Faith and Life

by Yo Han Lee

Faith And Life - Volume 2 [Part 3]

Yo Han Lee
September, 1977

5. The Failure

Ham became ashamed. He manifested shame. On which position did Ham feel ashamed? Ham had attended Noah, setting up the foundation of faith. Noah was persecuted by the people very much. But Noah's family joined him and won together. Ham standing on the position to be with God and responsible for God's providence, attended and believed in Noah, thinking that Noah was a man of character and faith to see him building the ark. Now how should Ham take Noah, who was drank with wine and sleeping naked? He should have asked God if he didn't know how to take it. Since Ham also was standing on the position of God, in God's dominion, after the 40 day separation, he should have asked God. He should not have judged by himself carelessly.

The subject of faith was Jehovah. That Jehovah and Noah became one and spent a 120 year period and 40 days. Therefore Ham should have taken Noah's position as God's, or anyway asked Noah's reasons why this came about. Ham felt ashamed by himself. He felt it not from God's position but from the lineal position It is not shame itself but the position Ham that Ham took that matters. With whom did Ham feel shamed? With God? Who- felt ashamed first and made Ham feel the same way? It matters with whom and on which position.

Ham must have been humiliated while he was building the ark for 120 years. Sometimes he doubted what he was doing because that was a job nobody could believe. The reason he could continue was that he saw that the relationship between God and Noah was absolute and Noah was not crazy even though he was persecuted by people. Then God had the subject of faith, Noah naked before Ham. God had Noah's family believe in Noah and put Noah on the admirable position. This time God tested how they would feel when they, saw their subject of faith whom they had respected as a superior, was under their own standard. This is the way to indemnify the relationship with Satan. It is not an indemnity to believe what we can believe. If we walk the unbelievable way with God, asking God how to do this bears the result which has nothing to do with Satan.

On such an important moment, we become careless. Ham also was careless. Ham found Noah sleeping naked. "What does God think of this?" If he could have thought of this question! Ham had known that God loved Noah much more than Ham respected Noah. He knew that God loved Noah much more he did Since he knew this, he should have thought how God felt to see this? Ham had known that Noah had built up the ark, given such detail indications as what cubits its breadth should be or how many doors the ark should have. After all he had known Noah's position which was thoroughly dominated God. This Noah became naked. He was likely to think of and understand God's position. But he didn't think at all.

6. Separation and Restoration of Emotion

By the same token, we can think of Eve's position. She was given the order not to eat. She had known that her position was to be dominated by God, since God gave her the order. She had known that she should have asked everything to God, but she ate without God's permission. (God let her know so that she would never commit sin.) She was said to be careless. Ham became careless because of lineal blood of fallen nature. But in the case of Eve, we wonder why she didn't ask God. Man fell by love. What do we love with this love? This determines the position on which we manifest our emotion. This is always checked in the course of indemnity.

What does Satan accuse? They are: emotion not centered on God's Word; a self away from God's Word; anxiety, joy, and attachment that have nothing to do with God's Word. After all, they are lineal fallen nature. For six thousands years, the providence to resurrect the emotion, love and attachment centered on God's Word, had been continued.

Adam and Eve fell by love. God has tried to make our emotion separated from fallen love and engrafted to original love. He has dealt with the same problems of emotion repeatedly through the course of history in various ways. It became a big sin for Ham to be ashamed. This is because he didn't manifest his emotion on God's position. It was not God's position or God's reason. This produced the same situation after the fall of Adam and Eve. Ham was caught because of being ashamed. God couldn't work His providence any more on the way of setting the foundation of substance.

Some people may think that 7 members except Ham could continue the providence. But it is said that two other children, in an effort not to see the body, walked backward to cover their father's body with a garment. Three brothers became one centering on Ham. None of them was going to pray. When Ham told them that Noah became drunk and naked, none of them thought of the fact that Noah had been under God's dominion for 120 years and of how God looked at this. Thinking that they were in trouble if they looked at Noah's body, they managed not to see it. They had to see it and decide their own position on which they should stand. It was the chance that they had to separate their emotion. God separated them for 40 days and then, they themselves had to separate themselves this time. When they saw Noah's body, they had to set the emotional condition that they were on God's side. They had to set up the condition for man to subjugate Satan by himself. They could not accept the providence properly because they turned their faces away not to see the body. Nobody among the three could set up the admirable condition for Noah.

God had waited for 1,600 years until the tenth generation after Adam. It took Noah's family 120 years to build the ark. They succeeded to set up the foundation of faith. And yet for a moment, in an instant they lost everything: the period of faith and the root of faith they had attained after 120 years' effort, because of the shame of a passing moment.

