before I went to North Korea. Before I went to North Korea and held a dialogue with Kim Il Sung, I first went to Hawaii and offered devotions and wrote my speech there.
Gorbachev of the Soviet Union can be interpreted as "to narrow evenly." Since I am the only one left, and I am the only one who can make narrow or widen the world, all should listen to me. Because he listened to me and allowed religion in the Soviet Union, it could be liberated. The fight between the Christian cultural realm of the Western Europe and the Christian cultural realm in the Eastern Europe was the Second World War. It was a fight between brothers. Soviet Union is the first son and Europe is the second son, and the third son is the cultural realm of the unified world. The flow of history and everything in it corresponds exactly to the truth both inside and out.
As a living encyclopedia, I use words that are not in an encyclopedia. Two-thirds of the words I use are not in the encyclopedia. Therefore, I have already made a unified encyclopedia. It just needs to be recorded. It is already made. Therefore, the creation in the cultural world cannot become one without the emergence of a unified encyclopedia. If there are two, then there are two encyclopedias; if there are three, there are three encyclopedias; and if there are four, there are four encyclopedias. And so there are four, including the communist encyclopedia, the Soviet Union encyclopedia, the USA encyclopedia and the Indian encyclopedia.
In making an encyclopedia, in Korea the English language that connects it to the US has already come in, as have the Russian language and the Chinese language. That is also true for North Korea. North Korea is staying between the two, the Soviet Union and China, and sucking their blood. Kim Il Sung inherited everything of communism, both physically and spiritually, and prepared the foundation on which to approach the democratic world.
They have reached the third generation, right? First Kim Il Sung, next Kim Jung Il, and who's next? [It is Kim Jung Woon.] At the time I performed the coronation ceremony in Korea, Kim Jung Il announced that he will pass on his position to his heir. It is Kim Jung Woon, and the Chinese character for Woon stands for cloud.
I have cleared up everything so that they cannot dispute me in any way. I make them say, "We have lost. We have lost in the Old Testament Age of the formation stage and the religious realm in the growth stage." Though the communists deny the existence of the spiritual world, the communist ancestors in the spiritual world have come and testified to the fact that the spiritual world is united. How, then, could the communists hold on to the religious realm of the democratic world and act as their king?
Raise your hands if you are blessed children. Stand up. Everyone knows this. They have taken part with their fathers and their mothers. You are the ones who represent the connection of the blood and flesh of your fathers and mothers in the boiling concave vessel of the same love. It is not your mothers or your fathers.
You need to know it is a tradition inheriting the bloodline of God. The people who are kings, and next the democracy of the US and other isms and so forth have all been broken down. Centering on the second generation, the parents, grandfathers and the kingships are being educated with this book in the Hoon Dok Hae sessions of the blessed families.
Once you inherit the tradition of the standard of the Hoon Dok families, the entire universe will come within the realm of the royal family of the Heavenly Kingdom all at once. I have made such a textbook. Whose textbook is this? Among you, and your mothers and fathers, there are those who drink, smoke, have affairs and do all kinds of things, aren't there? There are also those who sell their sexuality. How can such people be saved?
You have been educated with this book, and have become one with your mothers and fathers and begun at the same place with them because you have inherited the bloodline of God at the same place. For this reason you can rise to the position of your parents. You can stand in that position in the stead of your parents. Until now, you have been the slave of your mothers and fathers, but with this book, you will become the owner. If your mothers and fathers can't do it, there still remains the second generation, and each and every family of the second generation in the world can be taken into our embrace and educated.
Until now the disunity of mother and father, and the democratic world will, through the union of the sons and daughters and centered upon this textbook, automatically be unified when education takes place from the king of the third generation. It will be the liberated realm of the second generation. You need to know that, unbeknownst to you, the world is not dying but rather being revived. Will you get rid of this foundation that is being revived?
Even some among the second generations have fallen and done all kinds of things. They have had affairs and dated and done all kinds of things. But this is the textbook that can save even such people. It is the textbook of the kingship of the liberation of all peoples, and once you go out into the world with this textbook, the citizens of the place you go to could not but become the citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom. Everyone must memorize this book and live according to its words. Its words are the laws that all must abide by, and they should do so. It has been made as the textbook of the Heavenly Kingdom.
When kindergarten children reach the age of seven, they enter grade school. When they go to grade school, they know whether their mothers and fathers are good or bad. The children, who are the fruits of the love of their mothers and fathers, will say, "Our mothers and fathers are wrong. They should listen to me!" If things are not done as they have been taught, they will say, "Why are things not done as the book says? Haven't you been teaching me lies?"
It is up to you to establish this tradition with full authority. The Korean second generation, the blessed second generation of the American citizens, the parents of the immigrated nations are not the true parents, and so the second generation who are born here are all brothers and sisters centered on the same bloodline.
The words taught by Rev. Moon cannot be denied. They are the truth among all truths. They are the core truth. They are the core, and even amongst all the cores, they are the center core truth. The origin of life and death is the absolute true love centered on the love of God and True Parents.
There is nothing that hates true love. The eyes were made to see because of true love, the nose smells, the mouth feeds, the ears listen, and even the hands and feet were made for true love. Through the bloodline of the false love, the eyes, the ears, the nose, the mouth, the hands, the feet and the five viscera and six entrails were all divided. Humanity became worthless beings to become extinct. However, they must be educated within six months. Even when they are in kindergarten, they should be made to memorize the book on behalf of the mother. By the time they enter grade school, this book , Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong will already be published.
Therefore it is the round ball Peace Cup, and the Peace Cup, and not the round ball, is the center. What the Peace Cup represents is God asserting the Peace Cup, the mother. It represents absolute sexual ethics. The owner of sex will change. The fruits of the owners this book of sex are the second generation, and they can also fall. Following the tradition of their mothers and fathers, they have also been tainted, and so they need to be educated so that even if they have had affairs and done all kinds of things, they can quit everything and be re-Blessed.
