Heaven Down To Earth - Words of Spiritual Guidance |
by Rev. Paul Werner |
Chapter 22 - Life
Consciously going through each day, being intellectually and emotionally involved, centering upon God, and reflecting upon the meaning of life is what I call "living." Be alive-let all your physical and spiritual senses be totally involved in the process of living. If you consciously give of yourself every day, you will enjoy the response that comes from God through people, through nature, and through your experiences. It is possible to go through your day half-alive, but when you are depressed you might observe only about twenty percent of what is happening around you. Why live life like a sheep or cow being driven home? Life is important! Life can be wonderful and exhilarating. God's spirit can burst inside a moment of your life and turn it upside down. But you will only be able to perceive such a spectacle if all your senses are totally attentive and you live life aware you are a son or daughter of God.
A physical lifetime is actually quite short. In a sense, one life may seem rather insignificant. Every day many people die-some by natural causes, some in airline disasters, some by the hands of others, others by their own hand-but life and death rarely affects you until someone you know or love dies. What is the meaning of life after all? You may be able to say that your life has been good so far, but it is impossible to generalize about the lives of others. Some people who are sixty-five or seventy years old just sit on the park bench, leaning on their canes -- lonesome, hopeless. They watch people go by. They watch life go by. Ask them about their lives. Some may say that all they had time for was working to provide for their families, but they didn't realize that developing relationships with the members of their family and creating friendships was so important. Others may claim that they tried to be good parents and spouses. The millions of people who never become successful, rich, or famous may feel dissatisfied with their lives and consider the essence of life is survival. But what is the meaning of such a life? What did such a person accomplish? What value did such a life hold for God? What did that person do for God and humanity? The vast majority of people just live to survive and perhaps along the way, they might take care of a handful of people.
But at the dusk of their lives, they find themselves alone and then try to peer into the horizons of the lives of others. If they find themselves abandoned at this time in their lives, what did they achieve? They are segregated now and live on solitary islands. Yet there are others of the same age group whose lives are intertwined with their family members and friends; they feel happy because they can share their experiences. Many people have led full lives, and are still alive in the hearts of others. But those people who sit on a park bench every day, or never leave the confines of their old age home, just die away in vain. They have nothing to show for their years of toil. Did they really love others? Did they care for others? Did they connect to God and reach out to embrace Him? Perhaps, but most likely they lived mainly for themselves-maybe among them are former "workaholics, " who found it difficult to touch the hearts of others, or allow others to touch theirs. Perhaps some of them focused on hoarding money, but now at life's end find that money does not bring them happiness.
We can learn a great lesson from elderly people who find themselves in this situation. If we were to live for ourselves, we might find the end of our lives would taste just as bitter. Yet if we live for God and others, we will find that throughout all the years of our lives we are surrounded by people who love us and accept the love we share with them. If we can accomplish that, our lives will be rich and textured with value.
We are often like spoiled children. Each day we receive from God tons of truth, tons of love, and more. Take a moment to think about this. We receive so much that we end up taking things for granted. Does God have to first push us into hell so that we recognize the difference between being close to Him and life there? This generation has not had to endure the physical suffering that war or poverty brings, and therefore has forfeited certain valuable life experiences.
There may be times when life seems uncomfortable for you, yet you have no way to compare those troubles to true suffering. The majority of you must have grown up on ice cream and candy, and you probably took such things for granted. To some children and even adults, those are luxury items, certainly not to be eaten every day. Many Western young people have cars, stereos and television sets, tape recorders and video games of their own and they still want more. Yet they barely glance to the other side of the world where millions and millions of people are starving-without a mouthful of food or even enough water to drink.
Have you seen news documentaries about Africa and India and other countries around the world? The skin and bones that you saw on the screen are human beings, not animals. But to so many of us they just appear to be skin and bone which somehow try to exist in something called a desert. Little concern for them emanates from our hearts. Yet hundreds and thousands of those people die every day. We hear the statistics and may shake our heads in disbelief, but those numbers fade so quickly from our memories; we rarely connect the numbers we hear to the reality of the pain of life those people experienced.
But it is not only Unificationists who fail to appreciate gifts given by God; the fortunate people in the world also seem to forget what has been bestowed upon them and still yearn for more. Let us be the ones who really become grateful for blessings which God has already endowed.