7. The Importance of an Internal Relationship

It is incomparable. How regrettable it is! Peter had denied himself and suffered persecution for three years, deserted by his family and relatives. He walked the way of faith and was proud of Jesus. But something inside made him say that he didn't know Jesus. This moment's shame seemed to be nothing compared with his past three years. But this clarified his attitude of having followed Jesus. He still remained what he had been, even after he knew Jesus.

Even though they had attended Noah for a hundred and twenty years, they remained fallen men inside. They followed Noah just because they didn't have enough knowledge to object to Noah. They had faith in Noah, but they did not change themselves. If they had been with Noah internally, they would not have felt uncomfortable at his naked body. By the same token, if Peter had been one with Jesus internally, Peter would have wanted to be crucified together, to be beaten together and to go to whatever miserable position Jesus had to go. When we stand on the position to be killed, we become very brave. This is how our emotion works. If we are not one internally, we will separate when we meet with difficulties. This shows that we have no internal relationship. Peter received persecution with Jesus for three years, but he had nothing to do with Jesus. There is proof; lie said, "I don't know him." He would have followed Jesus at the risk of his life, if he had thought Jesus would succeed. But Jesus seemed to be going to fail, then, lie separated away from Jesus.

Through Ham's failure we can really understand how difficult it is to separate our blood lineage from Satan. Our blood lineage is a mixed one between the Archangels fallen love and God's original love. We must recreate the new lineage which should have give and take action only with God. We see that Ham's failure blocked the way, and various emotional problems later on also block the way which we should go. I feel this is really our foe.

Our physical body behaves and thinks as it likes. We are walking the eternal way, but we are influenced by horizontal things. When we meet with a certain situation, we judge carelessly according to our own idea. This is a flow of fallen emotion. We must have pity on ourselves. It is really regrettable.

We suddenly behave as we like, not looking back the way we have walked towards goodness. We are full of the possibility to express our emotion unless we fight with this problem. After setting up the emotional condition, we regret having done it that way. We must control the problem before we set up the condition. Ham must have known his failure after he had failed.

Peter had lived for three years with Jesus. But he was scared of a little girl saying, "This man seemed to be a member of the group of the Nazarene, Jesus." She didn't questioned but just said. Peter denied, "I am not.", with terror to a little girl. Actually the problem is our blood lineage.

8. The Effect of Blood Lineage

Rev. Moon spoke about reversing the blood lineage to those who came for marriage blessing. He spoke in detail about emotion, prayer and a concrete life of faith. We've learned Ham's failure which blocked the providence centering on Noah's family. We try to purify ourselves not to repeat this kind of failure again. We also set up many conditions to have good relationships among brothers and sisters so that we could proceed the providence much better. We even fast for 7 days in order to show that we follow God's will. Nevertheless when we look back our way of thinking and doing, we are so selfish and influenced by external circumstances. This is because we don't think of the importance of our position, separation and purification of faith.

Ham should have looked at the situation more seriously. He should have judged it at the risk of his life. He should have done it with sense of responsibility. If he had built up the ark for 120 years at the risk of his life, he should have judged it at the risk of his life. He should have thought thoroughly how to understand the situation, but he judged very carelessly and easily. We must judge it, standing on the position attained through the life of faith. We divide our life into two; a life of faith and a daily life. Ham built up the ark, thinking that was for God. After he finished the ark, he thought his life was a family life which had nothing to do with God. We also are likely to think this way. During a Sunday service, we listen and pray with tears and sincerity. But after the service, in free time, we behave ourselves as we like. This way of thinking makes a chance to pull down the foundation you have set up.

Noah's family might be dominated by Satan without knowing why 120 year foundation of faith was lost. Ham didn't know that. Abraham didn't know why his descendants had to labor in Egypt for 400 years as slaves. It was because he didn't separate the doves. It is not until the Divine Principle was lectured on the earth that Abraham understood the reason through the spiritualist. This is true with us. We don't know where a test is waiting and with which condition we violate the heavenly law.

In our daily life we don't separate from Satan through prayer or religious ceremony. We use our emotion freely and carelessly, and at the Sunday service we change our attitude. We think our daily life is different from a religious life. We are ignorant of the reason on what occasion we have our condition taken by Satan. So, we must know! Think even minor thing important. Think the small matter as the matter of a whole. The Bible cautioned like this. However small the matter seems to be, we must not treat it carelessly but with sincerity. Then, we will not be caught by Satan.

