Messiah - My Testimony to |
by Bo Hi Pak |
Chapter Thirteen - Testimony Before the U.S. Congress
After Reverend Moon's rally at the Washington Monument in 1976, Congressman Donald Fraser, who was chairman of the House Subcommittee on International Organizations, formally decided to launch an investigation into allegations that the government of South Korea had conducted illegal operations against the government of the United States. He began recruiting investigators and put together a team.
From the beginning, the primary target of this investigation was the Unification Church. As soon as he announced his intentions, the American media praised and supported Fraser. The media knew who Congressman Fraser was after, and they waited for the coming battle with great anticipation, as if it were a fight for the world heavyweight boxing championship.
In 1977, Congressman Fraser requested that I present myself to the committee as a witness. I had no intention of cooperating with the investigation because I could clearly see his underlying agenda. I refused his request.
Congressman Fraser held several hearings and called many witnesses. They were all supportive of him, and they praised him even to the extent of referring to his having taken a "heroic stand."
Some Koreans were among these witnesses. The most notable among them was Gen. Hyung Wook Kim, who participated in the 1961 military coup d'etat along with President Park Chung Hee and at one time enjoyed considerable power as head of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA).
General Kim's testimony was certainly worth watching. In a word, he sold out his country, his compatriots, his government, and finally even his own soul to save himself. He built up Congressman Fraser as a messianic figure who would save his forty million South Korean countrymen from the evil grasp of a dictatorial regime. He talked in detail, as if it were a movie script, about the evil deeds of the president and government that he had formerly supported.
General Kim had been head of the KCIA and was a key member of the militant coup, so he had many secrets to reveal. But in most cases, these were misdeeds that he himself had performed by throwing his weight around as head of the KCIA. In his testimony before Congress, he used these as weapons with which to convict President Park and the Korean government of many crimes. His testimony was reported prominently in the New Fork Times, Washington Post, and other major newspapers in America. The three major television networks made his testimony the lead story of their evening news broadcasts.
Congressman Fraser's expectations had been right on target. In fact, the situation was going even better than he had hoped. I'm sure it must have been difficult for him to keep from laughing out loud. As a modern-day dragon slayer, he became the star of the seven o'clock news.
An Unwelcome Subpoena
Congressman Fraser's stature and confidence were growing by the day. The Koreans called to testify before his committee were like putty in his hands. They showed no resistance and allowed him to lead them wherever he wanted. When they were called to testify, they acted as though their only wish was for the committee to spare their lives. They chose whatever words they believed the chairman wanted to hear. Congressman Fraser could not but look on Koreans with an condescending attitude. I'm sure he must have thought, "These Korean crooks, I can do whatever I want with them."
Congressman Fraser built up his momentum and then turned his attention to the Unification Church. He established a clear strategy to first attack Bo Hi Pak and then take the investigation all the way to Reverend Moon. He must have been familiar with the old saying, "Before attacking a general, first kill his horse."
At this point Congressman Fraser launched a barrage of attacks against the Unification Church. He charged that the church was an agent of the Republic of Korea government and that it amounted to a lobbying organization for the Korean government. By attacking the Unification Church, he wanted to undermine the position of the Seoul government and, at the same time, bring an end to the Unification Church. He was out to kill two birds with one stone.
He first confiscated all documents related to the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation, which I had established. He took all papers going hack more than ten years. He was interested in any document that had to do with finances. He particularly detested the anti-communist activities of Radio of Free Asia and believed that the world tours by the Little Angels had been financed with dirty money from the Korean government.
Congressman Fraser was certain that the KCFF was secretly receiving money from the Korean government. From where he stood, there was no other plausible theory. The truth was that our foundation never received so much as a penny from the Korean government. Truth, however, was of no use. Once a lie is reported in the media, it takes on a life of its own. It doesn't matter how egregious it may be. They latched on to the fact that Radio of Free Asia was paying money to KBS, Korea's government-owned broadcasting company, for use of its transmitter. As far as they were concerned, this made RFA an agent of the Korean government.
Congressman Fraser was brimming with confidence, and he kept up the pressure. He issued a subpoena for me to appear before his committee on March 22, 1978.
The year before, he had asked for me to testify voluntarily. This time, he issued a legal subpoena. It meant that he could take legal action against me it I refused. His strategy was to grill Bo Hi Pak in order to incite the American media into helping him destroy the Unification Church. That would set the stage for him to drag Reverend Moon onto the witness stand. He had to be careful about attacking a religious leader. If he wasn't, the American religious community, which holds freedom of religion as sacred, might sympathize with Reverend Moon.
It became apparent that a showdown with Congressman Fraser was inevitable. I had no problem with appearing before the committee. It pained me, though, to think of how the media in America and around the world would use my appearance to condemn the Unification Church. I knew that my battle was not with Donald Fraser, but with the news media of the world. I could guess what the irresponsible and sensationalist media would write, and that made me sad.
"Don't You Know That You Are David?"
A few days before my first appearance before the congressional subcommittee, I visited Reverend Moon at his home in New York. I wanted to apologize deeply to him.
"Father, I am truly sorry." I told him. "It has finally come to the point where I am to be called before Congress to testify. If I had been more of a filial son to you, we could have avoided this tribulation. What should I do? I don't care how much I may be scorned and despised in the media, but it makes me shudder to think how the honor of our church and your honor may be injured as a result of this situation brought about by my incompetence and my mistakes. Please forgive me, your inept son..."
As I spoke, I couldn't stop the tears from welling up. I cried tears of repentance from the bottom of my heart. It made no difference that Congressman Fraser and others were attacking our church out of impure motives. In the end, it would he Reverend Moon who would have to carry the heavy burden of persecution. It filled my heart with sorrow to think that I could be the avenue by which so much trouble could come to my spiritual father.
I sat on the floor in front of Reverend Moon, my head bowed and tears pouring from my eves. Suddenly, I jumped as Reverend Moon began scolding me at the top of his voice.
"You, Bo Hi! Listen to me!" he said. "How do you expect to go into battle with such a weak heart?
"Don't you see that God is giving you a tremendous opportunity? Don't you see that I have been waiting for the day when we would be able to fight like this? God always takes a crisis and turns it into an opportunity. How can you expect God to perform a miracle unless you first have the faith to go off the edge of the cliff? God's plan is for you to stand and fight the American government so that He can use you to speak the words He wants to speak. You've been chosen as Heaven's brave warrior, but how are you going to live up to God's expectations with such a weak heart?
"Don't you see that if the American government is today's Goliath, then you have been chosen by Heaven to be David? When did David ever fight with his own strength? He stood up to Goliath in the name of God. You have to stand up to your Goliath, the American Congress, in the name of God and in the name of the True Parents. But what are you doing now?
"Both Heaven and I have been waiting for this day. I want you to go to the Congress in the name of God, with strength and courage. Do you understand?"
I felt as though I had been struck by a bolt of lightning. There wasn't even the trace of a tear in my eyes now.
I felt a strange feeling of joy and confidence enveloping my body. In that moment, it was as if someone turned on an electric motor inside me. Suddenly, I began moving with boldness and confidence. I felt like a young boy about to set out on an adventure to Treasure Island.
"Yes," I told myself. "I've been chosen to be Heaven's warrior. How can I possibly be defeated in this battle? That's right! I'm a modern-day David. I'm going to go to Congress with the spirit of a martyr. Even if I were to collapse in front of Congress while testifying for Heaven, what could be more glorious than that?
"That's right. I have to create an uproar. I'll create such an uproar that it will attract the attention of all America. I will create an uproar of goodwill. Then, with all of America watching. I will testify to my faith, my spiritual master, and my homeland.
"Yes! I am David. Let's see if Congress, my Goliath, can withstand the force of my stone."
I wrote my first day's prepared statement right there and signed the cover of the statement. "David Bo Hi Pak." Then, looking at Reverend Moon straight in the eyes. I said, "Father, your son David Bo Hi leaves now for the battlefield. I know that I will not be fighting with my own strength. I will fight in the name of God and True Parents. Please remember me, your childish son. I will not put a stain on God's honor."
Reverend Moon took my hand with a strong grip.
"Now that you have made such a strong determination, I have nothing to worry about. Fight with all your passion. God will always be with you."
I left East Garden feeling as though a new heaven and earth lay before me. Everything seemed new and refreshed. My heart was bursting with vigor and zeal. I could hardly wait for March 22.
The First Round of Testimony
Finally, the day arrived. I left for the hearing room an hour early. My wife and I wanted to arrive before everyone else so we could pray in the hearing room.
We entered the Rayburn Building, which had been designated as the site for hearings by the House Subcommittee on International Relations. The white marble building looked down on me with an imposing air. I refused to be intimidated.
My wife and I entered the hearing room, and I took my seat at the witness table. My wife sat in the front row of seats reserved for family members of witnesses. I made sure I was fully prepared and began my prayer. I was so focused that I lost track of time. Soon, I began to hear noises around me, so I opened my eyes and lifted my head.
My lawyer, John Bray, sat in the chair next to me at the table. Finally, it came time for the room to be opened to the public, and the almost five hundred seats in the room were quickly filled. There was hardly even any standing room.
Bo Hi Pak prays prior to testifying before the House Subcommittee on International Organizations.
In the seats reserved for journalists, there were reporters from the New York Times. Washington Past, and other major American newspapers. The Associated Press and United Press International were there, too. Also, reporters from major Korean newspapers sat in the media seats wearing tense expressions.
On the opposite side of the room, the major American television networks had set up their equipment. There were so many cameras and lights that it looked like a grove of bamboo trees. The cameras from the three major networks, NBC, ABC, and CBS, dominated their surroundings.