God's supreme gifts are the Messiah and the truth; we are the lucky recipients of both. But just like the Israelites in the desert, we still complain. God has shown us many miracles, but we continue to grumble. Yet we should not forget that the first generation of Israelites never stepped into Canaan. Even though God had reversed their predicament and brought them through so many calamities and also performed miracles, they still clung to memories of the luxuries they enjoyed in Egypt, therefore the sacrifices they had to endure in the wilderness compared quite unfavorably. They could not see beyond the sandstorms and could not overcome complaining about the parchness in their throats. Intellectually they knew God was leading them to a better life, but they did not want to wait. They desired instant satisfaction. It did not seem to matter that God revealed to them that He was on their side and that He would smite any enemy that encroached; they still were faithless.
We understand a great deal of the Principle; we know that the world has nothing to offer and that the vision Father brings is the only hope for humanity. We must see beyond the spiritual sandstorms and overcome complaining about the occasional dryness we may experience in our souls. There is a "Canaan" in store for us. The second generation Israelites lived in the one that was originally meant for their parents; they persevered and established a better tradition of faith in God. Will the same thing happen to us? If we are experiencing any great struggles at this time, although they could be necessary for our individual restoration, this may restore the failure of the Israelites.
We have been given so much more than they had. If we appreciate the presence of True Parents and the truth, we will eventually live like kings or queens. We will find total satisfaction, happiness, and joy in our hearts and even be able to pour out so much energy to other people because we have so much extra to give. This is an exciting time to live in; we have been reborn through the True Parents and the lifeblood of God flows within us. If we become spiritually drained during the day, we must self-reflect. Somehow we must have lost our base and we must return to God. If we can repent for this failure and pay indemnity, God will once again embrace us. We must live our lives for Him, not ourselves.
Life's main events are simply a conglomeration of many small things. It is the tiny things in everyday life that either allow us to grow or make us stagnate -- how we begin our day, how we treat our neighbor, the tone of our voice, whether we smile or frown.
Life could be looked upon as a school. We must educate ourselves not only spiritually and intellectually, but in a practical sense as well. We have to learn to do things with our hands and not just order others to do them for us.
As we live, we attempt to simultaneously apply all laws contained within the Principle. We cannot live one principle this minute, a different principle an hour from now, and still another one sometime later on today. We are concerned with an attitude that manifests into action. It is our attitude which allows us to serve people at the same time we occupy the position of son or daughter of God. The attitude we have toward life is important. Service and humility are two essential qualities we must stimulate within ourselves in order to really live a rich life.
Life is not easy. How many times have we heard that there are no guarantees in life. History has been pasted and painted with blood. Nations, tribes, and families have engaged in combat; mankind has been fighting since the time of Adam. Ghenghis Khan and many others killed and conquered thousands and thousands of people. Although God has allowed wars to take place for the purpose of historical indemnity and as part of the process of restoration, it seems that Satan has been blood-thirsty. So many lives have been cut short, so much blood was shed. But this just has to stop, and we are the ones who must stop it.
Some people cannot be free of the concept of and the desire for instant happiness. Even some Unificationists still yearn to become perfected overnight and acquire material wealth instantaneously. Their thinking is very limited; they do not see the importance of creating eternal values. They do not understand the whole process of reaching perfection and that what they bind on earth will determine their position in spirit world. Even with the insight and foresight of the Principle, many of us still do not comprehend the significance and value of this earthly life.
Some Unificationists, like the majority of people living in the secular world, are more bound to the temporal pleasures of the physical world than to the essence of the spiritual world. The question is, do we really understand that during our lives we wage war against Satan? Do we understand what Unificationism or Godism is all about? Do we really perceive the value of being here, following True Parents, sacrificing our lives in a certain way-not having a house, a car or a bank account right away, not always deciding for ourselves what to do with our time, or having to postpone working to fulfill many of our personal dreams? We must become aware of the will of God and the value of our sacrifice at this time. We have committed our lives on the basis of what we understand. But will we become complacent and get tired, or will we persevere?
If you quit the race one hundred yards away from the finish line, you will never reach it. If you stand one hundred yards away from the new Jerusalem, you can probably see the light radiating from the jewels and gold which were used to construct the city. You may detect the harmony of the beautiful voices praising God. But even if you are privileged enough to visit the city, you will never feel at home there unless you become a resident.