The man of faith must not change his attitude according to people, jobs, and circumstances with which he encounters. When we are given a free time or we are alone and if we think we can behave as we like, then we are about to make a mistake. We must remember that we are always with Satan. We must judge the situation, weather Satan loves or hates it. We must not forget that living with Satan, and we must keep God's position.

Abraham's Family

1. The Calling of Abraham

The representative of 1,600 years failed in the foundation of substance because of Ham's failure. The number 4 and the 10 generations were lost. Therefore, Abraham was called, tenth generations or 400 years after Noah. The longer a human being lives, the more Satan has a chance to attack! Therefore, God shortened a life span of man to be and called a Father of Faith, Abraham.

Abraham's family made a living by making idols. He knew that his father's business was not good for people. He saw people worshipping the idols with reverence and had a feeling of considerable repulsion toward his father. God called Abraham from such a family.

God called him as a person of indemnity. As Satan accused Ham whom God loved, God called Abraham whom Satan loved. Abraham was called as a Father of Faith as well as a person of indemnity on the foundation of faith set up by Abel and Ham.

2. The Condition to Qualify

Before Abraham offered the substantial offerings, he set up one condition of restoring Sarah who was taken by Pharaoh. At the time of Abel arid Ham, nothing was spoken about their wives. This is because Abraham was the third personage. Abraham pretended that he and Sarah were brother and sister. Once he was deprived of Sarah and took her back from the hands of Pharaoh by the help of a heavenly indication. This was a trial on the family level in order for him to be qualified as a central figure of the foundation of faith. Adam and Eve lost Eve in their perfection stage and Adam reversed the dominion. Therefore, the third person must restore Eve. This has a big meaning. A man of faith must restore Eve in his third generation. Abraham was called for such a family providence.

The Bible doesn't tell Sarah's faith. She was taken away by Pharaoh. In such a time, it is natural for her to be unstable. Abraham received the indication and started traveling from Ur in Chaldia to a foreign land when there was a possibility for him to be killed and for his wife to be taken by a foreign king. So they promised to pretend they were brother and sister. Sarah obeyed him and furthermore she went to Pharaoh. This is really faith. An ordinary woman would run away or complain to her husband that they did not need to stay in such a place. Sarah didn't resist but kept silent when she was taken to Pharaoh, just as Isaac did when he was going to be offered as an offering. What was Sarah's emotional position? In such a case, how should we judge the situation? It was true that they came to Haran because of God's order. She didn't have any complaints because she believed Abraham's order to her was God's order. If we forget God, we have a collision with others horizontally. It's natural for people of faith to complain if they forget God and away from God's position. Sarah must have thought that what Abraham said was Jehovah's wisdom. So she must have been calm and peaceful and left her life and body to God. She was peaceful because she was with God. It's impossible for her to keep peaceful in such an occasion unless she thinks that it's God's order and His providence. Then, God ordered Pharaoh at midnight not to touch her, or He would kill him. This is another reason I say she was with God. Since she was with God, God declared she was His own and that Pharaoh should not touch her. She didn't speak but she moved God to say so instead of her.

It's not a compulsory interference with Pharaoh by God, it's a resultant condition. It's a dominion over the result. It was not Abraham but Sarah who bore the result. Eve must make Satan come to a natural surrender and come back to her husband. The first Eve was dominated by the archangel, but this Eve was dominated by Heaven even if she was in the hands of the Satanic king. She went there in God's position, not thinking whether she could subjugate Satan or not. She stood and remained in the Heavenly position. Therefore, Heaven assumed the dominion over the result and she was saved.

Pharaoh had a strong impression of Sarah, because she was calm and had composure even though she was captured. He must have felt something. So he received the revelation from Heaven. After the revelation, he said to them, "Why did you tell me a lie that you were brother and sister?" and he gave them property. This is because he came to respect their personalities. A woman's faith influenced Pharaoh. She made him come to a natural surrender. This is the internal faith of Sarah which we had not noticed. Ham felt and judged as he wanted, but she didn't lose her internal standard even when she was in the hands of the enemy. And we see that she restored external property, too.

3. The Importance of Eve

Eve is a key point. She is a subject of good and evil. The good person was a woman, and the bad person was also a woman. The property was also swayed by a woman. After Eve gets a victory, Adam,. can offer a, sacrifice on Eve's foundation. Rachel, Jacob's wife, took out the idol from Laban's house and buried it under the tree. This gave her a victory and after this victory, Jacob was blessed as Israel. Unless a woman wins in the family, man can't fight with Satan or have a foundation to be blessed by God. Man must look for his Eve.

