Filial Attendance: The Way of Filial Piety of Holy Sons and Daughters of God - Elio Roman |
If we want to see a perfect picture of the universe, we would need to first see a blueprint of the invisible laws of the universe. The universe is but the material representation of the invisible laws. God is the Originator of the absolute laws of the universe and of the absolute laws for mankind. Human beings who wish to fulfill the ideal of creation must live their lives in accord with the absolute universal laws and absolute standard of life established by God. Every atom, every molecule, every cell, every organ, every system of our body and their relationships exist in accordance with the absolute laws of the universe and absolute standard established by God. The same applies to every planet, every moon, every star, every galaxy and the universe which all function according to the absolute laws of the universe established by God.
It is the absolute laws and the absolute standards of God that establish the absolute laws and absolute standards of the natural order of the universe and all relationships within the universe; the natural order and all relationships of the family; the natural order and all relationships of society; the natural order of relationships on earth and in the spiritual world; the natural order and relationships between the earth and the spiritual world; and the absolute laws and the absolute standard between God and human beings.
Within each person, thing or entity, there exist invisibly the laws of the universe which God established. God, the Creator, is perfect. His laws are perfect. The physical universe is perfect; however, all human beings and all societies of the world are imperfect. A perfect Creator, perfect laws, a perfect universe -- but it is the human beings and societies in it that are imperfect. Societies are established by human beings sand their families. All things in the universe exist according to the absolute laws established by God, the Originator of these laws, except for human beings.
In human beings the absolute laws established by the Perfect Creator, God, which exist in the mind, are unable to govern the actions of the physical body. Saint Paul addresses this issue and says: "In my innermost being I delight in the laws of God but in my body I see another law making me captive to the law of sin. Oh wretched man that I am, who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then I of myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin." (Rom. 7:22-25) In every human being there is a struggle between the desires of the laws within the invisible mind and the desires of the physical body. This struggle results in what we call evil, which is a deviation of the actions performed by the body from the original standard of God. The relationship between the mind and the body do not function according to the laws and absolute standard determined by the Perfect Creator, God.
The awareness that St. Paul encountered when his physical body compelled him to do things he did not want to do is the starting point of a true religious life. A true religious life begins when one finds the laws of the universe whose origin is God and then aspires to live by them. This awareness is absolutely essential for one to understand as one enters a life of faith. Once this awareness is acknowledged, we in essence erect our conscience in a more vertical relationship with the Creator, God.
Recognition of the laws of sexual morality which exist in our mind, through education or by one's own encounter with the inner obligation of sexual morality, places us on the path toward spiritual maturity by which we ultimately come to achieve oneness with God and establish the Parent and child relationship. To help empower our will, we can study the history of God's providence and the consequences Adam and Eve encountered in their individual lives, in their family life, consequences to their lineage, and to their society and world. We can also look at the vast number of broken people in our society and come recognize that these exist due to personal, lineal, societal, and collective deviation from God's laws.
Human beings are given a responsibility by God which they must fulfill in order to complete God's work of creation and restoration. The completion of the creation of God is fulfilled when human beings live true lives according to the absolute laws of creation which establish the absolute standards for our lives. The first stage in the completion of the ideal of creation for human beings is to establish the Heavenly Parent and child relationship. This is a relationship of Parental love and filial attendance. It is a relationship of true love. Filial sons and daughters of God embody the love of God with which they reach out to God and to all the people of the world and cosmos. Such filial sons and daughters become centered on true love. The prerequisite for the establishment of the Heavenly Parent and child relationship is not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil which is to protect one's sexual purity.
God asked Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If they would have had attended God with absolute faith and obedience to His Commandment, Adam and Eve would have become co-creators with God. As co-creators they would have embodied the love and spirit of God. The would have become owners of true love. They would have become harmonized embodiments of truth. In essence, the bodies of human beings would have become the bodies of God. God cannot give birth to children; build a house or an ideal society without the bodies of human beings in which He can dwell. God also cannot multiply His lineage without the bodies of human beings. In order for God to dwell in our bodies, the pre-requisite of mind and body unity, that is, sexual purity is the absolute standard required by the absolute laws of God.
Compliance to this absolute standard is being asked by God of everyone born in every age. This condition is absolutely necessary to inherit true life, true love, true lineage and true ownership from God. Do not eat of the fruit and you will become co-creators of the ideal individual, family, tribe, society, nation, world and cosmos. This would have formed the heavenly culture and social organizations of God and mankind on earth and in the cosmos. As God asks everyone to live a life of absolute sexual morality He also discusses with them the grave consequences of not doing so, according to the absolute laws of the universe.
Having become co-creators with God, the characters of human beings would have attained spiritual maturity and embodied the heart of God. They would have become the perfect objects of God who live in complete attendance to the Father. They would then be blessed in holy matrimony. In marriage the standard of sexual morality God absolutely requires is absolute fidelity between husband and wife. In a conjugal relationship the husband becomes the owner of the wife's sexual organs and the wife becomes the owner of the husband's sexual organs. Anyone who takes what does not belong to them is a thief.
The sexual organs are sacred. They are a sacred place. Even words pertaining to the sexual organs are sacred words. These sacred words have now become obscene and dirty words because of the misuse of love. The most sacred things in the universe are not built by human beings but those things created by God. The sexual organs are the heavenly palace of true love, true life, and true lineage. Thus holy matrimony is the sacred foundation where bride and bridegroom meet.
As co-creators with God, having attained spiritual maturity, and embodied the heart of God, human beings become centered on true love and owners of true love. As they practice true love, their character and personality become perfected (mature). They become filial sons and daughters of God who attend God and True Parents with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. These filial sons and daughters embody the heart of God. They become one with the heart of God. They become centered on true love and live their lives for the sake of God and for the sake of others.
They also come to be the Lords of Creation. Lords of Creation have an awareness and love of nature and the creation that fallen man lacks. With respect, love and reverence for the creation, they would also, through the development of science and technology, build an ideal physical world. Filial sons and daughters of God form ideal families, an ideal society and an ideal culture of love which will then establish the ideal nation and world centered on love. These establish the traditions of the Kingdom of God which are founded on God's absolute laws and the absolute standards of true life. It all begins with absolute sexual purity, the holy wine ceremony, change of blood lineage, and absolute fidelity.