This book is the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong, True Families, Gateway to Heaven, you cannot do without this book. These books stem from Cheon Seong Gyeong. This book has been published from it. The Family Pledge was also made, and the family pledge led to Cheon Seong Gyeong, and Cheon Seong Gyeong is the World Scriptures. They are the textbooks that can correct the chaos in society and they have to correct the communist theories and the failures of the democratic world, and the Rally for the Settlement of the Peaceful True Parent UN was completed by June.
The Coronation of the King and Queen of Peace, and the Gold Wedding Ceremony and what comes next is the Commemorative Ceremony of the Anniversary of the Foundation of the Association. The Association has also changed. It gave birth to the Family Federation. The Commemorative Ceremony of the 55th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity will be held together making it the number 110. Since it is the sum of the double of 55 years it comes to 110 years, and this is the number that goes over 100 years, which makes it possible for the gates to stay open for billions of years.
Do you know why I established something like the Ssang-hap Shib-seung Il? [Audience response: "Father established it in 2004, when you were in Yeosu." "The Cheon Seong Gyeong is here. This book, titled True Families: Gateway to Heaven has been published in English."] Well, it was published in English, but you should show the same version that Parents use. You will be in violation of law if you publish a book that is based on your own thinking in this area, because it is so fundamental. This decree is absolute.
You could sell this book in your own country and become rich. Once you understand the logic of this, you will become rich. If the United States and Soviet Union do this more than Korea, then the U.S. and Soviet Union will be rich. If the two do it, then the one that does better than the other will be in the Abel position and the two countries will unite as Cain and Abel and rule the world again. This is in the original text but was not written here! I have said that Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong is a text for Hoon Dok Hae. It is a text for family Hoon Dok Hae.
Once you own this text, you will be able to accomplish such things according to your purposes. It's all here. It's all recorded centering on the Christian cultural sphere but it's principles correlate just as well with Buddhism. The essence of the book describing this nation was excerpted and gathered here.
It is the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong. It is an original text; it transcends the U.N. Charter. It is the first text. Can you ignore it? Everything is unified here. It encompasses the number 16. It contains all the denominations, the communist realm and the democratic world. It is Cain and Abel. If you ask what is Abel, the answer is that this number 16 is Abel. Cain can become Abel.
From 16, it goes to 17,18,19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24. Whatever you mean by "eight years" is included in 24 years. It is possible to go beyond the family standard. There isn't a point of origin from which you can criticize this, is there? It can only be explained the way that Rev. Moon explains it. How can you explain it if you are not in the position of an owner who has accomplished it? I am the only one who can explain it. Isn't that right? That is why the book is so expensive. It was published in Korea. In the area of publishing books, Korea is capable of doing at least as well as Japan in Asia and also of doing at least as well as the United States. There is no need to publish in Japan or in the United States.
The original text of Father's autobiography has been published in Korea. Now we need to publish that original text in the United States and Japan. If it is provided to 43 countries in three languages -- English, Japanese and Korean -- before the end of the upcoming tournament, there will not be any country that is not aware of it. If we go to that extent, they will be able to become citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. Cheon Seong Gyeong is already in 43 countries. It can be found in libraries, so people can study it anytime they want.
It is possible for the mother and father in every home in every neighborhood to teach this content, so mothers and fathers have no choice but to obtain this book. In addition, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools will have no choice but to teach this. Mothers need to see to it that things that have been taught erroneously are taught correctly. Fathers and mothers must do this. Isn't this what Father himself is doing now? There is no one else. Father will do it all the way to the end.
Have you become sons and daughters of God? Because you haven't, you need to obtain educational materials. If you don't have a textbook, how will you know what to do when it comes time to go to spirit world? Without a textbook consisting of Father's words that can represent the constitution of the Heavenly Kingdom and laws governing daily life there, you will not be able to become a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, will you? I came as the True Parent, so I need to accomplish the responsibility of the True Parent and inspire the U.N. to balance the democratic world and communist world so as to establish a base for the settlement of peace and for the eternal Kingdom.
This was June 1st. It was on June 1st that Noah's ark came to rest on land. It was at the "Coex." "Co" brings to mind "convenient." Then what is "ex"? "Ex" is the opposite of "oh." The English world for "bul-pyeon" is "inconvenient," isn't it? This means inconvenient for the family. That is why a group appears to bring correction. It is "in" "convenient." Attaching the "in" creates the negative, and this is true. "Convenient" "Co" is in "convenient," so it is all there.
What is the English word for "bul-pyeon"? What is the word for "pyul-li"? [A voice from the audience responds: "The word for 'pyul-li' is 'convenient'"] So it's "inconvenient." [Voice from the audience: 'Yes, the word for 'bul-pyeon' is 'inconvenient.'"] So "inconvenient" and "convenient" are one. It should be "ex-convenient." Why was it decided to say "inconvenient"? Isn't this a reference to inner and outer? Isn't this Cain-Abel? Even the English letters themselves cannot be denied. It is the principle of Cain and Abel.
When I was studying English, I said to myself, "Wow! This language is really for the most uncouth of servants." A person addresses his mother as "you." A woman will refer to her mother as "she" and her husband as "he." It's "he" and "she." A king is "he" and his subjects are also "he." There is no place for Cain and Abel. There is nothing else. There is no ideal of peace in America. What is there? Can you answer that? Studying English convinced me. I said to myself, "This is really fake."
