Individual Preparation For His Coming Kingdom |
by Sang Chul (David) Kim |
Chapter Twelve - Prolongation of the Restoration Providence
(From Jesus to the Second Coming - 2000 years)
I. Historical Synchronization in Preparation for His Second Coming
1. The 400-Year Persecution of the Church by the Roman Empire
2. The 400 Years of the Church Patriarchs
3. The 120 years of the United Christian Empire
4. The 400 Years of Divided Empires
5. The 70 Years of Papal Exile
6. The 140 Years of Returning and Renaissance
7. The 400 Years of Preparation for the Second Coming
II. Meaning of the Separation of the Three Powers, Viewed From the Principles
III. Inevitability of World Wars Viewed From God's Restoration Providence
1. Satan Must Attack Against the Heavenly Nations to Maintain His Sovereignty of Evil Continuously on Earth.
2. The World-Wide Indemnity Conditions Must Be Paid in Order to Restore God's Three Great Blessings to Mankind Which Were Lost By First Adam.
3. In Order That Mankind Might Pass Through Jesus Three Kinds of Temptation by Satan, on the World-Wide Scale, There Must Be Three World Wars.
4. In Order to Establish God's Sovereignty of Good Which Was Lost, There Must Be Three World Wars as the World-Wide Indemnity Condition.
5. What are the Criteria to Decide Heavenly Nation and Satanic Nation in Relation to the World Wars?
IV. Time of Appearance of the Second Coming in Relation to the World Wars
1. World War I Set Up the Formation Stage Foundation of Indemnity Condition.
2. World War II Set Up the Growth Stage Foundation of Indemnity Condition.
3. World War III will be an Indemnity Condition in the Perfection Stage.
I. Historical Synchronization in Preparation for His Second Coming
In this New Testament period, from Jesus to the present day, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were responsible for subjugating Satan. This period of 2,000 years is necessary to make indemnity and restore the period of the Restoration Providence (from Abraham to Jesus). A synchronization between this and the previous period will also be seen. (See Historical Synchronization chart). God's Will is evident in human history as we follow the seven stages of this period.
1. The 400 Years Persecution of the Church by the Roman Empire
The entire Restoration Providence follows the Law of Indemnity and Restoration. The 400-years persecution of the Church by the Roman Empire lasted from about 4 A.D. to 397 A.D. This period is to make indemnity and restore the 400 years which were lost by disbelief and faithlessness of the Israel people in the period of Preparation for the Messiah. This also synchronizes with the 400 years slavery in Egypt in the Period of the Restoration Providence.
In this period, 12 disciples centering in Jesus, and their spiritual descendants, Christians, were persecuted and martyred throughout the Roman Empire; just as 12 sons and 70 souls, centering in Jacob, and their physical descendants, were persecuted and martyred in Egypt. Also, just as Abraham's failure caused the people to be exiled 400 years in Egypt as an indemnity condition, in the same way Judas Iscariot and Israelis failure to believe caused Jesus' crucifixion and resulted in a 400-year indemnity condition.
After 400 years (in 323 A.D.) Christianity was declared the Imperial State Religion of the Roman Empire. St. Augustine and other great leaders came forth. Through the Council of Churches, the Apostles' Creed was decided and the 27 books of the New Testament canonized. This is similar to Moses' receiving the Law and building the Tabernacle after release from 400 years slavery in Egypt. After 400 years of persecution, Emperor Constantine issued an edict granting freedom of worship to Christians; much the same pattern of synchronization as Pharaoh liberated the Israel people and gave them freedom to worship.
2. The 400 Years of the Church Patriarchs
This period, 400-800 A.D., was to make indemnity and restore the 400 years of persecution by the Roman Empire and synchronizes with the 400 years under the Judges in the Restoration Providence. In this period the Patriarchs became the leaders of the Christians, just as the judges became the leaders of the Israelites.
After spiritually conquering the Roman Empires Christianity spread to the Germanic races which had immigrated to Europe because of the invasion of the Huns at the end of the fourth century. It was during this period that the Christian Feudalistic Society began, just as the Judaistic Society began during the time of the Judges. Through the leadership of the Patriarchs, Christianity, centering in 12 tribes like churches, developed and restored the Christian society or community centering in the Germanic race, in the same pattern that the Israel people, under the leadership of the judges, had also restored the Judaistic society or community by distributing the Land of Canaan to the 12 tribes and circumcising all things. This was necessary to form the Foundation of Faith to receive the Messiah.