Jesus was killed since he didn't gain Eve. However many men gathered, they were archangels forever. Men couldn't be connected with Jesus emotionally. It's a woman who could be emotionally connected with Jesus. Any woman; a woman of Samaria, a certain Maria or Mary Magdalene should have connected herself with Jesus emotionally and received the lineage of Jesus on the earth. Jesus couldn't restore Eve.

When we learn this kind of historical problem, we must understand that this is not the past historical event, but the event which we must complete on the earth. We must make a foundation centering on God. On this victorious foundation of Sarah, Abraham offered the sacrifices. These are doves of male and female, a ram, a ewe and a heifer. This heifer has a purpose to look for and restore Eve. Three great sacrifices symbolized formation, growth and perfection. What do they indemnify?

4. The Offerings

The symbolic offering was meant to indemnify everything from Adam's Family. The substantial offering was meant to restore through indemnity all the foundations of faith (formation, growth). The third generation had to restore through indemnity at once horizontally all the vertical conditions left unrestored. Therefore, through these three sacrifices, he had to restore through indemnity Adam's family, Noah's family and Abraham himself who stood on the foundation of Adam. Because he stood on such a position to be responsible for the historical problems, he had to go through severe hardships. He experienced the hardship he couldn't endure. He had to indemnify with deeper contents more than any other men of faith before him.

Next topic is the reason why he had to separate the sacrifices into two. This is the same reason to separate Abel and Cain in Adam's family; to separate Noah's family and other people, good and the evil. We must start a new blood lineage, draining away the dead and fallen, lineage. On this meaning, he had to make the sacrifices and shed blood and be cut, into two. Actually he didn't cut the dove and offered them as they were. He was waiting to burn them. But there was no answer from Heaven. It was getting dark. The bird of prey came down and Abraham fell into sleep. In the Bible we read that people slept at some important moment At the valley of Gethsemane, when Jesus and three disciples prayed, the three disciples were sleeping.

We are apt to sleep ,in the most important moment It's Satan who makes you sleep. We go forward to God through Words because we have an original nature. At the same time Satan doesn't leave us because we have a fallen nature, too. We become very sleepy when we are listening to the Divine Principle and we come to have clear consciousness when the lecture is over. When I start to teach the Divine Principle, the people of low spirit become silent and when I start to speak about secular things, their eyes are wide open. This is not physical.

Abraham should have understood the reason of the postponement if he had kept himself tense and serious. "Why is the time to burn the offerings being postponed?" "Oh, the doves are not cut into two!" In reality he was relieved after he offered the sacrifices and expected God to bless them. He worked hard when he washed sacrifices and took off their skin. After that he was relieved.

Abraham slept because his internal standard at the time of offering was lower than that of when he lost this wife. He had the high internal standard set up by himself. If his standard becomes lower than the past standard, God cannot work His providence, through him. His standard must always be higher than the past standard in order to receive God's will. After all we are judged by the standard set up by ourselves.

Abraham might have prayed all through the night when he had his wife taken. He must have been very tense. But he slept when he offered God the sacrifices. This is out of the question. It was the moment when he had to offer with more precious purpose than the time when he offered his wife.

5. Setting the Right Standard

One time I saw a Christian steward being sad because he lost his only son. He came to the Unification Church in order to heal his sadness. I said to him, "Do you believe that Jesus came to be crucified for you?" He said, "You need not ask me such a question. I've believed it for several decades." "Then, let me ask you. Which sadness is much bigger, for your son or for Jesus? Have you ever cried for Jesus much more than you did for your son?" He kept silence. "Which person is more precious from God's sight and from religious people's sight? Your son or Jesus? Which person should you love and miss more?" He still didn't say anything. "You are not permitted to cry for your own son before God and Jesus. Your faith until now is not the faith in Jesus. You became a Christian to make use of Jesus. It's a robber's way of thinking, to utilize God. You can't say you believed in crucified Jesus." Then the sadness for his son was wiped away. He understood and said for repentance, "I did not know that." But he knew it.

Even though Abraham knew it, at which time did he become more tense, when he offered sacrifices or when he offered his wife? Why was there one night when he was robbed of his wife? It is because he had to succeed in this symbolic offering by all means to set the foundation of blessing, blessing for all humankind. God trained and had Abraham set up the foundation of faith. God purposed to have Abraham succeed in the symbolic offerings. God trained him in advance so that he could not fail. We can see this kind of example in Moses' course.

