Messiah - My Testimony to Rev. Sun Myung Moon Volume II - Bo Hi Pak |
Chapter 22 - A New Start Toward the Twenty-first Century and a New Millennium of Blessing [Part 4 of 6]
The Energy Revolution
Without finding a new source of energy, it will be impossible for us to maintain the ecosystem we know on earth. There is already great hope, however, that this problem can be solved. In particular, I am referring to "space energy" (also called zero-point energy or vacuum energy), a new development being pursued.
Until recently, modern science considered a vacuum as nothing but empty space, where nothing remains once air and matter have been removed. The most recent science, however, asserts that a vacuum is more than simple space, and that it abounds with space energy derived from micro-particles.
We are talking about more than just theory here. Studies employing the unlimited supply of space energy have been successful in numerous locations all over the world. A number of experimental generators have been publicly announced and are currently being tested.
Research dealing with space energy and space energy generators was made public at the twenty-sixth International Engineering Conference on Energy Conversion. This conference was jointly convened in Boston by seven research institutes, including the American Atomic Association. That such a conference was held at all shows that the American industrial and financial institutions funding these institutes have recognized space energy. The participants of this conference were astounded by more than thirty research papers and new generator experiments.
If space energy ever replaces existing sources of electrical energy, the resulting changes will be huge, far greater than the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution in eighteenth-century Britain. When unlimited space energy is provided as a cheap, non-polluting fuel source, the impact it will have on our society and way of life is sure to be beyond our imagination.
The first impact this energy revolution would have is an end to the war between humanity and the earth. Finally, there would be hope that the earth can recover from all the damage caused by our environmental destruction and pollution.
If such an energy revolution prevented a polar shift or a change in the angle of the earth's rotation, it would he tantamount to rescuing the planet. It goes without saying that the development and implementation of a new energy source is a key to realizing peace and happiness for humankind.
The inevitable changes in society brought about by the development of space energy will not be limited to economics. Politics, the environment, as well as health and life expectancy will all be greatly affected.
God envisions an ideal society for humankind; in the construction of that ideal, the fundamental requirements for daily life must be the first things provided for. This is an absolute must. The most fundamental requirements for human life are air, water, and sunlight, but we also need energy and food.
God provides unlimited air, water, and sunlight to all the people of the earth. Just how grateful are we for air, without which we could not live? How much do we pay for the use of air? Instead of being grateful, we are usually indifferent and apathetic about air, water, and sunlight, even though they are all indispensable.
There are at least three other areas in which our basic requirements must be met. These other resources must also become available without limit if we are to achieve an ideal society. They are energy, food, and medical treatment (health).
Up until the present, the scramble for fossil fuel energy sources has produced confrontations. In recent history, when humankind has been dependent on fossil fuels, the nations that possessed oil were blessed with great wealth and came to dominate the rest of the world. During the Cold War, the eyes of all nations were drawn toward the Middle East, a veritable treasure house of oil. Both the United States and the Soviet Union made every possible effort to obtain hegemony over the oil fields of that region.
The Gulf War, which broke out in the early days of 1991, is a prime example. It was a war primarily waged for the sake of hegemony over oil sources. Why did the powerful nations of the world all participate in the Gulf War? The reason was to ensure their influence over the oil sources. Why did Japan, whose constitution does not allow it to dispatch soldiers overseas, take responsibility for the cost of the war, to the tune of $13 billion? The reason is simple: Japan would not survive without access to Middle Eastern oil.
Because oil is a scarce, limited resource and many nations are dependent upon it to maintain their lifestyles, oil-based conflict and competition is unavoidable. What would happen, however, if space energy replaced fossil fuels? The impact on all aspects of everyday life would be far-reaching. More important, because the new source of energy is found in a vacuum, it would be an inexhaustible resource, much the same way that air is. In contrast to fossil fuels, energy could be provided limitlessly at very low cost. Moreover, space energy is clean; there is no pollution. There is no need to dig deep into the ground or to use oil tankers that are liable to shipwreck and contribute pollution to the world's oceans. And there would be no need to worry about air pollution.