The Patriarchs had monastic and kingly missions, just as the judges had High Priestly and kingly missions. Christians, centering in the Patriarchs, should have observed the New Testament and maintained the center of the churches, but the influence of Germanic religions brought many confusions into the Christian faith and the Church; in the same pattern that Israel, many years before, should have observed the Law and fulfilled the Ideal of the Tabernacle, but became influenced by the evil customs of the Canaanites and turned to Baal and Ashera worship. Thus, the Foundation of Faith to receive the Second Coming was not formed in this period.
3. The Third Period is 120 Years of the United Christian Empire from 800 to 918 A.D.
About 400 A.D., St. Augustine spiritually received and made known the Ideal of the Kingdom of God. A 40-year revival, or awakening, should have begun with Augustine, whose mission was like that of Moses; but he equated the ideal City of God with the church at that time. This third period is to make indemnity and restore the 40 years centering in Augustine and synchronizes with the 120-year period of the United Kingdom in the Period of the Restoration Providence.
The patriarchs had three missions which were that of monk, Pope, and King, just as the judges had the three missions of prophet, high priest, and king, The actual power during this period was held by the Pope and the monks; for this reason, Pope Leo II in 800 A.D. crowned Charlemagne of Frank, Emperor of Rome. This was the first time a Pope had the authority to crown a king. Charlemagne's Kingdom, which he called "The Holy Roman Empire," lasted 120 years and was based on St. Augustine's "City of God." the Ideal Christian Kingdom. Moses had followed the same pattern in setting up the Ideal of the Temple as a basis for the Kingdom of Israel. Eight hundred years after Abraham, the period of judges closed and a Kingdom was instituted. After three Kings and 120 years, the Kingdom was divided because of the sins of Kings and the people.
The Kings in this period should have obeyed the order of the Pope and the Monks, and the people should have fulfilled the will of the Church; instead the Kings became corrupt and the Kingdom was divided into two parts. Likewise, the Kings of Israel should have obeyed the prophets, and the Israel people should have fulfilled the will of the Temple, but they, too, had become corrupt and the Kingdom was divided into two parts. Thus, the Foundation to receive the Second Coming was not formed.
4. The Fourth period is 400 Years of Divided Empires
The same pattern was followed and the same indemnity condition was imposed. This period (Eastern and Western, 918 A.D. to 1305 A.D.) was to make indemnity and restore the 400 years of the church and patriarchs, and synchronizes with the 400 years of the Divided Kingdom in the Period of the Restoration Providence.
The "Holy Roman Empire" was divided into East Frank, West Frank and Italy; later the three groups became two groups; East and West Frank. East Frank was in the position of Jacob (Abel) and West Frank was in the position of Esau (Cain), just as Northern Israel and Southern Judah had represented Esau's and Jacob's positions, respectively.
During this period, although Kings and Emperors reigned, the actual power was held by the Pope. Unfortunately, the popes were corrupt and did not lead the churches in accordance with God's Will. Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085 A.D.) asserted his authority by excommunicating Henry IV, the Emperor of Frank and Pope Innocent III (1193-1216) excommunicated Philip II, King of Frank, and a King of England.
God made appeals to the hearts of the people of the Middle Ages through monastic reforms. The influence of St. Francis and St. Dominic was particularly powerful. The Dominican and Franciscan Orders greatly influenced the people by suggesting the Christian religion transcends all organizations arid one should serve God with a most humble and devoted-spirit and life.
Thomas Acquinas and others stimulated the minds of the Medieval Christians with a logical approach to faith as opposed to blind faith. During this period, some people, such as Victor Hugo, Eckhart, John Teuler, and Thomas a Kempis, cultivated a so-called mysticism. Thus, God manifested His way and stimulated the medieval church through intellectual persuasion and the practical services of monks, friars, and mystics.
Because of the corruption of the Popes and the clergy, God had to chasten the Christians by handing them over to a heathen nation. Jerusalem was put under the control of the Seljuk Turks in 1071, causing disturbances for the Christian pilgrims. In this way, Jerusalem, the Holy place, was desecrated by the Turks. In order to recapture the Holy Land, the church leaders organized the Crusades. During a two hundred year period, seven crusades were sent out, but each attempt failed to restore the Holy Land.
