Divine Principle Lectures from the 120 Day Workshop |
by Ken Sudo |
Purpose of the Coming of the Messiah
1. Introduction
Through the lecture of the Fall of Man we can see we are sinners. Because of sin we cannot fulfill the purpose of creation and we cannot reach true happiness. Our desire must be good but no one has ever been pure and sinless. Impurity cannot be cleansed by impurity. Dirty sheets cannot be washed in muddy water; this is the truth. This means that impurities cannot cleanse impurities. Sinners cannot solve sin. It is only clear water that can clean the dirty shirts. It's only the sinless man who can solve sin; this is the Messiah. The purpose of the coming of the Messiah is what we must investigate.
Man is made after the image of God and God Himself has original masculinity and original femininity. Therefore, Adam and Eve were created to reach perfection sinlessly and to establish a sinless family on earth. When they got to the spiritual world the same God must have been waiting for their coming with arms outstretched. Adam and Eve and their children should have been united into oneness along with their descendants. This would have been the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven. This would have been the world of God's dominion. (Diagram #63.)
As you know, because of the fall of man, Satan was able to take dominion over Adam and Eve and children and descendants. Our original mind has been suffering under the dominion of Satan. Abel was killed by Cain, and the blood of evil in me is crying to God, "Help me, help me, help me. Save me!"
Then God must save mankind. All mankind was taken by Satan, but once His nature is inscribed in man, God cannot forget man. God will then try and restore man. Man was taken by Satan. Because of disobedience, man lost God's words. In order to take man back to His side, God must give another new message, so someone must come to fulfill the mission of bringing God's words. This is the mission of the Messiah. By giving message to the fallen world, he must take the fallen world and people in the spiritual world to God's side, and the original ideal world will finally be realized. The mission of the Messiah is not just forgiveness of sin through crucifixion, but to realize the sinless world on earth! Therefore, the Messiah must come and solve sexual corruption and drug problems, segregation, organized crime, Communism. Then mankind can be brothers and sisters beyond race, nation, or beyond anything. Jesus came to realize the sinless world on earth.
I. Jesus' Life Course and His Crucifixion
Purity cannot have give and take action with impurity; therefore, if man is without condition to have cleansed sin, the sinless Messiah cannot come. On the foundation of the separation from Satan, the Messiah can come. Therefore, in order to establish the foundation of separation from Satan, God chose the Israelites, and based on the foundation of 2,000 years of preparation history, God could send Jesus on earth as the Messiah. When Jesus appeared on earth, the Israelites were supposed to have acclaimed and welcomed him. No one, however, understood that he was the Messiah. He was not even given a place to be born.
Joseph took Mary and knocked on each door, one by one. Eventually, Jesus had to be born in the stable. Christians admire Jesus' birth in the stable, but only three wise men came to the stable where he was born. These wise men came from other countries. The Israelites should have served him but they did not, and this is the shame of the Israelites, and mankind. Even three wise men forsook Jesus because they were afraid of the King. When Adam was born there were three angels, but when Jesus was born, three angels went away so Satan was able to invade Jesus. Therefore, Jesus had to go to Egypt and when Herod died, under the guidance of God, Jesus and his family came back to Israel.
From the beginning, Jesus' life was pitiable. Jesus was not even given one piece of new clothes. Nevertheless, he was loved by God and the people. He must have been a wonderful boy. When he was 12 years old, he was given a revelation from above about his mission and from that time on he began to search for truth by which he could save mankind. He went to the mountain and elsewhere to fight against Satan and find the truth by which he could save mankind. This took place when he was between the ages of 12 and 30. Jesus never spoke of this time and the disciples couldn't understand at all, so no description is found in the Bible. (Diagram 64i.) No one knows about his battle in the spiritual world. Father came and now we know the contents of Jesus' individual course.
Jesus' individual course was one of silence and he never spoke about it. When he was 30 years old, he had to start his so-called public ministry. This he did until 33 years of age. First of all, Jesus started his public ministry when he first met with John the Baptist. John the Baptist was the son of Zechariah, and when he was born, a miracle occurred around him. Later, he went into the wilderness and received many revelations so he knew what was forthcoming. He was waiting for the Messiah's coming, and told the people to repent for the kingdom of God was at hand.