If Adam and Eve had achieved individual perfection -- the perfection of character -- by upholding the principles of absolute sexual purity, in accordance with God's will, and then entered into conjugal relations through His Blessing, they would have attained complete oneness with Him. God would have dwelt within their union. (Messages of Peace 10 -- 146, 2006.11.21)
Your sexual organ is the original palace of love. Your sexual organ is the original palace and royal palace of life. Your sexual organ is the royal palace of lineage. Only if love, life, and lineage are accomplished can your sexual organ be the royal palace in which God can dwell. Since God is the King of all kings, and the one who is to go to the original palace and reside there, in order to attend God, you have to attain the original palace of love, the original palace of life, the original palace of lineage, and the original palace of conscience. Amen, amen, amen! May it happen as decreed by my word! Amen! (280-197, 1997.1.1)
Is there a place where perfect people, that is, a perfect man and woman, come to be? It is a place where they can receive God's love centered on the public will of heaven and attend God as the subject partner after completely uniting their mind and body. When they come to such a place, they will stand in the position of perfected Adam and Eve. When such people form a family and make a start, this is a historic start. This is the beginning of a historic life course. (26-160, 1969.10.25)
We have been educating people about pure love, but now they need to know its deeper meaning. Pure love education, while teaching people to maintain their purity on earth, does not cover the question of eternity. To connect with eternal life through the blessing, they must understand the essence of the Principle. (295-74, 1998.8.17)
Think about it. As a young person nearing your twenties, where will you take your clean, unstained, holy, and pure heart, all wrapped up? You should bring it to the altar where heaven will be most happy and it will bring joy to God. The sacred foundation on which God can bind together men and women of pure love like you is where the bride and bridegroom are to meet. Even so, you were ignorant of its value. (64-84, 1972.10.24)
Into what did Satan drive his roots? Into the body. God created Adam and Eve, but they fell when they were under-age. God commanded them not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but it was not a commandment concerning a literal fruit. If they had plucked the fruit with their hands and eaten it with their mouths, then they would have hidden their hands and covered their mouths. So why did they cover their sexual parts? This is a deadly trap, the cause of the destruction of human culture. The word "love" is the most sacred word, but why have words related to love become obscene in spite of this? Why do we consider them foul words? It is because the misuse of love destroyed the great Principle of heaven and earth. (198-110, 1990.1.25)
Sexual organs are the palace of love. What is the current state of that palace of love? The sexual organs of human beings are the most precious in the world: they are the palace of love, life and lineage. They are the most sacred in the world. Through the Fall, however, they became defiled. From the original viewpoint of God, the sexual organ is not unclean, but sacred. It is most precious. Life, love and lineage are connected to it. This sacred organ was defiled by Satan. (218-176, 1991.7.28)
What are the sexual organs where man and woman make love? They are the original palace of love, life and lineage. Grandfathers and grandmothers hold to them, as will all sons and daughters who are yet to be born. Is there any man or woman who does not hold on to them? Then why did it become such an immoral subject? People regard any word connected to sex as immoral. Why is it immoral? It should be sacred. You should accept words connected to sex as sacred. The sexual organ connects to eternal love to bring forth eternal life and eternal lineage. It is the most precious thing in the world of creation. (210-101, 1990.12.1)
Where is the most sacred place of all? When asked where the most holy place is, we cannot answer that it is the temple in Jerusalem. Something man-made cannot be the most holy place. God builds the greatest sanctuary, where His love can dwell. This sanctuary, however, was lost. Thus, how great is the sin of humankind? (136-310, 1985.12.29)
The sexual organs are sacred entities. Is that right or not? Why do you look at me so strangely? Why are you looking at me as if to say, "The founder of the Unification Church is talking about sexual organs"? Can pastors speak of such sexual organs? They would all be spat upon. Are there men and women who spit on the sexual organs? Do men spit on the female organs, and do women spit on the male? Sexual organs are sacred things. Sacred, sacred, sacred are the sexual organs. They are sacred. They are the place of the perfected Adam who has not fallen. They are the sacred place, the sacred palace. They are the highest palace. The sexual organs are the original palace of life and love. (285-59, 1997.6.5)
The first love relationship between a man and a woman is their time for meeting God. The moment of the first love relationship after marriage is the point at which the husband is perfected as a man. He rules over God's entire world of plus as an antenna. He represents all male-types and right-sided beings. The negative electrical charge and positive electrical charge meet at exactly the same point at the top of the antenna. The point where a husband and wife make love is where they are both perfected.
The royal palace of love can begin from that place and establish itself on earth as the center of heaven and earth. It is the origin of perfected love, and life can be connected from there. Is this not so? The lineage is connected to that place. At the same time, a heavenly nation is created from there. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world begins from the first perfected love relationship, from that place where the gate of the first perfected love is opened. Humankind has not understood this. (261-16, 1994.5.15)
When the sexual organs are sanctified, they can be connected to heaven. Their importance should be taught from elementary school. The goals pursued by man and woman are the sexual organs of love. They are shaped as concave and convex for love. Why were the genitals shaped differently? For the sake of love. Which love is it for? It is for true love, God's eternal and unchanging love. (278-271, 1996.5.26)
You need to know that the sexual organs were the dividing point between heaven and hell. If you use them wrongfully, you are bound for hell, and if you use them rightfully, you will automatically reach heaven. There is only one starting point, not two. This shows the importance of lovemaking. When all women and men return home and say, "Now I know the truth. Let's put it into practice henceforth. It is the basis of hope for our family," then universal liberation will take place. The conclusion is that, in conjunction with the universal proclamation, we should understand its contents and preserve the sanctity of the sexual organs. (278-209, 1996.5.24)
For people to perfect themselves in resemblance of God and obtain the stature of people of character who can be called sons and daughters of the Absolute Being, they must follow the path based on the absolute standard determined by Heaven. The essence of this path is the standard of absolute sexual morality. The first stage is maintaining absolute sexual morality -- in other words a standard of absolute sexual purity -- prior to getting married.