The papal prestige was adversely affected by the tragic failures of the seven crusades and the peoples' trust in the papacy decreased. As a result, the peoples' devotion to the church waned. Many barons and knights died in the battles and their property was lost, which contributed to the destruction of feudal society.
Again the Foundation of Faith to receive the Second Coming could not be accomplished, just as the Foundation to receive the Messiah had not been formed in the period of the Divided Kingdom of Israel.
5 & 6. The Fifth Period is the 70 Years of Papal Exile (1305-1375 A.D.), and The Sixth Period is the 140 Years of Returning and Renaissance (1375-1517 A.D.)
This 210-year period is to make indemnity and restore the 120 years of the United Christian Empire and synchronizes with the 210 years of exile and returning in the Restoration Providence.
5. Because God's many warnings and chastisements went unheeded by the Papacy, it was removed to Avignon and was controlled by Philip, the French king; in effect, a 70-year exile. This period of humiliation for both the Vatican and the Church corresponds to that the Israel people endured in Babylon.
6. After 70 years, the Papacy was divided into Rome and South France, and the official residence was returned to Rome.
During the Crusades and after the fall of Constantinople in the fifteenth century, many scholars fled to Italy with the literary masterpieces of the ancient Greeks. The revival of classical learning which began is known as the Renaissance. Many literary masters, poets, and tale-tellers joined the great Renaissance of painters and sculptures popularizing "Humanism" with the ever fresh delight in man, his present earthly life and the beauties of nature. The Renaissance was characterized by humanism, individualism, realism, rational thought, emphasis on the present life and an appreciation of the beauty of nature. Realism and epicurianism led the people away from the church, and the study of the Greek classics became more popular than the study of Hebrew and the worship of God. In addition, scientific research produced such inventions as the compass, gunpowder, and the printing press.
The Renaissance was a reaction against the views of life and the universe which were characteristic of the Middle Ages with its asceticism, otherworldliness and collectivism. The Renaissance itself was a heathenistic movement. Also, the general tendency of Humanism was constructive but the Renaissance caused confusion among the people and led them away from the church. Thus, the Foundation of Faith to receive the Second Coming was not formed.
However, the Renaissance contributed by helping Christians to rediscover the following:
one: the vital use of reason in understanding God and His providence.
two: the value of individual and physical life.
three. the ideal of freedom and the beauty of nature.
four: a better understanding of the teaching of Christ in the Greek texts of the New Testament.
five: the appraisal of the Roman Catholic Church by the common people through the popular reading of the New Testament.
The Reformation, viewed from God's Restoration Providence, was the revival movement of Christianity to counter the atheistic movement of the Renaissance. The direct objectives of the Reformation were toward the Papacy, but the final target of the Papacy was atheistic thought. If there had been no Reformation, Humanism would have swallowed Christianity; and God's Restoration Providence would have failed. Christianity passed this crisis on the merits of the Reformation movement. From God's providential point of view, the Reformation was the movement to restore man (re-form man) through the Word, while the Renaissance was the movement to restore the circumstances in the world. God's goal through the Restoration Providence is to restore both, man and the circumstances.
In the course of human history, there have been three attacks against God by the Humanism movement, three periods of Renaissance, and there will be altogether three periods of Reformation, including the Reformation by the Second Coming.
7. The Last Period is the 400 Years of Preparation for the Second Coming
This period (1517-1920 A.D.) is to make indemnity and restore the 1600 years from Jesus to the Reformation, symbolizing total indemnity of the entire history of mankind. Therefore, it was the most complicated and yet a very significant period in human history. It synchronizes years of the Preparation for the Messiah in the Period of the Restoration Providence.
This was the period in which to prepare for the Second Coming; therefore, upon Luther's Reformation, Christians are now able to read the Bible freely, and prepare themselves as branch Temples to receive the Second Coming of Christ, the Main Temple. In the same manner, Malachi, the prophet, appeared in the Period of Preparation of the First Advent, prophesying the Messiah's coming and stimulating the Israel people to fulfill the "Ideal of the Temple. Four hundred years of suffering in exile before the Messiah's coming made indemnity and restored the preceding 1600 years from Abraham to Malachi. These 400 years synchronize with the recent 400-year period from the Lutheran Reformation to the Second Coming which restores the 1600 years from the Time of Jesus to the Reformation.
