Sun Myung Moon's Speeches from 2004 |
God's Day Morning Address Notes
Sun Myung Moon
January 1, 2004
Notes by Michael Jenkins
Dear Family,
My plane broke down in Turkey and I got to Korea late. Here are notes from Dr. Eric Richardson from Michigan.
God's Day Speech
10:30 AM
Grand Hall
Palace at Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center
Chung Pyung Lake, Korea
Rev. Hwang MC Rev. Yu (Japan) read the opening prayer Rev. Kwak reads HDH from God's Day 2003 Midnight speech
Rev. Kwak: True Parents and Heavenly Father have been working to reorder everything since the fall. Satan has always been in a position to accuse and has been able to do whatever he wanted. Major religions have been the instrument of recreation. Recreation has been orders of magnitude harder than creation. What True Parents have done is to serve God as the true owner, true master, and true king.
When people have authority of true sons and daughters, satanic authority will disappear.
But religious people have been born of satanic blood lineage. They had to fight for mind and body unity, and Satan could steal them away whenever he wanted. Therefore, religious people have had to be beat first, risking and sacrificing their own lives. Billions of people have been sacrificed to create families free from the fall.
To realize this, the messiah was sent 4000 y after the fall. Connection b/t old and New Testament, resolution b/t Cain and Abel. The most horrible situation was the murder in the first family of God. How much anguish God must have felt. But he persisted bringing forth his providence through the sacrifice of so many to make Israel. If Jesus had come on a united foundation, then Jesus could have accomplished in 3.5 or 7 years. But because of false marriage, the blood lineage Israel became contaminated.
There is no true love in the satanic world. God has watched this world of sorrow, to restore it he sent the messiah.
Individuals must unite mind and body. Without doing so, you cannot enter the Kingdom. You must not create a shadow. W/o mind and body unity, there will be shadow.
We must reflect God's internal nature. Absolute, unchanging and eternal. True love must be unique and eternal.
Our dreams are of our mate. Unity of man and woman represents unity of heaven and earth.
Hope based on true love, increases everyday.
The family of true loves the object of creation. (There is more from this, but it was too fast, since it was reading both by Rev. Kwak and by the translators. I hope someone can put up the link for this.)
True Father: How many are here? (~10K) I told everyone to come. Those who are here are truly blessed. I listened to what RK read. I will not repeat.
Everything is said. If I talk only 1 min then that will make news around the world.
If True Father can say only one word that God likes there is no need for more. No need to talk about so much. You have come to the age where you can understand what True Father has said. Therefore, Good-bye. Sayonara. Anyang.
What time is it? Lunch? Not yet? Okay, I will talk a little bit.
Actually, I never liked to talk that much. When I was young and could not talk freely, eat what I liked…. Then I had to do so many indemnity conditions. Restoring everything was so difficult. To say that I am a happy man, true father and king, True Father was not free.
So many who live freely thinking that I can do anything I want, free sex, alcohol, etc they will die. Those who live sacrificing so many times, almost dying, they will live.
Say amen!
What is it? 37th TGD. 36 means running away.
God is the king of Kings of numbers, now is the 4th y of Cheon Il Guk. After 2000 y, new millennium, True Father was restoring 13, set up God's Kingship. Can other people in the world believe that?
God was never able to stand as king. B/c of the fall, couldn't stand in that position. No one had true family or nation to value. Lost because of the fall. Think about it. There was nothing.
Do people like words or sound?
True Father had pheasant dish. It was much better than chicken. I thought maybe better if more pheasants than chickens. Is the chicken better or the pheasant?
If we don't go hunting, people will think that we don't even know how to shoot.
(True Father looks very happy today)
If hunting, young people would have better life, less terrorism etc.
If we raise pheasants, creating a kind of farm and selling them, people will say that we have blessed them.
This kind of day is enjoyable isn't it? (True Father begins clapping and everyone joins in, True Father starts to dance.)