After we are born, we go through a process of growth. We pass through infancy and childhood in a very safe and secure environment under our parents' love and protection. We then enter the time of adolescence, which signals the start of a new and dynamic life as we forge relationships on a totally new level with those around us, as well as with all things of creation. This is the moment when we begin to travel the path to becoming an absolute human being -- internally, through the perfection of our character, and externally, by reaching adulthood.
Yet, at this time there is an absolute prerequisite that human beings must uphold no matter who they are; that is maintaining their purity. Sexual purity is based on absolute model of sexual morality for human beings. God gave it to His children as their destined responsibility and duty, to be carried out in order to fulfill the ideal of creation. This heavenly path is thus the way to perfecting an absolute model of sexual morality.
What was the single word, the one and only commandment God gave to Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, upon their creation? It was the commandment and blessing to maintain an absolute standard of sexual abstinence until Heaven's approval of their marriage. We find this in the Bible passage that indicates that Adam and Eve would surely die on the day they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. If they had refrained from eating and observed Heaven's commandment, they would have perfected their character and, as co-creators, stood with God, the Creator, as His equals. Furthermore, they would have taken dominion over the creation and become the lords of the universe enjoying eternal and ideal happiness.
It was God's blessing that He told them to preserve their purity so that they could be married with His Blessing as His true children, become true husband and wife, produce true children and become true parents. This deepens our understanding of this commandment: it was not something separate from absolute sexual morality, which is a principle of God's creation. The profound truth that lay hidden within God's commandment throughout history was this: human beings must inherit and live by a model of sexual morality that is intrinsic to God's ideal for creation in order to perfect their individuality as God's children, and establish themselves as lords of creation.
Second is the absolute model of sexual morality in the relationship of husband and wife. More precious than life itself, this is the heavenly law of absolute fidelity…
Absolute sexual morality is the greatest blessing that Heaven has bestowed on humankind. Without adhering to the standard of absolute sexual morality, the path to the perfection of one's character, to spiritual maturity, is closed. Furthermore, without securing the foundation of absolute sexual morality within a true family through perfected persons, it is impossible for God to establish His stature as a personal God and incarnate God.
In order for God, the Absolute Being, to have direct dominion over our lives and to live and share joy with us, we who were created as His object partners and children must assume the form of a perfected family based on the standard of absolute sexual morality, as God does. Only within the boundaries of a family upholding absolute sexual morality is it possible to create relationships based on an ideal model of sexual ethics for life as it originally should have been. This life includes the three-generational realm of grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren. Please understand clearly that God's eternal life and a human being's eternal life are made possible only on this foundation.
Therefore, if, upholding absolute sexual morality, Adam and Eve had achieved individual perfection -- the perfection of their character -- in accordance with God's will, and entered into conjugal relations through His Blessing, they would have attained complete oneness with Him. God would have dwelt within their union. Also, their children would have been linked to this holy order of love, enjoying a direct relationship with God as their Parent. In other words, the marriage of the perfected Adam and Eve, based on their absolute sexual morality, would have been God's own marriage. While God is forever God, also Adam and Eve would have become the embodiment of God. They would have become God's body. God would have settled inside their minds and hearts to become the True Parent of humankind in both the spiritual and physical worlds, on the foundation of absolute sexual morality…
Please become true princes and princesses who live in attendance to God as your True Parent, for He is the Peace King of the multitudes. Let us build the everlasting peace kingdom by attending True Parents, who have been enthroned as the King and Queen of Cosmic Peace in the world of eternal liberation and freedom -- where there is no need for the Savior, Messiah nor Second Advent of the Lord -- and fulfill the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters, patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters!
By following God's commandment to uphold absolute sexual morality, let us establish exemplary families, inherit True Parents' victory of restoring through indemnity the realm of three generations, and perfect the world as it would have been without the Fall!
Let us establish a model ideal family to bring the complete settlement of the cosmic ideal realm of liberation and complete freedom, and the kingdom of goodness in which we can enjoy a time of absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal peace and prosperity, which can become the homeland of cosmic peace that can be praised for all eternity! (Messages of Peace 10 -- 144, 2006.11.21)
You think of the whole of your body as yours, but love is not yours. Love is completely in the possession of your partner. In the Old Testament, we find words such as "holy place" and "most holy place." The holy place symbolizes a person, and the most holy place symbolizes the house of love. Every person has a holy place and a most holy place. In other words, the holy place is a house where you can attend God. As for the most holy place, since only God can have dominion of privileged love over it, it is a place to make a relationship with God. There are surely not two high priests keeping the most holy place. There is only one. You should know that long ago, the one who had the key to Eve's most holy place was Adam, and the one who had the key to Adam's most holy place was Eve. (132-246, 1984.6.20)
Do you know about the original palace of love? The first love relationship is the beginning point of the Kingdom of Heaven both on earth and in the spirit world. It is where man and woman are absolutely united into one. In the absolute state of unified masculinity and femininity within God, God's invisible internal nature and external form could divide and start the process of creating human beings. Similarly, man and woman give birth to sons and daughters by becoming one in love. Human beings are creating, in the visible, substantial realm, that which was created by the invisible God.
Love is the power that can join lineages. What is the central axis that can bring together different lineages? What is the power plant? It is the first love between the convex and concave parts of man and woman. From that love, for the first time, electricity begins to be generated through the love relationship. That place is the epicenter for the generation of true love, true life, true lineage, and a true family on earth, as well as the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. Those who ignore this cannot truly exist. They can only go to hell. There is no way around this. (259-229, 1994.4.10)
Human beings were born as children of the heart, but they had to grow up. In order to mature and be able to govern the universe, they had to turn around God. Thus, God has to come down to them, become one with the axis and turn the universe. According to the Principle, the commandment, "Do not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil," actually meant, "Wait until you become mature." That is to say, they had to wait until the central point was set, and until they were able to settle in that central point. (171-11, 1987.12.5)
You have to realize the importance of the love organs of man and woman. God comes down through them. God's liberation begins from them. God can begin to sing and dance around them. They are connected to the royal palace of love, to the eternal royal palace. The gate of the first love relationship of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world opens in that place. Does this seem true or false?