Imperialistic European nations, a result of the feudalistic system, began to develop ideas of democratic government. Political revolution, economic reformation, Renaissance, and religious reformations would result in confusion in an fields of life and endeavor, including thought and religion. In the same mummer, the Jewish people suffered greatly under foreign rule In Persia, Greece, Syria, and Rome, and were faced with religious confusion from different political and economic circumstances.
The preparatory background to fulfill the World Restoration of "Canaan" by the Second Coming is the climax Period of the Prolongation Restoration Providence. The preparatory background is ready, centering in the Christian nations. Preparation for the unification of circumstances on a world-wide scale can be seen in the effective world-wide transportation, communication and cultural exchange, etc.
In this period, the preparation was accomplished, and the Ideal of the Second Coming Ministry is ready to be fulfilled on a world-wide scale.
After the Protestant Reformation, tremendous progress was made in every field of life; economics, politics, science, philosophy and religion. In this advancing world situation, the divine efforts for the preparation of the hearts of human kind, as wall an the preparation of their environment, has been made progressively and continuously so that all may be ready to receive the Universal Lord of the Second Coming.
II. Meaning of the Separation of the Three Powers (the Legislative, the Executive, the Judiciary), Viewed from the Principles
The origin of the separation of the three powers in from Montesquieu's (1689-l775) theory in relation to the French Revolution and the Declaration of Human Rights, in order to prevent a monopoly of all power in a nation for individual or specific organization based an Absolutism. But to God's point of view, the separation of the three powers is a copy of the system of the Ideal World which God wanted to establish; and Satan already imitated the ideal form, as we can see in the entire course of God's Restoration Providence.
Lot us examine in more detail the deep meaning of the separation of the three powers.
As we stated in Chapter II of Part I on the Principle of Creation, the universe is created to resemble the structure and system of a perfect man. Not only that, the Ideal World which perfect man would have established if there had been no fall of man, would have had the same structure and system of a perfect man. In other words, God planned to set up the Ideal World to function like the body of a perfect man. He made the whole world and the universe to resemble the perfect man's structure and system and function. Because of the fall, this plan was nullified.
Let us look at the functions of the human body and its structure.
Just as all the organs of the human body respond to the command of the brain, the organization of the Ideal World should function at God's command. Also, just as the command of the brain is delivered through the nervous system, centering in the spine, to the arms and legs for movement and activity, so shall the command from God in the Ideal World be delivered through Christ (like the spine), to the saints (like the nervous system), and finally, to all of society.
The nervous system in the human body acts like the Party system of a nation, and the Party must be formed by the saints, centering in Christ.
The three main organs of the human body, the Lungs, the Heart, and the Stomach, must have the perfect Give and Take function according to the command coming from the brain through the nervous system. And in the same manner, the organs of the three powers of the Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary, like the Lungs, Heart, and Stomach in the human body, must have a perfect relation of Give and Take, according to the command from God through the Party which is centered in Christ and God's Will.
Just as the arms and legs act according to the command from the Brain in order to maintain daily life; so the economic system of the Ideal World, which is equivalent to the arms and legs in the human body, must move and act at the direction of God's command for the maintenance of daily life.
Also, just as the Liver saves and preserves nourishment for the entire body, so shall the Ideal World have a system to save for the entire world; not just for individuals.
When we examine the entire human body structure and functions, the vertical relationship is maintained between the Brain and all other parts of the body; and automatically the horizontal relationship is also maintained between the individual parts of the entire body, forming one great organic function as a whole. In the same manner, in the Ideal World there shall be a vertical relationship between God and mankind, forming oneness between God and mankind, experiencing mutual joy and happiness. Naturally, in this ideal society one can not harm the other, because we are one part of the same body.
The present form of Government of the Democratic nations occupies the three separations of the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. It also has a political Party similar in style to that of the Ideal World, like one perfect human body. But it does not function properly as God originally planned. Why is this true? The political parties do not know the Will of God, and naturally can not convey the commands of God. The constitution should represent the Word of God in the Democratic nations, but it does not. The three powers conflict with each other and fight each other, just as the command of the brain can not be conveyed fully to all the parts of the human body when the nervous system has broken down and can not receive the command of the brain.
