Unification News for March 2001 |
Rev. Moon's 50 City Tour - Newark, NJ—February 26
The event in New Jersey was a great achievement. Rev’s. Hong, Geller and Pobanz and Mrs. Sato of the Ministers fishing club did a great job. Also, David Konn of the American Leadership Conference brought many VIP’s. Our UTS President Dr. Hendricks who is also pastor of the New Jersey family church led the congregation to victory as the packed out the Robert Treat hotel with Christian leaders. Rev. Levy Daugherty our Vice President led the praise service which included LeLa a Persian born American who sings with a mesmerizing tone. While the performance was going forward, 250 outstanding leaders from the American Leadership Conference graduates and American Clergy Leadership Conference gathered to welcome Father and Mother and Mr. And Mrs. Hyun Jin Moon. As they entered everyone sang Amazing Grace and everyone’s hearts melted. Tears flowed and we all rejoiced at the coming of the Man of God.
After the reception, the program began with a Bible reading from Revelations , "I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth passed away…and there was no more sea." And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."
The invocation was given by Rev. Don Olson one of 120 clergy that founded the American Clergy Leadership Conference based on the inspiration of Rev. Moon. Rev. Olson then explained that he as a Lutheran was proud to be a part of the group which includes member clergy from every denomination, race and ethnicity. Rev. Olson also read excerpts on Father Moon’s words concerning faith in Jesus and why we as Christians must become one and then embrace all religions.
Other speakers included a welcome address from Rev. Dr. John McReynolds who pastors the prestigious 3000 member Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Jersey City. In his remarks he stated that he has worked with Father Moon for 30 years and knows that his mission and ministry has transformed America. Dr. McReynolds is also President of the Ministers Fishing Club of over 300 ministers. Rev. Jesse Edwards of the United Pentecostals of Philadelphia brought another message of the impending Pentecost and the atmosphere became rich with the spirit of joy. Father was watching from the TV monitor and laughing and clapping as Rev. Edwards said that this all started with the Holy Spirit Association!! He said, whether you understand or not, Rev. Moon is the anointed messenger of God. He went on to say that all Christians, if they step out on faith will understand that God is in this thing and it cannot be stopped!!!
Rev. Dr. Albert Steele pastor of Seminary Baptist Church, who is also a Representative of the New Jersey State Legislature, introduced Father with great prestige and eloquence announcing that truly a great leader has come before us sent by God.
The video "We Will Stand" presented the hope, expectation, tears, sorrow, suffering and ultimate joy of Father and Mother’s life in America. It highlights how the Christians came together when Father went to prison in Danbury . It shows Senator Orrin Hatch standing up to proclaim with the full authority of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee that Rev. Moon was innocent. It concludes with the American Clergy Leadership Conference and the Christian leaders at the DMZ praying for peace. Dr. Hycel B. Taylor, Pastor of the 2nd Baptist Church of Evanston, Professor of Applied Theology at Garrett United Methodist Seminary and former National President of Operation Push gave the prophets call at the DMZ. "As we gaze across this damnable, demeaning, demoralizing wall of the DMZ we, like Moses cry out, "Let My Korean Children Go". He goes on to say like Jesus, Rev. Sun Myung Moon was inspired by God to bring a movement of peace. The peace that Jesus spoke about, "My Peace" Dr. Joseph Paige former President of Shaw Divinity School, a Korean war veteran, is standing there with tears streaking down his cheeks as one of the Clergy is praying in the background, "Forgive our debtors as we forgive those who would trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation for thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory, forever, forever, forever, Amen."
When Father came on stage the audience was ready. He immediately departed from his text and said, New Jersey is actually the New Jerusalem that the bible told about coming down from heaven!! He spoke from his heart with Rev. Peter Kim translating. The clergy couldn’t help but shout. They said, "Go on Father Moon. Speak the word!!" Then Father turned to his text and lifted our hearts. At some points he departed from his message proclaiming that this was his final gift to America and that his message was very serious. If Christianity does not head his call and unite as one, America will perish. As with the prophets of old Father cried out, "The prophets did not care about their own life, they only cared about delivering God’s message, even if it meant their head would be cut off." Therefore, I do not care about what happens to my life, I must deliver the message of God. If America heads the call of God and repents and unites to lead the world to God America will be blessed."
During the awards presentation Father and Mother were touched by the presentation of Rev. Phillip Thomas and his father, Dr. Phillip Thomas Sr. Representing the Church of God and Saints denomination they proclaimed on the plaque that Father and Mother are the True Parents of all !! Another organization The Phillipine Benevolent Missionary Association, led by Dr. Ray Ledda was sent by the 4 million member Christian organization which hails from Mindanao in the Philippines. They received a revelation that the coming of Jesus would be realized in America. They kneeled before Father and Mother and presented a special plaque of recognition calling them the fulfillment of their revelation.
—Regional report
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