The Words of the Yang Family |
Third 40 Day Course
Chang Shik Yang
September 23, 2006
This Memo has been emailed only to the District and Acting Regional Directors
This Memo must be faxed by the District Headquarters to all the State Centers.
Please inform all Tribal Messiahs concerning the contents of this memo.
To: All Leaders of FFWPU and Related Organizations, All Blessed Families and Members
From: Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Rev. Michael Jenkins
Date: September 23, 2006
Re: Third 40 Day Course - September 26 - November 4 - District Directors' Role and Responsibilities - Next MEPI - October 20 - 25
Thank you for your efforts to unite and bring joy to Heaven. In particular the 12-City Tour brought great joy to True Parents and True Family as each and every city made a beautiful and inspired offering. We are deeply inspired by the testimonies of our members reaching out and embracing all who were ever involved in our movement. We are now witnessing that True Parents' victory has now been turned into grace and healing. We believe everyone has a place that is prepared for them as happy and fulfilled Blessed Central Families who are contributing to the strengthening of all marriages and families and the betterment of the community, nation and world.
The District Directors have now concluded their first national leaders meeting, and new dimensions of our ministry and inter-organizational cooperative work are about to be realized. It is a new day for America, for which we sincerely thank our True Parents, True Family as well as our Korean elders who paved the way for Americans (of all races) to take responsibility for the Elder Son Nation.
District Directors: Clarification of Authority and Responsibility
The District Director (DD) is the central figure for the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in the District, with internal (spiritual) and external authority over all FFWPU ministries and related educational activities. The DD is the spiritual leader of all Blessed Central Families, reporting directly to the FFWPU USA President. The District Directors are under the direct authority of the President, and through him also under the North American Continental Director. The Block Advisors assist the President in "advising" the district development.
The configuration of states within the district (whether states are grouped into Regions or not) shall be determined by the DD in consultation with key leaders in the District and the Block Advisor, and subject to the approval of the Continental Director and the President. The DD has full authority regarding FFWPU personnel in the district, including possible appointments or changes of position (subject to the approval of Continental Director and President).
The DD also has full authority over all finances in the District (working through the existing state treasurers / bookkeepers or Finance Committees - where applicable). The DD is responsible to develop and maintain a Finance Committee with the central responsibility to set budgets based on goals and plans, and to raise the money for those budgets. The DD is also responsible for all aspects of legal oversight and corporate governance of the FFWPU activities and holdings in the district.
Support for the DD: The following support should be provided for District Director operations.
1) Compensation - The DD is an employee of the FFWPU. In general he should be paid from the District. (However, to help the districts that don't have enough foundation for this, National HQs will compensate some DD's for the first year, on a case by case basis.)
2) District Office - The DD and district office expenses should be supported by the district to the same level as the Regional Director's office in the previous organizational configuration. Generally this should include: auto expenses for travel within the district; airfare/train expenses for travel to meetings, conferences, etc. related with district activities; expenses for cell phone and other communications needs; other job-related items by mutual agreement. General District Office Budget (estimated from past regional offices) - $3,000 / month - to be raised from the district.
Responsibility of the DD:
In accordance with the DD job description and HQ directions, the DDs are to work toward the following goals:
1. Engage as many families as possible into active participation in Hoon Dok Family Church (HDFC) as a primary ministry of Family Federation.
2. In each state of the District, increase the number of:
1. Full-time single members.
2. Blessed families who are active and contributing monthly.
3. Youth membership development through CARP.
4. Families who are blessed and become members of the Family Federation.
3. Establish 2nd generation leaders, and empower and engage Second Generation into active participation in youth ministry, HDFC, STF, UTS, internships and active leadership in our movement. Encourage and increase the participation of Second Generation in the Blessing.
4. Promote substantial reconciliation with blessed families who have become distant, engaging them to become participants in and contributors to our programs and ministries.
5. Increase the percentage of blessed central families that fulfill the National Tithe / Offering (which is a minimum of $40 per month) up to at least 70% of blessed families in the District.
6. Develop and coordinate the District Coordinating Council, coordinating the support from all the Related Organizations so that all national goals are made.
7. Strengthen the leadership throughout the District, ensuring that the best quality leaders are secured for each state and region.