The purpose of the Lord of the Second Coming is to bring life into the present political system of the three powers, and connect the nervous systems which have been disconnected by the fall of man; then to let these three powers function properly like a perfect human body.
III. The Inevitability of World Wars Viewed From God's Restoration Providence
The causes of World Wars in human history can be interpreted from the political, economic and ideological points of view, but here we would like to explore the causes of World Wars from God's Indemnity and Restoration point of view; in other words, not from the external causes, but from the internal point of view. When we observe human behavior from man's external side alone, we can not understand the whole picture of his behavior; but when we explore the factors of motivation and mind condition, we may more clearly understand one's behavior and the origin of his behavior. In the same manner, if we look at the cause of World Wars from internal and spiritual causes behind God's Restoration Providence, we see more clearly the whole picture and source of the origin of World Wars. Further, in human behavior, the mind is the subjective element and the action is the objective element. Without knowing the condition of the mind, we can not fully explain the behavior or action of the person. In the same manner, without knowing the internal causes of the World Wars in the past, and in the future to come, which are hidden in God's Restoration Providential Course, men could not fully understand until now the reasons for the inevitability of World Wars in the course of human history. Let us look at World War I and II from God's point of view. Why must we have had the bloody World Wars I and II in the past, and why must there be World War III in the future? There are four internal or spiritual causes for World Wars in modern history from God's Indemnity and Restoration point of view.
1. Satan Must Attack Again the Heavenly Nations to Maintain His Sovereignty of Evil Continuously on Earth.
In both World War I and World War II, Satan's nations started the wars. Also, if World War III breaks out, Satan's nation shall attack first. Why is this? Since the fall of man, Satan took the whole world under his sovereignty of evil, imitating God's Ideal World to come. Also, God's Restoration Providence is to take over Satan's developments and accomplishments through the heavenly nations. God's plan is to prevent Satan from imitating His plan since the fall of man. Thus, God is taking Satan's world and restoring it to His original one which He had planned at the beginning, by using the tactics of battles between Good and Evil which have occurred throughout history. So, in the course of the Restoration Providence, the false always appears first as the shadow of the true from God. Before the true Christ appears, the false or anti-Christ shall appear as Jesus said. Satan knows the exact time of the appearance of the Lord of the Second Coming. Satan also knows that it is the end of his sovereignty of evil, and knows when the time of God's sovereignty of good will begin. So naturally, Satan tries to maintain his sovereignty on earth by the final attacks against God's nations.
This pattern of Satan's attacks is similar to the story of Moses' Canaan Restoration Course, in which Satan attacked the Israel people through Pharaoh, and God allowed Moses to perform 3 great miracles to fight against Pharaoh. In the day of the End of the World History of Evil, as in the start of World Canaan Restoration Providential Course, there must be 3 attacks from Satan's side against the heavenly nations in the form of 3 World Wars (I, II, III). As in the past two World Wars, the final victory shall come to the heavenly nations.
2. The World-Wide Indemnity Conditions Must Be Paid in Order to Restore God's Three Great Blessings to Mankind Which Were Lost by First Adam.
After God created man, He gave three blessings to accomplish: First, the perfection of the individual; second, the multiplication of sinless children; and third, to have dominion over all things (Genesis 1:28). Mankind should have established the Earthly Kingdom, and should have had the fulfillment of these 3 great blessings from God. God has set up the highest standard for mankind in His Creation, and He can not disregard this principle. Since the fall, God has allowed Satan to imitate the false type of blessings centering in fallen mankind under Satan. But, in the Course of the Restoration Providence, when the World History of Evil is going to end, in order to set up the indemnity condition in taking back the false developments of 3 kinds of blessings, the world-wide turmoil of 3 World Wars to destroy Satan are inevitable.
3. In Order That Mankind Might Pass Through Jesus' Three Kinds of Temptation by Satan, in the World-Wide Scale, There Must be Three World Wars.
Jesus' course of dispensation is the course His followers (and mankind) should take. He spent forty days in the wilderness to be tested by Satan, and had 3 temptations. The 3 kinds of temptations must be passed by the saints on earth in the scale of the individual, family, national, and world-wide levels. So 3 types of temptation shall appear on earth as world wars for mankind.
4. In Order to Establish God's Sovereignty of Good Which Was Lost, There Must Be Three World Wars as the World-Wide Indemnity Condition.