For these reasons, many large corporations have feared the appearance of space energy. In fact, some extremely powerful fuel corporations have opposed its development.
Fortunately however, many global industrial conglomerates now recognize the potential of space energy and have channeled funds into research. They know that fossil fuels are limited. If we keep burning fossil fuels at a rate of six billion tons per year, as we are now, it is doubtful whether the earth can last for more than thirty years. These large global conglomerates had no real choice but to accept this new energy source.
Even more encouraging is the fact that space energy development has already advanced much further than most people could imagine. A village in Switzerland is said to be using a space energy generator. However, space energy transcends the domain of contemporary physics, because it deals with the world of micro particles much smaller than the quantity of matter that contemporary physics is able to measure. In other words, space energy research deals with the field of consciousness -- the spiritual aspect of the universe. For that reason, research into space energy will doubtlessly be the first victory of New Age science.
In conclusion, then, the problem of energy can be identified as one of the fundamental, underlying causes of confusion and innumerable tragedies in the world. Our current fossil fuel resources are both limited and unequally distributed, and this gives rise to the problem of ownership: conflict between haves and have-nots. Without resolving the energy problem, true world peace and genuine security for humanity cannot exist.
For this reason, the possibility of space energy development is a message of great hope for humankind. It is also one of the blessings that God wants to impart to humanity at the time of the dawn of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
The Food Revolution
Food is absolutely indispensable for human life. As a vital condition for living, food follows only air, water, and sunlight. However, in contrast to those three, food is obtained through economic activity, by effort. Without some way of making money, people cannot obtain food.
The ground that can be used for cultivation on earth is limited. Despite this, the population increases every day. Already the world population is said to be six billion. It is estimated that it will exceed ten billion before the end of the first half of the century. How are we going to feed our growing population?
In the Bible Jesus says, "Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? ... And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin... If that is how God clothes the grass of the field... will he not much more clothe you?" (Matt. 6:25 - 30)
With the serious food situation humankind faces, such words are likely to he dismissed as nonsense. But before we begin worrying out of a sense of insecurity, we need to think quietly about the problem for a moment or two. In reality, the world is not suffering from a food shortage. We could provide each person on the planet with 2,400 calories of nourishment per day and still have food left over.
The reality is that in one location, we have a steady stream of people dying from diseases related to excessive body weight, and in another location, thousands of children dying from famine and famine-related disease. In numerous places around the globe, people die from starvation, yet in nations like the United States governments establish soil banks (providing subsidies for suspended cultivation of excess food crops) and pay huge sums of money for farmers to refrain from raising crops.
Something is very wrong. The way I see it, this situation is not the fault of any nation or government. Rather, it derives from a contradiction inherent in the social system of the twentieth century, an error of our current economic structure.
Before discussing how this contradiction in our system can be rectified, I want to emphasize the following: Just as the Bible indicates, the Creator arranged things so that humanity would not have to worry about "what to eat and what to wear." The Creator gave humanity unlimited ability and potential and the possibility of producing all the food we need.
The real problem is that, due to the Fall of the first human ancestors, selfishness came to dominate human life and the human intellect was stifled, thus leading to the situation we have today, with all its tragic irrationalities.
Nevertheless, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is approaching, and when its philosophy is implemented in daily life, the new millennium will see a revolution in the how food is managed. The day will soon come when all people can he free from hunger and starvation.
As I mentioned, the Creator provided us with air, water, and sunlight. In the same way, with foresight and a little effort, food will no longer belong to the domain of fierce competition but will become a resource of unlimited supply. When the problem of food supply for humanity transcends economics, a true ideal society will be achieved.
Let me cite an example. In the southern part of Japan, at Ryukyu University in Okinawa, there is a professor of agriculture named Teruo Hika. He has published a book that makes a bold declaration: "I have found the way for all food, environment and medical problems to be solved'."
Professor Mika is the first person to publicly proclaim the EM agricultural method. EM, a newly coined expression, stands for "Effective Micro-organisms." The EM agricultural method is a form of high-technology applied to agricultural uses.