Focus of Sphere of Life Activities (Sphere of Life means FFWPU ministries and faith affirming educational programs and activities for youth, families, marriages and adults). The focus of the Sphere of Life activities will be the development of Hoon Dok Family Church (HDFC). Specifically we will expand the current number of HDFC Groups (360 have formed loosely through natural affiliation.) We will strengthen and develop those groups through leadership training, and expand the number of groups to 600.
Focus of Public Sphere Activities - (Public Sphere refers to the nonprofit organizations such as AFC / Ambassadors for Peace, WFWP, ACLC, SFP, etc.) The key focus of the public sphere activities will be to achieve the appointment of 15,000 Ambassadors for Peace by December 31, 2006.
Third National 40-Day Condition: September 26 _ November 4, 2006
Prayer points:
1. For the blessing and protection of True Parents, True Family and the fulfillment of the Third World Tour of Three Generations to 480 cities (40 Nations)
2. That all Blessed Central Families receive grace, blessing, encouragement and support through small group activities.
3. That all who have been blessed or touched by True Parents in the last 40 years in America will be spiritually moved and find their calling to support the "providence" and the ministry of the movement.
4. For the achievement of national goal of 15,000 Ambassadors for Peace, and that Ambassadors for Peace provide active support for the key UPF peace initiatives: the Middle East Peace Initiative (MEPI), the Northeast Asia Peace Initiative (peaceful reunification of North and South Korea), and the Bering Strait Peace Initiative (support for the Bering Strait World Peace King Bridge and Tunnel project.)
5. That religious leaders unite beyond boundaries to spark a new Great Awakening in our nation, inspiring America to lead the world away from conflict, division and war. That the ACLC achieve 30,000 members by mid 2008.
6. That our youth rise up to find inspiration and their calling in the movement.
7. That the Continental Director, President, National HQ leaders, District Directors, Regional (where applicable) and State Directors and leaders of all related organizations be anointed by God to unify and lead this nation in accordance with God's Providence.
8. That we may demonstrate sincere devotion and committed action with substantial results to move and comfort the heart of God and True Parents, that their investment in America can now bear fruit.
Practical directions:
1. Read the three speeches from True Parents' World Tour - two per day (or listen to the speeches on MP3 files, which can be downloaded from www.blessingamerica.org. Please have your children make you a CD!!! You can listen in your car and fulfill.
2. Outreach to 7 members who have felt left out, hurt or for whatever reason are distant. They are coming home through the love and grace of True Parents victory. Please call, write and email or visit at least 7. Each individual should do this and please report the results - note - don't use names in your report because we want to protect the families who may be healed and come home to True Parents.
3. District Directors take full control of all FFWPU activities in the District, and establish and begin to coordinate the District Coordinating Council of related organizations (WFWP, CARP, AFC/ Amb. For Peace/ ACLC, SFP etc.)
4. Donate $50 to the Young Oon Kim Scholarship Program - (7 American second Generation are at UTS now on the scholarship supported by FFWPU) They have signed an agreement to offer 2 academic years in ministry with FFWPU upon graduation. Please make your checks out to FFWPU . Send to FFWPU / C/O Rev. Eric Holt. 4 W. 43rd St. NY, NY 10036. Note on the check - Young Oon Kim Scholarship fund.
5. Donate $50 to the District Office for the functioning of the District System (send to District office during the next 40 days).
6. Attend an Ambassador for Peace local program. Bring a candidate if you can - optional.
7. Attend the next Middle East Peace Initiative - October 20 - 25 in Jerusalem, or send your next generation. OPTIONAL.
8. Participate in the National Tithe condition. It has been asked that the tithe of 10 % be given for the Church, the Nation and the World. The first priority is to give to the Church. We have asked all families to participate in the National Tithe by making a symbolic offering of $40 per month. (Ideally it should be 10 % - but to make a condition in line with Heaven's standard we are asking for $40 minimum and more if you can.) We ask that this be done through automatic withdrawal. This is to support National projects. We are deeply grateful for the hundreds of families who have been making this "tithe" for several years - their sacrifice is beautiful and many testimonies have come in from the blessings that have been secured through this offering.
Middle-East Peace Initiative - October 20 - 25.
