Outline of The Principle, Level 4 |
by Rev. C. H. Kwak |
Table Of Contents In Full
Introduction 1. Principle Of CreationI. The Dual Characteristics of God and the Creation A. The Dual Characteristics of God 1. The Dual Characteristics Sung Sang (Internal Character) and Hyung Sang (External Form) 2. The Dual characteristics of Positivity and Negativity 3. The Dual Characteristics of God B. The Relationship between God and the Creation II. Universal Prime Force, Give and Take Action, and the Four Position Foundation A. Universal Prime Force B. Give and Take Action 1. The Meaning of Give and Take Action 2. The Relationship Between Universal Prime Force and the Forces of Give and Take Action 3. The Relationship Between God and Man in Terms of Give and Take Action C. Origin-Division-Union Action, the Three Objects Purpose and The Four Position Foundation 1. Origin-Division-Union Action 2. Three Objective Purposes 3. The Four Position Foundation III. The Purpose of the Creation A. God's Purpose for Creating B. How is Joy Produced C. Man --- The Object of Heart for God's Joy The Three Blessings 1. The First Blessing 2. The Second Blessing 3. The Third Blessing D. The Creation is One Interconnected Body of Beings With Dual Purposes IV. The Growing Period for Created Beings A. The Growing Period for Created Beings B. The Three Stages of the Growing Period C. God's Direct Dominion D. God's Indirect Dominion V. The Invisible Substantial World and the Visible Substantial World Centered on Man A. The Invisible Substantial World and the Visible Substantial World B. The Position of Man in the Cosmos C. The Relationship Between the Spirit Self and the Physical Self 1. The Structure and Functioning of a Human Being a. The physical self b. The spirit self c. The relationship between the spirit self and the physical self 2. The Human Mind in terms of the Relationship between Spirit Mind and Physical Mind 2. The Fall I. The Root of Sin A. The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil 1. The Tree of Life 2. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil B. The Identity of the Serpent C. The Sin of the Angel and the Sin of the First Man and Woman D. The Fruit of Good and Evil and The Root of Sin II. The Motives and Process of the Fall A. The Creation of the Angels B. The Spiritual Fall and the Physical Fall 1. The Spiritual Fall 2. The Physical Fall III. How It Was Possible For Man To Fall A. The Force of Love and the Force of The Principle B. The Purpose of the Commandment and the Period Necessary for It VI. The Results of the Fall A. Satan and Fallen Man B. Satan's Actions in the Fallen World C. Good and Evil Seen from the Viewpoint of Purpose D. Sin E. The Fallen Nature 3. The Purpose Of The Messiah I. God's Purpose In The Dispensation For Salvation II. The Fulfillment of the Dispensation for Salvation is the Fulfillment of the Purpose of the Creation III. The Dispensation of Salvation through the Cross A. The Crucifixion of Jesus B. The Extent of Salvation Available through the Cross and the Purpose of the Second Coming of Christ C. Two Kinds of Prophecy Concerning the Messiah IV. John the Baptist and the Return of Elijah A. The Messiah and Elijah B. The Mission of John the Baptist 4. The Consummation Of Human History I. The Meaning of the Last Days II. Phenomena Prophesied for the Last Days A. Heaven and Earth Destroyed and a New Heaven and New Earth Established B. Heaven and Earth Judged by Fire C. Meeting the Lord in the Air D. Sun and Moon Darkened; The Stars Fall from Heaven III. The Present Days are the Last Days 5. Resurrection I. The Meaning of Resurrection A. The Death Caused by the Fall B. The True Meaning of Resurrection II. The Principles of Resurrection III. The Dispensation for the Resurrection of the People on Earth A. God's Dispensation for Resurrection is Based on the People on Earth B. The Three Stages in the Dispensation for Resurrection C. Heaven and Paradise D. Spiritual Phenomena Occurring in the Last Days IV. The Dispensation for the Resurrection of Spirit Persons A. Returning Resurrection of Spirit Persons B. Returning Resurrection of Spirit Persons Who Believed in God C. Returning Resurrection of All Other Spirit Persons D. Returning Resurrection and the Theory of Reincarnation E. Unification of Religions by Returning Resurrection 6. Predestination I. The Predestination of God's Will II. God's Predestination for the Accomplishment of His Will III. God's Predestination of the Central Person IV. Clarification of Biblical Passages Which Appear to Support the Doctrine of Absolute Predestination 7. Christology I. The Value of a Person Who Fulfills the Purpose of the Creation II. Jesus and the Person Who Fulfills the Purpose of the Creation A. Jesus and a Perfect Person B. Is Jesus God? C. Jesus and Fallen Man III. Rebirth and Trinity A. The Meaning of Rebirth B. The Meaning of the Trinity 8. Overview Of The Principles Of Restoration I. History From the Viewpoint of the Dispensation for Restoration A. Fallen Man is the Womb of Good and Evil B. The Struggle between Good and Evil --- The Hidden Dimension of History C. The Cause of the Development and Progress of History II. The Principles of Restoration A. The Dispensation for Restoration and the Messiah B. Restoration Through Indemnity C. The Foundation for the Messiah 1. The Foundation of Faith 2. The Foundation of Substance D. The Central and Peripheral