Ka, na, da, ra, ma, ba, sa, a, ja, cha, ka, ta, pa ha! This alphabet does everything. It can describe any text, any word, any action. This alphabet can be used to pronounce any language. It is the ancestor of a world of incredible culture. Look at Koreans. When Americans, Japanese, and other nationalities go out witnessing, the Koreans are the ones who get the best results. Why is that? If a Korean goes to a Spanish-speaking area, he speaks in Spanish. A Korean can speak referring to a book, and he will pronounce the words correctly. He hears a word during the morning, and he can use it in a conversation that evening. That is how convenient it is.
So even if there are five adverbs and adjectives -- even if there are more than twelve -- a Korean is smart enough to distinguish among them and use them. No one can compete with Koreans in intelligence. That is why Koreans understand the spirit world. Koreans found out about the spirit world just by sitting still. Their language began in the spirit world. Who was the first owner who could hear the language that began in this way? It could only have been God.
It would not do if God were in a position where it is possible for Him not to act through the objects He created. We would have no need for such a God. He would be putting Himself in an unreasonable position even in terms of logic. No matter what language human beings use, God understands every word, so there are no words that cannot be expressed in written form using the Korean language. The country of Korea possesses such a language.
In Korea, God is referred to as "hana nim" (meaning "the one"). It has no other concept. You refer to Him as "God." Some say, "God," others say "Allah" and so on. With regard to the savior as well, there can only be one concept. Not two. There may be hundreds of concepts in existence, but that is because people take the one savior and complicate things by creating fakes.
Since long ago, I have been telling you in America to study Korean, so why haven't you done so? We have come all this way, and do you expect me to speak in English? I could speak in broken English, and you would understand me and we would have good communication. But I am not going to do that. I must not. If I were to speak English, my tongue would become stiff. Even when I know what to say, I keep myself from speaking by closing my mouth and biting my tongue. If I were to speak in English, we would both be destroyed. We would both be kicked out. A citizen who does not speak his country's language cannot be a citizen.
You should all quit school and attend kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school in Korea. That is the fast way. A year in a Korean kindergarten, six years in elementary school, and six years in middle and high school adds up to 13 years. If you graduate from high school and understand this, then you know everything about the world. In 13 years, you will know everything. After that, there can be university and graduate school. To complete a doctoral program in the Abel sphere centering on Cain and Abel, a person should be able to refer to books from eight countries. Without such ability, a person cannot enter the doctoral program at Harvard University.
Our son Hyung jin wanted to go there, so he learned eight languages and now he can read books in those languages. So don't disrespect him. That's how much he studied. He wanted to do the things his older brother had intended to do, and so he made up his mind and for seven years went through all sorts of things. He lived in China for four months. He mastered Chinese. He is a son who in eight months can learn eight languages.
Even infants, when they become about 8 months old, or before they turn a year old, are able to understand most of what their mother and father say, can't they? It doesn't even take them three years. Within two and a half years, they can communicate in the language of their country. By the time they are three, they have complete communication ability. Beginning in kindergarten in America, the language of one country -- one particular language -- should be learned. A person who does not know his mother tongue will not be able to enter heaven.
So you need to publish this precious book in the original text as is read by Parents. This is what will last for thousands and even tens of thousands of years. In the future, this should be printed on paper made with diamonds, made with gold and platinum. This book sets a standard; it is comparable to the one meter bar that is housed in the Louvre. The Louvre is a museum in France that contains the standards of all units of measurements.
When I saw this, I asked myself: "Why is this here, and not in Britain or the United States?" The Louvre... When you say "louvre," -- when you say "bul" it means "to initiate." France initiated this. They created a cultural world, decorated it with flowers and are using it to make money.
I am told that Germany was the caretaker of the highest mountain in Europe. When I went on the cable car in Germany and got to the summit, I could look down on the mountainous area of Europe. "So this is why Germany is Germany!" I said. They were living in the mountains, but the kingship of Abel's family was created. So they come out of the mountains to try and take it for themselves. Britain did the research, and Germany took all the scholarly works of Britain and acted like mountain bandits. They went into the mountains; German soldiers went to the mountain summits -- above the monasteries -- carried out their research and used it to unify Europe.
This is how history turned out. How do I know that things are connected in this way? Heaven has taught me. The time has come, and it is now the time of attendance. In order for me to resolve these issues, I also need to know all about Cain. How can a person become Abel without having knowledge about the Cain world? Abel needs to have information so that Cain will bow down before Abel and attend Abel in the place of God and Parents.
America did not attend Rev. Moon for 34 years, and so now it is declining. I even went as far as to arrange it so that the Third Israel could inherit the nation of Israel and connected it to the Era of the Fourth Adam. Are you going to boycott that and live according to your own thinking? Many Second Generation are here. Who made it this way? No one was able to do this until now. This is all the work of just one person.
When I consider it this way, I am not concerned. Although I am leaving America, I created the textbook. This is a textbook for mothers, and it is your textbook. If the mother doesn't do well and makes a mistake, then you should be able to say, "Mother, you need to repent. You cannot be saved unless you receive my blessing again." A textbook has come out that will allow you to bless your mother again, so you are the only ones who can become the ancestors of Hoon Dok Hae. The Second Generation will become the central leaders of the families. If they do not, then no one will be able to.
You have the textbook, so teach it by your actions. This is the only textbook, so do you need to repent? (Audience: "We do.") All of you who are at least thirteen years old can do this. The number 13 is important. Thirteen is the center that is able to represent the twelve disciples.
Thirteen is the best number. Thirteen is good, and 12 is also good. Twelve represents the 12 disciples. America needs twelve disciples; it needs 70 elders and 120 believers. Then it needs 360 clans. That is why Korea ties together the 286 family names.
So you can go to any country in the world, centering on the town. The town mayor takes care of the responsibilities of his position there, so you can go to the town and be responsible for the Hoon Dok Hae. There are this many blessed families in America, and there is now a textbook that you can use to educate people all over the world centering on the town.