Were you all aware of how valuable this was when you were single? Your first love is important. If your first love goes away, the whole universe goes to hell. This is where everything was lost: the royal palace of love, the royal palace of life, the future history of true lineage, and the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. What would be the fate of the one whose first love went wrong? There exists a set of principles and laws, yet what is his fate? He will have no place to continue to exist. He will be thrown out. People were created to live forever, but they are going to waste. Onto the wasteland they go. They end up living upside-down. (261-27, 1994.5.15)
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is also a ceremony in which man and woman bound in marriage before God, can vow purity and fidelity to one other. The destruction of the true family means the destruction of chastity. Since immoral love was the cause of the fall of our ancestors, then we who are the descendants became the victims of the same immoral, promiscuous love. This is the world phenomenon of today manifested in free sex, homosexual love, and decadent love relationships. The promiscuity of today's world is reminiscent of the animal kingdom.
The time has come for humankind to return to the world of God's original purity and chaste love by completely liberating fallen mankind from its false ancestors. The transformers who liberate this world are the True Parents.
The Bride will pledge the love of chastity to her bridegroom as her subject, recognizing him as God's son who represents all men of the world and the substantial being of True Parents. The Bridegroom will pledge all the love of chastity to his bride, accepting her as God's daughter representing all women of the world and the feminine incarnation of the True Parents.
When I speak of fidelity, I do not mean the traditional fidelity enforced only upon women. I refer to the simultaneous purity and fidelity of men and women together based on the principle of God, which is the ideal of one man for one woman, that provides that man and woman protect the sanctity and holiness of the act of love, not engage in pre-marital relations, and, after being blessed with their ideal counterparts, husband and wife love one another infinitely and eternally as subject and object. (World Peace -24, 1995.8.22)
There is a certain foundation, which is God's original nature of creation, working for man and woman to come together in love perfectly, becoming one body 100%. But this idea has been going in the wrong direction, squeezed, trampled on and destroyed, like cracks in a beautiful bowl. (33-333)
Love comes from the stimulation of unblemished emotion, but free sex is totally devoid of purity or true emotion. (World Peace -- 36, May -- July, 1993)
If blessed children families fall, they, their parents and their grandparents -- all three generations -- will have to pay the price. It is too sad to contemplate. I do not even want to think about it. Preserve your sexual purity at all cost. (275-214, 1995.12.30)
The most serious problem to beset humankind in the future world will be the issue of immorality and moral decadence destroying family values. Moral decadence is truly the original sin that pushes humanity into the abyss of suffering and despair. Whether the world of the future will resemble heaven or hell will be determined by whether we can establish a moral code that sustains the purity of the family and protects family values. (Public Venue, 1997.11.26)
The law of cause and effect is clearly evident in history. Whatever you have sown, you will surely reap. Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, engaged in sexual immorality and the abuse of love while they were still growing. This was the fall of man. God wanted them to grow in purity until He blessed them in heavenly matrimony, becoming the foundation of God's true love, true life and true blood lineage. Humanity, descending from this perfected and blessed Adam and Eve would naturally become the sons and daughters of God, enjoying the love of the Creator, and living in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world.
However, before Adam and Eve matured and received the blessing from God, while they were still teenagers, the archangel tempted Eve and engaged in fornication with her. In this way, the archangel became Satan. By engaging in relations with fallen Eve, Adam also fell. This is how the beginning of human history was sown. Today, we are reaping the consequences: Immorality is rampant. Teenagers, in particular, are the victims of widespread sexual degradation. Modern society in the advanced nations is little different from Sodom and Gomorrah of biblical times. God abhors this immoral behavior. We must fear the wrath of God. His punishment is imminent. (World Peace -- 199, 1990.4.10)
A new era has arrived today. The number of people around the world who have received my teaching and are standing resolutely for the sake of building the Kingdom of Peace is growing by leaps and bounds. Heaven and earth are shaking with the cries of bright young people who are determined to build true families even if they must offer their lives in order to protect their purity. Already, we find hundreds of millions of blessed families around the world. These families are shoring up a world in which ethics and morality are rapidly deteriorating. (Public Venue, 2004.3.23)
The problem we should focus on is how the foundations of sin, the Fall, evil, and hell all came into being. We have to return to Adam and Eve to understand this. When we trace the Fall of Adam and Eve to the source, we can see that they fell because they did not obey God's commandment, "Do not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil!"
The second cause of the Fall was that they became self-centered. The third cause was that they tried to love centering on themselves. This is the essence of the story that lies behind the Fall. So, we can conclude that everything connected to this is on the side of Satan. All fallen human beings have loved illicitly and self-centeredly. Therefore, we can assume that the people of the satanic world are those who express love centering on themselves. (79-198, 1975.7.27)
Strive to create families that are needed by the Messiah. Be serious about preserving the tradition of goodness and purity before God. Let that be the center of your prayers. Take much interest in your children's education. Move their hearts through your sincere concern for their well-being. Educate them based on that. (55-87, 1972.4.23)
Think about it, when you are nearing twenty, where do you take your clean and unstained pure love, all wrapped up? To the altar of God, the place where Heaven and God will be most happy to receive it. Then you become a holy husband and wife together with a man of pure love and a woman with pure love. This is where the holy place should be… You should become the people that Teacher remembers in his mind. Understand? Next, you should become people that God remembers. (64-84)
Have you become pure blood in front of God? [Not yet] Not yet, then what do you have to do? (33-332)
Teacher thinks that this earth plane is precious. It is especially important for young people to keep their bodies pure. When you are obedient with a clean mind and body, you can become truly filial to your pure parents. (15-201)
First love should occupy everything. Who is the subject of love? God is. Because the subject of love is God, He is the only being who can love. Ideally, the first love should be with God alone. But due to the Fall, it means that it was not possible.
