Circles of Angels |
By Nora M. Spurgin |
Part Four
Angel Projects
1. A Circle Of Angels
You will need:
1 paper lace doily about 12 inches in diameter
1 piece of colored poster board or mat board
(pink or light blue is nice)
1 pen (black, blue or purple ink)
Scissors and white glue.
How to make your circle of angels:
A. Fold lace doily in half, fold again into quarters, and a third time into eighths. Note: Depending on the scallop edge design, position the folds so the scallops will be centered.
B. Trace the angel patterns from the following page onto one one-eighth panel. Make sure all hands and skirt bottoms are connected.
C. Cut around head and shoulders and remove the center section. Cut sides out leaving hands and skirts connected. Open to a circle of lace angels.
D. Cut a 13-inch circle from mat or poster board, keeping edges smooth. Cut out a 3 1/2-inch center circle.
E. Mix a teaspoon of white glue with 1/2 teaspoon of water. Spread over reverse side of angels, center on the board and press flat. Dry.
F Draw faces and details if you like.
G. Optional: you may cover whole circle with water-glue mixture. It will dry transparent, give it a shine and protect it from dust-several coats are best.
Use your circle as a decorative wreath or as a frame for photos or a quote. This is a nice Sunday School or summer camp craft project. For a smaller version, use a smaller doily and adjust the pattern.
2. A Band Of Angels Banner
You will need:
1 piece of colored poster board or mat board, 24 to 28 inches long, 7 to 8 inches high
White paper, cloth or lace
White glue
A. Trace 7 angels from the pattern opposite. Cut out.
B. Bead white glue around edges of reverse side of angels and glue to board, arranging them in a row.
C. Draw faces and details on angels; they may be embellished with glitter and ribbons or other decorations.
D. Optional: write, print or glue an angel quote or inspirational verse across the bottom.
E. Optional: you may thin 3 teaspoons of white glue with 1 1/2 teaspoons of water. Paint mixture over the angels. Glue will dry transparent.
3. Circle Of Angels Candles
Use only glass or non-flammable containers such as votive candle holders.
A. Trace and cut out a row of angels from the opposite pattern to fit around the glass. Draw in colors and designs.
B. Mix 2 teaspoons of white glue and 1 teaspoon of water. Use mixture to cover glass with 2 layers of tissue paper (light pink or blue). Glue a row of angels around the glass. Cover with several coats of glue mixture.
They make pretty gifts and are also nice craft projects for children to make.
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