Along your path of life you will undoubtedly confront forks in the road. When you come across one, you alone can decide in which direction you will go. What you do with your physical life will either lead you home to God or away from Him. My advice is to commit your life totally for that purpose.
If you use a recipe infrequently, you may make a mistake in cooking by adding too much salt, too little flour, and so forth. But if you cook the same dish a hundred times, you will not even need to measure the ingredients. Taking a small taste will indicate to you what else you should add.
Life is like that, too. By going through experiences again and again, you acquire stability. You learn many things and come to know what staples are needed and the right amount of spices to add. Sooner or later you will gain confidence in flavoring your dish of life and no longer be insecure about what seasonings to use.
Many elderly people have witnessed a great deal of life but have not necessarily learned from their experiences. Your wisdom will be manifested when you are able to handle your experiences in a divine way. It takes the desire to learn from them and thereby increase your knowledge about God. The more you know about Him and are able to utilize your consciousness to better your own personality, the better equipped you will be to serve humanity.
There are many elderly people who in unabashed arrogance act like know-it-alls. They may be intelligent and have great common sense, yet they should impart their wisdom with counsel and tenderness. But many of them sit on park benches staring straight ahead into space. Sometimes half a dozen old people sit around a picnic table playing cards. Each of them feels they must be the best and then fabricate stories about any number of things, when nothing like that actually ever happened to them. Yet they feel compelled to brag about accomplishments they had in life, and tell those stories as if they were another Robinson Crusoe, or Indiana Jones. Why? Because those storytellers never became rich or famous or successful in life, but even in their last hour, they cannot suppress the craving to be someone.
What will we be like in the wintertime of our own lives? Will we feel the same desires? While we still have the chance, it is better to live the adventures others only fantasize about. If we live it with exuberance, life can be exciting now-not only in our minds. If we live our lives for a purpose beyond the borders of self, we will gather an amazing collection of stories to inspire our grandchildren. And in our wisdom, we will be able to explain how we asked God to share our lives and encourage them to do the same.
The environment is very instrumental in forming human behavior. At some point, something must have happened to make the homeless people of society turn to that way of life. Perhaps peer pressure or depression contribute to greater and greater numbers of people becoming dependent upon alcohol, drugs, prostitution, gambling, etc. Nevertheless, something was instrumental in hooking them and for many, such habits have now become a way of life. Through leaning on such crutches people often lose their personal integrity and are left with no shame. Survival becomes the golden ring on the merry-go-round of life, and they reach out to grab it. Survival has become their way of life-even if they need to rummage through garbage cans to stay alive. Pride and normal human aspirations are put aside and those people become almost like animals. Yet once they have stooped so low, it is very hard to resurrect their integrity or to encourage them to live in any other way. There must be a way to help lift them out of such a miserable state, for existing in such a way is not really living at all.
It is important to learn how to adjust to circumstances; life places challenges before us and we need to know how to cope. People who are used to living in splendor and luxury but who all of a sudden find they have to live with nothing, may kill themselves because the strain is too much to bear. Sometimes it is good to learn how to survive on the minimum.
If you sense that the old grandmother standing on the street corner wants to cross the street, you can grab her arm and help her across. Something like that may be a once a year event for her. She may break down in tears, touched by such an act of goodness.
It seems that this world doesn't know what goodness is anymore. People of the world don't know how to care for others. They either have forgotten or perhaps never known what a good feeling they would have to help someone. If you follow your impulse to assist someone crossing the street, you might also cry based on that person's response. A little thing like that has a great effect on someone's life.
Life involves a series of learning processes. Life as we confront it is a big book; the things we learn every day we then inscribe on each page. God knows the value of life and wants to encourage us never to quit learning and coping with life. He tries to convey that the worst thing we could do is to give up.
Father has told us that once we board the ship of new life, we should cling to the life-rope no matter how many storms we may encounter. The ship will absolutely carry us to the goal, but we must guard against getting washed overboard. It does not matter whether or not we are the captain or the first mate. Even a deck scrubber has the right to stay on board. The main thing is to hang on to the rope.