Who did Eve have a love relationship with? [The archangel] She should have loved with joy, but she loved weeping wildly. Do you think Eve, while eating the fruit at the time of the Fall, said, "Oh, I like it. This fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is very delicious, so very delicious."? What mind do you think Eve had as she was being raped? She was being drawn in by the archangel while feeling disliked and accused by her conscience. She did not make love with happiness in all her cells like a flower in spring. Instead, she was depressed in her heart and every one of her cells.
Everyone here, have you heard that first love is precious? I don't know myself, but what about you? [It is precious.] You are better than me. Well, it sounds like the ones who have answered, have experienced first love, have you? (someone laughs) When I say this kind of thing, you should stay quiet. If one of you girls answered that, I would have given her a hard time, but because you are a boy who resembles the bogey man, I will be patient with you. Anyway, you might have heard that first love is precious. (Students -- 94)
The Bible, says, "Do not eat." Why is it said in that way? Does it mean, "Do not eat forever," or for a certain time period? [A certain time period] As we think this way, the words "Do not eat" are acceptable as a warning for love. It was spoken because there is a growing period called adolescence, and it does not mean forever. Then why did God say, "Do not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil"? What was the problem? It was regarded as a problem because it had the possibility of becoming destructive between God and man. Otherwise it would have not been worthy of any attention.
The Fall, as it is taught in the Divine Principle, is a great gospel for all humanity who have been without knowledge. Again, it is a great gospel. The words of warning concerning the fall are extremely important.
If the fruit had been a literal fruit. . . it cannot have been a literal fruit. Then, what kind of fruit was it? Because of this fruit, the humanity of thousands of generations suffered. Why did God make such a fruit, that humanity now cries in agony and has a course of struggle and destruction? This question cannot be answered without the teachings of Rev. Moon, which explain that the fruit is related to love. It is a very deep theory. (128-87)
Of all these, what pains God most is free sex. A world of free sex is absolutely contrary to the Will of God. Love comes from the stimulation of unblemished emotion, but free sex is totally devoid of purity or true emotion. How many of us have been touched by the cruelty of infidelity and divorce? Where is God in all the one-night stands? What about the nightmares of the children who are sexually abused by a parent? Is free sex worth the price of a broken child?
Equally alarming is the policy of giving schoolchildren condoms, teaching the illusion of safe sex, and surrendering to the assumption that premarital sex is inevitable. Indeed, where there is homosexuality, free sex, drugs, and alcoholism, the world of true love is far away.
In this world, Satan openly tells people, "Drink! Smoke! Take drugs! Have sex!" Those who do God's will, on the other hand, live a lifestyle that is 180 degrees different from this. (World Peace -- 36, May -- July, 1993)
If a person comes to have deep faith and has spiritual experiences, that person will not act recklessly or without thinking. To love another for his or her own pleasures is the illicit love of the satanic world.
If there is a person who has acted this way until now, that person has to repent from the moment he or she hears Father's speech. Adam and Eve looked away from God and loved each other, thus bringing about a most tragic result. If you do anything like marrying amongst each other, you will not become a new ancestor but instead will bring about disastrous results. Therefore, in the Unification Church, freely having love affairs is absolutely not allowed. You must entrust everything to God…In the Unification Church there cannot be any love affairs. They will not be recognized by heaven. Those who had each other in mind will never be blessed to each other… Would you rather marry as you like, or go to the person whom Father chooses? If you want to do that, you cannot love as you like. You cannot give the gaze of love as you like. You must know this clearly.
Therefore, guys should not grab young girls' hands as they would like to. The day you take hold of a young girl's hand, you are not a virgin any more. Do you understand? These are not my words. This is the word of the Principle. It is the word of the Principle of Restoration…Father tells unmarried men and women not to shake hands if possible because the electricity of love flows through holding hands. The spark of love cuts a wound in the mind of the other person. The wound made by love cannot be healed with any medicine in this world…
When a woman is walking on a road and meets a handsome man, she thinks she wants to see him again. This is the nature of the fall. If you are sons and daughters of God, you should not show even the slightest interest in anyone except the spouse that God selected for you. Looking at someone directly itself is not a sin. But when you look with interest, the powerful force of the fall can take effect and can lead to an unexpected accident. That is why when you are walking on a road and come face to face with a handsome man or a beautiful woman, you should not look with interest.
I have this worry and anxiety for your sake. God also said, "Do not eat," out of love for Adam and Eve…The fall of the human ancestors, Adam and Eve, was because of woman, right? That is why a woman is closer to being in that kind of situation. She has the tendency to be overcome by the temptation of a man. Women are interested in any kinds of words, and if they are sweet words, they can be drawn in…To offer yourself as a pure being to God requires an absolute standard…
As a youth who is close to 20, where would you put your holy, pure heart that is not defiled or tainted, having kept it safely and carefully? It should be placed on the altar with which God can be most happy. By this God will become happy. And the sacred ground where a man and a woman with such pure hearts can meet and be bound together is the place where a bride and a bridegroom meet…
You American parents think it strange and worry if your child does not have a person to date when he or she is 18. On the other hand, in Korea, the unmarried men and women of respectable families cannot even touch each other's hands before they are married, even if they are over 30. They cannot even wink at each other. Comparing their outlook on love, in the West there is free sex as well as all kinds of strange people involved in sex, but in the East, it is not like that. In the Principle viewpoint also, unmarried men and women have to be pure before marriage…
Can the Unification Church women have affairs or not? (No.) Can the Unification Church men have affairs or not? (No.) Does Father force them not to have affairs? (No.) They can do it if they want to. But it is inevitable that they don't. Thus, the Principle is effective. But if love affairs were prohibited by force, people would do it all the more. They would fall by themselves on their own accord. (Blessing Pt.1 -- 314)
It is written in the Bible, "Do not eat" of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil." The commandment contains the implication that the relationship between God and human beings could be broken. Indeed, a problem arose, which the Divine Principle explains about clearly. The Divine Principle is a great gospel for people who do not know clearly about the Fall. It is the great gospel for saving all people, who are living in suffering.