If there had been no fall, mankind would have accomplished God's Sovereignty of Good on earth, passing 3 orderly stages of growth; Formation, Growth, and Perfection. In the battles to take over the sovereignty of evil, by dividing into Abel and Cain sides, the 3 stages must be passed, which shall appear as 3 World Wars as indemnity conditions on a world-wide scale. To God's Restoration Providence point of view, 3 World Wars are inevitable in order to make indemnity vertically for the purpose of all battles in past history for the restoration of the sovereignty of good. After these wars, there will be no more wars on earth.
5. What are the Criteria to Decide which is a Heavenly Nation and which is a Satanic Nation in Relation to the World Wars?
Whether a nation is Heavenly or Satanic will be decided according to God's standard of direction for the Restoration Providence. If the nation is proceeding along the same line as God's Restoration Providence, or even indirectly co-operating along that line, then it will be a Heavenly nation. But if a country is going in a direction opposite to God's Restoration Providence, then that nation is considered Satanic. This criteria by which God decides is entirely beyond our comprehension; sometimes, it is even contrary to our conscience and secular laws, customs, etc.
Let us take an example from Bible History in the course of Moses' dispensation (Chapter XI of Part II). Moses killing a person should normally be regarded as murder and evil, but from the point of view of God's Restoration Providence, Moses' act of murder was good. Furthermore, the Israel people killed many Gentiles without reason after invading the land of Canaan. This would be regarded as evil unless God's Will and Restoration Providence were known.
Even though the natives of the land of Canaan were more conscientious than the Israel people, they were regarded as Satanic to God's point of view, and the Israel people were regarded as Heavenly.
Also, we can see an example in religion. Any religion which is a hindrance and an interference to the religion which is closer to God, will be regarded as a Satanic religion. All religions have a Heavenly mission to fulfill in a certain period, in certain places and in certain races. Even after fulfillment of their Heavenly mission, if the religion does not cooperate or causes a hindrance to the new religion which has a special mission to God, this religion shall be Satanic regardless of its past contribution.
For example, Judaism was the Heavenly religion before Jesus, but when Jesus appeared to fulfill the purpose of Judaism, it ceased to be a religion representing God and suddenly became a Satanic religion when the leaders of Judaism began to persecute Him and oppose His Ministry.
From recent modern history, the lineage of the Abel-type view of life represents God's side, while the Cain-type view of life represents Satan's side. Materialists (Followers of Historical Materialism) are the fruit of the Cain-type view of life, and they represent Satan even though some of them are very sincere and conscientious and dedicated, as far as individuals are concerned, from God's point of view. Naturally, the Communist world is Satanic. In contrast, the free nations, or Democratic nations are Heavenly because they are derived from the lineage of the Abel-type view of life; and freedom of faith is guaranteed in this world. Although many elements of evil exist in this world, it is regarded as Heavenly to God s point of view.
As stated in the Chapter on Resurrection in Part I, Christianity is the final religion to fulfill all the purposes of the past conscientious religions, while all other religions are auxiliary organizations to fulfill their missions in certain ages and among certain races and nations. Any religion that hinders or interferes with Christianity will be considered Satanic.
Let us look at World War I, in which we see England, the United States, France, and Russia as the allied nations who supported Christians who were under Turkey, the Islamic nation. Naturally, they were regarded as Heavenly nations. But Germany and Austria persecuted the Christians under Turkey, and they supported Turkey, the Islamic nation. They became, then, representative of Satan's side from the point of view of God's Restoration Providence.
IV. Time of Appearance of the Second Coming in Relation to the World Wars
1. World War I Set Up the Formation Stage Foundation of Indemnity Condition.
In World War I, the Allied Powers, representing the nations working for God defeated the Central Powers (Satanic nations), and set up the Formation Stage Foundation of indemnity condition for three great blessings on a world-wide scale. This victory also set up the Formation Stage Foundation for passing the three kinds of temptation on a world-wide scale, and established the Formation Stage for restoring the Sovereignty of Good by victory for the Democratic nations.