The atmosphere in the room gradually intensified. Would I be going too far if I said it was as if the spectators in the Coliseum of ancient Rome had come to watch the lions rip Christians to shreds? Congressman Fraser stood in the position of the Roman emperor, and I was fodder for the lions.
I could also see in the audience some of my fellow believers from the Unification Church. I could tell that they were praying fervently that I would not be eaten by the lions and this knowledge gave me even more strength.
The time came for the hearing to begin. Congressman Fraser led the way as the subcommittee members and their stall' entered the room carrying stacks of papers. I saw Republican Congressman Edward Denvinski of Illinois. I knew him to be a righteous man who had pointed out the misguided nature of the subcommittee's investigation.
Congressman Fraser had scheduled former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to testify that morning. This was a way to add to the credibility and authority of the hearing. I don't think it was by accident that he scheduled my testimony to begin at one o'clock, right after Dr. Kissinger.
As chairman, Congressman Fraser sat in a chair that was elevated in the center of the room like a judge's bench. When my turn came to testify, he first had me stand and swear an oath: "Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give to this subcommittee will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" I answered, "I do," with my right hand raised. If I testified falsely, I could be charged with the crime of perjury.
Congressman Fraser read a prepared text, describing the process that led up to that day's hearing. He said the hearing was being held for the purpose of investigating whether it was true that Bo Hi Pak and Radio of Free Asia of the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation, managed by Bo Hi Pak, had received funds from the government of the Republic of Korea and become involved in operations against the United States government.
Then it was time for me to give my opening statement.
"I Am a Proud Korean"
I began in a calm tone. The following is a somewhat shortened version of my opening statement.
Mr. Chairman, Honorable Congressmen, Members of the Staff. Ladies and Gentlemen:
I would like to make it clear that I have been resisting this investigation adamantly. Why? Not because I have something to hide, not because I am afraid of any exposure, but because of the way this investigation was motivated and conducted, and because of the lack of objectivity and sensitivity to what kind of impact this investigation is having upon many innocent people, not only in this country but around the world...
On June 1, 1950. I entered the Korean Military Academy, equivalent to the U.S. West Point, for four years of high-caliber military training... I was 20 years old at the time, unmarried, and burning with zeal and hope as a young cadet that one day I would become a general. This dream, however, lasted only twenty-five days. On June 25 this young cadet found himself in the middle of war without even knowing how to handle an M-1 rifle. Communist North Korea attacked that day, and the military academy cadets were the first troops committed to stop this overwhelming invasion. Within three days of battle our 330 classmates were reduced by two-thirds. Of my classmates, 220 died without ever receiving even a rank or serial number...
In 1951 the Red Chinese army ... launched what has come to be known as the Spring Offensive of 1951. Our division was totally outnumbered and instantly smashed by the enemy. Most of our division combat team had no time to escape and were left behind enemy lines. Along with a few other soldiers, I was hiding in enemy territory and believed that the end had come... We hid in the mountains without food or a means of communication for many days. Then one day we saw a long line of enemy soldiers retreating back to the North, many of them wounded and limping. I instantly knew something was happening. I saw my first glimpse of hope. A couple of days later I heard a roar of tanks from the South coming closer and closer and there they were. The U.S. Third Division had been pursuing the enemy to the North with tanks. God saved our lives...
I thanked God and thanked the saviors of my life - U.S. comrades in arms. This was my first personal encounter with the United States of America. America had become the savior of my life.
Since that time my respect, love, and admiration for this great nation have continued to grow... I pledged to God that someday God would give me the chance to repay America for saving my life...
Today, I am indeed a citizen of the Republic of Korea and I am an immigrant to this great nation of immigrants... Certainly, I have a loyalty to my heritage of Korea, but I owe my life to America. My loyalty to America is just as strong as that to my own country.
I became a follower of Rev. Sun Myung Moon in 1958. Since then I have been a faithful disciple to him and a member of the Unification Church for over twenty years. Reverend Moon opened up a totally new area of being for me. He gave me rebirth and a purpose in life. Because of his teaching, God was made real in my heart and I know life is eternal. Through him I also gained vision and hope for the world in which we live. The teaching of Reverend Moon can be summed up in two words: "love and sacrifice" for God and humanity.
In addition, through Reverend Moon my love for America was amplified and deepened, and my heart bypassed national boundaries. In fact, as I learned of Reverend Moon's vision of America as the chosen nation to he a champion of God in this age of world crisis, my loyalty to this nation became absolute and my desire to serve this country was lit with burning zeal.
So, Mr. Chairman, the motivation of my actions comes from an inner desire to serve God, humanity, and my two beloved countries of Korea and America. From this same strong sense of service the seed for KCFF was born and founded. RFA was launched, the Little Angels were organized, and schools were built.
From this same strong sense of service to God and humanity I witnessed and preached the gospel of Christ and love of God as revealed through Reverend Moon.
Here I am today, in the United States Congress, summoned by this august Subcommittee on International Organizations, headed by you, Mr. Chairman. I stand here not as a proud witness, but more as the accused - accused as an agent or spy of a foreign country, accused as a KCIA agent, accused as the running dog of a foreign government. Nothing could he further from the truth. I know I have been none of those things. Then why am I here today? Why am I singled out?
I do know one thing clearly. I am here today because I am a Korean, a disciple of Reverend Moon and a member of the Unification Church, and a dedicated anti-communist. "Korean" is a dirty word these days and everything "Korean" is suspect. Also, to he a "Moonie" in this country is very unpopular and the cause of anti-communism is practically dead now. Yet. I am all of those unpopular things. I may look like a fool, even be treated as a fool. Yet, Mr. Chairman, I will not recant any of those qualifications. I am a proud Korean, a proud Moonie, and a dedicated anti-communist and I intend to remain so the rest of my life.
This morning I fervently prayed before I came here and I thanked God for giving me such inner peace and tranquility during these last two years of suffering, harassment, and persecution by your subcommittee. Yet, Mr. Chairman, though I am at peace with God and myself, too many innocent people are being hurt and damaged. Too many good works are being hampered. This must be stopped for God's sake. Now let me report to you how much harm has already been done.
Turning Allegations Into "Facts"
For more than two years the Subcommittee on International Organizations has been ostensibly pursuing a probe of the KCIA. However, in those two years this Committee has given the impression to the world through the press that the United States Congress is investigating the Unification Church of Reverend Sun Myung Moon. The Washington Post stated this clearly in an article on March 19, 1977, that the Fraser Subcommittee "plans to examine further ties between the South Korean government and the Unification Church of the evangelist Sun Myung Moon"
This subcommittee has allowed unsubstantiated allegations and so-called evidence to receive wide press coverage, while the sworn testimony indicating the innocence of Reverend Moon and the Unification Church has been totally ignored. By taking this openly prejudiced position, this committee has publicly discriminated against the Unification Church and has needlessly damaged the worldwide work of the Unification Church...
You say that this Committee is going to honor absolute individual rights based on the First Amendment of the Constitution. However, once allegations of this committee have leaked out and reached the public via the press, the allegations become a matter of fact rather than allegations. Out there, in the eyes of the public, I am already condemned as a KCIA agent... I am indeed one of the victims of this committee... My honor and my livelihood have already been destroyed without my having even gone to one trial.
Yet that is not all. I am particularly anguished over the fact that the noble work of a man who came to this country to preach the Gospel has been so misunderstood and mistreated. Rev. Sun Myung Moon preached in every state and most major cities of America numerous times in the last several years. I believe his work is unparalleled by any religious leader in this country. His vision ignited so many disillusioned American youth, and he became a symbol of hope to them. But now his divine work has suffered under this unfounded, vicious attack. The damage is all the more serious because since it is happening in America, its impact is not confined to America alone. American news travels everywhere. Reverend Moon's disciples and missionaries in 127 countries are being falsely accused due to these false accusations.
Millions of innocents around the world, known as Moonies, are looked upon today practically as KCIA agents as they try to bring witness to the world of their religious faith... It is a testimony to their faith that they remain members through all of this...
March 15, 1978, just a few days ago, was a disastrous day for the Unification Church. This committee made headlines from Seoul to Washington by releasing U.S. intelligence reports from 1970. I was utterly dumbfounded when I read in one report that the Unification Church was founded in 1961 by Jong Pil Kim, director of the KCIA, as a political tool of the Korean government. You know deep in your heart that this is not true. Mr. Chairman.
Reverend Moon received a revelation from God in 1936, about twenty-five years prior to the creation of the KCIA. That was the spiritual founding of the Unification Church. The Unification Church was officially chartered in Seoul on May I. 1954, by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, seven years prior to the time President Park and Honorable Jong Pil Kim came to power in 1961.
I myself joined the church in 1958. By then we had our church established in Japan, and in 1959 it was established in the United States. The early members of our church struggled long and hard, at great personal sacrifice. The first missionaries to America came here, as I have said, in 1959, years before the world ever heard of Jong Pil Kim...
A noted theologian and scholar, Dr. Frederick Sontag, recently made an in-depth study of the Unification Church for the Methodist publishing house Abingdon Press... Let me quote here from his book Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church. Speaking of the foundation of the Unification Church in 1954, Dr. Sontag writes: "In my travels, study and interviews, I came to firm conclusions: The movement is genuinely spiritual in its origins..." (page 195). And, "As nearly as I could determine from my tour in Korea, the story of humble origin, imprisonment and suffering is substantially true" (page ?8)...
Why is this kind of lie unleashed to the world without checking its validity? Do you have any idea how much damage this kind of lie does to the Unification Church and each and every one of its members? The very next day after you released this material newspapers all over the world made front-page headlines similar to the Washington Star's "Moons Church Founded by Korean CIA as Political Tool, Panel Says."...