People say that we do everything we like. If we forget everything and start dancing what would happen? I used to be a good singer, but now I am old and I am embarrassed.
What is today? The era of peace kingdom. It was proclaimed, not declared. Do you like a proclamation or a declaration? The contents of this proclamation are spreading. We need a new constitution. We need to make new God's couples. Please think about this.
God's fatherland and the peace kingdom. It may sound like a dream, but know that we are entering an amazing age. This is a warning. True Father taught you, and if you follow we cannot close the gates. If you hear this for the first time, sit up straight and listen well. The first will be last and … Say amen with this kind of heart.
When Korea is liberated that will be good. Some though will not welcome this. Some will try to be presidents. Some will go north others west. In the east U.S. and Japan, in the west, China. Without forgetting Korea, some Koreans were pro-Japanese and tried to create a separate country. Some are pro-Chinese, others pro-US and will try to build a new nation. Until now the countries are all divided and those who live in this age cannot deny this. What happened in the Shilla or Li ages? What about now?
This is the complete unification, when everything under heaven will be united. This is what Rev. Moon is advocating. Some like communism. Do you? How about democracy? Do you like democracy?
We talk of superpowers. What about China? We used to call them big gangs. We called the Americans, those American guys. The Japanese were robbers, the Russians rascals. They used to steal even the pillows in their backpacks. How about the Koreans? The people in white. What does that mean? Koreans would wash their clothes even if they were not dirty, striking them when washing them to make them white.
The Great Wall actually belongs to the Koreans; the Koreans were the owners of China at that time.
They are talking about the LOTR by Tolkien. The owner of the rings was the true owner. It was incredible; they even mobilized the spirit world army. In this age, these things are being brought out. True Father slept, but True Mother is smart and she watched so I heard the story later. Would you like to go there? Or come to father? Those who have that kind of sixth sense will remain.
I get thirsty. Who wants to drink this? Come on up. You can set the condition that you drink with True Father. 3 stages, gulp it down. (no one went up)
What is it? God's Fatherland. True Father proclaimed it, from now it will come about. With the peace kingdom, it is a place where there is no shadow of the fallen world. There will be many hometowns and nations where people can live together. This will be the reality realm of substantial being. That is the beauty and value of this. If there is no fatherland you will all disappear. If there is no nation, then all the nations cannot exist. There must be God's fatherland. All those things can only exist on this foundation.
We must rebuild and remodel the fatherland. That is the time to come now.
True Father has talked of the total unification. The saints and sages who lived for the hope of the fatherland support us.
We must forget and discard all the false things and liberate everything. Only then can we welcome the fatherland with joy and happiness. Are you clapping because this is true?
Without God's Fatherland, you have no parents, no husband or wife, they are all false. There is no such thing. Is your mind and body struggling? If unity, then mind and body can never struggle.
You have to understand how much God struggled to create the fatherland.
You have to have insight that this was not possible without the resolution of God's Han.
Do you all have your registration cards? You have to burn them. You have to burn them just like burning the items of the dead person. We had the holy burning ceremony. On that foundation we built the 4th Israel. Do we have to burn that to? Even God's fatherland must be burned away, and then we can liberate the han of God and Jesus. This is the second coming of Jesus. That is why we have to repent and go beyond the 6000 years. Mohammad appeared in the beginning of the 7th century. All the tribes of Israel were driven away. This is the Barrabic faith. Before this there was never a religion that forced faith, but Islam came with the Koran in one hand and the sword in the other.
In Jerusalem, there is a temple palace with all three faiths and they were fighting each other. Who can reconcile that? Jesus was to do so. But only 1.85%of the people admitted to Israel are Christian.
That kind of religious hotbed exists in Korean peninsula too.
We must proclaim the message of the great saints in spirit world. All those people in the spirit world have already received the blessing. Hoon Mon Nim, how many families did you bless? About 120B. We must go through tong bong kok pa to bless three times more. Even threaten to kill them to make them take the blessing.
