Filial Attendance: The Way of Filial Piety of Holy Sons and Daughters of God - Elio Roman |
Each quotation in this book is followed by a reference in parentheses. These guide the reader to the volume, book, or speech from which the excerpt is drawn. Most are written in a numerical format, e.g., (340-144, 1989.4.17). The first set of numbers refers to the volume of the more than four hundred volumes of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's speeches; the second denotes the page number; the third denotes the date the speech was given (year.month.day).
In other publications the first set refers to the abbreviation of the source book, the second the page number, and the third denotes the date the speech was given. The Abbreviations of the source books is listed below.
When referencing public speeches the first set of number describes the setting in which the speech was given, the second describes the date the speech was given.
Blessed Marriage and Eternal Life to Blessed Marriage
Blessing and Ideal Family to Ideal Family
Cheon Seong Gyeong to CSG
Divine Principle 1973 to DP 1973
Exposition of the Divine Principle to DP 1996
God's Warning to the World Book 1: Reverend Moon's Message from Prison to God's Warning
God's Warning to the World Book 2: Reverend Moon's Message from Prison to God's Warning
God's Will and the Ocean to The Ocean
God's Will and the World to God's Will
Home Church to Home Church
Blessing and Ideal Family Part I to Blessing Pt. I;
Blessing and Ideal Family Part II to Blessing Pt. II;
Way of Unification Part I to Unification Pt. I;
Way of Unification Part II to Unification Pt. II;
Way of the Spiritual Leader Part I to Leader Pt. I;
Way of the Spiritual Leader Part II to Leader Pt. II;
Unification Family Life to Unification Family Life;
Raising Children in God's Will to Raising Children;
The Way for Students to Students;
The Way for Young People to Young People;
The Way for a True Child to True Child;
The Tribal Messiah to Tribal Messiah;
True Parents to True Parents;
Earthly Life and Spirit World I to Spirit World I;
Earthly Life and Spirit World II to Spirit World II;
1. God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World -- I to Messages of Peace 1
2. God's Model Ideal Family and Nation, and the Peace Kingdom, to Messages of Peace 2
3. The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth -- I, to Messages of Peace 3
4. The Mission of the Clan Messiah in the Revolutionary Era after the Coming of Heaven, to Messages of Peace 4
5. Cheon Il Guk is the Ideal Heavenly Kingdom of Eternal Peace, to Messages of Peace 5
6. Address at the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Times Aerospace Industrial Complex to Messages of Peace 6
7. God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World -- II to Messages of Peace 7
8. The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth -- II to Messages of Peace 8
9. God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World -- III to Messages of Peace 9
10. The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics, which is the Model for God's Absoluteness, Peace and Ideal, and the Global Kingdom to Messages of Peace 10
11. The Mission of Ambassadors for Peace in the Revolutionary Era After the Coming of Heaven to Messages of Peace 11
12. God's Ideal Family and the Responsibility the Citizens of Cheon Il Guk are Called to Fulfill to Messages of Peace 12
13. A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God's Will -- The United States and the Future Direction of the United Nations and the World to Messages of Peace 13
14. The Value and Significance of the Family Pledge to Messages of Peace 14
15. The Three Great Subject Partners Principle from the Viewpoint of God's Providence to Messages of Peace 15
New Hope -- Twelve Talks to New Hope
Philosophy of Peace, Rev S. M. Moon to Peace
Proclamation of the Messiah to Proclamation
Sermons of Rev Moon Vol. 1 to Sermons 1
Sermons of Rev Moon Vol. 2 to Sermons 2
Sermons of Rev Moon Vol. 3 to Sermons 3
Sermons of Rev Moon Vol. 4 to Sermons 4
Sermons of Rev Moon Vol. 5 to Sermons 5
Sermons of Rev Moon Vol. 6 to Sermons 6
Theory of Education, Rev. S.M. Moon to Education
The Restoration of True Love to True Love
The Way of God's Will to The Way
Moral Orientation of the Sciences 1st ICUS
Modern Science and Moral Values 2nd ICUS
Science and Absolute Values 3rd ICUS
The Centrality of Science and Absolute Values 4th ICUS
The Search for Absolute Values: Harmony Among the Sciences 5th ICUS
The Search for Absolute Values in a Changing World 6th ICUS
The Re-Evaluation of Existing Values and the Search for Absolute Values 7th ICUS
The Responsibility of the Academic Community in the Search for Absolute Values 8th ICUS
Absolute Values and the Search for the Peace of Mankind 9th ICUS
The Search for Absolute Values and the Creation of the New World 10th ICUS
True Family and World Peace to World Peace