The defeat of the Satanic nations (Central Powers) means, at the same times that the King of the Heavenly Side shall soon appear on earth on the foundation of victory as the Lord of the Second Coming, according to the Law of Indemnity and Restoration. The Kaiser, as a symbolic King of the nations working with Satan, imitated the very Ideal of the Second Coming. Right after the defeat of the Satanic nations, the communist world centering in Stalin as a Satanic symbol of the Lord of the Second Coming must appear on earth, because throughout the history of the Restoration Providence, Satan always imitates, first, God's secret plan.
The occurrence of the Communist Revolution in Russia in 1919 was to develop the Communist World under the leadership of Stalin (who is the Satanic symbolic being of the Lord of the Second Coming) just before the appearance of the Lord of the Second Caning on earth, or His actual birth.
The Communist Revolution changed Russia into the Satanic nation at the end of World War I. Why? Because indemnity must be paid to Satan for the fact that the United States was already raised as the Heavenly and Adam-type nation who would win World War I, and God naturally had to permit Satan to establish the Cain-type world by delivering Russia as the Satanic nation. Thus, the time of the appearance of the Second Coming was quickened and was made ready right after the two great world events; namely, the defeat of Germany (1918), and the Russian Communist Revolution in 1919. The 40-year course of World Restoration of Canaan should start from the year 1920, right after the Communist Revolution of 1919, by the Lord of the Second Caning as the time of the appearance of His Second Coming.
2. World War II Set Up the Growth Stage Foundation of Indemnity Condition.
Let us look at the nations which participated in World War II. The Original Ideal World of God's creation was lost in the Garden of Eden by three persons; Adam, Eve, and the Archangel, Lucifer. To make indemnity and restore this, three nations of each side must participate in World War II. Two groups of nations were formed at the time of World War II, those on the Heavenly-side and those on the Satanic-side. The Allied nations of America, Britain and France symbolized Adam, Eve, and the Archangel on the Heavenly-side; while the Axis nations of Germany, Japan, and Italy, represented Adam, Eve, and the Archangel on the Satanic-side.
The dream of Hitler symbolically imitated the One World under God, which Jesus was to establish on earth as the Second Adam. In order to make indemnity, God allowed Hitler to form the Satanic-model world of the Ideal World which Jesus, early crucifixion nullified. Hitler was the symbolic Satanic figure of Jesus Christ and God had to allow him to cause a war.
Germany's quick rise to power (about 20 years since World War I), was derived from the Heavenly Dispensation of God's providential program to receive all mankind as the Bride centering in the Second Coming, Preceding World War I. even Germany did not expect war imminently, according to historical sources from German Authorities at that time. The war came to Germany unexpectedly. Why is this?
It was because God's Program, centering in His Second Coming, had matured and developed on earth since World War I to the world-wide scale. God had to quicken the dispensational course. It was urgent that He carry out His mission and destroy the Satanic model world on the very foundation of the works of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This was the reason why World War II must break out only 20 years after World War I. But Germany failed to conquer the world. By defeating Hitler, the Allies made indemnity and restored that which was nullified in Jesus' mission.
In World War II the Soviet Union fought with the United States and Great Britain on God's side, because God had to allow a Cain-type world under Stalin (the symbolic Satanic figure of the Lord of the Second Coming) to be established after Hitler (the symbolic Satanic Jesus Christ) was destroyed. Taking Russia in World War II as the Allied side had assisted in establishing a good basis for the work of the Second-Coming. Thus, after World War II the work of the Second Coming must have shown remarkable progress and advancement.
3. World War III Will Be An Indemnity Condition In the Perfection Stage
As far as World War III is concerned, as stated above, it is inevitable in the course of God's Restoration Providence. But the methods of battle might be either military or ideological, like the cold war between Democracy and Communism; or it may be a combination of both, a hot and a cold war. It will be decided as man's responsibility, not God's. Regardless of the form of wars, there must be one more global battle, so-called World War III., as the last in human history.
As stated previously, the third World War is inevitable from God's point of view in His Restoration Providence for the following reasons:
First ... There must be a third World War as an indemnity condition in the Perfection Stage to restore the 3 great blessings to mankind which were lost because of the Fall.
Second ... There must be a third World War, in order to pass the third temptation of Jesus as an indemnity condition on a world-wide scale.
Third ... There must be a third World War in order to restore the Sovereignty of Good in the Perfection Stage.
By defeating the Satanic nations, the sovereignty shall be under God's Ideal World by the victory of the Heavenly nations. The Kingdom of Christ shall begin on earth.
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