Moon Family Photos from 2001

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Sun Myung Moon addresses members in the Pantal, early February 2001.
Sun Myung Moon discusses plans with members in Pantal, early February, 2001.
Sun Myung Moon at a table writing, Pantal, early February, 2001.
Sun Myung Moon writes the 2001 motto as Hak Ja Han and Chung Hwan Kwak look on, January 1, 2001 after midnight prayer, Korea.
The Unification Church Motto for 2001, written by Sun Myung Moon, January 1, 2001, Seoul Korea.
Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon sing as part of the entertainment, January 1, 2001, Korea.
Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon cut a cake at the Coronation Ceremony of God's Kingship, January 13, 2001, Chung Pyung, Korea.

Rev. and Mrs. Sung Myung Moon enter the Coronation Ceremony of God's Kingship wearing holy robes and gold crowns, January 13, 2001, Chung Pyung, Korea.

True Parents pray at the alter during the Coronation Ceremony of God's Kingship, January 13, 2001, Chung Pyung, Korea.

Rev. and Mrs. Moon stand behind the alter and pray during the Coronation Ceremony of God's Kingship, January 13, 2001, Chung Pyung, Korea.

Sun Myung Moons speaks to members at the Coronation Ceremony of God's Kingship, January 13, 2001, Chung Pyung, Korea.

Reverend Moon stands at the stair top during his visit to South America in February 2001.
Sun Myung Moon speaking at Hook Dok Hae, the morning after his 50 state tour speech, March 2, 2001, Chicago, Illinois.
Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon at the birthday of their grandson, Shin Man Moon, February, 2001.

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han pray to bless the wedding of international couples at the United Nations, during the Seventh World Culture and Sports Festival, January 27, 2001, NY, NY.

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han pray to bless the wedding of international couples at the United Nations, during the Seventh World Culture and Sports Festival, January 27, 2001, NY, NY.

The Moon Family and VIPs at the closing of the Seventh World Culture and Sports Festival, January 29, 2001, New York Hilton, NY, NY.

Sun Myung Moon speaks from the alter in Miami, Florida during his 2001 50 city tour of the USA, March 3, 2001.

Sun Myung Moon speaks from the alter of a church in Miami, Florida during his 2001 50 city tour of the USA, March 3, 2001.

Sun Myung Moons speaks to members at the Coronation Ceremony of God's Kingship, January 13, 2001, Chung Pyung, Korea.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon giving a sermon at Canaan Baptist Church, Harlem, NY, May 8, 2001.
Rev. and Mrs. Moon at Canaan Baptist Church, Harlem, NY, May 8, 2001.
Hyun Jin Moon speaks at the First Special 21-Day Workshop, March 9 - 30, 2001, Quebec, Canada.
Hyun Jin Moon poses with for a photo at the First Special 21-Day Workshop, March 9 - 30, 2001, Quebec, Canada.
Hyun Jin Moon meets with leaders at the First Special 21-Day Workshop, March 9 - 30, 2001, Quebec, Canada.
Members of the Moon family and couples who attended the 60 Couples Blessing pose for a group photo, May 27, 2001, New York City.
Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon officiate at the 60 Couples Blessing, May 27, 2001, New York City.
Rev. Moon giving the sermon "Purity, Lineage, and Love Organ" Belvedere, NY, February 15, 2001.
Reverend and Mrs. Moon stand on the stage as couples enter the Blessing ceremony for the 60 Couples Blessing, May 27, 2001, New York City.
Hyung Jin Moon speaks at the UTS Graduation, June 21, 2001.
Reverend Moon speaks at the UTS Graduation, June 21, 2001.
Sun Myuung Moon speaks at the UTS Graduation, June 21, 2001.
Tyler Hendricks speaks as Rev. and Mrs. Moon and C. H. Kwak look on at the UTS Graduation, June 21, 2001.
Sun Myung Moos congratulates a graduate at the UTS Graduation, June 21, 2001.
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han pose with graduates at the Unification Theological Seminary commencement, June 21, 2001.
The audience at the UTS Graduation, June 21, 2001
Hyun Jin Moon speaking in the Manhattan Center Grand Ballroom, July 14, 2001, New York City.
Rev. Sun Myung Moon addresses guests on July 13, 2001, at the Large Conference Room in the Korean Diet Members’ Office Building, Seoul Korea.
Audience listens as Rev. Sun Myung Moon speaks on July 13, 2001, at the Large Conference Room in the Korean Diet Members’ Office Building, Seoul Korea.
Sun Myung Moon addresses the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace & World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations - Assembly 2001 - Global Violence: Crisis and Hope, New York, October 19-22, 2001.
Presentation of Ambassadors of Peace at the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace & World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations - Assembly 2001 - Global Violence: Crisis and Hope, New York, October 19-22, 2001
Reverend and Mrs. Moon cut the cake at the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace & World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations - Assembly 2001 - Global Violence: Crisis and Hope, New York, October 19-22, 2001
Sun Myung Moon speaks during his Cosmic Peace and Unification speaking tour in Korea, October 29 - November 6, 2001.
The audience listens as Rev. Moon addresses them, Cosmic Peace and Unification speaking tour in Korea, October 29 - November 6, 2001.
Rev. Moon on stage during the Cosmic Peace and Unification speaking tour in Korea, October 29 - November 6, 2001.
VIPs at the Cosmic Peace and Unification speaking tour in Korea, October 29 - November 6, 2001.
Hak Ja Han Moon speaks in New Jersey on December 2, during her fall 2001 Eight City USA Speaking Tour.
Hak Ja Han Moon speaks in Bridgeport Connecticut on November 30, during her fall 2001 Eight City USA Speaking Tour.


Hak Ja Han Moon speaks in Harlem, New York City, NY on December 1, during her fall 2001 Eight City USA Speaking Tour.


Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han applaud the victory of the Il Hwa soccer team in the Korean National Cup game, October 28, 2001.
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han pose with the Il Hwa soccer team's in the Korean National Cup award, October 28, 2001.
Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon cut the cake to celebrate the end of Mrs. Moon's Eight City Speaking Tour of the USA at East Garden, Irvington, NY on December 2, 2001.
Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon sing to celebrate the end of Mrs. Moon's Eight City Speaking Tour of the USA at East Garden, Irvington, NY on December 2, 2001.
Hyun Jim Moon speaks at Suwon South Korea during his 2001 Service for Peace tour, August - September 2001.
Hyun Jim Moon speaks at during his 2001 Service for Peace tour of Korea, August - September 2001.
View of the audience as Hyun Jim Moon speaks at Suwon South Korea during his 2001 Service for Peace tour, August - September 2001.
Chung Hwan Kwak represents Rev. Moon at the Interfaith Prayer Breakfast and Day of Prayer and Healing breakfast at the Manhattan Center, New York, September 23, 2001.
Hak Ja Han Moon speaks at the Canaan Baptist Church in Harlem, New York, USA, on December 1, 2001.
Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon meet with Ambassadors for World Peace in New York, 2001.
Rev. and Mrs. Moon bless families at the United Nations in New York, January 27, 2001.
Rev. and Mrs. Moon during the We Will Stand tour speak at the Canaan Baptist Church in Harlem, New York, May 8, 2001.

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