When his wife was taken, he fastened on to God and won. Then, even if other's wife is taken, he must be more serious than when his own wife was taken. If not, his love is not the love from God's position. He prayed all through the night because it was his own wife. But if we have heavenly love and true love, we must pray all night even if it is another's wife. We must transcend our blood lineage. We have no qualification to love our own children unless we love people of faith. If you differentiate your own children from others' children, your love is not God's love. We must recreate our emotion.

Abraham slept at the time of the symbolic offerings. But do you believe that Abraham enjoyed a sound sleep on the night when his wife was taken? Say, here is a problem. There was a difference in emotion. Therefore, the foundation of faith was lost. He lost the foundation of faith set up at the time when he had his wife taken. Therefore, he had to try again and he had his wife taken again. The second time he had his wife taken really centering on God's will. He indemnified twice. He indemnified once centering on his own blood relationship and once centering on God's position. Therefore, his descendants had to labor a considerably long time, 400 years.

The 400 years after Noah's family were lost. God tried to have Abraham restore through indemnity everything from Adam's family, at once, horizontally, but failed.

Next is Abraham's offering of Isaac. The reason why Abraham, himself, a failure, could stand before God, is that he was the third person and was in the sphere where God's providence was to be fulfilled. As there was such a condition, he could continue the providence centering on his family.

Jacob's Course

1. Our Course

If you don't know Adam's family and Noah's family, you don't know the contents of history. You don't know the crimes committed by Adam's family until now. We are standing in the responsible position for history without knowing its contents. We can mention about what Adam's position is, because we've learned the Divine Principle. But after all we don't know. We don't know the contents of our blood lineage, either. Cain and Abel didn't know the contents of their blood lineage. We know at furthest the third generation before us but no further generations. We don't know what kind of lineage we've inherited, but we do know. Rev. Moon said you don't think you know but you know it. We know God even though we don't seem to know Him. We were so created as to be able to know Him. What does it mean that you don't seem to know your lineage but you know it? You feel that your interest, desire, attachment and direction of your heart is somewhat different from others'. Something is different. Some people are impressed with our Holy songs. Even though they haven't listened to the Divine Principle, they are attracted and interested in them. The emotion works faster than the intellect. This means that the original nature knows the direction and the way we should go. We feel it because we know it somewhere inside us.

The people of faith came to be responsible for each period of history. This is not because God educated them to do so but because they felt they were responsible for it. One man can't sleep because he is worrying about the national problem, which is not his business though. This happens because he knows it is his responsibility. We become hungry even if we don't know the time. We become sleepy when we need to sleep. We become sick when we need to rest. By the same token, the emotion, like an antenna, knows the future. It knows history. An excellent man sees things, transcending the present. He looks to be foolish or strange from the viewpoint of ordinary people, though.

We, like Moses and Jesus, must walk the course of foundation because we must recreate the lineage, occupied with Archangel's love, just as Jacob did. Through Jacob, the life of faith is shown to us. 'The Fall of Man' (Chapter 2) also shows us the way to go. If you could understand.

2. Understanding Past Providences

When I was in the theological school, few of them majored in the Old Testament because it was difficult to deal with. Mr. Zenta Watanabe, a famous theologian in Japan did not know in what meaning Genesis, Abraham's course and Exodus should be connected with Jesus. They thought the Old Testament was the Old Testament and the New Testament was the New Testament. They thought they had no relationship with each other. They couldn't think of what kind of relationship they had in the providence. They could not discover what lesson each providential story contained for the future.

Rachel hid the idol under her skirt and made an excuse that she couldn't stand up because she was in the period of menses. The theologians could not imagine this couple were untying what was tied in Adam's family. The fall of man shows us that the fall of man happened in Adam's family and this couple was responsible to restore it. They cleared away what the ancestors had piled up. They became the victors and Rachel could stand as Eve. They bore 12 sons and succeeded in restoring the 12 generations from Adam to Jacob at once by their one family.

God's providence can't be successful without man's fulfillment. This course indicated to us that God's providence can't be fulfilled unless man fulfills his responsibility. Through the examples of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we can see that God set up another person if the former failed. We can also see that our failure is compensated by a small condition and we can inherit all the history, standing on the foundation, set up by the ancestors' successful works. But if we should fail in this circumstance, we must pay a big indemnity condition. In Jacob's course, the separation of good and evil is the most important lesson. Jacob and Esau had fought for 21 years, standing on the position of Adam's family. We can take it as a lesson and see how much the thought of separation was living in Jacob.

