Unification News for December 2004

9/11 Memorial Gathering in Sumner, WA

by Gerhard Wiesinger, Photos by Melissa Frisk

Three-year-old Miss Paige Aimi Wiesinger, daughter of Gerhard and Paulette Wiesinger, was the hostess at the 9/11 Memorial Gathering in Sumner, WA to honor and remember the victims of September 11, 2001.

Mr. Randolph Remmel came from Portland, Oregon to serve as emcee. After breakfast, prayers of various faith traditions (Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Native American, Sikh, Christian were offered. Background music was provided by Mrs. Leah Rei on the harp. Mayor Barbara Skinner of Sumner gave an inspiring and thought-provoking keynote address. She was then presented with a World Scripture book. A Bridge of Peace Reconciliation Ceremony was guided by the Women's Federation for World Peace. Miss Paige Aimi then cut and shared her third birthday cake. Two other participants in the ceremony celebrated their birthday. Throughout the ceremony, water was poured over a rock in honor of the departed.

The day started out with rain, scaring some of the confirmed guests from coming to this outdoor event. By the time the event started, the rain was over and sunshine broke through.

The Tacoma News Tribune wrote about the event (brief excerpt): "More than 50 people came to Windmill Gardens to hear messages of peace and prayers from different faiths presented by The Paige Aimi World Peace Foundation.

"Her parents, Gerhard and Paulette Wiesinger, created a peace foundation in her honor as a way to help heal the wounds of Sept. 11. The girl was born in Japan in the hours following the terrorist attacks and adopted by the Wiesingers."

"Take the love we have here today and spread it in our communities and our families," Paulette Wiesinger told the crowd."

Paige Aimi Wiesinger was born in the hours following the terrorist attack on our country. In prayer, Paulette received the vision that Paige Aimi, because of her very special birth date, should have a peace mission, initially giving away the book "World Scripture - A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts" to religious and community leaders. The motto of The Paige Aimi World Peace foundation is "Building a world of peace through understanding others¹ spiritual beliefs." Future projects of the PAWPF include seminars promoting reconciliation and understanding between leaders and followers of different faith traditions. Education is the long-term vision is the founding of the Paige Aimi World Peace Institute.

Paige Aimi enjoys her "work" as she calls it. It teaches her to bring joy to others. It is also an excellent way to get out into the community and share our message of peace.

The Wiesinger family is grateful to Rev. & Mrs. Lee, Regional Directors of the Seattle Region, for their support and encouragement as well as to the many brothers and sisters who helped promote the event or helped with the many tasks surrounding such an event.

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