We cannot accept that the fruit was the literal fruit of some tree. Why would God create a fruit that could cause a situation in which all humankind would suffer in struggles and destruction for millions of years? It is more logical to regard this situation as resulting from the matter of love that I have been discussing…
Where did the Fall start? [In the family.] What was the fall of the family? Was it eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good or Evil? Nothing other than love could cause Adam and Eve to fall as a family. Did they fall through eating the literal fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? Could the Original Sin arise from eating a literal fruit? If, as many believe, the Original Sin occurred when the father ate a fruit, then what kind of fruit could cause thousands of generations of his descendants to become sinners? The generations are related through lineage. If the root of sin is planted in the lineage, the sin continues forever by the law of heredity. Only the problem of love could make this happen. Wrong love was the cause of the Fall…The Fall occurred when Adam and Eve were tempted by illicit love. This love, though not permitted by God, came at them from the left and the right. Succumbing to it, they violated the moral law…Their immoral relationship with the archangel was the fundamental cause of the destruction of the universe.
The Fall occurred through a man and a woman's love organs. The Fall ruined everything. The place where love is consummated is where all the senses merge together. However, the fall destroyed this original standard and damaged the entire universe…The Fall was this: we joined with Satan and left God…
The Fall was the failure of love caused by an evil motive towards the lineage. This is why we inherit the result of the Fall as the Original Sin. Amazingly, the fact that the Fall resulted from love was only revealed in the time of Reverend Moon. I have investigated its history and systematized its theory, so that no-one can deny it.
The reason that the omniscient and omnipotent God could not prevent the Fall is as follows: God must maintain the absoluteness of love, so it was for Adam and Eve to develop their love up to the level desired by God. Since they fell during the process of their growth, God could not prevent their fall. As all human beings have to go through the period of adolescence, Adam and Eve were to become perfect after going through a certain growing period. Then they would have become one with God. Yet, they fell before reaching that level…
If Adam and Eve, standing before God, could have understood God's inner feelings, they would not have been able to fall. God as a Parent had a heart of love for His children, but the children did not know their Parent's deep heart. The Fall occurred when Adam and Eve were young. Yet, was the motivation of the Fall because of their deficient age, or rather because of their deficient hearts? If Adam and Eve had said, "God knows me. He can never leave me no matter what," and had felt that they were the center of God's every concern, then they would not have been able to fall. In-other words, the Fall took place because Adam and Eve's hearts were not in accord with God's heart. The Fall happened because their wishes could not meet Heaven's wish, and their thinking strayed from Heaven's thinking…
The Fall meant that Adam and Eve, who should have become one with each other centering on God, instead became one with the archangel, a servant of God. Instead of inheriting God's lineage, human beings descended from the servant's bloodline. Therefore, no matter how much fallen people call God "my Father," they do not feel it as true to life.
This is because human beings inherited a fallen nature, an inclination to think only of oneself without caring for anything else, including God. We became beings of contradiction, and hence whatever we establish-tribes or nations, etc. divides after a while. In this way, we formed the realm of satanic culture. In the satanic realm, whatever is established as one divides into two, and two into three, until ultimately, everything divides.
God has been unfolding the providence of unification, to bring the divided cultural realms into one. Every human being has an original nature that desires to be part of the central existence of the universe. However, in this world, the central existence is not God, but Satan. Therefore, whenever people seek for the center, they end up becoming unhappy rather than happy. Such has been the unfolding of the miserable history of humankind. (Blessing Pt. 1 -- 27-31)
The Kingdom of God was created by God as His gift, for living people, who do not fall, to enter. A person who lives according to the original standard can enter the Kingdom of God. (41-300)
The law of cause and effect is clearly evident in history. Whatever you have sown, you will surely reap. Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, engaged in sexual immorality and the abuse of love while they were still growing. This was the fall of man. God wanted them to grow in purity until He blessed them in heavenly matrimony, becoming the foundation of God's true love, true life and true blood lineage. Humanity, descending from this perfected and blessed Adam and Eve, would naturally become the sons and daughters of God, enjoying the love of the Creator, and living in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world.
However, before Adam and Eve matured and received the blessing from God, while they were still teenagers, the archangel tempted Eve and engaged in fornication with her. In this way, the archangel became Satan. By engaging in relations with fallen Eve, Adam also fell. This is how the beginning of human history was sown. Today, we are reaping the consequences: immorality is rampant. Teenagers, in particular, are the victims of widespread sexual degradation. Modern society in the advanced nations is little different from Sodom and Gomorrah of biblical times. God abhors this immoral behavior. We must fear the wrath of God. His punishment is imminent. (World Peace -- 199, 1990.4.10)
Even though she was not told, she should have discerned with her purity and intellect, as well as a heart of loyalty and filial piety and a heart to pursue the truth. (17-348)
Your bodies are precious. Be pious, do not stain your body. You have to escape from Satan's realm of death with the responsibility to serve Heaven and with the bodies which God accepts. This is the highest goal and standard man should have. According to the Principle of Creation, you cannot help but be that way. (15-202)
What was the result of the Fall? Human beings fell into the realm of death. Just as God said, "If you eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die," so they fell into a realm in which they are as good as dead. What was the result? In John 8:44, Jesus pointed out that Satan, the devil, became the father of humanity. Adam and Eve, who were supposed to attend God as their Father, fell, and instead, Satan, the devil, became humankind's father. You must realize this mortifying and shameful fact is the result of the Fall. (74-140, 1974.11.28)
Where do God and human beings meet? They meet when man and woman come together and make love, that is, when they unite through their sexual organs. The organs, however, became evil because they brought ruin to the world, heaven and earth, due to the Fall. You should think that when man and woman make love, they do so to attend God. (246-73, 1993.3.23)
Where is the original place where the perfection of man, woman, and even God is brought about? Where can God's love be perfected? Where can man and woman be perfected? Where is the central place of settlement? These are the issues. The heaven that emerges from the ideal of love cannot expand on the earth without knowing where that place is. Is that place your eyes, your nose, your hand, or your feet? Where is it? (261-167, 1994.6.9)
The place where man and woman, convex and concave, unite is the place where God is perfected. That is where woman, who is one half, and man, who is the other half, is perfected. The land of settlement, where the ideal of God's love can be perfected, begins from the place where concave and convex unite and the first love relationship is established after marriage. The first love relationship of man and woman represents the place where the object partner of God is perfected. This is the core of the universe. When this moves, the entire universe swings back and forth in harmony. It is the base for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world.
