Raising Children of Peace |
Edited by Farley and Betsy Jones |
Chapter 4 - Children of Peace
Farley Jones
There are qualities that parents universally want to see their children possess. Qualities such as maturity, responsibility, self-disciplined, and empathy, to name a few. As parents, how do we nurture such qualities? This final section speaks to this question.
While the topic of nurturing positive qualities may warrant a volume by itself, Marilyn Cohen and Joy Morrow at least get us started. Cohen's article on instilling respect focuses on a topic of concern to all parents and Morrow's on nurturing empathy and self-discipline speaks to some of our highest parental hopes.
Chet Johnson and Betsy Jones also address the area of discipline in parent-child relationships, Johnson emphasizing the importance of unity between the parents as critical to success in the dual task of imposing discipline and expressing love. Complementing Johnson's perspective, Jones in a wide-ranging article emphasizes as one of her central points the importance of the parents' own self discipline in the parent-child dynamic.
A further entry in the "discipline" field is Peter Brown's speaking to the need for parents to heal their child's heart when there has been a reprimand.
Related to the issue of self-discipline is adolescent sexual practice. Richard Panzer points to the substantial negatives of premarital sexual activity, makes a reasoned argument for premarital chastity and speaks of the important role parents have in helping their children be clear in this area. June Saunders also finds premature sexual activity to be highly destructive in education, in life and in the heart.
Kristina Seher contributes a very thoughtful article on the role of schools in fostering character and suggests significant criteria for parents to consider in choosing a school for their children.
Finally, Karen Judd Smith introduces the notion of a "peace warrior" and wisely challenges us to draw on the opportunities available in the natural world to raise our children to the full stature which is their destiny.
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