This may not exactly sound like the kind of thing that can trigger a worldwide change, but the more one learns about it, the greater the potential of this technology appears. Moreover, it has already passed the experimental stage in Japan. Trial farms are being successfully run in Asia, South America, and Oceania, and research is advancing in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
This quote from Professor Hika explains the principle and possibilities of the EM agricultural method.
There are two directional characteristics in the natural world. One is the trend toward formation, toward revival and resuscitation. The other is the trend toward collapse and breakdown. The natural world exists through the balance of these two directional forces. We can roughly divide microorganisms, the smallest units of life, into formative microorganisms and collapsing microorganisms. Formative microorganisms bring freshness [and] vitality to animals and plants. Such formative microorganisms include photosynthetic bacteria and microbes, yeast fungi, lactic microbes, and so forth. In contrast to these, microorganisms such as germs and saprogenous bacteria are "destructive" microorganisms that bring about decay and collapse. They push high-order plants and animals toward death. Accordingly, by combining and cultivating useful microorganisms and providing them to animals and plants, the animals and plants become both vital and fresh, and production can he increased by leaps and bounds. In addition, waste, sewage and manure, etc., are brought around to the formative or revitalizing direction, and this directly affects production, making it possible to advance purification of the environment, air and water.
Microorganisms influence all animals and plants. Dr. Hika successfully selected and cultivated useful, effective microorganisms, then researched how these contribute to the growing power of animals and plants.
Even with this explanation, it might he hard to grasp what EM technology does. So let's take a look at some of the effects of this technology. First of all, EM farming methods allow effective microorganisms to make the soil extremely fertile and productive. The soil's productivity can generally be increased by three to five times, without the use of chemical and other fertilizers. When EM farming is used with vegetable cultivation, a tomato plant that usually bears around 30 tomatoes will produce from 100 to 150 instead. In some cases, the plant may even yield 300 tomatoes. And what is more, the taste is reportedly of the very highest quality.
But it doesn't stop there. Not only do EMs make the soil highly fertile without the use of chemical fertilizers or compost, but the productivity of the soil increases with every passing year. Potentially, even miracles are possible. With only EMs and water, deserts like the Sahara or the Gobi can he turned into fertile lands. We are close to the time when humankind can achieve the conversion of deserts into green-belts that produce grain and flowers.
The EM farming method will bring a revolution in the way the world handles its food resources. Could famine persist if we increased food production by three or more times?
As Dr. Hika says, "Even if the world population increases to 20 billion, we can still produce all the food we need to feed them, and still have some left over."
Food is a resource that is absolutely necessary for human life. If, however, food becomes as abundant as Dr. Hika says, economic concerns will become irrelevant. Food could he produced and provided according to need and become an inexhaustible resource.
The Creator created us knowing what we would need. The real problem for us is to make our way out of the darkness that exists in our minds.
Let's look at some numbers. Every year, 26 billion tons of earth are washed into the sea, while 3.1 billion hectares of farmland, comprising 84 percent of the land used for agriculture worldwide, is polluted by the use of agricultural chemicals. The chemicals that pollute that land are eventfully washed into the oceans, and together with industrial chemicals, result in pollution that threatens the well-being of the world's marine ecosystems. EM technology will make it possible to resolve all these problems.
Technologies such as EM farming methods are a form of blessing from God. With the approaching dawn of the ideal society, many more inspired and brilliant technologies will make their appearance. How could an omniscient and omnipotent God not feed all of His beloved children?
The Health / Medicine Revolution
If everyone were in good health, the medical industry would go into recession. Obviously, if there were no disease, nobody would have to go to the hospital. But what is the reality we see today? New, more powerful drugs and medicines continually make their appearance, yet every hospital is visited by a steady stream of callers. The number of patients, far from decreasing, is rising with each passing day.
This means that the problems of health and medical treatment are not ones that can be solved simply by medical technology or by a certain medical system or institution. The advance of medicine cannot guarantee health and long life for humanity without the more fundamental causes of disease first being eliminated. Where, then, do the fundamental causes of ill health lie?