Life is the essence of love, and love is the soul of life. If you come to feel that you are not loved by anyone in the universe -- not even God you want to die. In fact, in one sense you are already dead. There are many problems which beset the human psyche from inferiority complexes and instabilities, to the mask of arrogance and superiority complexes. Human emotions either embody defense mechanisms or produce the need to erect them. But all of them are caused by the deprivation of love. When a child who was really wanted by his parents and raised with love and discipline finally leaves home, that child radiates warmth like the sun. Such a person lives his life in a certain freedom as he shares his love with others. The core of life is the giving and receiving of love; a life filled with love is worth living. Those people whose lives are devoid of that substance, need to replenish their containers with love. The greatest reservoir of love is God; and He is the one who desires to rekindle the flame in our hearts once we tap into His supply.
Simply because we have received the Blessing or have been a member of the Unification movement for ten or twenty years, does not guarantee our happiness. Neither are we assured of a total union with God nor the triumph of overcoming our fallen nature. But despite these insufficiencies, we must continue. Life goes on. We are confronted with overcoming not only our personal problems. We live in a society and for the time being, we still have to deal with its difficulties. However, we have been called to create a new society which God refers to as "Heaven on earth." That entails pioneering new fields, and in the process we will accumulate mountains of life experiences. In order to find the strength to do that, we must be led by God and broach the new territory with the determination to fashion a divine and heavenly future life.
When life confronts you with problems which force you to find a way to survive, you might have to deviate from the norm. For instance, if you have nothing to eat, you beg. I had to beg for food. It was certainly a good way to find out what good will and compassion are all about. I was literally starving to death, but an old woman came and brought me some bread and butter to eat. I will never forget her kindness; her face is indelibly etched in my mind. And I will also never forget what it is like to beg.
If you see a beggar on the street, are you able to put yourself in his place? Do you know what disgrace he may feel, or the reason why he begs? it is almost impossible unless you personally have been in such a predicament. War brings forth so many complications. You may have to sleep in holes or trenches. When it rains, you look like a wet gopher. Yet if that is the only way to survive, you get used to it quickly. You may contract diarrhea and feel so weak that you cannot move for days and days. You may not be able to take a shower or bath every day. You may be confronted with the problem of not having enough to drink. But in order to prevail, you will become accustomed to these conditions, for they become "life."
Father brings the formula to reach perfection. Yet unless we invest ourselves completely, we will not become totally victorious. He teaches us through the pattern of his life that we should not compromise. If we compromise, we go further into Satan's camp and the quality of our life disintegrates.
Unificationists are besieged with difficulties. If we hang around year after year and ignore doing the will of God, then the quality of our lives will degenerate. We will be accused of wasting invaluable time by both those in this world and the spirit world. They could also blame us for wasting our lives, and might become resentful of the fact that we did not care enough about how they wasted theirs because we didn't witness to them.
A sad experience causes us to feel at least momentary anguish. We may even vow that we will never forget such an ordeal. We should gather life experiences and strive to be really alive. To live life, we must go into battle and be active.
Memorable events in life-whether good or bad-strengthen our characters. We must cope with the reality that we live with one foot in God's world and another in Satan's. The day may come when we have to be survivalists. We must be well-armed; strong faith in God is a necessary commodity to bring with us into every challenge. If we feel so durable that we don't care whether we live or die but are committed to remain with God no matter what happens, He will protect us.
A famous saying intimates quite a negative viewpoint: "Life is a valley of sorrows." if we support that theory, it will be true for us. History proves that several wars occur in every generation. Eventually everyone will die. All kinds of problems arise during a lifetime, yet we cannot forget that there is a higher purpose to our lives here on earth than mere survival. God intends that our physical lives educate us for life in the next world. If we can consider life from that viewpoint, we would more easily emphasize higher values and live accordingly to fulfill this purpose.
Yet many people feel no purpose to life. They think that physical death signifies the irrevocable end of life. But if that were the case, what purpose would there be in living? No matter how depressed they may feel, something buried deep within them must still tick with the hope that life does have a meaning. The Principle is filled with so much hope and the prospect of future greatness. It pumps meaning into the lives of Unificationists; we must be careful not to forget that we can always have hope for a better life.
During World War II, I remember once being assigned to guard duty in subzero weather. It was so cold that our eyes were almost frozen open. We were so tired that we fell asleep standing up. But this was the frontline! Suddenly I heard somebody yelling. It was our commander making his rounds to check all the guards. He approached my comrade first and screamed, "Why are you sleeping now? You are on duty!" I woke up and started to move. My fellow soldier got court-martialed for falling asleep, but it could just as easily have been me. An experience like that really made me appreciate life.