Amos ch. 3 v. 7 reads that God starts His providence after He reveals His secret. He would always set His providence after a prophesy. He goes after He reveals His secret through His servants or prophets. He revealed symbolically all the secrets centering on Jacob, so that this word came true. Moses, as a representative of the race, had to go through the 'image' course with Jacob's symbolic course as a pattern. Next Jesus had to walk the substantial course. First of all God must win over Satan. Unless God wins, people centering on God can't win. Therefore, God must subjugate Satan. If not, the Messiah can't win. The Messiah must pioneer the way in order to save the children. The responsibility of the Creator, that of Adam, and that of the children. This is how it goes.

3. Lessons from Comparisons

Jacob's course which pioneered the restoration course is the course all mankind must walk. Let's compare Jacob's course, Moses' course and Jesus' course with each other. The trial, bread and a pottage of lentils, three day period, 12 sons and 70 family members, crossed the river with a rod, 40 day period, mother's cooperation, went to a foreign land, a golden idol, came back from Haran to Canaan, 10 times cheated, the dead body. These are explained in the Divine Principle. In Moses' course, there were many trials, especially when he came back from the wilderness to Egypt, he had a trial in which God tried to kill him and he was reborn from the dead position. Quail and manna, three day period, 12 tribes and 70 elders, crossed the Red Sea with a rod, 40 day fasting, mother's cooperation, started from Egypt, a golden calf, Canaan, 10 calamities, the dead body. And in Jesus' course; blood and mother, 3 day period in the tomb, 12 disciples and 70 disciples, the iron rod, 40 day fasting, mother's cooperation, went down to Egypt, fought with Satan, the purpose for restoration into Canaan on the world wide level, 10 miracles, the dead body.

We also have to restore these things. We have to receive trials and subjugate Satan. Our blood and flesh must be our heart and personality created by the Words. As we must restore the substantial body, we need blood and mother instead of manna and quail or bread and a pottage of lentils. We must go three-day period. We must make the foundation of 12 people and 70 people. We must setup a representative of the race on this mathematical foundation.

Our iron rod is the Divine Principle. We have many 40 day period; internal 40-day period, external 40-day period, 40-day period after a marriage or 40-day period for witnessing. We have many 40-day period to be restored. We need to have a mutual relationship with our mother. Wherever we go, we must behave centering on a mother of faith as a foundation. We must go to Egypt, too. We must go to the Satanic world and restore people and all things. We must fight with Satan and subjugate him. Ten miracles means that we are praised by Satan more than ten times. We must offer glory to God and be praised by the outside society. If you are praised more than three times in each stage of formation, growth, and perfection, you can proceed to the next step. The number 3 is really mathematical. Three members, or three steps in heartistic progress. When you are blessed once, you must multiply the blessing at least three times. When you determine to do something, you must determine in your head, in your breast, and in the bottom of your belly. You think it wonderful in your head. But you must not stop there. Your determination must be extended to the breast, to the belly and through the blood into the marrow of bones. You must be responsible until your determination is rooted inside your body. Through Jacob's course we can see that each one of us must walk the course to restore the substance by himself which was shared by Jacob, Moses and Jesus; Jacob walked symbolically, Moses in image and Jesus in substance. In order for us to know Jesus, we must know Jacob. If we don't know Moses' course, we feel difficulty to go through the course of faith. If you experience Jacob's course, you can understand how much Jehovah has labored and the heart of the providence of restoration.

When Rev. Moon prays, he prays from Adam's family to Jacob's course and to Jesus' course centering on Jacob's course. After he preached and lectured the Divine Principle, he offered the prayer from Adam's family to Jesus and the sad heart he had experienced when he walked the hard and miserable course by himself. We have inherited the course, standing on the foundation of the heart restored in the providential age for the foundation of restoration and experienced the labors of many people of faith in the past. Therefore, our course which we are walking, following the pattern, becomes an unforgettable and historical course.

Rev. Moon interprets the Orient, Asia from the viewpoint of Adam's family. All the nations and the world can be interpreted from the viewpoint of Adam's family, because what we must fulfill is to complete one Adam's family. The world is to be one Adam's family. Adam's family on a family level, that on a racial level, that of an Asian level, that on a worldwide level. The world is a development of Adam's fallen family. The purpose of the providence of restoration is to fulfill one Adam's family. History is the history of restoration through indemnity of Adam's family. Rev. Moon's way of interpretation is the viewpoint of the world centering on Adam's family.

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