First, environmental pollution is a contributor. If the war between humanity and the earth continues, if we continue to pollute the environment, then we cannot expect to see an improvement in human health or any solution to our medical problems. Is it reasonable to hope for a decrease in the number of medical patients when people are breathing polluted air and drinking polluted water, all while the ozone layer is being destroyed?
A second big factor is the modern lifestyle. Our current society is based on competition. Competition means conflict. In the midst of such competition, we receive all kinds of stress, both psychological and physical. Stress has now come to the fore as one of the central causes of poor health. Generally speaking, to win the competition, one needs a mind-set that takes joy when the opposition fails or is ruined. Under the influence of such a negative way of thinking, there is no opportunity for people to experience peace and tranquility in their mental and spiritual condition.
Third, a huge number of current diseases have their roots in human behavior, namely in self-indulgence and the abuse of human freedom. Freedom is something that needs to exist within the framework of rules and laws. But the liberalism of today's world and, in particular, the freedom found in the advanced nations often contravene Heaven's laws. Such liberalism has degraded to become little more than self-indulgence and license devoted to satisfying the individual's selfish desires. The result is a morally and ethically bankrupt society that expresses itself in the pursuit of physical pleasure and immorality. Hit by waves of such hedonistic trends, people adopt lifestyles of sexual behavior defined by a lack of order and principle; the world has become so steeped in moral confusion that sexual acts between members of the same sex are performed in broad daylight. Is it really possible for this kind of society, which does whatever takes its whim, to exist for long without having to deal with the repercussions?
A representative example of such repercussions can be found in the reality of the AIDS epidemic that currently traverses the globe. AIDS inflicted incredible trauma on our world in the late twentieth century. Moreover, this phenomenon is expected to spread exponentially, an expectation that is materializing before our very eyes.
The number of the world's people infected with AIDS is currently estimated to be around forty million. However, the incubation period for AIDS is somewhere between five and ten years. We can confidently estimate that a horrific explosion, a tragedy, is waiting in the wings for humanity. It is only a matter of time.
The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard University has made some predictions concerning the future. The institute estimates that the number of people infected with AIDS will top one billion by the year 2010. If more than a billion members of humanity are infected by the virus, then it will be only a very short period of time before the number doubles, then doubles again.
Such a state of affairs is virtually a crisis that threatens the existence of humanity. It is also clear that such a situation would tic up the world's medical treatment funds.
Even if we consider only the three factors described above -- environmental pollution, the competitive lifestyle, and diseases derived from the abuse of human freedoms -- it is fairly obvious that in terms of health and medical treatment, humanity has run up against a wall. So what kind of revolutionary change can we expect in this area? Here, too, there is hope.
First, the development of such technologies as space energy and EM technology will play revolutionary roles in restoring and regenerating our environment. With clean air and water, abundant oxygen, unlimited space energy, and food free from pollutants and poisons, not only will we he able to satisfy our material needs but also bring revolutionary changes to our health and the way we deal with medicine.
Second, the sun is setting on modern capitalism with its premise of competition and conflict. Many people feel that this kind of economic and social system is due for change. In the twenty-first century, there will be an inevitable shift: from competition to co-existence, from exploitation to co-prosperity, from the value system based on money and material goods to one based on love and the heart/mind. The change is unavoidable because this is the direction of God's providence.
What all this means is that the purpose on which people focus their lives will shift away from money and material things. It means the advent of an era where people will live happily, fruitfully, in an atmosphere of joy and excitement. And in the end, this is the only way to relieve the stress that modern people experience constantly.
Nevertheless, the most important factor influencing health will be a revolution that takes place within people themselves. How can people be liberated from immorality and hedonistic lifestyles? The solution can only be found in a revolution of consciousness. No matter how much God's external program for re-creation is accomplished, it will all come to naught in the end if humanity continues in the old, fallen ways. When all is said and done, humanity itself needs to be re-created, reborn. A revolution of consciousness is the key to this re-creation. It is the centermost element in the making of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
This revolution of consciousness is synonymous with the liberation of humanity from darkness -- "Know the truth and the truth will set you free"; in other words, liberation by the power of truth, or an internal revolution. Humanity's eyes are opened to higher values, to eternal values. This point is the one that I wish to emphasize in this book. It is really the most important message I could give.