I was stationed thirty kilometers away from Dresden when the Allies bombed that city. At that time hundreds of thousands of refugees from the East crowded the city on their way to the West. But in February, 1945 one thousand three hundred Allied bombers came in three waves dropping two thousand tons of bombs within twenty-four hours. They killed two hundred fifty thousand people-mostly women, children, and the elderly. The planes then returned with fire bombs and caused a fire storm that raged through the city at one hundred eighty miles an hour. The entire city was practically wiped off the map. Once it was possible, my battalion went into the city to help in the rescue mission. But there was hardly anything left to be saved. I was seventeen years old at that time and for three weeks I had to carry off dead women, children, and old people who were burned beyond recognition and often missing their limbs. We threw them on trucks, drove them into a large plaza and burned one hundred bodies at a time. Thousands and thousands of bodies were burned that way in order to prevent an epidemic. To hear the cries of the hundreds of injured people was even worse because many of them were beyond help, just yelling in hope that someone could end their pain. The odor of burned human flesh permeated the entire city and turned our stomachs upside down. This was one experience that made me age overnight.
Most of you are twenty or thirty years old and have never had such an experience. When I was nineteen I had already been a prisoner of war in a forced labor camp for two years. That was quite a different slice of "life." I am glad that you have not had to go through something like that, but it doesn't mean that you won't. History shows that throughout the centuries one war followed another, and all of them have become part of the "life" the family of man has had to live.
From my personal experiences I know that it is possible to adjust to circumstances very quickly no matter what kind of life you were previously accustomed to. For four years I ran around in an old army uniform which was worn out before I started wearing it. Yet those were the same clothes I wore home after my four years in prison camp.
We had a terrible problem with lice in prison camp. Every time I scratched my head, I picked up a handful of lice. But I know from that ordeal that a person can even get used to lice. I know that people can also get used to not having any shoes to wear apart from wooden shoes with paper sacks lining the insides. I was so hungry that I had to beg in order to stay alive. At that time I was a heavy smoker but there was nothing to smoke so my fellow soldiers and I walked along the road and picked up cigarette butts and smoked them. But I got used to those things, too.
In prison camp we slept in barracks surrounded by guards. We dug a hole through the floor which led us outside the barracks. In the middle of the night we ran out and stole anything -- potatoes, clothes off the line, grapes off the vine. Why? Circumstances -- real live hunger. What do you do if you are hungry? We wanted to survive so we stole and then crawled back into our hole. Once three men were gone overnight and the guard was questioned about it. The superior officer came and saw that three prisoners were missing. The next day that guard took his gun and shot himself.
What value does life hold? War can bring out the best and the worst in people. The spiritual war in which we are engaged can coax us to develop strategies for survival, but we must be careful to not only exist. The guard who shot himself found that life was only a thin line, a mere momentary decision, away from death. Undoubtedly he was afraid to keep living because he was unsure what was ahead; throwing that proverbial caution to the wind, he opted for a sure thing-death. But what did he find when he crossed the mists of time and entered the spirit world? According to my understanding of the Principle, I feel he must have discovered what value physical life really did hold. Father has taught us that we partly prepare for our spiritual lives through the quality of life we live on the earth. We must really learn how to live, and make sure that we afford greatest value to the one physical life we have been given. We can live life with excitement and anticipation that will even take our breath away. We should soar like the eagle to heights we have never known before-we should soar on such wings straight to our God, for it is in Him that we find the true essence of life.
An underdog usually tends to blame others. Some people are born in Harlem, others into European aristocracy. Maybe you were born in an atheistic family and were brought up without a belief in God. You may have been deprived, underprivileged, and disadvantaged by your social environment. You had a great advantage if you were born into a loving religious family. I had such an advantage. My parents encouraged each of their children to develop a strong life of faith and a deep connection to God. Yet we were scorned and ridiculed by other children and other families who did not believe in God. They considered us underdogs. But I learned so much about life from my parents and my brothers and sisters; it was with them that I experienced loving and giving. It was also within the unit of my family that I learned about how to give life to my spirit; it was my parents who showed me how to invite God to live with me. The world may have called the members of my family "underdogs" but from my standpoint, I think we were privileged and they were the "underdogs."
In prison camp, my fellow captives and I often felt as if we didn't want to live anymore -- life seemed so difficult and the probability for happiness was bleak. But we bolstered each other -- sometimes we were the giver, sometimes the receiver of confidence. And when we got the courage to go on, the next day always seemed better somehow and our vision could broaden once again.