Only Rev. Moon can solve the problems of the family. Not even the greatest nations of the world can do that. Only True Father can do this.
Only True Father can change the false to the true olive tree. Can homosexuals really give birth to children? Their eggs will become stones first. You are all descendants of this kind of blood lineage.
Up until now we have not had a nation to register our marriage and birth. This is the cosmic blessing from last year, from True Parents' blessing. In the 3rd year of Cheon Il Guk, True Parents for the 1st time opened the gates. It was the coronation of the king of the blessed families. The first time in history. I have followed the path of persecution form the pits of hell to create this time. Everything from the time of creation was straightened out. We talked about the elimination of indemnity in July. Centered on principle we can stand with dignity to enter the Kingdom. All directions united, we created the realm and age of princes and princesses, and created the registration blessing, the age of the blessed family.
In preparation for the foundation of God's kingdom, for the time when God's kingdom will come. The elimination of all boundaries and the liberation of hell. This will be a time of building.
Centered on the 8th pledge, we must go beyond the traditional absolute love of Christianity. True love, God's Love, is living for the sake of others. If it isn't logical it cannot be true. The providential view of Rev. Moon cannot be denied.
All the peace ambassadors are archangels and have no right to possession.
People say that Rev. Moon tries to buy power. They have tried to put Rev. Kwak in prison.
Have I gone to NK and come back alive or not?
People try to attach strings. Don't attach strings. There should be no false affections. The Nobel Prize winners cannot create factions in our movement. People thought that I would be destroyed. Would god be with someone that is on the way to destruction? Wherever I go, God is with me.
Who from the west has not spoken critically of me? I do not trust the judges and politicians, they are all robbers.
There was an appt with Bush, I did not go. There is an ignorant farmer in Brazil as president now. He wanted to meet with me, but I would not go. When they apologize I might meet them.
Members of the Nobel committee came to meet me in London. I made them wait two hours. I told them that if this were the truth would they follow me? They are all robbers. They said they would have to ask the queen.
I survived all these struggles, and am able to teach all the great people of the world. Can the Kingdom of God be declared or not? If you don't believe it you should go to the established churches.
At the UN GA, if this is decided then everything will follow. If not, then we can put them on a plane and go to Inchon. We can replace them with people registered in Korea. The law of the fatherland will be developed, the laws are not humanistic, and there will be no sympathy here. If you become True Parents yourself, is there something that I did not teach you? We are all masters of Cheon Il Guk. God has allowed this, it is your country. If no fall then centering on your lineage, unity would have come.
There will be a purge on God's orders, and evil will be eliminated like shadows. Gays will be eliminated, the 3 Israels will unite. If not then they will be burned. We do not know what kind of world God will bring but this is what happens. It will be greater than the communist purge but at God's orders.
…Can I pull the blessed families from hell? If you fail your ancestors will form factions in hell and descend on you.
God sends out a public message. The Kingdom has been proclaimed but there was no nation. If all the nations of the world became loyal, then we could shine like the light.
Until April 10 of next year, the embassies must come together and 120 families blessed, 180 and 430. All the nations must do this. The age has come when they must come to Korea to be blessed.
Everything was separated. The 7 nations separating couldn't make one unified world. Can the 7 nations be united in the embassies? Problem or no problem?
No problem. One family, one world. You have to know this well. You have to go on the front lines and make the preparation. The embassies have been built. The nations centered on Korea, embassies of all the nations and islands and continents will be created. All the neighbors of Korea. The peninsula will become the gateway to the world. We gathered many leaders yesterday in Cholla. Before they opposed True Father but now they want Cholla to become special area, now they unite.
All the ancestors of the spirit world have come together to repent for killing Jesus. Now all the Israels can be connected centered on Korea. They have all been liberated. Now we have the proclamation of God's Fatherland in the era of the Peace Kingdom. Everything that I am saying is being sent to the CIA, saying that True Father will bring down America.