Now, just look at what the New York Times said to us in an article on March 16, 1978, by Richard Halloran titled: "Unification Church Called Seoul Tool, House Panel Releases Documents Linking Sun Myung Moon to Korean Lobbying Efforts." It says: "A House investigating subcommittee today released intelligence reports asserting that the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church was founded by a Director of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency, Kim. Jong Pil, as a political tool in 1961."…
[The story] was carried in papers like the New York Times, which has never treated Reverend Moon objectively: the New York Times is quoted throughout the world like the Bible, thus giving the reports legitimacy. All the papers of the world need to print is one line, "The New York Times said."
Crucified in the Media
Mr. Chairman, how much more must we suffer because of this committee? ... The U.S. Congress literally christened us as KCIA tools. When any genuine religious organization is associated in the public eyes as a tool of the KCIA, or any CIA, that is the ultimate blow - there is nothing more you can do to try and destroy it.
On March 15 you nailed Reverend Moon's name and the Unification Church to the cross... Reverend Moon and I prayed as Jesus prayed: "Forgive them for they know not what they do." Yes, we genuinely prayed. Now one week later I have cone here to resurrect his name. Reverend Moon must be resurrected and the Unification Church must he resurrected. This is apparently the right season for it since Easter is coming in a few days.
But even Jesus did not have to deal with the New York Times. Today our job of resurrecting the name of Reverend Moon is infinitely more difficult because of papers like the New York Tunes, which have crucified Reverend Moon on a worldwide level.
Mr. Chairman, the Unification Church was founded by God, not by man. Reverend Moon is just his chosen instrument. Just as Jesus flourished even more after the resurrection, and the Christian Church became stronger than ever, so will the Unification Church. The Unification Church is founded by [God], and God and His truth are eternal and no man can put them asunder...
I, as a person, and members of the Unification Church as a whole, resent and abhor this lack of courtesy toward one of the great spiritual leaders of our time...
Reverend Moon obeyed the message of God to come to this country in 1971 and ignite the hearts of the people of this nation and openly proclaim the message of the Kingdom of God on earth. ... Reverend Moon, being a prophet of God, speaks God's truth without fear. He demands repentance, as God demands. His message is painful to accept, but therein lies salvation. America has rejected, yet some have accepted. Yet, one thing is sure. Reverend Moon has created a whirlwind in this country - rekindling the American dream. And many notable theologians have been compelled to admit about the Unification Church, as stated by Dr. Sontag: "We have witnessed in our own lifetime the birth, growing pains, and we will see the maturity of. a new religious movement."
Is it conceivable that this man, Reverend Moon, is a KCIA agent? Can you imagine such a man working on the payroll of any government? ... Besides, God has already contracted his services. ... "If you really want to use the word 'agent' I said to one reporter, "I will help you. You can call him an agent of God.
So far I have spoken in defense of Reverend Moon and the Unification Church. Now let me dwell on the defense of Korea and my own activities in the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation.
Mr. Chairman. I brought with me a simple map of the Far East. I thought it would help explain more clearly my feelings. The red areas represent communist countries and the red dots indicate heavy communist population. The Korean peninsula is primarily bordered by Soviet Russia, the vast country of Red China, and of course half of Korea itself is under what is probably the worst kind of communism, headed by the Kim Il Sung regime.
Outside this perimeter is the island of Japan. As you know, Japan has no self-defense capability and the communist parties are strong in the Japanese congress. North Korean factions are also quite strong in Japan.
Little South Korea, with a population of thirty-five million people, stands imprisoned in the midst of all these overpowering communist forces and is just trying to survive. After this map was completed, I showed it to my children and asked them: "How would you feel if you lived on that blue dot, Seoul?" Their spontaneous response was "scared!" This is precisely what we Korean people feel, "scared." We are scared of communist takeover. We fear this happening so much that we would give our very lives to stop it. We saw our small country practically overrun by communists in 1950. I fought in that war. We have had millions killed or taken to the North. We cannot afford to have the same situation happen again. Too much blood, too much tragedy. Our hearts bleed as we remember such things. No matter how much sacrifice is necessary, we cannot allow another invasion from the North.
With the above situation, the Korean government must have been concerned and irritated by the planned withdrawal of U.S. troops, announced in 1970. Of course, the Korean people were disheartened by the prospect of a U.S. withdrawal. The government, as well as the people, know that the U.S. presence is vital for our national security. Both the government and the people have become very desperate, and they want to do something about it. This is the natural instinct for survival.
Let me, at this point, share with you a very short heartrending story. I had a secretary. Lynn Doerfler, who mastered the Korean language when she was in Korea. She once told me this story as a testimony of how Koreans feel toward the United States. One day she was taking a walk with another American along the outskirts of a Korean town. They came upon two small Korean children, about seven and five years old. When the children spotted the tall Americans approaching them, the younger was slightly scared and this little boy said, "Big nose people coming!" (Americans are nicknamed "big nose people" in Korea.) Then the older boy said to his little brother in a reassuring tone, "No need to he scared. Big nose people are good people. Without them we Koreans all die." This was the word of a seven-year-old in the countryside of Korea.
Lynn was utterly amazed. Of course, the children had no idea she could understand their conversation. She told me that this one encounter explains more of Korea's true heart and appreciation toward the U.S. presence in Korea than any amount of speeches could possibly convey. I tell you, that feeling is universal throughout Korea, whether you are seven years or seventy years old.
Korea is possibly still the only country in which you have yet to hear the slogan "Yankee go home." In 1960, during the student uprising in Seoul, the city was in total chaos. Yet you would always find flowers in front of the statue of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. The Korean people were careful to show that this outburst of anger should not be interpreted in any way as anger toward the U.S. presence.
When the U.S. withdrawal became definite, everybody jumped on the bandwagon to do something to hold the friendship and attention of America. Practically a hundred different public relations campaigns were launched, not only by the government, but by many private organizations that have some connection to the U.S. There may have been some misjudgments; there may have been some over-zealousness. But to me the tragedy of the so-called Koreagate is that it is a result of over-zealousness and misjudgment.
Some businessmen saw an opportunity. They enjoyed a field day. All they had to do was show to the Korean government their power of influence in the U:.S. Some officials might have clutched at this the way a drowning man clutches at straws.
The objectives of the Korean government are said to have been to secure the support of the U.S. Congress to support the reinforcement of the twenty thousand troops that were withdrawn in 1971, to prevent any further withdrawal of U.S. forces from Korea, and to lessen criticism of the Korean government as an "authoritarian regime."
I don't know what they actually did, but I do know one thing: I do not condone any illegal activities; my principles will not permit me to resort to methods such as buying influence with money. So I have never engaged in such activities.
Guilty of Promoting Goodwill
But promoting goodwill and friendship between Korea and the U.S. on a people-to-people level, yes. I certainly did, and did my utmost best. I believe in it. That was the sole purpose of KCFF and projects like the Little Angels. I genuinely wanted to see a closer tie, closer cooperation, closer friendship on a people-to-people level between Korea and the United States. I brought the Little Angels, a Korean children's folk dance troupe, to this country eleven times. That was one of the most beautiful examples of promotion and goodwill between two countries.
[O]ne U.S. senator wrote this to us in 1976: `The program was beautiful. It was well done and it was inspirational. I am sorry that it wasn't produced on television so that every citizen of my country could have seen it. I want to thank you, your country, and all who were involved in this wonderful performance."
One of the high officials in the State Department wrote: "On behalf of the Department of State and the American people I wish to thank you for bringing your group to America and giving us such a fine salute to our Bicentennial."
A secretary on Capitol Hill wrote: "The perfect voices which sang 'God Bless America' brought tears to my eyes. It was so meaningful for me to know that the Korean children knew one of America's most patriotic songs, singing it with such joy. I have had the opportunity to hear many choirs, but my ears were never so fortunate as to experience the precious voices of the little Angels."
Also the Australian impresario for the Little Angels wrote after the Little Angels' first tour in Australia in 1972. "I can think of no better way of trying to promote peace and goodwill amongst all nations than to have the Little Angels taking their message to the four corners of our globe."
Then. I was surprised one day to receive a letter from the U.S. ambassador to Australia: "In my opinion, this performance did more for Korean-Australian relations than anything the Korean Embassy has done... Since this was sponsored by an American foundation, I have been wondering whether anything comparable is available from your foundation or any other organization in the United States."
In 1971 the Little Angels were invited by the queen of England for a command performance in London. The delighted Queen Elizabeth invited all the troupe to a royal reception after the performance, which had never before occurred in British protocol. The Little Angels have given sixteen hundred live performances on the world's stages, appeared on two hundred television programs and appeared before over thirty heads of state as their guests.
Radio of Free Asia was organized in the same spirit to promote goodwill and friendship based upon the common spirit of freedom and to provide some critical service via broadcasts to the oppressed millions behind the Bamboo Curtain. From the very beginning, ROFA set out to he a citizens' radio for freedom, seeking no subsidy from any government except moral support. General Eisenhower gave us the slogan for ROFA, "Bridge of Truth." ROFA has broadcast truth about the free world to victims behind the Bamboo Curtain from transmitters leased from Korea, the Philippines, Laos, and Vietnam before the fall of Saigon.
When the United States put the first man on the moon ROFA made sure people behind the Bamboo Curtain knew about its historical achievement. When the POW/MIA plight became great, ROFA launched a spectacular humanitarian crusade to arouse world protest against inhumane treatment of POWs. And ROFA made sure North Vietnam knew about angry world opinion through 225 special programs broadcast into North Vietnam. Many senators, congressmen, government and civic leaders, and POW/MIA families voiced their anger from the ROFA microphones. It was one of the most righteous humanitarian crusades in modern history. And we received "king size" thanks from the families of the POWs/MIAs.