The Second Generation blessed families will be responsible for each town in the world. They will take this book and do what Parents have not been able to do. A textbook has been created and on this foundation we can even restore those who committed sin after receiving the blessing, turning them completely into citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. So are you going to center your life on this, or not?
You must live as this textbook teaches. You could be castrated at any time. There is no other world that is livable. You must be able to take this book, lay the foundation for Hoon Dok churches and fulfill its content. This book provides the first page of every doctoral dissertation. The textbooks of the satanic world, even though highly educated scholars write them, will pass. That is how precious this book is. Will you value your money more? Would it be too much to demand all the land in America in payment for this? This book will move even the planet Earth. All humankind will move to the realm of this book.
Now, I am going to go with this book to educate people. There is no one among Koreans who is not a blessed family. Those who are blessed families must take this book and educate the second generation according to its content. When those sons and daughters educate their mothers, and become patriots, filial sons and daughters, and faithful women doing tens and hundreds of times more work than their mothers, then the gateway will open to the position where you can inherit the Heavenly Kingdom and even rule over the kingship. So who would stray from the path that is taught by this book? There will not be a single person who fails to become a citizen of the nation of kingship of heavenly freedom and complete release. All homelands will become one homeland, and so it will be one lineage and one kinship. Aju!
Seventy members of the second generation here, do you understand? [Yes] We have the faces of all races here. I see shriveled faces, faces that look like people in the Mafia, faces that look like Yakuza, and faces that look like hoodlums.
Women abducted and sold to the Mafia, Yakuza, and gangs opened their triangular area and offered themselves, letting those men have sex with them freely. Even if the men were old enough to be their grandfathers or fathers, they didn't mind. How can human beings do that? It doesn't even happen in the animal world. Not even among insects. If anyone thinks otherwise, speak up. These people have no reason to come before me and level all sorts of criticisms against the Unification Church.
This has been treated with such contempt. Up until now, we did not sell this as a textbook. For that reason, we did not teach this until now. The Principle was taught by exposition based on the text Divine Principle, but more recently we have taught what God is like in actuality. This is God's absolute sexuality, absolute love, and absolute motherhood. What is life, love and the absolute royal palace? Concave and convex, the palace of parents, the palace of the king -- on this foundation absolute ancestors will appear.
This must not commit the fall. God is hotter than 53 degrees. You are between 36 and 37 degrees. You don't know when you became 37 degrees, but God made all the adjustments for you. 53 degrees, 73 degrees, even 81 degrees don't exist. It is nine times nine, eighty-one. This is how hot it is with convex and concave. A woman who refuses to live with her rightful husband, even if he happens to be physically handicapped, will not even be able to mimic being a citizen of the Heavenly Kingdom. Even if a king should take her as his wife, she will lose her way and not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. She will have to disappear. A person who dies without a partner disappears.
If a man and woman both have deformed arms, heaven will provide for their livelihood when they marry each other and live together. Heaven would want them to have fun together. In the neighborhood where I lived, there was a husband and wife who both had physical deformities. The wife could not use her legs or straighten her back, although she had a beautiful face with well-formed eyes, ears and nose. The husband had a speech handicap, and did not have full use of his hands or feet. It was difficult for him even to sit.
This couple, which had been led by the wife, died together as they were coming to visit my family's home. I tried to find a good burial place for them and to bury their bodies. It was in November, before the first snow. As they were making their way to our home, they sat down to eat their lunch under a pine tree, where the setting sun would provide some warmth in the evening. They shared the meal with each other, and embraced each other. Then they fell asleep and passed on to the next world just like that.
I make up for all these things in history -- everything that the ancestors did wrong -- and come this far in order to give you this blessing. I am giving you this textbook. Can you set out to create a textbook without knowing the subject matter? I gained victory in every respect and received Satan's formal acknowledgment, and God taught me. I became the son formally recognized by God, and the son and God became one. Even Satan said, "That's correct," so the satanic world will disappear and God will become the center.
I came to know everything, including how Adam and Eve could become one in attendance to God, and how Adam could reach perfection, restore life to the world and then join with Lucifer. So what did I do? I created a textbook. Lucifer said, "This is correct." God said, "This is correct." Adam and Eve, who fell, said, "This is correct." That is how it became a textbook.
Would you like to have this textbook, or not? Even if you were to sell all the property accumulated through seven generations of your ancestors, and make an offering by burning your belongings, that would still not be sufficient for you to receive this single volume. Even if all the tribes that make up the myriad of nations around the world were to offer their lives, that would still not be enough. By means of this book, people become representatives of heaven and receive the right to inherit from True Parents. If they consider this book less even than an elementary school book, or a song that children dance to in kindergarten, can they gain these benefits? They cannot. They absolutely cannot.
Because they absolutely cannot, Parents need only to leave this one volume after living here on earth. Using this book, then, a news media can come into being, banks can come into being. What will happen when these come into being centering on the highest standard of value that has ever appeared in history? The media and banks are like the bones and flesh of the Cain-type world of politics. The banks are the bone, and the flesh is the media. There is nothing that cannot be embraced and taught using the philosophy of the Unification Church.
For some time now, the Soviet Union and China have been uprooted and they have been floating in air, but now they are trying to return to communism. If that happens, the Bering Strait will be taken. I initiated the Bering Strait Project eight years ago, ten years ago. What has become of it? Japan is blocking the Korea-Japan Tunnel project. So the religious sphere took responsibility and publicly announced the Korea-Japan Tunnel and Bering Strait projects.
