Raising Children of Peace |
Edited by Farley and Betsy Jones |
Biographical Notes
MARIE ANG married her husband Edwin in 1969, they have four children. She has taught in schools for most of her working life and is currently a school secretary in Ulster County, New York.
VICTORIA CLEVENGER is currently the coordinator of two teen pregnancy and substance abuse prevention programs, one which provides classes to parents and preteens to help develop open honest communication between them on difficult topics such as sexuality (through the YWCA of Clark County, WA). The other which employs high school teens to present lessons to preteens on life skills, such as communication, respect, decision-making etc. (through the Clackamas County, Oregon, Commission on Children and Families). She has a B.S. degree in chemistry and an M.PH. degree in public health education. She and her husband have four children.
MARILYN COHEN is a Learning Disabilities Counselor and Educational Director at New Hope Academy in Landover Hills, MD. She earned her M.Ed. in Counseling from the University of MD. She has served overseas in Liberia, West Africa and Moscow, Russia in diplomatic schools. She conducts parenting workshops for the Women's Federation for World Peace.
SHARON GOODMAN, married in 1982, is the mother of five children. Sharon is the Director of the Happy Heart Day School where "state of the heart" relationships is the first education of preschoolers and kindergartners.
ANN I. is an educator, wife and the mother of three children. She recently co-founded and is the Principal of a private elementary school in Bridgeport, C1' dedicated to character education, as well as academic excellence and good citizenship.
CHETJOHNSON, MD, FAAP, has been a member of the faculty of the West Virginia University School of Medicine since 1987 and Director of the Klingberg Center since 1989. He is a board-certified pediatrician and Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. After graduating from the University of Kansas School of Medicine in 1979 and completing his pediatric training at New York Medical College in 1985, Dr. Johnson completed a two-year fellowship in developmental and behavioral pediatrics at Harvard Medical School under the direction of Dr. Z: Berry Brazelton. He has over ten years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of young children with developmental disabilities and behavioral problems.
FARLEY AND BETSY JONES have been married twentysix years and have five children. Betsy is a graduate of Boston College and has a masters degree in education from Teachers College, Columbia University, in the area of psychiatric nursing. She has been a professional marriage and family counselor for over twenty years. She studied for four years at the Ackerman Institute for Family Therapy, is a certified hypnotherapist and has authored numerous articles on marriage and parenting. She has had a private practice in upstate New York. Farley is a graduate of Princeton University, the Unification Theological Seminary and Albany Law School. He is currently practicing law in upstate New York.
JOY MORROW is President of the Unification Educational Foundation and founding Principal of New Hope Academy, a parent-founded, parent-run, private school in Landover Hills, MD. New Hope subscribes to the heart philosophy of education and has a diverse clientele with families from over twenty different religious faiths and thirty-five different nationalities represented. New Hope doesn't teach religion, but rather uses its "family-based values program" to support the parents in raising moral children.
RICHARD PANZER, President of the Center for Educational Media, is a speaker and developer of family life education materials used in thirty-eight states and internationally. He is author of the 'After the Sexual Revolution: The Role of Marriage in Society" program; Angels' Bar arol Grill, a publication for college students and Condom Nation: Blitei Faith, Bacl Science.
C. THOMAS PHILLIPS is President of the Family Federation for World Peace CIS/Baltics, and Executive Director of the International Relief and Friendship Foundation, Russia/ Ukraine. He was married in 1982 to Fusako moue, and they now have four children, two sons and two daughters, from ages thirteen to four.
JUNE SAUNDERS is a freelance writer and is currently working on a book on family values. She and her husband Alan have two young sons.
KRISTINA SERER has a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and Master's degrees in developmental psychology and educational administration from the University of California, Berkeley. In addition, she has a California multiple subject teaching credential, also from the University of California, Berkeley. Today she serves as Principal of the Sunshine School in Hayward, California, dedicated to character education and community service.
DIETRICH SEIDEL, Ph.D., teaches Christian Theology at the Unification Theological Seminary. His interests include Christian ethics, with a particular focus on marriage and family. He has taught several courses on marriage in the Christian tradition and conducted seminars on marriage enrichment and child rearing.
KAREN JUDD SMITH grew up in a farming region of southern New South Wales, Australia. Like many Australians, she had many outdoor interests and by the time she completed her university degree, had also spent time sailing, scuba diving, sky diving and traveling the east coast of Australia by motorcycle. Karen married in 1982 and now has three children. She wants them to experience a moral upbringing through travel, exciting and challenging physical outdoor activities, as well as through book and classroom style learning.
NORA SPURGIN is President of the Women's Federation for World Peace of America and Vice-President of WFWP International. She has a masters degree in social work with special training in psychodrama and hypnotherapy. She is the author of Insights into the Afterlife and is currently working on a book on angels. She and her husband Hugh, have four children.
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