You have to sell your house to bring in this age. True Father has to proclaim the fatherland and quickly restore this nation.
We will end. Understand, total unification, even the blessed families must be recreated to bring in the Peace Kingdom.
Some of the tasks that we must do:
Fulfill the family pledge, live up to the name of an owner of Cheon Il Guk. All must be one, mind and body, h/w, p/c. Centered on the blood lineage, the gates of heaven will open. The whole problem is that you must go past the first gate. There are two more pledges than the 8, but I cannot announce them now. The age of the completion of the family pledge has come about. Only on this can we stand on the foundation for the Cheon Il Guk. All things must be offered to complete the family pledge. This is completion and liberation of the heavenly nation.
Next, are we the only ones to perfect this? With new holy salt and new holy wine, we must liberate the Cain type world. By using this we will complete the tong bong kyok pa. We must bless and purify those who do not know the family pledge.
Next, we must make the safe settlement of pure love, life and sex. What is a pure love department? We have to completely separate this like Sodom and Gomorrah. You must never forget, purity before marriages, fidelity in marriage, protect your blood lineage, the 3 generations of your lifetime, even up to the 4th gen. You must complete their blessing.
Next make the age of the total and complete harmony. Restore your family and tribe. Revival, resurrection and eternal life ceremonies of blessing and purification. All blessed families must put these things together.
Number 5, the confirming of True Father's words, the conferment ceremony, and the grandfather of the first generation can confirm and hand down the words. How many volumes? 400, you must inherit all of them, and pass them down to each generation. The son and grandson must inherit from the father and grandfather, handing it down to the 7th generations, the 16th generations. To set them up to live in the heavenly kingdom, they must receive the heavenly law. That is why you must have a conferment. The Chun Sung Pa, the heavenly scripture distills the 400 volumes to a 2300 page book, the heavenly bible. You have to study and memorize. All the guidelines for living in the heavenly nation are in this book, the articles of the heavenly constitution are in this book. How much is 400 volumes? 6M won. 400 volumes must become your family treasure. 7.8 M won plus 30%. Round off to 10 M won for the 400. Rev. Kwak? This must be conferred to your lineage. How much? We have so many people from around the world, let's decide. Who says 7.8?
This money offered belongs to True Parents, not the church. With that money we will build heavenly infrastructure, roads and schools. This is a sacred offering, don't deceive. Use a portion of your salary to give this money. Do not deceive. Hand out some paper and make everyone sign and give their addresses, for your sons and daughters. Write your ancestors, so that this can be handed to your descendants. So no other factions will come from your lineage.
If there are three generations, then you must fulfill this task. Work together to fulfill this money.
So it is fixed at 10M won. 30% more than cost. In America and Japan, those costs will of course be much higher than in Korea. So this offering will last tens of thousands of years, and these volumes can be passed down, if so, then the kingdom of God will never perish. As more time is spent in HDH, there spirits will rise.
Number 6 is that all things begin from God's Fatherland. Forget everything, burn everything of the past. Don't be proud of the things you did in the past. You can be proud of only the things you do in the future. True patriots and saints. True Father is closing the doors to suffering and opening the gates to the Kingdom of heaven.
Number 7 is unification of mind and body. This is going in reverse. Starts with family pledge and ends in mind and body unification. You can end with the fulfillment of family pledge, but it must be fulfilled. All things must be united in accord with your mind, set up the determination to be in the position of prince and princess in front of God.
True Father is handing down these words to you all. Please pass it on to your descendants and then God's kingdom will last forever and ever. Everything will finally be perfected and completed.
God wanted his fatherland we wanted the peace kingdom. Give thanks and be grateful, stand without shame before heaven and earth. Do not become the kind of sons and daughters that only cry for themselves.
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