The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 1961 |
Myung Moon drives the Unification Church's war surplus
between cities while being an Itinerant Worker, 1960
We have been calling God only conceptually. We call God, considering Him as only a subject figure in a religion. However, the reality is vastly different. God is the subject of your life and in fact, the subject of your daily life as well as the subject of your ideal. No matter how vast and expansive the subject of your ideal may be, you must be able to experience God as the substantive reality and to analyze Him through your heart in your daily life. If someone realizes the value of this ideal that is connected to God and brags that this ideal can never be exchanged for any valuables on earth, then they can be the one whom God has been seeking for.
The one thing that you should be grateful for is that God lets you call Him Father; and moreover, that God has been continuing to reach out to you, to establish the bond of relationship by which you can attend Him. There is absolutely no greater value than this. God wants to bring back all fallen human beings and to endow them with the greatest value. This means that God wants to restore human beings as sons and daughters, whom He loves so dearly. You must experience this God who visits you with such a heart. You should know this not just as a concept but feel deeply in your bones as a real experience.
You are destined to attend God who comes to you this way. Although you may attend some leaders on earth, they are not the leaders whom you will attend forever. Even though you may find a representative who advocates this idealism on earth, the representative is not one that you should attend forever. Then, who should you attend forever? That is the eternal and infinite Being, God. You must have this conviction. From the beginning to the end, you must live for and attend to God. You must reach this point.
However, in this world, some may be proud of being a son or a daughter of a head of state, while others are proud of being a son or daughter of the president of a well-known company. But, that is not important. That does not last. It disappears later. If there is any position that you can truly be proud of, it is the fact that the Creator who created all things with the ideal of goodness wants to call you His son or daughter and that you can call Him your Father. Is there any other position that is higher than this?
It is said, "God is love." Surly, God is a God of love. Why do you say, "God is love"? It is because God promises to give the highest position to human beings and has been guiding them toward it. You may call Him, "Father." But it may be a just word. You are ignorant of the real content of the word. You must learn the real meaning of the word deeply in your heart. You may be calling the Creator who created the universe, the True Father who is in Heaven, "Father." However, the question is whether or not you have attended Him as True Father.
Honest reflection on yourself will tell you that you have not attended Him in the true sense. God cannot be satisfied if someone just calls out His name. You must clearly know God has visited you with the desire to see reestablished the bond between Father and children -- thus creating the center of all substantial beings. Your salvation does not come just by saying a word but rather by becoming the embodiment of the word. The relationship with God is not just the name or word, but rather creating real bonds of relationship. If the relationship is imagined and name only, you cannot have the real relationship.