Understanding our goal, the Korean government and people supported this program of ROFA. They believed in our sincerity and knew our objectives were good for both the U.S. and Korea. I said "support," but not monetary support, and not control. They gave us their blessing, they gave us their moral support, and we were flourishing until the State Department zeroed in on us as part of a predetermined plan to destroy ROFA and KCFF as a whole.
In 1971 hell fell upon ROFA and myself. Upon the insistence of the State Department, a full-scale investigation by the FBI and the Justice Department was launched. They literally brought me before the judgment seat. Simultaneously the IRS launched its full-scale investigation.
Mr. Chairman, no one could survive such investigations by two of the most powerful federal agencies, the FBI and the IRS, and the pressure of two mighty departments, State and Justice, all at the same time. If I had done anything at all wrong or illegal, however slight, I would not have survived the 1971 ordeal. And if I had not had faith in God I would have been broken during those judgment days. Then after a yearlong investigation what did they find? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I was cleared by the FBI, the IRS, and the justice Department. The IRS found nothing and sent me this letter of a "clean bill of health" referring to KCFF:
(Dated September 29, 1971) "After reviewing your activities and examining your financial records for the above wafts) we find that your Federal tax-exempt status continues. The return(s) for the wafts indicated are accepted as filed." District Director
On March 16, 1972. Acting Attorney General Richard Kleindienst wrote a final letter to Secretary Johnson of the State Department.
[Y]ou advised that the Department of State would have no objection to the Federal Bureau of Investigation instituting a full-scale investigation of the organization knows as Radio of Free Asia...
The FBI investigation of that organization has been completed. Based on a review of the information made available by the CIA, the Department of State, and the FBI ... the evidence is insufficient to constitute Radio of Free Asia as an agent of a foreign principal... It has also been determined that there is insufficient evidence to establish a violation of the statutes on fraud or the mails or any other federal law which I am chosen to enforcer...
This Department is contemplating no further action in the instant matter." Richard Kleindienst. Acting Attorney General."
The case was dropped. I, KCFF, and ROFA all survived the wont test and were proven innocent. Mr. Chairman, today you are rehashing the same old material and trying to make a scandalous new case out of what has come to be "old hat." If this poor Korean man had committed even one single wrongdoing, one illegal act, or any trivial amount of fraud, I would be in jail now. I would never have survived such total bombardment. ...
For God's sake, what more could these agencies legally and ethically do without constituting harassment or even a witch-hunt? After all, you cannot squeeze blood out of a turnip...
Special Bond Between U.S. and Korea
Mr. Chairman, in conclusion I would like to make one final plea. Anything I have said today, however slight, that disturbed your peace, please forgive me. I said I have nothing against you personally.
The next time I meet you, you may very well be a U.S. senator. So my plea to you today goes beyond the realm of the Subcommittee on International Organizations. I am making this plea today to a human being who may well become an important leader of our time with a vision toward the future.
For a moment, let's forget about this investigation. Forget about the KCIA. Forget about Radio of Free Asia. Let us think for a moment about destiny, the destiny of two countries, the United States and Korea. It has been a special destiny. America liberated this one small peninsula from the hand of foreign imperial powers in 1945 and gave birth to a new nation in 1948. In 1950 the U.S., in the person of Harry S. Truman, committed to the defense of Korea from North Korean communist aggression. In three years America lost more than thirty thousand gallant men and many more tens of thousands were wounded. America invited fifteen nations to join together under the banner of the United Nations to defend this seemingly insignificant peninsula in the Far East.
All these years since 1945 America has invested $160 billion in war and peace. Indeed, this indicates a special destiny. It is truly beyond human comprehension and no man could have mapped out this course. It is a God-inspired and preordained destiny.
In the meantime, the U.S. and the world suffered tragedy in the name of Vietnam. America lost 56,571 lives in combat and civilian personnel; another 303,650 were wounded. Over $200 billion was poured into Vietnam. Today it is a lost cause and America's sacrifice was made in vain. This infamous war constituted America's first war defeat in history.
Korea is different. She has not only survived the ravages of war, but in just one decade she performed a miracle in building a nation right in front of the hostile enemy. Exports surged from a meager S30 million to S10 billion in a little over ten years. Korean people are confident that this nation of thirty-five million people is now emerging as one of the most industrialized nations of the world.
America's thirty-year-old child is becoming strong, self-reliant, and is now ready to share world responsibility with the parent, America. After all, the son has grown up strong and ready to give a genuine "thank you" indeed.
On the other hand, there are international forces dedicated to see to it that Korea becomes another Vietnam. There are people and nations who are dying to see free Korea destroyed. These people are not just silting around waiting, doing nothing. They are doing everything possible to guarantee this will happen. Ambassador Graham Martin, testifying before a congressional committee in regard to some of the anti-war leaders in the Vietnam era stated they have already mapped out the global strategy, saying they "clearly indicated that the next target would he Korea."
If they should ever succeed, Korea would become another Vietnam. This would be a tragic day for the U.S. and for the work. Yes, Korea cannot survive without the U.S. because Korea's enemy is not just Kim Il Sung, but Russia and Red China as well.
But ultimately, the U.S. would not survive without Korea either. Why? For two reasons. Korea is in a geographically strategic position and essential to the future freedom of the world. If Korea turns into a second Vietnam there would be a third Vietnam and that may very well be Japan. Then who would he the fourth Vietnam?
Second, Korea exists as a microcosm of the world conflict. What happens to Korea will happen eventually on a worldwide scale. The destiny of the United States and that of Korea are interlocked. I believe one cannot survive one without the other. I say this not because I am trying to just save Korea, but I speak this as one who sincerely wants to see God's will succeed with the least amount of bloodshed and suffering as possible.
It is God's will that His Kingdom come on earth. As Jesus said: "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." And God cannot bring His kingdom through communism. God has strategically placed Korea in such a position interlocking the destiny of Korea and America. God devised this way; it is not manmade.
Mr. Chairman, this special investigation of Korean-American relations is very much like a two-edged sword. It can do a lot of good in contributing toward future Korea-America relations, or it can do great harm. We have been gaining tremendous lessons through this investigation. Both governments and people alike will become much wiser. Through these common lessons the bonds of the two countries will be stronger.
On the other hand, this investigation has a quality to be used and exploited by our potential enemy and it might permanently cripple the relationship of the two nations, thus pushing Korea one step closer to another Vietnam. And you are holding that two-edged sword.
Mr. Chairman, there is an old Korean saying that goes. "In trying to pull off the horns, you may kill the cow." And there is an American saving: "You may win the battle hut lose the war." For Gods sake, please uphold the God-inspired destiny of our two nations. I plead with you that you must win the battle and the war. Don't kill the cow while pulling at the horns.
Thank you very much, sir, for your kind attention. I am ready for your questions, or judgment. I am at your disposal. Once again, thank you. Mr. Chairman.
This was my opening statement at the hearing. As I was delivering it, sometimes my voice would begin to quiver and it became difficult to hold hack the tears.
As I spoke, there was a lot of commotion in the spectator seats. At times, I could hear members of our church weeping. Congressman Fraser's face grew pale. It seemed that my statement was not what he had expected.
Perhaps he had hoped that I would be another witness who would he intent on saving whatever he wanted to hear. He may have expected that I, in the pattern established by the Korean witnesses before me, would lie down in front of him and beg his forgiveness to save my own life and ensure that my church could continue to operate in America.
If that was what he expected, then my statement must have come as quite a surprise. Congressman Fraser had never known a person of true faith. He had never studied the heart of a martyr. He had no idea how terrifying a person can be once he has overcome his fear of death.
The remainder of the hearing that day was like a glass of beer that had lost its fizz. There was a question-and-answer period, but the subcommittee failed to make me retreat from my resolute stand. The chairman must have thought that it would be best to end this day's proceedings quickly and try again another day. He soon adjourned the hearing for that day and stated that the next hearing would be on April 11.
Congressman Donald Fraser; chairman of the House Subcommittee on International Organizations.
Before the adjournment, I created one more incident. It made the chairman's heart shiver. Just before the adjournment, I said: "Mr. Chairman, you are a Christian, and I any also a Christian. I am aware that the U.S. Congress begins its business each day with a prayer. I think it would be appropriate if there was prayer in this hearing as well. Please let me pray to close this hearing."
Although the chairman was a veteran of many battles, he seemed taken aback by this sudden proposal. If he were to answer, "Go ahead," then he would be forfeiting control of the hearing to a single witness. If he answered, "No, you may not," then he would appear small-minded in front of the reporters and television cameras.
For a few moments he didn't know what to do. As an experienced politician, however, he had the ability to choose the hest course quickly. He finally answered, spitting out the words, "If you want to pray, go ahead."
I stood and said in a loud voice: "Ladies and gentlemen, let us join in prayer." It was as if I was a minister leading a congregation. Congressman Fraser, too, had no choice but to bow his head and at least give the appearance that he was praying.
The author passionately delivers his testimony in the Fraser hearings.
I began to recite the Lord's Prayer, which l knew would be familiar to most people. This was a prayer that I often recited in English.
Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done.
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
Lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power
And the glory forever.
For a few moments, the hearing room was transformed into a place of worship. My fellow members of the Unification Church and many others joined together for a loud "Amen" at the close of the prayer.
Congressman Fraser seemed irritated. He made a clucking sound with his tongue and left the room in a hurry. I gave thanks to God.
The Korean reporters covering the hearing came up to me to shake my hand and to tell me they had been moved by the proceedings. This told me that I had been victorious in this first round of testimony.
In the car on the way home, my wife and I sang one of our church's Holy Songs.
The Lord into His garden comes,
The spices yield a rich perfume,
The lilies grow and thrive.
The lilies grow and thrive.
Refreshing showers of grace divine
From the Father now to every vine,
And make the dead revive
And make the dead revive.
The first day of testimony was over.