Make the preparations and dig the Korea-Japan Tunnel. What will happen if Japan decides not to build this tunnel? Tsushima will be the replacement island. A tunnel can be built to Tsushima anytime. Tsushima is a part of Japan's Nagasaki prefecture. Once this tunnel is there, Japan will automatically open its doors. From that point, the door will be opened to Hiroshima, Osaka, Nagoya and Kyoto. Once Kyoto has been opened, Tokyo will follow and the doorway to the government of Japan will be opened.
Even if the price is all that you own, or even all the land in Japan, to have this tunnel built will be well worth the cost. Once the Korea-Japan Tunnel is built, it will connect Korea to the Pacific Ocean. I have become king centering on the Pacific, so once the tunnel has been built it will be possible to go freely from mainland China to Hawaii, as if traveling on land.
Hawaii forms a border in the oceanic sphere, because it is just south of 23 degrees north latitude. I have connected North and South so that we can go anywhere by way of Hawaii. This means that the way is open to go to any country in the world. We will be able to travel to any country by way of the Bering Strait or Hawaii. Centering on a golf course there, North Korea and South Korea will not be a problem and even the Soviet Union will become the king of golf courses.
Centering on Mt. Paekdu, there is Cheonji Lake. Then there is Mt. Kumgang. Mt. Kumgang can be compared to any of the world's most beautiful scenery, and it is called Diamond Mountain. The greatest of all women must be born in Korea. Three thousand court women of China will visit Mt. Kumgang. They will have to pass through Mt. Kumgang. Mt. Paektu is male, and Mt. Halla is female.
All this history will be resolved, centering on the land of Korea. So if the homeland of Korea is liberated, can the Korean people refuse this? Everyone should agree that Rev. Moon's teachings are correct. There cannot be anyone saying "No." Once people come to know what Rev. Moon teaches, no one will be able to deny it.
Everything is included, centering on an anti-communist reasoning capable of connecting communism and democracy, so once it starts moving, it will go very quickly. Once we are able to stand up straight, what will happen? Korea will become a helicopter kingdom.
We will work to save America and save the world. All of human history lives within the context of the 4,300- year history of Korea.
Right now, China is saying, "Get rid of Koguryo!" When I go in and unite the world, I will do it by putting China and the Soviet Union in the forefront -- that is if things do not work out in the United States. China and Soviet Union will say, "Oh, that religious realm! Religion will eventually disappear. Don't keep holding on to countries that are bound to disappear once religion loses its power. Your only choice is the ideologically-based dictatorship of communism. So let us unite the world by moving it to the left. Rev. Moon has an individual leftist partner, a family leftist partner, and a world leftist partner, so we will receive you and bring you here. Come to our world, and you will be able to do even more than you could in the democratic world. So we will go to receive you and bring you here."
Eskimos live in the midst of ice in the Artic region. These Eskimos represent the letter "M," standing for the mother country, God's hometown country! God's hometown country cannot be any place other than Korea. Only Korea can serve as the absolute mother country and hometown. Korea has only one God. The only nation that will remain will be the nation that has always believed in and served one master.
Rev. Moon, acting on God's behalf, has built a single Kingdom and arranged things in order, and has come this far. The lineage of unification that he is building and the Kingdom that he upholds are the desire of the Kingdom of God. God is free to work anywhere on earth or in heaven. There is nothing He cannot subdue, nothing He cannot do. So this becomes the liberated Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven. You, too, can work on God's behalf.
It would be good if I could speak English, but I make many mistakes when I start speaking quickly. Im-POR-tant. The pronunciation needs to have peaks and valleys. People who neglect the peaks pronounce English incorrectly. When they put the same emphasis on every syllable, no one can understand. In-HER-it-ed. When you say "her", that's where the mountain goes.
Watch this. Here is what happens. When you count: one, two, three. You need to start counting here. This forms the circumference, so when you count you need to count inside and outside. You need to count this, too. One, two. The two are partners. Three, four. Four can also be partners. One, two, three four, five, six. Six can only be a subject partner. Seven, eight, and eight can also be a subject partner. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Once you get to ten, you have this over here, which leads to eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen and sixteen. The number sixteen means the center. Four times four is sixteen.
Eighteen, nineteen, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen. You need to begin with one here, because if you go the other way, this becomes twenty-one. Ten takes you back to the beginning. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven. We said eleven, so it continues with twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen. It is important that four fours makes sixteen. The number sixteen is important. Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen. Eighteen is important. Then it goes nineteen, twenty and twenty-one. When you get to twenty-one, you have a full circle, so you come here and become one. Ten becomes one, and twelve becomes one.
So in gambling, in the West the object is to add cards to reach twenty-one points, but one cannot go over twenty-one. But it should go to twelve. There should be none from thirteen to twenty-one. Why not? There are no more than twelve tribes. There weren't thirteen tribes, you know. The reason is that by Korean thinking, there are male and female in everything. There are male and female for one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten. Male and female at ten make twenty, but twenty-one is an odd number so does not represent male and female.
So in cards in the West and Hwatu (Hanafuda) in the East, there are ten months. There are only ten months. What is the first among the ten months? The first is crane, and then comes falcon. The third is cherry blossom. April is ebony, May is orchid, June is peony, July is bush clover. Then August is the full moon, and what is September? The chrysanthemum. October is the deer. When it comes to jumping, the deer is the champion.
In the West, it's one two, one two, one two! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and then twelve. Because the West is more external, there can only be corresponding numbers up to ten, so there is twelve. In the metric system, it is ten, and in feet and inches there is twelve.
Right! The Louvre Museum. What does "Louvre" mean? It is a museum that takes rags and anything else from around the world that is regarded as worth memorializing and puts these on display. France has everything that can be regarded as being fundamental in the world.