In the end, however, this revolution of thought will bring about a revolution in human health and how we treat diseases. This is what Heaven desires. And as we say in Korea, if it is Heaven's will, then surely it will come to pass. In fact, such a rime is already on its way.
That is why I am so full of hope and expectation. When I look toward the twenty-first century, I see great things happening. But there is one final bridge for humanity to cross before that future can come about. And it is not an easy bridge, by any means.
The Paradigm Shift Toward "New Age Science"
Another aspect of the process of reform is the scientific revolution. Without science undergoing certain fundamental reforms, we cannot expect to see an ideal society.
Earlier in this chapter, I demonstrated that twentieth-century science is flawed. This assertion is not intended to deny the importance and value of science. Rather, I simply want to draw attention to the fact that the paradigm which underlies modern science is based upon a flawed understanding. It holds that the universe is entirely composed of matter and human beings are nothing more than their body.
In reality, matter is not all there is to existence. The material world exists in the same space with another, invisible world of spirit. This invisible world is more essential in terms of function than the material world. God created two worlds: the physical world, which we call the universe, and the spiritual world, which is invisible yet substantial. Together we call the universe and spiritual world the cosmos (ch'on ju in Korean).
Likewise, humans are more than simply a body. Within the physical body there resides an invisible aspect or body (the spirit self). It is this spirit self that is the real "I," or "true self"; it is the most essential component of our human life. The body is nothing more than a house, a vehicle for this true self. After we leave our physical life, that essential aspect continues to live forever, with both consciousness and feeling. The world in which it continues its existence is called the spiritual world. The physical aspect of human beings exists so that we can pursue and develop the true happiness of our "spirit self."
In this sense, the human being is an "individual truth body" that continues to exist for eternity.
For modern man, the problem is that the invisible, essential world is formed from the tiniest micro-particles. These particles are so subtle and minute that the methods available to modern science simply cannot detect them. As a result, modern science simply treats that world as non-existent.
Thus, twentieth-century science developed based on research that gives primacy to matter, but now, such science has come up against a dead end.
In reality, the cosmos is formed from the combined unity of the spiritual and material worlds. The foundation or origin of the cosmos is energy. When that energy comes together on a coarse level, it forms the material world. When that energy comes together on a more subtle level, the world formed by those fine micro-particles is the spiritual world. The universe exists within the cosmos, and forms one part of that cosmos. Thus, even though the physical world and the spiritual world are different in being coarse and fine, together they have the same fundamental quality and form the one eh'on ju, or cosmos.
I am not a scientist, nor do I pretend to be one. My conclusions are simply the result of looking at the fruits of scientific research in the light of the Unification Principle.
So what size micro-particle can contemporary science actually measure? At the current time, the smallest unit of individual particle that modern science can detect is 1018 centimeters. This is the smallest value that can be detected using the world's largest particle accelerator, which is in Europe. What is 1018 centimeters in real terms? One billionth of a centimeter.
The invisible substantial world, however, which forms the greater part of the cosmos, exists somewhere in the realm of particles that are sized from 10'-0 centimeters to 1088 centimeters. And the higher one goes into the spirit realms (those known as heaven), the particles become smaller and finer, ever more subtle. The existence of this kind of unimaginably small particle simply cannot be detected by contemporary science. Because science cannot detect it, science says it is not there. But the truth is, it is there. It is just that scientists have no method of detecting it.
The greatest flaw in modern science is that it ignores that essential world and holds matter as its sole object of inquiry. It does this because it cannot detect the multidimensional world of essence (which is, by far, the vaster aspect of the cosmos). Because the materialist culture that we live in today has developed based on this modern science, our civilization becomes more self-destructive the more it develops. This is the first and foremost reason why civilization on earth has run up against a dead end.
So what should we do? We need to change the paradigm upon which we base our science. Let me summarize the basic content of the paradigm shift that we need.