Second Round of Testimony
The day arrived for my second confrontation with Congressman Fraser. It was April 11. 1978.
Congressman Fraser had been waiting for this day. During the first round of a witness's testimony in a congressional hearing, it was normal practice to let the witness have his say, and the chairman had no choice except to listen to the opening statement. Beginning with the second round, however, the normal practice was to go right into questions and answers. The questions, though, were a kind of show. The chairman could manipulate the content and manner of the questions so that he would come out the winner no matter what answers the witness gave.
Through his questions, the chairman could reveal whatever information he wanted to reveal and lead the witness. Eventually, a trap would be set for the witness. I knew this strategy well. Congressman Fraser and his allies were not concerned with the truth. Their intention was only to mobilize the media so that they could have an American-style kangaroo court.
I could not allow myself to be trapped by them. To avoid that, I had to go to the hearing with a bold strategy. That strategy was to stay on the offensive and not let the chairman put me on the defensive. I would say what I wanted to say at the beginning of the hearing. The question was, how was I going to do that?
I decided to prepare another opening statement.
As we had for the first round, my wife and I left home early to have time to pray in the hearing room before others arrived. By the time the hearing was scheduled to begin, the room was filled with even more spectators, reporters, and camera crews. They must have expected that this would he the show most worth watching that day.
As soon as the hearing was called to order, I spoke up, saying, "I have a statement to make."
Congressman Fraser said, with a rather puzzled expression, "You already had an opportunity to give a statement last time. Today, we will go right into the questioning."
I refused to give in. "If you do not let me give my statement," I said, "I will not answer your questions."
My stubbornness made the chairman explode with anger.
"What are you saying?" he said. "Do you know where you are when you say that? This is not a debating hall. This is the United States Congress. I am conducting this hearing according to the rules by my authority as chairman. There is no opportunity today for you to made a statement."
I felt that this was the right time for me to exercise the spirit of a martyr. The New Testament says the person who seeks to lose his life will gain it. I felt that this was the time for me to try and give up my life. I responded to Congressman Fraser in a calm voice.
"Considering the damage and libel that you have brought upon Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church, it wouldn't satisfy me even if you were to allow me one hour for my statement. Still. I am prepared to take your situation into consideration and read just a short statement. Why are you trying to stop me from saying anything in this country that recognizes freedom of expression? Are you so afraid of what I might say? Until I have read my statement, I will not answer your questions. Mr. Chairman, do whatever you please."
Congressman Fraser became so angry that his hairs seem to stand on end. He probably felt that his authority as chairman had been denied and that he had been insulted.
The chairman has enormous power. If a witness refuses to testify, he can declare him to be in contempt of Congress. If Congressman Fraser were to exercise this power, I would surely be taken away by the guards. I had already made up my mind, though, that I would create an uproar of goodwill. I had made up my mind to create a news story that would be reported nationally.
I was hoping that Congressman Fraser would become so angry that he would pick up the coffee cup in front of him and throw it at me. If he did, I was not going to do anything to avoid being struck by the cup. In fact, I was going to do everything I could to put myself in the path of the flying cup. If the cup hit me in the forehead and I began to bleed, then all the cameras in the room would capture this scene. When that happened I was going to face the cameras and read a three-minute statement. I was carrying such a statement in the inside pocket of my suit jacket.
"Three-Minute Statement Delivered in Blood," this would surely be a news story that would be reported all over America. I wanted to speak to all the people of America in any way that I could. Somehow, I had to create an opportunity for this.
The prepared text of this three-minute statement was an expression of my anger. It was a cry intended to resolve Reverend Moon's resentment for being treated so unfairly and with so much dishonor. If necessary, I was prepared to go to this extent to tell the American people the truth about what was happening.
I imagined that the Korean patriot Yi Chun's feelings in 1907 must have been something similar to what I was feeling. In 1907, as Korea's Yi dynasty was coming to an end. Emperor Ko-jong sent Yi and two other emissaries to the Second Peace Conference in The Hague. Netherlands. Their mission was to appeal to the major world powers for protection from Japan's policy to usurp Korea's sovereignty and make it its colony. After the emissaries' request to be seated at the conference was denied. Yi expressed his outrage by the only means he felt was available to him: committing suicide on the stage of the conference room The Hague by cutting his stomach open with a sword.
Fortunately or unfortunately, I don't know, the coffee cup was not thrown. After all, Congressman Fraser was an experienced politician. He suppressed his anger but decided to exercise his full authority as chairman. He started to say, "You are in contempt of Congress. By my authority as chairman, I declare that you are guilty of contempt."
Just then, though, something incredible happened. Just as the chairman was about to point his finger at me in full anger, all the lights in the hearing room went out. The electricity had gone off.
The room had no windows, so it was thrown into complete darkness. In the two hundred-year history of the U.S. Congress, there had never been a case where the electrical power was cut off.
The spectators, who had been watching the proceedings in a very tense atmosphere, let out a loud gasp at this sudden turn of events. I think everyone in the room must have felt a shiver down their spine and had goose bumps. They must have wondered if some mysterious power was at work. Some may even have felt a sense of fear.
I felt the power of God in my body. God was enveloping me with His protection, and He seemed to be saying, "Bo Hi, I am here. You have nothing to worry about because I am here with you."
Tears flowed uncontrollably from my eyes.
"Thank you, God," I prayed. "Thank you. Father."
In less than a minute, the lights were back on. The atmosphere in the room, though, had changed completely. Everyone in the room could not help but feel God's judgment. Congressman Fraser's face was as white as a sheet. He no longer had the courage to declare me in contempt of Congress.
Struggling to speak in a normal tone, he said, "Someone up above must be telling me to shut up."
Then, instead of holding me in contempt, he declared a fifteen-minute recess and quickly left the room. The spectators cheered and clapped. It was a gratifying moment of victory for me. It was a moment when I could see that God was working.
"You Are an Instrument of the Devil"
When the proceedings resumed. I made my statement, revealing in detail the way in which certain people in the U.S. government had worked to undermine Radio of Free Asia, which was one project of the Korea Cultural and Freedom Foundation. I said that if Congressman Fraser truly seeks to protect human rights, then he should investigate these blatant human rights violations by the government.
I expressed my anger and indignation as follows.
I had originally planned to conclude my protest and plea here. Then I read the Chicago Tribune, March 27, 1978. I was momentarily consumed with anger.
I must give you hell, Mr. Chairman. Let me quote a couple of paragraphs from the Chicago Tribune. March 27, 1978: "Moon Church Traced From Sex Cult: Once-secret government files released by a House subcommittee traced the so-called 'Moonie' church from its origins as a small-time Korean sex cult to a worldwide organization operated by the Korean Central Intelligence Agency."
I quote further: "Diplomatic cables said that the church patriarch, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. headed a Korean cult that 'interprets the Bible in sexual terms...'"
Still more: "The author of the cable quoted Thomas Chung, president of the Korean Students' Association in Washington, as saying: 'Colonel Pak was in trouble because he had attempted to initiate into his church (i.e., to have sexual relations with) the wife of a visiting ROK (Korean government) official (either the minister of national defense or the chief of staff). According to Chung, the matter had been hushed up but only with difficulty, and Pak had nearly lost his job because of it."...
Who is the author of this horrendous information? Rep. Donald M. Fraser. When you published this book of "unevaluated" information you put your name on it and became the author. This book will haunt you clear to your grave. Mr. Chairman, when I read this article my mind and body were consumed with anger... I never claimed to be a perfect individual, without fault or error. I am subject to honest mistakes and misjudgments, just like anyone else. But there is one subject on which my conscience is absolutely clear. I have always lived in direct accordance with my moral principles...
I have lived a chaste life and I swear this before God in heaven. My wife knows this and she is my first witness. My children know this and they are my second witnesses. My church members and friends in Korea and the U.S. know this and they are my third witnesses. This is the pride of the Moonies. Chastity is the absolute core truth of Reverend Moon's teachings. In fact, in the same Chicago Tribune article the writer admits this, and I quote: "Church members and investigators who have infiltrated the church in recent years say that Moonies live by a strict moral code that forbids sexual activity outside marriage."
The hearing room was filled with media and observers during each day of Bo Hi Pak's testimony.
Yes, even negative investigators who have infiltrated our movement had to admit this. That is why Reverend Moon, with his principle of purity and chastity, ignited a moral revolution in this country and around the world. Reverend Moon is strictly enforcing God's morality through this revolution. The teachings of the Unification Church abhor sexual sin, adultery, lust, and immorality more than any sin under the sun because God abhors these sins most. In fact, because of these lustful sins Sodom and Gomorrah were judged and destroyed with brimstone and fire. Today America is not far away from a similar fate as Sodom and Gomorrah due to the same lustful attitudes.
And I am Reverend Moon's disciple. Although I am an imperfect disciple, there is one thing that is absolutely certain: I do live by God's moral code and principles, taught by Reverend Moon, and I shall continue to do so for the rest of my life. This I know.
Yet my honor has been destroyed. You did it! What right do you have to destroy me? Is that your human right? Then where is my human right? Since I do not believe in "an eye for an eye," all I can do is pray for you. You shall surely reap what you have sown...
You did this to the man who came to America to do the work of God and save, yes, save, this country from immorality. I cannot help but believe that you are being used as an instrument of the devil. Yes, "instrument of the devil." I said it. Who else would want to destroy a man of God but the devil? ...
Jesus came to this earth as the Son of God and the world treated him as a Prince of Demons180 degrees the opposite. Reverend Moon comes as a prophet of God, living and teaching God's highest moral principles. Now the world is trying to portray him as a man of immorality180 degrees the opposite.
Satan always uses this tactic to discredit the man of God by accusing him of being that which he condemns. History proves this does not work. Satan could not destroy Jesus with this tactic and so will it be with Reverend Moon.