And if you want to wear good clothes, you have to go to Italy. In Italy, a person has to go here and there and keep changing their wardrobe all year round. Italy changes clothes according to the situation. What is it that allows Rome to change clothes? There was an attempt to create clothing for the period of the Christian kingdom period in Rome, but they did not realize who Jesus was. They did not know whether he was a white Jesus, yellow Jesus, or black Jesus. Jesus is not a white Jesus. He is a yellow Jesus.
White people are like bones and they climb high mountains, so they become hunters. Yellow people become flesh, so they became farmers tilling fields. Then what comes next? Isn't it the oceanic world? From the world of the mountain to the world of the rivers, and then the Pan-Pacific Age. Adam fell, and Jesus could not complete everything, so there was the first Israel, second Israel and third Israel, and these passed beyond the formation, growth and completion stages and entered into God's position. We passed beyond the third age and entered the Fourth Adamic Realm, and what is this? It refers to the Age of Settlement of the Realm of Adam's Heart. All preparation for unification has been completed.
We must create the parent-type UN through the unity of Cain and Abel. The Abel UN, representing an elder brother, God, and parents, should be supported by the Cain UN. If we fail to go through this process, we won't be able to restore the original ideal homeland. That's logical. Can you come up with a theory that can prove the opposite?
Had only America, the UN, and the world united and followed me for at least three years, the world would have already been unified. I have built a sufficient foundation for this to happen. I'm telling you that I've already prepared a place for landing. I'm going to set straight all perversions of the satanic world. For this I must hold Hoon Dok meetings with the Second Generation. This is material for family education.
That's why we need the Family Party. It must educate. The Family Party is involved in politics. Can the Family Party work through the army? Instead of working through the army, it should unify Cain and Abel and form a new army on that basis. Now, how are you going to do that? You have to become elite troops of the Fourth Adam's Realm in the Completion Age. After the independence of Korea, it tried to create elite troops but ruined everything instead. That's why I now am building a worldwide army by giving the Blessing to the Second Generation.
Servicemen on active duty are on Satan's side, but where do the people go who have graduated from the army and returned to their hometowns? They can't go to the places in the satanic world where they can perish. In the age of the Kingdom, of the Fourth Adam, we need peace police, that is, defense forces able to do peacekeeping missions. Even Satan says, "I know that peace police and the peace army are necessary."
Even if you create a peace force and peace police, then what? It's like me giving money to people who then go to Atlantic City and gamble it away. People like money and power. I have tremendous power. But I can't use the money I've earned on a whim. People think that I use money to gain power, but it's not that. Instead I sacrifice and serve. We have to go the opposite way.
Las Vegas is a city where money rules everything. But people who have accumulated mountains of gold are being thrust into hell upside down. What are you going to do about that? We need to correct that, so if a person is thrust into hell upside down, the head can take the position of the tail. If we dislike a tail and just cut it away, it disappears. So what can you do about it? If you attach it, if you stick it back on, you can save it The gates of heaven and hell will all disappear.
There will only one gate -- the gate to the Royal Palace of Peace. The ideal, unified world has come -- the fatherland and hometown of God and True Parents, so you are born internally inheriting their flesh and blood, their skin, and even their hair. That's why you can't help but become a heavenly nation. The system will disappear; all things will come to an end. If you want to live in the end, hold on to me. It's that simple.
The Era of the Pacific Realm of Escape is coming to an end. We have only three and a half years left. It's July now, so we have three years and five months left. If you count from the year 2007, it's seven years until the year 2013.
Whatever I do -- whether it be farming or something else -- I'm confident that I can make a living. Now that I've become 90, Satan can't follow me. I need to live until 104 years of age before I go quickly to handle the split between the spirit world and heaven. I need to unify the spirit world and the physical world. With that purpose I'm driving Ambassadors for Peace and religious leaders of peace on this earth, "You've created all these denominations! Now, you as ancestors of tribes have to overcome these numerous divisions through unity!" I hurl lightning bolts proclaiming these things. I want to achieve unity based on the UN constitution if possible, even within one week. Because of this, the world is becoming brighter.
I intend to accomplish this by the year 2012. The 12th year can turn into either night or day, so I need to complete everything in the 12-year period; then God's fatherland and hometown will be restored in the ideal era of the liberated realm. Knowing this, are you going to side with me or not? You whites, don't be proud; and you blacks, don't be discouraged. You're brothers and sisters to each other.
If we are to gather together all that our father and mother scattered thousands of years ago, how are we going to do it? We should go all the way down from the top, turn things around and match everything well, so that there is only one peak. If we do it, there will be only one peak in the world. Those who cannot stay on this summit will lose the value of their existence.
Some time ago someone said something about planting the flag of the Unification Church on the top of the Himalayan Mountains. My arm, your arm! The left arm is mine, and the other arm is also mine. [A play on words relating to the fact that Nepal sounds like arm in Korean.] Las Vegas, where is this place of all gamblers? Nevada... land and ocean! Your ocean, my ocean! [Another play on words. Nevada sounds like the Korean word for ocean.] The center of your arm and my arm and the center of your ocean and my ocean are one, so the unified world cannot but come about! Aju!
God is our parent. He wears a crown and a royal gown. What does he want to do with his newly born sons and daughters? Even while wearing his royal gown, he would like pick them up and give them a ride on his shoulders. And he's going to like it even if they poop or pee in that moment. If you don't manage to reach such a position, you are losers.
Your arm, my arm! Your hands are placed the other way around. You are alone. You have no lifeline, so there is no way for you to connect to the world. Individualism won't lead anywhere else except to ruin. So, the doctrines that insist only on husband's rights, or only on wife's rights, or only on the son's rights or the daughter's rights will disappear. What's going to happen if your arm and my arm disappear? There should be your arm and my arm, your ocean and my ocean -- based on the notion of Cain and Abel. The world will not go back to the realm of continental culture or that of oceanic culture, solving everything on the basis of the ocean. It should place islands in that triangular area uniting these four and go in all four directions -- North, South, East, and West -- matching everything in the end.