We Unificationists must see the difference between others and ourselves. We have a purpose and a goal which they do not see. We have a built-in hope which allows us to continue. People of the world hope that tomorrow they will be able to make a few extra dollars. That may propel them forward for awhile, but greed cannot sustain them forever. We have been blessed with such a rich hope, such a glorious view of life, and the promise that life in the next world will make all the suffering connected to this one worthwhile.
When you unearth the reality of true love and true heart, you can visualize such a beautiful picture of the harmony that life holds. Once the word "true" is connected to human relationships and the interrelationships between all entities and you are finally able to perceive true love, you will step into a realm where the whole world looks different.
When you have a constant connection with the real God, you will experience true love and then life will be worth living. Once we put into practice the truth we receive, life will have much more meaning. Salvation implies being "saved" from ignorance and filled with knowledge. Worldly people may be intelligent in many areas, but yet may be ignorant about spirituality, about love, and about God.
Whether or not a person realizes it, deep inside his heart he is waiting for the Messiah. It is a question of connecting or reconnecting with the Messiah. On the other hand, so many people hammer against this revelation and take up a sword to pierce the image of God. As soon as He tries to appear to them, He feels the sledgehammer of disbelief and contempt. I find it so sad that people simply do not know God as a living being. Those people think of Him only as a concept. Because they are so disconnected from Him, they also do not know how to live life. They live for themselves and refuse Him entry to their hearts. There are millions of people in this world who judge us-our relationships with God, our lives-just from what they have read in the newspapers. What their eyes cannot see is our desire that they be enriched with the magic quality of God's spirit so they can also be hopeful about life.
Everyone should have the experience of being in the army. Yes, it toughens and strengthens, but it is also a beautiful experience that teaches us what history is all about. The history of the world has been a record of struggle. We may read about it, hear about it, yet still not know much about the essence of the pursuit of history.
Thousands of wars have been fought throughout history. But most of you do not know what war, armies, or suffering are because you have never experienced them. Although experience cannot be replaced by any theory, at least try to visualize the situation. Personal experiences of life make all the difference in understanding people, understanding God, and comprehending many things that otherwise would slip past without notice.
What you speak about from personal experience is never artificial or superficial. For example, when you talk about your own life experiences, you can repeat the same stories a hundred thousand times to just as many people, but if one time God inspires you and your imagination, you may become theatrical and impress people with your wittiness and flair for the dramatic as you re-create the details for them through your words and actions. Later they may remember something of your performance, but certain details may simply vanish from their minds. Personal life experiences can create something much deeper. The words a person, may hear about God may make some impression, but when someone personally touches the face of God, that image will be carved in his mind for the rest of his life.
Life should be dramatic! Life is a drama anyway. To live a normal life is far too mundane. But in living a life of drama, your whole emotional capacity, your love, and your heart should be united with your words which then should be manifested in your thinking and feeling. Life is so spectacular!
We know that death is an inevitability. One day we may be sick, the next day we feel healthy. One day we eat, one day we don't. One day we are happy, the next we are sad. This cycle can be as repetitious as breathing in and breathing out. Suddenly we wake up to find life has already weaved its course and we are old. And then it is only a matter of time before we travel to the next world.
Once I sat by the Danube River all alone. For hours and hours I watched the water flowing past me. It reminded me of life here on earth. People are born and die; the next generation comes and the whole cycle repeats itself again. Every river eventually ends up in an ocean, but who counts the droplets of water which form the river? Some of them are hit by objects floating past, some get dirty when the movement of a ship stirs up the bottom. They all have to follow the countless river bends and meander through mountains and valleys. That is what life is all about. Some people consider themselves to be very important while they live on this earth, but unless they created eternal values, they may find their level of success does not automatically follow them when they enter the next world. Life is a struggle for everyone; we are all on our way to the big ocean of spirit world.
I was still young then, pondering the question of the purpose of life, and what I saw in the river was like a revelation to me. Even though some of you are still young now, you grow older by the day. Someone will always be younger than you. Don't waste this time on earth. If you come to discover what is important in this life, your journey will allow you to discover the treasure hidden beyond the rainbow of this world. You will understand that preparing for the next world is of utmost consequence. What are the obstacles that keep you away from spiritual life? What are the barriers in life? When you see those obstructions, confront them, and become victorious over them.
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