Since this is the origin of love, it is called the original palace of love. Among the many royal palaces, the central palace is called the original palace. This is the original palace of love, life, and lineage, and the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. It is the place where the freedom, happiness, and peace longed for by humanity begin. This place is the royal palace for love, life, lineage, and all creation. The individual, family, tribe, and race are connected from here. You should understand that it is the original source and starting point of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. It is also the origin of freedom, happiness, and peace. If a woman does not have a man, she is in absolute darkness. If a man does not have a woman, he is in absolute darkness. (261-173, 1994.6.9)
Where is the greatest place a man can worship? Is it a woman's face? Is it her breasts? Is it her body? Where is it? There is only one place where concave and convex can fit together. The natural environment, the society, nation, world, universe, and Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world are brought into connection by this place. This is the iron rule and formula for the existing world. (262-55, 1994.7.23)
God's wedding takes place on Adam and Eve's wedding day. There would be one vertical wedding and one horizontal wedding. Through their sexual organs, man and woman would attain God's absolute love and at the same time, reach the center of that love and be united centered on His love. Had this come about, they would have been united centering on their minds, like God. (284-56, 1997.4.15)
Since the first love relationship is the starting point for establishing the ideal heaven, it is the royal place of love. It is the royal palace. The sexual organs are the royal place of love. In order for it to become a royal palace, you have to be married centered on God. Through married life, the royal palace of love is created. How is a couple united? Are they united through the lips when a man kisses a woman? They are united through the concave and convex organs. This is a tremendous discovery. Through this love relationship, the entire being of a man and the entire being of a woman are completely united. From here, the lineages of man and woman are brought together and, for the first time, amid a vortex, a new history is connected and established based on a new life. It does not end with one generation. The eternal history is connected. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world begins from this place. (263-122, 1994.8.21)
A wife lives for the sake of her husband's love organ. She lives for love, life, and her sons and daughters. All women like babies. Women have large breasts and large hips for the sake of the baby. Their attributes should be locked up. Where can we find the original place of the three great palaces of true love, life, and lineage? This is a fundamental issue for human beings. This is the root of the family, society, and nation, and the root and origin of the earth, the spirit world, and the Kingdom of Heaven. (252-104, 1993.11.14)
If you use your love organ recklessly, you will be punished. It is the royal palace of love, the ancestral garden of love. Love, life, and even history started from that place. It is the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. The origin of God's happiness is formed there. The basis for God's smile starts from there. That is the very place where God can find love and dance with joy. You have to search for and find that place. Is this right or not? This is how precious it is. (256-199, 1994.3.13)
The woman's sexual organs are the source of the universe. The place where you hold a relationship of love becomes the original palace of love. It is the original palace. Love begins from there. The first love relationship of a blessed marriage is the start of the original palace of love. The life of the woman and the life of the man become one for the first time. Therefore, that place is the original palace of ideal life and the original lineage begins from there. Thus, that place becomes the original palace of the lineage.
Heaven also begins from there, so that place also becomes the original palace for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world, and the original palace of human perfection and God's perfection. (257-324, 1994.3.16)
When human beings fell, it was because of love. Thus, the sexual organs are the most terrifying thing. Religion regards the act of adultery as the sin to be most feared. So then, is free sex in America part of the devil's doctrine for expanding hell, or a doctrine for expanding heaven? It is a part of the devil's doctrine. It is the kingdom of hell on earth and the kingdom of hell in the spirit world. All of it will be destroyed. (261-302, 1994.7.24)
Man was born for the sake of woman. This is the greatest truth of all truths. The ideal man is the greatest truth for a woman. This is the essence of the truth of the ideal that perfects the entire universe. For a man, an ideal woman is also the essence of the truth of the universe. She is an absolute embodiment of truth. (267-230, 1995.1.8)
If God the Creator wished that His object partners be millions of times more outstanding than Himself, why did He create human beings so that they could fall? This is the question. God did not create them to fall. He warned them not to fall, "Do not eat of the fruit of good and evil!" What is this fruit? It refers to the female organ. Women are weak. When our first ancestors lived in the Garden of Eden, they were naked. (262-74, 1994.7.23)
When there was a single female among five males (God, Adam, and three archangels), did God feel easy or uneasy about it? If you were God, how would you have felt? Then, whom would you have guarded most closely? The single woman, Eve. She was God's future partner, the body of God Himself, the partner of love closest to Him. When a command is given, it is given to the closest person. When leaving your house, do you give orders to the person closest to or farthest from you? You would give the order to the person closest to you, and that is why God said, "Do not eat of the fruit of good and evil" to Eve. What is that fruit? It refers to the female organ. A woman who marries a good man will give birth to good children, but one who marries a gangster will give birth to children of a gangster as the fruit. (281-195, 1997.2.13)
Now, let us discover the dividing line between heaven and hell. Is it in midair? Where is it? It is none other than your sexual organ. This is a serious matter. This concept has turned heaven and earth upside down. Who can deny this? This is explained in the chapter "The Fall" in the Divine Principle, the teaching of Rev. Moon. If you doubt this, ask God. You cannot reject Rev. Moon's Divine Principle, with a contents that you could not possibly have dreamed of -- all presented with logical explanations and in a well-ordered structure. Those who use their sexual organs aimlessly like a person deprived of good judgment will be bound for hell, and conversely, those who use theirs according to God's absolute standard of love will be led high up into heaven. This is a clear conclusion. (279-254, 1996.9.15)
God dwells in the place where love is absolutely unchanging. He resides in the sexual organs. He is the source of love and the origin of life, the life of man and woman, and lineage. Then where would the love, life and lineage of God and humankind come together? It can only be in this place. (287-29, 1997.8.10)
Who is Adam? Had he not fallen but instead become perfect, he would have become God's body. Eve would also have become His body. Man would have become His body on the plus side, and woman His body on the minus side. Thereupon, what would have served as the basis for them to be united? That basis would be love, the sexual organs.