Say "Nepal"! When I went to Nepal, the land of the Himalayan peaks, seven parties united in welcoming me. In Hawaii, your ocean and my ocean, that is where the oceanic realm welcomed me. What's going to happen when the two become one after being welcomed in the mountainous era?
A long time ago my name was Moon Yong Myung. At that time I was dealing with the world of clouds, but then I came to the land on the peninsula and my name changed to Moon Sun Myung.
The man called Moon Yong Myung fought so hard among the clouds with golden, white, and colored dragons to unify the spirit world. I did it Did you know that gold dissolves in nitro-hydrochloric acid? However, alloys don't dissolve. What metal is more solid than alloys or stainless steel? There is a metal called cobalt. There are some 600 million tons of this metal hidden in the area of Ulleungdo Island, Dokdo Island, and Japan.
Japan received the UN's approval to be in charge of licensing of mineral extraction in this area. The area of economic activities was determined to be 200 nautical miles. So, now Japan opened registration saying it will be in charge of these mineral deposits, which can be used for a long time. Did you know this? Japan has become the representative Asian empire. In the West, it was Britain; but in the Asia it was Japan, the nation representing the mother's body.
Japan was made in the image of a woman. Japanese belonging to the Buddhist realm revere their ancestors rather than God, but if they don't help me, they will perish. Japan together with Britain should have helped provide funds for missionary activities and cover their living expenses, but both Britain and Japan tumbled down. Japan is ahead of Britain, France, and Italy in missile technology, but this is a military secret. Japan has enough military strength to fire a missile from the ocean that can destroy any object on the land.
What about Korea? In America there is the State Department and the Department of Defense. The State Department is in charge of politics, and the Department of Defense is proud of its power. Financial circles and the media can move the realm of life and death in the democratic world. We advocate division of five branches of power rather than three. Based on this notion, we held a rally for peaceful settlement of True Parents' UN last June 1. At the time of Noah, all things were judged by the flood and then had to resurrect from death. So now, we are unfolding the movement for the unification of all nations centered on Hawaii, the world of fish [who survived the flood]. We need to complete the reverse way of restoration through indemnity. The UN should listen to me. If not, things will begin to change in from one to three years.
If we fail to reach the original position in terms of politics and economy in four years, the world will disappear. That's why, before it disappears, I instituted Ssang Hab Sib Seung Day. Eight multiplied by nine is seventy-two? Then nine multiplied by nine is eighty-one. Ten times ten is one hundred. So there should be Number 101, but this number doesn't come about. This is because the world is satanic. Seven times eight is fifty-six! When a person reaches the age of 50 to 60, he starts moving towards death. Before, 40 used to be considered an old age at which people could die. How come the life span increased so much recently? We have entered the time when I can restore the original age, so this is a preparation for that.
Does it look like I'm going to live to be 100 years of age? I'm already 90, so living 10 more years is not a big deal. I do think this way. I suffered the helicopter accident; so what? I know how to fix it. People who reach the age of 90 or 100 can learn from me. I've created the textbook. If they study it, they can even live to be 120. Let's wait and see whether it happens this way or not
Who is Cain? The democratic world, which was the first to research and build a foundation, is Cain. Now, by Abel switching places with Cain, a grandfather can become a grandson, a father can become a son, and an elder brother can become a younger brother. Thus we can practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Then, what should we do with the Cain realm of this world? A person who is able to exalt God and Parents, exalt them more than his own tribe, belongs to the Heavenly Kingdom. We need to donate our national treasuries and all taxes to the Kingdom of Heaven and then receive passports. That's when God's fatherland and hometown appear.
Should we return to such place or not? I'm telling you these things, but if you want to go away, you can go ahead and do it, saying, "From this day I don't need True Parents." However, the only center that remains are True Parents, King of Kings. The unique God secured a place for Himself only just now. You can't complain, can you? We can now take off the signposts of religion and state. A textbook has appeared according to which our sons and daughters can receive a new education. Do you understand how precious this book is? It contains everything. I put the essence of 1,200 volumes into this book, so how precious it is!
This book can be used as study material in middle and high schools, in universities and postgraduate schools, and furthermore in the nation. The heavenly world and earthly word differ from each other. We are not in Satan's palace but in the original heavenly palace, which existed before the Fall. So what should we do to follow God and True Parents? The lineages of elder and younger siblings were split, so Father and Mother should unite and solve this problem. Otherwise not even God can solve it.
Satan instead of God became flesh and body. However, the True Parents became one body with God, so they have become body and flesh. So True God can become a bone. That seed will not disappear and die. It was hidden in God's bosom, inside his bones, but when Adam and Eve, who were waiting for marriage reach 17 years of age, their sexual organs meet and the heat goes up, what is going to happen? Once the temperature goes over 40,43, and 53 degrees, no viruses or bacteria can multiply.
Parents must prepare by any means. They can even sell their property and their land, but they must prepare this textbook. To go through all stages -- kindergarten, elementary, middle and high school, then university and a doctorate course -- may take 10 or 20 years. Until this period finishes, parents should provide the money for textbooks. They should provide the textbooks, so that all teachers in postgraduate courses, universities, high, middle and elementary schools, as well as kindergartens can use them. They should become representatives of true parents, true teachers and true kings.
If the 6.5 billion people on earth are educated through this textbook, they can go to God's kingdom without needing any other textbook in the spirit world. If you still need such a textbook, you can't enter the Heavenly Kingdom. To raise people who can enter the Heavenly Kingdom without any additional textbooks, people in the position of parents should prepare textbooks for kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high school, as well as for universities and postgraduate courses. If you have money you should buy these text books; you should read them even while eating or working. In this way, finally, this textbook will not be needed in the world.