Innocent Blood Has a High Price
Mr. Chairman, you paint yourself as a champion of human rights and have held hearings on human rights in Taiwan, Iran. Cambodia, and many other places. But what about the human rights of the oppressed people in your own backyard? What about the Moonies, or don't they deserve human rights? What about innocent Koreans here in America? What about the innocent Asian people? Somebody is becoming popular and gaining national news coverage on television at the price of the livelihood, honor, and blood of innocent people. You love this golden opportunity to cash in on Korea-gate and turn it to your own political advantage. But it will not work. The American people are wiser than you think. They will see through this machination to your selfish ambition.
Mr. Chairman, indeed this subcommittee has become a witch-hunt, a kangaroo court. You see an opportunity to make a killing for your political campaign. You needed a target; Reverend Moon and the Unification Church and struggling South Korea have become the ideal targets.
Do you think that you can become senator at the cost of the blood, honor, and lives of innocent people? You will find innocent blood very costly. I say to you what Saint Thomas More, who had been brought to trial on the charges of treason by Henry the VIII for sticking to his own religious convictions, said to Sir Richard, who had perjured himself in testimony against Saint Thomas in order to advance his own career even as the cost of a saint's blood.
Quoting Jesus, Saint Thomas said: "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?" For this he was beheaded. Mr. Chairman, I know it is easy and popular in the short run to persecute new religious groups. So it was for Nero. So it was for Julian the Apostate. But does history remember them for their social reforms or foreign policy or human rights? No! It remembers them as the great persecutors in history. And so history might remember Donald Fraser, if it remembers him at all. You may get my scalp, Mr. Chairman, but never my heart and soul. My heart and soul belong to God.
"The Lord is my shepherd ... Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil. For Thou art with me." [Psalm 231 Thank you.
As I quoted from the Twenty-third Psalm, I felt so much sorrow that it gave me a sharp pain in my stomach. I managed to keep my emotions under control just long enough to finish reading the statement. As soon as I finished, I buried my head in my arms on the table in front of me and cried.
These were pure tears, and they flowed for two reasons. First, they welled up from a sense of pity and sorrow for the suffering that God and Reverend Moon were having to endure. There was no reason that God should have to suffer so much. Why couldn't the world see the truth? How was it possible that these people couldn't understand the pureness of heart with which Reverend Moon had battled against evil his entire life? The tears were tears of outrage.
Second, these were tears of gratitude. I was grateful that God had worked through such an unworthy person as myself to communicate these precious words of testimony. They were also tears of wonderful victory, because I had succeeded in saying all that I had wanted to say.
A movie production team of the Unification Church captured the entire scene of my testimony on film. They later excerpted the highlights to create a thirty-seven-minute documentary. It has been translated into many languages and shown all over the world. In Korean, it is titled, "I Am a Proud Korean," and the English version is titled "Truth Is My Sword." It may have been seen by more people than any other documentary film in history.
I have seen many people of many nations and cultures start to shed tears during the scene where I am exploding with righteous anger. I have seen the film several hundred times in many different languages, but I always have trouble holding back my tears when I watch that particular scene. I can never believe that is me sitting at the witness table.
I was merely God's instrument. Perhaps it can be said that I was acting as God's mouthpiece or that I had been possessed by God's spirit and was crying out as His messenger. I am not confident that I could do the same thing if I were faced with the same situation today. This is because I know that it was not by my own abilities that I did this.
As the hearing adjourned, I stood up again and called out. "Ladies and gentlemen, let us pray." I then recited the Lord's Prayer. I had already received the chairman's permission during the first hearing, so I didn't think it was necessary to ask him again.
Congressman Fraser gave a very disapproving look, but there was nothing he could do about it.
After this victory in the second hearing, my wife and I returned home together. That morning I had told her, "I may not be able to go home after today's hearing, but don't worry. I'm sure someone will take care of me." I was prepared to go to prison. My wife, though, shook her head.
"What are you talking about?" she said. "God will protect you."
In the car on the way home, I felt very happy to think that I would be eating dinner at home that day after all.
Third Round of Testimony
The third round of testimony was held on April 20, 1978. Prior to each of the two previous rounds, I had expected that that day's testimony would he the most important battle. I felt the same way about the third round. Congressman Fraser had suffered two defeats, and I could expect him to come out in full force in a desperate counterattack.
I decided to use the same strategy as before. "No defensive strategy is superior to an attack, this was what I had learned in the military. The more I think about, the more I realize that this is an eternal truth.
At the opening of the hearing, I asked to be given time to read my prepared statement. I stood my ground that I would not answer any questions until after I had said everything I wanted to say. I had come fully prepared that day to reveal information about Congressman Fraser's Red conspiracy and bluntly asked to make another opening statement.
Congressman Fraser raised his voice and demanded: "How long a time are you speaking of, colonel? How much time?"
I responded, "I know time is of the essence. The prepared statement is twenty-three pages. However, I have made a conscientious effort to shorten it as much as possible down to fifteen pages. I even brought a stopwatch to measure the time. It took me 19 minutes 45 seconds. It is imperative for me to have this 19 minutes. I would like to ask the chairman to have this opportunity to register my side of the feelings and my side of the story as I see it. Just answering your questions does not bring out the truth as we see it."
Congressman Fraser was furious. "Colonel, I'm sorry if your answers to the questions don't produce the truth, but that's all we're trying to get at."
The difference from the previous round was that he never threatened to find me in contempt of Congress. In an almost pleading tone, he said, "We'll give you five minutes, and no more. If you can make whatever point you want in five minutes, we'll be delighted to hear you."
I did not give in.
"Mr. Chairman. I plead to you once again that I would like to have this 19 minutes."
"Colonel, we're quite prepared to have your entire statement put in the record. You can just make your principal points in five minutes," he said.
"Yes. I do know it can be put in to the record," I said. "But the reason l want to read is that I'm not only just speaking the words. I'm expressing my soul, and heart, and anguish. These things cannot he entered into the record."
"Colonel," Congressman Fraser said with a sharp tone, "if we don't have an agreement on the five minutes. I think we will simply proceed to the questions. You can have your choice. If you want to take five minutes. that'll he fine. Otherwise, well just go directly to the questions."
This time, I gave some ground and asked that I be given 15 minutes, if 19 minutes was impossible.
"I'll ask for 15 minutes, sir," I said.
Congressman Edward Derwinski of the Republican Party, who was sitting next to the chairman, leaned over and whispered into Congressman Fraser's ear. My guess is that he told the chairman that if the chairman would let me have my say then Congressman Derwinski would defend Congressman Fraser.
Congressman Fraser looked at the clock, and said: "All right, Colonel. I'll tell you what. Well split the difference. How's ten minutes?"
I was not going to give any more ground, however.
"Mr. Chairman, I will stay an hour longer [than scheduled] or even until midnight [to answer the subcommittee's questions]. Could you kindly give me five more minutes? I said 15 minutes. Even though it takes it takes me 19 minutes 45 seconds."
Congressman Fraser cut me off in mid-sentence and said in a tone of resignation, "All right, Colonel. Start your stop-watch, and we'll go for 15 minutes."
The following is a somewhat shortened version of my statement:
Mr. Chairman, at stake in these hearings are not only my own reputation and future, but more importantly that of my religious leader. Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church, as well as believers and religious people everywhere. Yet the outcome of these investigations will have even greater ramifications. It will, indeed, influence the course of relations between this great country of America and my homeland. Korea. In the balance may he the fate of the free world, which so greatly hinges on the security of Korea.
I do not know why God has put me in this position, but if this is my destiny I will not shirk my responsibility. I will speak what I know to be true. Then let the world decide what it must do. It is imperative then to review the history of these hearings and put them in the proper perspective...
Why are you, Mr. Chairman, so determined to destroy Reverend Moor and his church? ...
What does Reverend Moon stand for?
Number One: He stands for God and a God-centered ideology. Also, Reverend Moon absolutely opposes communism, which is the enemy of God and man.
Number Two: He stands for a strong anti-communist Korea and a strong God-centered America. Reverend Moon believes that Korea and America should stand united in a common cause against the forces of communist tyranny.
These then are two of the most important things which Reverend Moon stands for. You, Mr. Chairman, are absolutely determined to destroy him and everything he stands for. Could that mean that you stand for the opposite? Does it mean that you seek to destroy Korea, perhaps create a second Vietnam there, and disrupt Korean-American relations?
My answer: I do not know. This is not proof, but it suggests a direction for us to look. And when we look in this direction we find startling evidence, evidence which suggests that you, Mr. Chairman, are indeed using these hearings to accomplish your own secretly held design, which benefits no one but the enemies of the United States of America: evidence far better and more concrete than the evidence you have presented to prove your case against us. I draw no conclusions. I make no allegations. Let the evidence speak for itself.
Ignoring Human Rights Violations in Communist Bloc
According to reliable press accounts, shortly after the fall of Vietnam you circulated a "Dear Colleague" memo to your fellow congressmen that expressed your satisfaction that our involvement in Vietnam had finally drawn to an end. You suggested further that the time had cone to review our involvement in Korea as well. Is this the beginning of your campaign to "get" Korea? How else can we explain the things you have done.
Why, for example, would you have given your support to illegal activities of anti-government American churchmen in Korea? On May 20, 1975 you held a luncheon on Capitol Hill in honor of Father James Sinnott, who had been expelled from Korea for engaging in illegal anti-government activities, even after warnings from the Korean government to desist. Evidently, Mr. Chairman your concern for the fine points of church-state relations extends only to those who support Korea or with whom you disagree. While visiting Korea you even met Father Sinnott, evidently to show your solidarity with him. Does that make Father Sinnott and all his flock agents of the U.S. Congress. Mr. Chairman? ...