Histories in the Dispensation for Restoration III. The Course of God's Dispensation for Restoration 9. Adam's Family In The Dispensation For Restoration I. The Foundation of Faith A. Separation for the Offering B. The Second Son in God's Dispensation II. The Foundation of Substance III. The Foundation for the Messiah 10. Noah's Family In The Dispensation For Restoration I. The Foundation of Faith A. The Central Person for Restoring the Foundation of Faith B. The Required Offering in Restoring the Foundation of Faith II. The Foundation of Substance 11. Abraham's Family In The Dispensation For Restoration I. Foundation of Faith A. The Central Person for Restoring the Foundation of Faith B. The Required Offering in Restoring the Foundation of Faith 1. The Symbolic Offering 2. Abraham's Offering of Isaac II. Foundation of Faith Centered on Isaac A. The Central Person for Restoring the Foundation of Faith B. The Required Offering in Restoring the Foundation of Faith III. The Foundation of Substance A. The Origin of the Chosen People B. The Foundation for the Messiah 12. Moses In The Dispensation For Restoration I. God Uses a Model Course in His Dispensation The Reason for Establishing the Model Course II. Moses' and Jesus' Courses Followed the Pattern of Jacob's Course III. The Dispensation for Restoration Centering on Moses A. Overview of the Dispensation 1. The Foundation of Faith a. The Central Person for Restoring the Foundation of Faith b. The Required Offering in Restoring the Foundation of Faith 2. The Foundation of Substance 3. The Foundation for the Messiah B. The First Course of the National Restoration of Canaan C. The Second Course of the National Restoration of Canaan 1. The Foundation of Faith and the Foundation of Substance 2. The Tabernacle in the Dispensation for Restoration a. The significance of the tablets and the ark of the covenant i. The significance of the tablets ii. The significance of the tabernacle iii. The structure of the tabernacle b. The purpose of the dispensation with the tablets of stone and the tabernacle c. The Foundation for the Tabernacle i. The first Foundation for the Tabernacle ii. The second Foundation for the Tabernacle D. The Third Course of the National Restoration of Canaan 1. The Foundation of Faith 2. The Foundation of Substance a. The Foundation of Substance centered on Moses b. The Foundation of Substance centered on Joshua 13. Jesus In The Dispensation For Restoration I. The First Course of the World-Wide Restoration of Canaan A. The Foundation of Faith 1. The Central Person for Restoring the Foundation of Faith 2. The Required Offering for Restoring the Foundation of Faith B. The Foundation of Substance 1. The Central Person for the Foundation of Substance 2. Establishing the Foundation of Substance C. The Foundation for the Messiah II. The Second Course of the World-Wide Restoration of Canaan A. The Foundation of Faith 1. The Central Person for Restoring the Foundation of Faith --- Jesus Succeeds to the Mission of John the Baptist 2. The Required Offering for Restoring the Foundation of Faith 3. Satan's Three Temptations a. The first temptation b. The second temptation c. The third temptation B. The Foundation of Substance III. The Third Course of the World-Wide Restoration of Canaan A. The spiritual course of the World-Wide Restoration of Canaan Centered on Jesus 1. The Spiritual Foundation of Faith 2. The Spiritual Foundation of Substance 3. The Spiritual Foundation for the Messiah B. The Substantial Course of the World-Wide Restoration of Canaan Centered on the Lord of the Second Coming 14. Dispensational Time-Identity I. Indemnity Conditions and Dispensational Time-Identity II. Division of the Dispensational Ages Based on Time-Identity A. Division of the Ages B. The Parallels Among the Dispensational Ages 1. The Period of Slavery in Egypt and the Period of Persecution in the Roman Empire 2. The Period of the Judges and the Period of the Christian Churches under the Patriarchal System 3. The Period of the United Kingdom and the Period of the Christian Kingdom 4. The Period of the Divided Kingdoms of North and South and the Period of the Divided Kingdoms of East and West 5. The Period of Jewish Captivity and Return and the Period of Papal Captivity and Return 6. The Period of Preparation for the Messiah and the Period of Preparation for the Second Coming 15. Preparation For The Second Coming I. The Period of the Reformation A. The Renaissance B. The Reformation II. The Period of Conflict Between Religion and Philosophies A. The Cain-type View of Life B. The Abel-type View of Life III. The Period of the Maturing of Political Structure, Economy, and Ideology A. The Development of Modern Political Systems B. The Industrial Revolution and the Maturing of the Economy C. The Stages of Revolution in Politics, Economics, Ideology and Religion IV. The World Wars A. The Dispensational Causes of the World Wars B. The First World War C. The Second World War D. The Third World War 16. The Second Coming I. How will Christ Come Again? A. Lessons Based on the Second Coming of Elijah B. Lessons Based on the First Coming of Christ C. The Second Coming of Christ Takes Place by his Birth on Earth D. The Principle Point of View E. The Meaning of the Clouds II. When Will Christ Come Again? III. Where Will Christ Come Again? Jesus' Age and the Present Age from the Standpoint of Time-Identity