All relatives of such a family, seven generations of their ancestors will unite, creating on the earth an environment of a nation populated only by families that God cannot help but like. This will be the Kingdom of Heaven, where peace shall reign for millennia, where God can be liberated and shout Eog Mansei, where all things are liberated. This Kingdom, God's fatherland and hometown, our fatherland and hometown, will inevitably be bound together with one blood lineage. We can't deny that the blood lineage is essential.
That's why people must receive the Blessing. From now, you should understand how valuable the Blessing is. This textbook represents the True Parents and the Unification Church. The Unification Church will also disappear. If three generations in your family representing God, ancestors, and descendants, possess this textbook, this is going to become a realm of Heavenly Kingdom -- the nation, the world and the universe ruled by God. Isn't it so? Let lawyers, prosecutors and judges of the satanic world come and try to argue about it. In an hour they'll all look like blind people.
So it all leads naturally to a single conclusion. If you welcome this, raise both hands in Mansei twelve times. No matter what you do -- what did I say about this? Die if you are told to die; live if you are told to live. You need to become free and liberated people who are free to go, if you are so directed, to sell everything and relocate anywhere. Where are the members of God's family who, as the inheritors of total release, become God's princes and princesses and go with Him to the Heavenly Kingdom that is His original homeland? You must keep this law. The new Kingdom of Heaven will begin only if there is a starting point where this law is upheld as the eternal heavenly constitution.
Raise your hand if you say you will not have a copy of this book. Buy a copy today, and keep it in your coat pocket. By the time autumn comes, you should become a person who reflects completely the content of this book. You must not become any other type of person. Once you reflect this book, you must not change; you must maintain the same ideology.
Parents should raise their children using this textbook so that they can also attend God as His sons and daughters. Those who were blessed but fell again, those who committed adultery, drank alcohol, or engaged in illicit sex cannot stand on this foundation. This is absolute. You should indicate that you absolutely understand this by raising your hands and clapping twelve times. Clap with your hands and feet -- three times, three times, three times, and three times. You have gone up and down and laid a foundation by pledging twelve times that you welcome this, so how will you ever deny this?
If a person can see East, West, North, and South, can see the Big Dipper and the Southern Cross constellations, and is able to feel these, how would such a person engage in a hodgepodge of divorces? You get married only once. This is a revolution. America, too, needs to have a revolution. Give people this book. You must create a revolution. People need to read this book and live in accordance with what it says. If they do, they will certainly go to heaven.
This is a standard of testimony that is guaranteed by the person who liberated True Parents, True Teacher, True King, and even God Himself. It is an absolute constitution among all constitutions that can be used by the lawyers of heaven, the prosecutors of heaven, the judges of heaven. So please understand that there can be no excuse for going against this, and live your lives in total accordance with it.
I am grateful that you say you will live this way, and I will return to Korea. Two or three years from now, I will be able to do anything I want in Korea. If the Korea-Japan Tunnel is not built, then Korea will build the Bering Strait Tunnel. I can easily do this alone. If I take charge, it will easily be done. Am I able to gather the plutocrats with a day's notice or not? Just wait and see.
When you live in absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, there is no room for your own glory or your own excuses. This is even truer for countries. God doesn't have a relationship with countries that enables Him to recreate them, does He? It is from this viewpoint that parents should give their blessed children the collection of Father's sermons, World Scripture, and the encyclopedia.
All the material that can stop the fighting between the communist world and democratic world has been put into this textbook. In both day and night, it forms a foundation to live forever. So God does not die but lives forever; our descendents will never die but will live together with their ancestors. We will enter the eternal Kingdom of Heaven together. It is the Principle that everyone will go to the eternal world of the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a basic rule that we will become citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. Since that is the conclusion, raise your hand if you will receive a copy of this book and make a determination to live in accordance with the content.
This book is not cheap. If I were to give instruction that you not be given this book, then you would still need to obtain it, even if this meant selling your blood and flesh, and even the sweat of your mother and father, or that you would have to do ten 40-day fasts. A Japanese member fasted 40-days ten times. Even if it meant you would not have money to feed your children, you would still need to buy this book. Did you know that the Unification Church could become the richest group in the world just by the price of its books? Parents will have so much money then that there will be no where to put it, and we will create homes for refugees and others who are mistreated and are forced to work as servants. We will make them rich. We will create homes for them that are better than where the UN Secretary General lives in the United States.
Women are Eve; they cannot decide on their own paths to follow. You want to keep my photograph and live day and night before me. You don't want to go somewhere else and get married. Even after 100 years, when you are in the spirit world, you can call out "Father" and we can meet and discuss things and understand each other fully in the same way that I am able to communicate with heaven. Do you think you will not be able to communicate this way? I am trying to liberate you. In true love, any disease can be cured, even cancer.
I have never been to a hospital on my own. Mother will bring medicine to me and tell me to take it, but I don't take medicine very often. This morning, too, because it would make Mother happy, because I need to swallow anything that she gives me, I took some medicine. I don't think it will have any effect, though. I think that I can live beyond 100, even without taking medicine. I have come this far already, so there is that possibility.
You Second Generation, if your parents don't buy this book for you immediately, you can take your family's property and sell it in order to buy it. You have been given authority as heirs to the Heavenly Kingdom. You have the right of ownership in the place of your mothers and fathers. God your Father has given you the right of inheritance, so you can do what to the new heaven and new earth? In this time, when property has no power and politics has no power, I am telling you to stand in the place of your parents in Hoon Dok Hae. Once you stand in the position representing the teacher, the position representing the king, everything will become possible.
"This book" is the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong which was called the Pyung Hwa Hoon Gyeong is available at: http://www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/SunMyungMoon-15PM/0-Toc.htm