Since 1973 the Subcommittee on International Organizations under your leadership has conducted hearings on the human rights violations in at least twenty-four countries, yet twenty of them are anti-communist allies and only four of them communist. No one has more contempt for human rights than communists. How could it be that you have spent more time looking into human rights violations of non-communist countries than communist ones? Let us take a case in point.
This subcommittee Mr. Chairman, has spent, so far, thirty-four months and over a half million dollars investigating alleged wrongdoings of the Korean government. Yet you devoted only one and one-half days investigating the genocide in Cambodia, one of the most terrible human rights crimes in history. After the fall of Cambodia to the communists, over one million men, women and children were exterminated in less than eighteen months, often in the most barbaric, brutal way imaginable. Meanwhile the world and this subcommittee still look the other way. Where is the justice of this, Mr. Chairman? ...
On July 26, 1977, a top-level Vietnamese defector told this sub-committee that he had some information that American POWs were still alive in North Vietnam jails. He requested an Executive Session of this subcommittee to disclose more details concerning this fact. Here was a golden opportunity to come to the rescue of the American soldiers unaccounted for to this day. More POWs and MIAs are yet to be found. What did you do, Mr. Chairman? You brushed the testimony aside. You told the witness that you had no quorum and therefore could not arrange a closed session to hear his story. Somewhere in North Vietnam there are American soldiers waiting to be rescued. Their families live daily in prayer that their loved ones someday, somehow, might return. You have betrayed them and taken away what little hope they still have...
"Are You Not a Soviet Agent?"
An article on September 23, 1976, in the Congressional Record reports on the Socialist Workers Party front which you, Mr. Chairman, lent your name in support of: the Political Rights Defense Fund, set up to coordinate Socialist Workers Party lawsuits against the FBI. The report mentions one lawsuit which you support charging the FBI with illegal surveillance of the Socialist Workers Party. It seems strange to me that you condemn the FBI for surveillance of a known communist and potentially violent organization and say nothing about the U.S. government's illegal surveillance of the Korean Blue House, which is a clear violation of Korean law and the human rights of the Korean people...
The most serious allegation against you, Mr. Chairman, was made by a former Polish communist intelligence operative, Janusz Kochanski, who defected to the United States. Walter Riley reports in a 1977 Dateline Washington that Mr. Kochanski, the defected head of several Polish intelligence networks and director of the Department of "Poles Living Abroad," testified under oath that Rep. Donald Fraser works as an agent of influence" on Capitol Hill for the Soviet Union. He reported:
"He [Kochanskil was furnished by the KGB key names of the Soviet Intelligence Network. The list included Soviet agents, couriers and a special group called 'agents of influence' ... The studio crew, guests, and this reporter were stunned by the names exposed by Dr. Hanff and Kochanski ... The congressional names left everyone astounded. Rep. Donald Fraser is also connected with the bad guys'. Kochanski identified Congressman Fraser as an 'Agent of Influence' on the Hill."...
Who is actually the greater threat to the security of our democratic and free society? You or I? Seoul or Moscow?
Suppose the Korean government and KCIA had taken extraordinary steps, involving hundreds of agents, to win influence in the U.S. Congress. Then we must ask, why would they do it? What would be Korea's purpose and ultimate goal? To subvert America? To destroy or defeat America? Absolutely not! Korea is motivated by the most simple human instinct -- survival! That is the bottom line. Korea wants to survive, not at the expense of America, but together with America. Without American support, Korea's national security would be in jeopardy. It would be overcome and swallowed up by the communists. You know that, yet you continue to seek to destroy that relationship. Why?
Korea has no notion, not even the slightest, of hurting America in any form or fashion. Two members of your own subcommittee made this same point on March 15 this year:
Outright subversion on the part of Koreans, we submit, was a strong term for the majority to use. South Korea did not attempt the 'overthrow or destruction' or to turn from beneath. These are Webster's preferred definitions of subversion.'
The Korean people want to march side by side with the American people, sharing the burden of safeguarding the security of the entire free world. Korea is America's best ally, an alliance cemented by a special bond built on the blood we shed and the freedom we fought for together on the battlefields of Korea and Vietnam...
Today in this subcommittee hearing room we have raised portentous questions that demand answers. What if, as the evidence suggests, you, Mr. Chairman, are secretly working to undermine Korean American relations? What if you are an ardent supporter of the Trotskyite-Communist Socialist Workers Party? What if you have been a fellow traveler of the Communist Party? What if you are an "agent of influence" for Moscow here on Capitol Hill? If these things are true, then the government of the United States is itself in grave danger. America's very survival and the security of the free world are at stake.
If these allegations are true, you are a traitor, a second Benedict Arnold, an enemy of this nation and all free nations.
I am a man who loves Korea and America as one. Mr. Chairman, you have become the enemy of both, not because of what you have done to me, or my church, but because you have given "aid and comfort" to the communist cause, which is the enemy of both Korea and America. Worse, you have become God's enemy because God is counting on Korea and America and leaders like Reverend Moon to turn the tide against the satanic forces of communism.
Reverend Moon has come to this country, not for his own sake, but to awaken America to the threat of communism, and through America to awaken the whole world. In opposition to the God-denying ideology of communism, Reverend Moon is proclaiming a God-centered ideology. His only goal is to inspire others to work together to build God-centered families, nations, and a God-centered world.
Since I believe in God Almighty as the only creator and ruler of the world, I do not worry about myself. But I do worry about and pity you, Mr. Chairman. I pray for you as Jesus prayed for his persecutors, "Forgive them. Lord, for they know not what they do."
My final plea, not just to you, Mr. Chairman, hut also to all the people of this chosen nation of America is this: Do not throw away this nation's heritage or fail your God-given mission. It is a plea we must heed for the sake of our children and all future generations. It is the plea of Jesus Christ to the people of Israel, which echoes through the centuries and which is being proclaimed by Reverend Moon today: "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
This was the statement that was read before reporters and camera crews from America's major news organizations. It was as if a prosecutor was reading out the list of charges against a defendant in a courtroom.
Congressman Fraser thought that he could sit high up on his pedestal and judge me. In the end, though, he was the one who received judgment.
Truth is a sharp instrument. It accepts no excuses. l presented evidence supporting every point, and there was no way for him to deny the charges. I felt certain then that Congressman Fraser's dream would crumble and he destroyed.
His strategy to use these hearings to become a popular political star completely backfired. Many daily newspapers in his home state of Minnesota reported on my testimony. He was forced to acknowledge that the hearings brought about a completely different result from what he had expected.
I got a good look at Congressman Fraser as he retreated from the hearing room that day. That day's testimony turned out to be a comedy, but he had no reason to laugh.
Congressman Fraser must have known that I would try to end the hearing with a prayer again. As chairman, this was an unbearable indignity. At the end of the hearing, Congressman Fraser suddenly exclaimed:
"Oh, look at the time. I'm already fifteen minutes late to go to the airport. Fm taking a charter flight today to go do some campaigning. I have to leave right now."
He grabbed the stack of papers in front of him and started for the exit. Unfortunately for him, though, there was a considerable distance between his seat and the exit. I could use the microphone as my weapon.
I took the microphone and stood up.
"Ladies and gentlemen," I said. "Let's all pray for the safe flight of our chairman as he goes campaigning."
The spectators responded with loud laughter and applause. I boldly began to recite the Lord's Prayer: "Our Father, Who art in heaven, ... For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glow forever, Amen. Amen. Amen."
Everyone joined in for the Amens, and it sounded as though they were giving three cheers.
I offered a silent prayer to God: "God, You have worked a miracle through me, Your unworthy son, to bring victory. God, You are great! Thank you, God."
For several minutes I didn't move from the witness table. I was too busy thanking God with my head bowed in prayer.
Aftermath of the Fraser Hearings
All the major daily newspapers in Korea reported the goings-on at the Fraser Hearings based on coverage by their Washington correspondents. The Korean correspondents found my testimony both refreshing and inspiring. This was something they had not expected. Their excitement was evident in the language of their articles.
The following is one example of stories that appeared in Korean newspapers:
"Chairman Fraser, are you not an agent of the Communist Party?"
It was amazing to see how the words of one man could completely resolve the righteous anger felt by so many people.
Bo Hi Pak, this is the Korean man who on three occasions castigated Rep. Donald Fraser, chairman of the House Subcommittee on International Organizations, who had been using Korea-gate to sharpen his political knives. Congressman Fraser is the man who, over the past two years, has been using the Korea-gate incident to drive Korea and all Koreans into a corner...
Congressman Fraser had come to be known as a "Korean killer." hut he made an error that proved fatal to himself when he called Bo Hi Pak to testify. Pak came well prepared to strike at Congressman Fraser's weaknesses, reveal Congressman Fraser's lies, and humiliate hint totally.
I am just one Korean person. I am not an ambassador, a member of the national parliament. or even a government official. But I don't think there was another instance in the history of Korea where a simple civilian did such an amazing job of resolving the anger felt in common by Koreans.
All Koreans at the time felt unspeakable anger for the way that America was using Korea-gate to attack our government and humiliate our people.
How could America do such a thing? America is supposed to be our brother and our any. How is it possible that it could treat us this way?
No one, not the government or anyone in society, knew how to deal with this situation. They were just overcome by a sense of frustration.
Korea's MBC television network broadcast scenes from my confrontation with Congressman Fraser, and I am told that many people shed tears when they saw me collapse in tears. No one could deny that somehow I had become a spokesman for the feelings of the Korean people in this instance.
Who made it so?
The answer is that God did. Rev. Sun Myung Moon, my personal savior, made it so. The Principle of the Unification Church made it so. Together, they made it possible for me to take a stand and declare, "I am a proud Korean."
On April 28, eight days after the third round of testimony, I returned to Korea.