The next MEPI will go only to Jerusalem. Cost - $650 plus airfare. All should leave from Newark Continental Airlines on October 19th in the afternoon. Invitations from the Universal Peace Federation will come through separate communications.
The goals for MEPI participants are listed by district. However, the national HQs of related organizations (ACLC, WFWP, UPF-USA, AFC, NALA, etc.) are expected to work in full cooperation with the District Directors to accomplish these goals.
District |
DD |
Block |
Goal |
1 |
Rev. Randy Francis |
1 SE |
7 |
2 |
Rev. Bruce Grodner |
2 NE |
7 |
3 |
Rev. Barry Geller |
2 NE |
7 |
4 |
Rev. Richard Buessing |
2 NE |
6 |
5 |
Rev. Tom Cutts |
1 SE |
4 |
6 |
Rev. Michael Lamson |
1 SE |
4 |
7 |
Rev. David Rendel |
3 MW |
7 |
8 |
Rev. Carl Swearson |
3 MW |
4 |
9 |
Rev. Mark Hernandez |
3 MW |
4 |
10 |
Rev. Larry Krishnek |
4 W |
4 |
11 |
Pending |
4 W |
6 |
12 |
Rev. Tim Henning |
4 W |
7 |
67 |
Please bring to Israel a combination of Religious leaders and Ambassadors for Peace.
Note: District Directors who have not been in the past should plan to attend. The District should cover the full cost for you.
The broad goals for "realizing a nation of Cheon Il Guk", and "fulfilling responsibility as the Elder Son nation" must obviously be described in more concrete terms. An initial version of that is contained in the 12-Point Plan for North America. The relevant section is as follows:
I. America becomes a model nation of Cheon Il Guk.
As a model nation of CIG, America will manifest the following characteristics:
1. America embraces and implements the ideal of "one nation under God" as the foundation for and in support of the ideal of "one world under God" (which also can be described as the nation of Cheon Il Guk).
2. Society exhibits a culture of heart and true love that transcends race, religion and nationality.
a) Qualities of character and personal virtue seen as the standard for individual development.
b) Blessed family ideal is the standard for family life.
c) Family-centered culture that promotes and upholds the values of purity before marriage, fidelity within marriage, filial piety, etc.
d) Broad recognition and support of True Parents' work and teaching.
1. Matters of governance (including self-governance, family governance, as well as government policies, legislative practices, etc.) are in accordance with the Principle.
a) Religious leaders work in unity and cooperation for sake of the nation and world, functioning as the "conscience" of society.
b) Civic leaders manifest qualities of principled personal and family life, and work in cooperation with religious leaders for the betterment of society.
c) In accordance with the principle of "living for others", America fulfills its proper role of leadership and service toward the world community.
1. Standards of education, including public school curricula, are grounded in the three stage theory of education: heart, norm and mastery.
2. Leadership in all aspects of society (including government, religion, education, media, business, etc.) manifests qualities consistent with Cheon Il Guk:
a) Leaders have the characteristics of "true parent, true teacher, and true owner" in all fields.
b) All key stakeholders (leaders from government, religion, media, academia, business, the arts, sports, etc.) apply the core principles of living for the sake of others, overcoming barriers.
1. Media is ethical and educational, contributing to the establishment of a culture of heart and peace. 2. The arts, leisure activities, and culture are wholesome.
a) Sports used to promote harmony and peace.
b) Youth activities support the standards of education, and personal / family values.
II. America fulfills her role as "elder son" nation through support for God's providence throughout the world.
1. The American movement develops proper relationship with the True Family.
2. The realization of a healthy vibrant church and movement of blessed families. Growth of the American Movement occurs based on qualitative and continuous improvements and developments of mind / body unity, Blessed Family Life (HDFC), Unity with and among leaders and the Ministry and all Related organizations. Growth will be the natural result of correct and vibrant principled relations.
3. America acts in accordance with God's will in achieving peace in the Middle East.
4. America fulfills its providential responsibility in supporting the unification of the Korean peninsula according to Heaven's expectation.
5. US develops its relationship with the UN according to providential expectations.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director - FFWPU
United States of America
Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins
President - FFWPU
Unites States of America
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