Creating a World of Peace - The Thought and Works of Sun Myung Moon by Joon Ho Seuk |
Volume 2 - The Ideal Family and True Love as the Source of Peace [Part 5 of 5]
5. Reverend Moon's Activities
Reverend Moon has founded numerous organizations throughout the world that promote the ideal family as the school of love and the foundation of a peaceful society. These include organizations that educate clergy, politicians and teachers about the importance of marriage and family; those that educate adults, both single and married, about marriage, family values and parenting; and those that educate youth directly about developing moral and ethical character. The following are some examples:
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) seeks to build a peaceful world through true families. It promotes activities that strengthen the love of husband and wife, the love of parents for their children, and the love of children for their parents. The message of the Family Federation is that the world needs strong families which can heal our communities and provide a clear model for the next generation.
The FFWPU calls all couples to rededicate their marriage in the love of God, beyond race, culture or religion. In 1997 alone, some 70 million couples in countries around the world responded to a call by the FFWPU to unite in affirming true love.
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) calls couples to dedicate their marriage to God:
Affirming the eternal true love of husband and wife, we rededicate our marriage to God.
We will be faithful in marriage forever.
We will teach our children sexual purity.
We will support all people to uplift sexual purity and marital fidelity, beyond race, nation and religion.
International Educational Foundation
The International Educational Foundation (IEF) was founded in 1990 by Reverend and Mrs. Moon to promote moral and ethical values in education. IEF works in the fields of character education, youth purity education, marriage and family education, and service learning or volunteerism. Since its founding, IEF has worked in countries throughout the world, offering seminars on the topics of youth development and preparation for marriage.
The following account of IEF's work in the former Soviet Union offers a glimpse into one example of how Reverend Moon's vision and activities have served the world.
International Educational Foundation
The International Educational Foundation (IEF) has the following purposes:
To cultivate heart and character through a balanced approach to education that integrates the best of Eastern and Western, spiritual and material, as well as traditional and contemporary values.
To address youth issues such as abstinence education and drug abuse prevention with a heart-centered approach to character development and an ethic focused on pure love.
To empower families through marriage and parenting education that upholds the family as the seedbed of virtue and the school of love.
To promote civic responsibility and foster a culture of peace through teaching about conflict resolution and encouraging volunteerism that reaches across boundaries such as race, religion, ethnicity, and nationality.
In April 1990, Reverend Moon met with Mikhail Gorbachev in the Kremlin. During that historic meeting, Reverend Moon expressed his concern for the future of the youth of the Soviet Union, which at that time was in transition and turmoil.
This meeting opened the doors to begin an exchange program under the title of International Leadership Seminars involving thousands of Soviet and American students over the next two years.
One of the results of this close collaboration with the Soviet Ministry of Higher Education was the initiation of a series of conferences on the theme "Spiritual Renewal and School Education in Russia, held in the Crimea in November 1992 under the auspices of the Russian Ministry of Education for the purpose of presenting ideas for a moral education curriculum.
More than 1500 educators from throughout Russia, plus 300 school directors from the Ukraine, gathered to hear lectures based on the fundamental values and concepts taught by Reverend Moon, emphasizing their use as a foundation for moral education.
In the case of Russia and other former Soviet societies, the collapse of communism suddenly discarded the ideological framework for the teaching of morals and ethics. At the same time young people struggled to understand how to employ their newly found freedoms.
Many chose to pursue with abandon the material benefits long denied them. In reaction to the collectivism of the past, the post-Soviet period saw the rise of extreme individualism. Given this reality, participants found the theme of the Crimea program timely.
The enthusiastic response of participants led to the establishment of an international team of writers under the direction and guidance of Dr. Joon Ho Seuk, president of the International Educational Foundation, in order to produce student textbooks and teachers manuals that would promote universal values in an exciting and inspiring format responsive to young people's sensibilities at the time of the approaching 21st century.
This was the beginning of the My World & I project.
Working at a rapid pace, the first edition of My World & I: The Way of Unification, intended for 1 -15 year olds, was published together with an accompanying teacher's manual. In the summer of 199, IEF held its first Teacher Training Workshops in order to train teachers how to use the new curriculum.
In these workshops lectures explaining the philosophical foundation of the curriculum were presented as well as lectures suggesting innovative methodological approaches appropriate to the teaching of the material.
In 1994 IEF produced a second volume of My World & I, subtitled The Way of Love, written for 15-17 year olds.
In subsequent years IEF went on to publish other student textbooks, teachers' manuals, and handbooks for parents, designed to be used for various age levels. Many of these have been translated into other languages from the original Russian, with the support of various ministries of education.
Each year IEF has been conducting hundreds of training seminars involving thousands of teachers throughout the CIS, Baltic States and Mongolia to instruct them on the use of the materials. At these seminars and in other ways, hundreds of thousands of books have been distributed in these countries.