Everything seemed different from before. More than ever, I felt the preciousness of my homeland. Until then, I never really appreciated how wonderful it is to have a homeland and to be a member of a particular people. I felt grateful to Ahn Joong-keun, Yoo Kwan-soon, and other patriots who gave their lives to preserve this country.
I went to the Aim Joong-keun Memorial Hall on Namsan, a small mountain in the middle of Seoul. One of the exhibits was a calligraphy that Ahn wrote just prior to being executed by the imperial Japanese authorities. The calligraphy reads: "It is the first duty of a military man to offer his life for the good of the nation." Tears came to my eyes as I read his dying words.
I also visited the birthplace of Yoo Kwan-soon in the city of Chon-An and offered a prayer at the chapel built there in her honor. She was just a young girl of seventeen who still had her whole life in front of her. Yet, she resisted the Japanese imperial police even to her death. She was imprisoned in the Seodaemoon (West Gate) Prison and tortured. Until her dying breath, though, she refused to stop shouting, "Long live the independence of Korea!"
My resistance and my breaking down in tears in the U.S. Capitol were insignificant in comparison to the cries of such patriots as Ahn and Yoo. My visits to their memorials were an opportunity for me to redouble my determination to fight for the prosperity of my homeland.
On the way back from visiting the monuments at Yoo 's birthplace, I noticed a stone marker inscribed with the words, "Homeland of Loyalty." This was the area where I had grown up, not far from the memorial to Adm. Yi Soon-shin who saved the country in the sixteenth century by defeating invading Japanese forces in a series of naval battles. I attended the Agricultural School in Chon-An, not far from there.
My homeland is the "Homeland of Loyalty." As a young boy, I attended Yum-Ti Elementary School, and we would sometimes visit Baembat village, where the memorial to Admiral Yi is located. I remember as a young boy trying to pick up a large battle sword actually used by Admiral Yi. It was too heavy for me to lift, and I remember thinking, "How did he fight with such a heavy sword?"
When it conies to loyalty, I doubt that anyone compares to Admiral Yi or patriot Yoo.
l humbly bowed my head before the spirits of these great ancestors horn in the same area where I grew up. Unworthy as I am, I made my determination to live the rest of my life as a "proud Korean."
Congressman Fraser notified me that the fourth and fifth rounds of my testimony would be held in closed session. This clearly signified his retreat. It was none other than his acknowledgment of surrender. Instead of reaping political benefit from these hearings, he had suffered tremendous damage. He finally realized that these hearings, far from helping him to realize his political ambitions, had in fact become a threat to his political life.
Congressman Fraser no longer wanted to have the hearings open to reporters and cameras. In fact, he did not even attend the fourth and fifth rounds of my testimony. He left the proceedings up to his aides. He had finally hoisted the white flag.
It was a chance for me to learn through my own experience that righteousness always wins.
An Unexpected Defeat
On September 13, 1978, the Minnesota Democratic Party held its primary elections for a number of posts, including U.S. senator. I watched this election race with keen interest.
Congressman Fraser had publicly stated that the race for the U.S. Senate was "in the bag" for him, and most experts agreed with that assessment. Having served eight consecutive terms in the House of Representatives, he was an experienced politician. The Democratic Party, and President Carter were at the height of their power, so there was no reason to expect that he might lose the primary.
Congressman Fraser's joining the Senate would have been unfortunate for me and for the Unification Church and the Republic of Korea. As a senator, it was clear that he would pursue policies intended to undermine the Republic of Korea and block the work of the Unification Church. If he were to set out to take revenge for the humiliation he received as chairman of the Subcommittee on International Organizations, there would be a great deal of suffering in store for many people, especially the Unification Church.
On September 13, I flew from Korea to America to watch the election results. On landing at Los Angeles International Airport that evening, I immediately called Jim Gavin, who was responsible for our church organization in Minnesota.
Jim told me that Fraser was leading in the Democratic primary against businessman Bob Short by some forty thousand votes. About 70 percent of the votes had been counted. Only about fifty-five thousand votes remained to he tallied. It didn't look good at all.
It saddened me to think that my battles with Fraser appeared to he just beginning.
Jim added that Fraser's election headquarters had already held a press conference to declare victory. They had opened the champagne and started their victory celebration.
After hearing this report, I boarded an all-night flight to Washington. Normally, I would get a good night's sleep and wake up refreshed as the plane was approaching Washington. This night, though, I couldn't sleep at all. This may sound silly, but it is a fact that during that flight I prayed to God this way: "God, I am using this plane to get just ten thousand meters closer to you. I am begging You. please. Somehow work Your miracle tonight." It was a very difficult night.
I arrived at Washington's Dulles Airport at seven-thirty in the morning. I called Jim in Minneapolis from the car on the way to my home in McLean, Virginia.
This time, Jim sounded excited. "Dr. Pak, Dr. Pak," he said. "It's incredible. Bob Short has been catching up all night, and now he's only three thousand votes behind. Ninety-five percent of the votes have been counted. He only needs a little more, but its going down to the wire."
As soon as I got home, I called Jim again. This time I asked him to put the telephone mouthpiece next to a radio. I wanted to hear the news directly.
The radio gave the weather report, followed by a number of commercials for Coca-Cola and other companies. It was as if nothing of any importance were happening.
The decision of victory and defeat was in God's hands and I was now waiting to hear God's verdict. Time just kept passing with no news. Still it was just one commercial after another.
It must have been about eight-thirty. I was almost ready to give up. But then, an announcer came on the air and started speaking in an excited tone.
"We interrupt the regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you a special bulletin," he said. 'Just now, the Minnesota Democratic Parry headquarters issued a special announcement. Bob Short has won the Democratic primary race for the U.S. Senate by a small margin, in an upset over Rep. Donald Fraser. This is an amazing development. Bob Short has won. This is a political miracle of historic proportions."
The announcer continued in an excited tone, repeating the same news over and over.
It brought tears to my eyes to hear this news.
"Thank you, God." I said. "You were with me throughout the hearings, and now You have brought about this final victory. Thank you, God."
I just kept thanking God out loud over and over. I picked up the telephone and called Reverend Moon, who was in London at the time.
"Father," I said to him, "It's a victory. It's a victory. Fraser has been defeated in his election race."
Reverend Moon, though, scolded me, saying: "Don't be so excited. You should pray for Fraser in his defeat."
Reverend Moon is a saint after all. When he heard the news of his victory, his immediate reaction was one of sympathy and love for the person who had made himself Reverend Moon's enemy.
"Yes. sir," I said, and hung up the phone.
How could such a miracle happen? I asked Jim to explain the situation in more detail. I discovered then that some unusual weather patterns had brought about a "judgment by storm," much like the flood judgment in the time of Noah.
Minnesota has a high concentration of Catholics. Particularly in rural areas, nearly all the people are Catholics, and they did not approve of Eraser's ultra-liberal politics, especially his support of an amendment that would provide government funding for abortions. This did not sit well with rural Minnesotans.
Normally, rural residents did not have much interest in politics. In a Senate primary race, typically only about 10 percent of voters would bother to come to the polls. On this day, though, there was a storm, and farmers could not work in their fields. Instead, they stayed home and watched television. As the afternoon wore on, they were probably getting restless. This may he how it happened that more than 90 percent of the conservative rural Catholic population voted that day. This was a historically high percentage. Most of those votes were cast against Congressman Fraser.
The ballot boxes in these rural areas had to be transported long distances to where the votes were being counted, making them the last to be counted. Most of them were for Bob Short.
So who was it that made Congressman Fraser lose the election? It was God. Heaven took a stand for righteousness. I decided to refer to this victory as the "judgment by storm."
Each year ever since, I have celebrated September 13 as my day of victory. Some may say I am being superstitious, but I think of "thirteen" as being my lucky number. Many good things that happen to me seem to he connected to the number thirteen, as are many important projects. When I check in to a hotel. I try to get a room on the thirteenth floor, and I try to sign important documents on the thirteenth of the month. In Christian tradition, thirteen is supposed to be an unlucky number. I have restored the number back to God's side. This is because I live in the Completed Testament Age, and I am attending the Lord of the Second Advent. The Lord of the Second Advent restores all numbers that were associated with unfortunate events at the time of Jesus. Thirteen has been given to me by God as a number of blessing.
Donald Fraser never returned to Washington politics. For a time, he was mayor of Minneapolis.
After Fraser's primary defeat, I once paid a visit to Congressman Denvinski to thank him for the kindness he had shown me during the hearings. In our meeting I expressed my sincere gratitude. He welcomed me and asked me many questions. Before I knew it, the conversation had gone on for a full hour.
I looked at my watch, and said: "Congressman Derwinski. I'm sorry to have taken so much of your time."
As I stood up to leave, the congressman said there was one more thing he wanted to ask me and invited me to sit back down.
"Dr. Pak." he said, "how did you turn off the lights in the hearing room that day?"
He was referring to the mysterious blackout during the second round of testimony that saved me from being found in contempt of Congress. I was surprised that he thought I had something to do with the lights going out, and I was moved that he still remembered what happened that day.
"Congressman," I said half-jokingly, "I always thought you turned out the lights in order to help me. Wasn't the switch on the wall behind you?"
"No." he said, throwing up his hands emphatically. "I had nothing to do with that."
"Well, then, there can only be one explanation," I said. "God must have worked a miracle to save me from being found in contempt of Congress. He must have had one of His angels turn the lights off at that precise moment."
"I really believe that God is helping you," he said, and we ended our conversation.
I honestly do not know how the lights went out that day. I have no doubt that it was a miracle that God worked on my behalf. The Lord is truly my shepherd.
This concludes Volume One of Dr. Pak's memoirs. The editors asked Dr. Thomas Ward to write the following introduction to Volume Two.
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