The Words of the Despres Family |
True Family Tree
Mary Jane Despres
April, 1999
1. Heavenly Father
2. True Parents [blessed 1960]
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon
3. Ye Jin Nim and Jin Whi Nim [blessed 1981]
Shin Bok Nim
Shin Goon Nim
Shin Hwa Nim
Shin Choon Nim
4. Hyo Jin Nim and Yun Ah Nim [blessed 1999] (Hyo Jin Nim’s Children with Nan Sook Nim)
Shin Jeung Nim
Shin Young Nim
Shin Gil Nim
Shin Ok Nim
Shin Hoon Nim
5. Hye Jin Nim
6. In Jin Nim and Jin Sung Nim [blessed 1984]
Shin Myung Nim
Shin Kwon Nim
Shin Sun Nim
Shin Yul Nim
Shin Pyung Nim
7. Heung Jin Nim and Hoon Sook Nim [blessed 1984]
Shin Chul Nim
8. Un Jin Nim and Jin Hun Nim [blessed 1986]
Shin Yeon Nim
Shin Ji Nim
9. Hyun Jin Nim and Jun Sook Nim [blessed 1987]
Shin Won Nim
Shin Eh Ni
Shin Joong Nim
Shin Ha Nim
10. Kook Jin Nim and Soon Ju Nim [blessed 1989]
11. Kwon Jin Nim and Hwa Yun Nim [blessed 1995]
12. Sun Jin Nim and In Sup Nim [blessed 1995]
13. Young Jin Nim and Hwa Jung Nim [blessed 1997]
14. Hyung Jin Nim and Yun Ah Nim [blessed 1997]
Shin Pul Nim
15. Yeon Jin Nim
16. Jeung Jin Nim
17. Sung Jin Nim and Dong Sook Nim [blessed 1974]
Shin Il Nim
Shin Mi Nim
Shin Sook Nim
and Sung Jin Nim’s Mother (Sun Kil Choi) (Rev. Moon's first wife)
18. Hee Jin Nim and his wife [blessed 1998]
and his Mother (Myung Hee Kim)(Rev. Moon's son.)
19. Col. Bo Hi Pak’s adopted son, Sammy Pak
and his Mother
20. True Father’s adopted Daughter, Nan Sook Nim [blessed 1982]
21. True Father’s Parents, Brothers and Sisters and Ancestors
Choong Mo Nim’s Couple [blessed August 1995]
22. True Mothers’s Parents, Brother, and Ancestors
Dea Mo Nim’s Couple[blessed August 1995]
23. Ye Su Nim’s Couple [Blessed January 1971]
(Jesus Christ and his wife, Chang Sung Chong) their mission in North America, Jesus’s Disciples, the Christian Martyrs and Saints, and the Leaders of the Protestant Reformation
The Thirty-four Spirit World Couples who were blessed in the June 1998 Blessing [items # 24. - 31.]
24. Biblical Figures
Adam and Eve
Cain and his wife
Abel and his wife
Noah and his wife
Abraham and Sarai
Isaac and Rebekah
Jacob and Rachel
Moses and Zipporah
Joshua and his wife
Caleb and his wife
John the Baptist and his wife [and the Jewish Prophets, Saints and Martyrs]
25. Mary and Joseph and their mission in Latin America, Founders of the major World Religions who received the Blessing with earthly partners [items # 26. - 29.]
26. Confucius and Kyung Joong Lee their mission in China [and the Confucianist Sages]
27. Buddha and Won Pak Choi their mission in Korea [and the Buddhist Saints]
28. Mohammed and Jong Ok Lee their mission in the Muslim World [and the Muslim Saints]
29. Socrates and Myung Hee Kim [and other Sages]
30. Teachers about the Spiritual World
Emanuel Swedenborg and his wife
Sundar Singh and his wife
[and other teachers about the Spiritual World]
31. Redeemed 20th century notorious Historical Criminals and Providential National Leaders
President of Korea Syngman Rhee and his wife
President of Ehwa Univ. Hwal Ahn Kim and her husband
Vice-President of Ehwa Univ. Maria Pak and Lee Ki Boong
President of South Korea Park Chung Hee and his wife
President of the United States Dwight Eisenhower and Mamie
President of the United States Richard Nixon and Pat
Prime Minister of Japan Nobusuke Kishi and his wife
Prime Minister of Japan Takeo Fukuda and his wife
Communist Philosopher Karl Marx and Jenny
Communist Revolutionary ruler Vladimir Lenin and his wife
Premier of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin and Nadezhda
Chinese Communist ruler Mao Tse-t’ung and his wife
Premier of North Korea Kim Il Sung and his wife
Chancellor of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler and Eva
Prime Minister of Japan Hideki Tojo and his wife
Dictator of Italy Benito Mussolini and his wife
32. Earliest Followers of True Father in the Spiritual World including:
Sung Mo Nim (Early Mother) Grandmother Se Hyun Oak
Rev. Hyo Won Eu, Divine Principle lecturer
Mr. Chung Goo "Tiger" Park, CARP leader
Miss Young Oon Kim, Missionary to the United States
Dr. Sang Hun Lee, Unification Thought
Those brothers and sisters who protected True Parents’ lives in the early days, and all other Unificationist Saints, Brothers and Sisters
33. Founders and Saints from among the World’s Current Major Religions including:
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism
Philosophers, Saints and Poets of Hinduism
Gurus and Saints of Sikhism
Mahavira and the Saints of Jainism
Priests, Scholars and Poets of Shinto
Elders and spiritual leaders from the living traditional faiths of Africa, North America, South America, Asia and the South Pacific
19th and 20th Century Founders of Religions, Saints including:
Baha’u’llah of the Baha’i Faith
Joseph Smith of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints
Mary Baker Eddy of the Chruch of Christ, Scientist
and any other Religious Figures of History who significantly served God
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