Given that Adam and Eve, with God residing internally in the center of their minds, are His embodiments, what would happen when they made love through their genitals? Through whom does God make love? Through what does the mind love? Isn't it through the body? Likewise, God would enter perfected Adam, who has not fallen, like a homeowner enters his house, and the two would make love. (197-52, 1990.1.7)
Who on earth is God? He is the Creator and the vertical Parent of true love. In other words, He is the vertical Parent based on true love. Perfected Adam and Eve are the horizontal parents based on true love. These two sets of parents are to unite. Vertical and horizontal are to unite at the place where Adam and Eve make love. That place is the original palace of love, life and lineage. It is the male and female organs. (250-38, 1993.10.11)
Have you ever thought of your husbands' sexual organs as God's? How near does that make Him? Don't place Him on a sky-high pedestal and worship Him. He is inside your minds. You don't realize it because He is one with you. (265-104, 1994.11.20)
Since God is in the vertical position at the center, He is vertical, and Adam and Eve are horizontal, and so the place where they come together and unite is the sexual organs. Thus, God, the source of love and life, can dwell in that place, and since He is the origin of lineage, everything begins there.
If that which is the source of life, love and lineage were to be pulled, that is to say, if this bloodline were to be pulled, then along with it all ancestral bloodlines would emerge. If life were to be pulled, would the lives of the ancestors who come forth be pulled as well? Furthermore, if the love line were to be pulled, would the rest be pulled along also? That place, the headquarters where creation is concentrated and connected is the most precious place of all. The sexual organs are the distinguishing characteristic between men and women.
Then who were the male and female organs created to make a connection with first? Not for Adam or Eve, but for God. The Bible depicts the devil as a god of lewdness. Why did God hate him so? He completely destroyed His ideal intrinsic nature. So his banishment from the entire universe is foretold. (194-64, 1989.10.15)
Internally, Adam and Eve's marriage ceremony is God's marriage: in other words, it is a dual wedding. What unite the two are the male and female organs. Without those, one's life would not have come into being. Through the organs, the lineages and history of humanity have been perpetuated. Even God's ideal world will be established by the children, the beloved children, who have passed through those gates. That is how His kingdom will be built. (290-81, 1998.2.3)
Which organ does a couple uses to make love? Where do the love of God and humankind come together? There is only one starting point. If there were two, there would be two different directions and purposes, and we would consequently conclude that both God and human beings could not be happy. If God created humankind to be the object partners of His love, the starting point where His love and their love come in contact should be one and the same. Where would that point be? Not the heart. What is the most important organ for both man and woman? It is the sexual organs, the organs which God devoted the utmost care to during the creation process. (267-315, 1995.2.5)
Should not Adam and Eve's wedding be God's wedding? Where will you go to meet God, who created the object partner of His love to be superior to Him? Where will you go to unite with Him? Through the nose? Where would it be? This is a weighty matter. As such, the sexual organs, found in both men and women, are the original garden wherein God can reside. That is where His love is perfected for the first time. That is the place where concave and convex come together as one. That is where the perfection of human beings, that is, the perfection of woman, man and God, takes place centering on love. (261-220, 1994.6.19)
We seek to return to the original homeland -- the place where the love of God and humankind are connected -- the male and female organs. Where do the love of God and humankind begin to unite? God, who is the root of the life, love, conscience, and lineage of Adam and Eve, will, from the vertical position, inevitably enter the center of the union of the external form and internal nature of Adam and Eve, who are in the horizontal position. Therefore, Adam and Eve's marriage is also God's marriage. The male and female organs are the instruments that will liberate and perfect God. Hence, God is the Father, the vertical Father, while perfected Adam is the horizontal father. (258-78, 1994.3.16)
Ladies and gentlemen, Adam and Eve were meant to establish a model ideal family of peace. God, the absolute being, created human beings as His children in order to instill in them absolute values, which spring from an absolute standard. Thus, human beings must follow the path of that unchanging standard in keeping with the demands of the heavenly way. This means we must follow our destined life course in order to attend God, our eternal parent. In other words, for us to perfect ourselves in resembling God and to obtain the stature of people of character who can be called the sons and daughters of the eternal God, we must follow the path based on the unwavering standard God has determined. The essence of this path is the standard of absolute sexual purity.
The first stage is maintaining absolute sexual purity prior to getting married. After we are born, we go through a process of growth. We pass through infancy and childhood in a very safe and secure environment under our parents' love and protection. We then enter the period of adolescence, which signals the start of a new and dynamic life. This is the moment when we begin to travel the path to becoming a mature human being -- internally, through the perfection of our character, and externally, by reaching adulthood. During this time there is a strict requirement that everyone, no matter who we are, must fulfill. That requirement is maintaining our purity.
The second stage is establishing the model of absoluteness in conjugal love, between husband and wife. This heavenly law of total marital fidelity is more precious than life itself. Husband and wife are eternal partners given to each other by God. Through having children, they become the co-creators of true love, true life and true lineage, and the origin of that which is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal.
How could people who preserve their purity before marriage, and whom God bonds together in purity as husband and wife, ever deviate from the heavenly way and go astray, following a wrong path?
Ladies and gentlemen, absolute and sacred conjugal love is the greatest blessing that Heaven has bestowed on humankind. Yet, without adhering to the principle of absolute sexual morality, the path to the perfection of one's character -- to spiritual maturity -- is closed. Furthermore, without securing the foundation of absolute sexual purity within a true family of perfected individuals, it is impossible for God to manifest with dignity as the incarnate God of character.
Therefore, if Adam and Eve had achieved individual perfection -- the perfection of their character -- by upholding the strict principle of sexual purity in accordance with God's will, and then entered into conjugal relations through His Holy Blessing, they would have attained complete oneness with Him. God would have dwelt within their union. Their children would have also been linked to this holy order of true love, and enjoyed a direct relationship with God as their parent. (Messages of Peace 12-177, 2007.2.23)