Many people came and were given baptism. People asked John if he was the Messiah, and then, after he said "No," they asked if he might be Elijah, and he said, "No". John said that he had come to make straight the way of the Lord. "I baptize you with water for repentance but he who is coming is greater than I and he will baptize you with fire and spirit. I am not worthy to even untie his sandals." He was very humble, and waiting for the Messiah's coming. (Diagram #64ii.)
When Jesus appeared before him, John knew who he was. He said he was not qualified to baptize Jesus, but Jesus insisted. When Jesus came out of the water, the heavens opened and the spirit of God descended in the form of a dove. A voice from the heavens said that Jesus was the man that John was expecting. He saw the dove or holy spirit and testified to Jesus as the Messiah. John the Baptist was the first to do this, and he should have been the first man to obey Jesus.
If we look in the Bible, we see that something is strange around him. He knew that Jesus was the Messiah, but he went his own way and did not obey Jesus. John said, "He will increase, but I will decrease." If John was one with Jesus, when Jesus increased John would have increased also. However, he did not obey Jesus and very soon he was imprisoned by King Herod. From prison he sent messengers to Jesus asking, "Are you he who is to come or should we look for another?"
These are words spoken from the same mouth that testified to Jesus as the Messiah and it is as if he understood nothing at all when he later asked, "Are you he who is to come or shall we look for another?" Did Jesus himself change? Who changed? Why couldn't John the Baptist obey Jesus? He was ignorant of God's providence and was given so many revelations but still couldn't understand his own mission. Jesus implied that John the Baptist was Elijah, but John the Baptist himself denied Jesus' words and said he wasn't Elijah. This made big trouble for Jesus.
John saw Jesus from man's point of view. Jesus was the cousin of John the Baptist. He must have been waiting for Jesus' coming, the Messiah, who has great dignity and authority. "Now, the Messiah is my cousin, how can he be the Messiah? I know you," he thought. "We did many things together." He judged Jesus from a human viewpoint. His view of Jesus was wrong; his view of the Messiah was wrong.
Because the Bible said the Messiah is coming on the clouds and Elijah went to heaven after his death on a chariot of fire, he must come on a chariot of fire first and the Messiah was coming on the clouds. Then one day Jesus appeared and claimed to be the Messiah. John was filled with the Spirit and could understand that Jesus was the Messiah. However, when the spiritual phenomena was gone and he resumed on his own, he asked, "Why can the Messiah come as an obscure man? He must come on the clouds."
He also couldn't understand Jesus' words, and Jesus' behavior. If John the Baptist believed the words of Jesus he would have had to deny the Bible, or its usual interpretation. He held to the traditional interpretation, so he had to deny that Jesus was the Messiah. John the Baptist was not the Messiah, but he was famous. He had great social prestige. Because of his social standing, he couldn't understand why he would have to obey a man like his cousin Jesus. Because of arrogance, he couldn't obey Jesus. All of these reasons for John's rejecting Jesus stem from the fallen nature. Because of fallen nature, Satan was able to invade him, and once invaded, everything seems to be different, seems to be strange. Satan took him away and John was completely confused. Finally, he was beheaded. (Diagram #65.)
After John had been executed, Jesus went to the mountain and prayed and cried and shouted because of grief. After eighteen years no one had recognized him as the Messiah, yet because of John, he had had one confidence. Jesus grieved: if only John the Baptist had obeyed Jesus, he could save mankind. John was the one person on whom Jesus relied, but he was killed.
We could say that John was successful as a prophet, but he failed completely to follow the Messiah. Therefore, Jesus said, "No greater man has been born of woman, but truly, truly I say to you, even the least one in the kingdom of Heaven is greater than he." He was great as a prophet but least of the children of God. John the Baptist was like a dike or fortress against Satan for Jesus, but this fortress was broken and now Satan was able to attack Jesus directly. Because of this, Jesus had to suffer and fast for 40 days in the wilderness and face three great temptations in order to separate from Satan. If John the Baptist had fulfilled his mission, Jesus wouldn't have had to fast for 40 days and be tempted by Satan three times.
Through the failure of John the Baptist; Jesus had to start anew and after subjugation of Satan through this course he began to find his followers. As Jesus was walking around the shore of the Lake of Galilee, he saw some fishermen and said "Come with me," and they left their fishing boat and followed him. They had nothing valuable at all and they did not know the Bible at all or any religious philosophy. They had only a pure heart, and counting on their pure heart, Jesus had to start his mission again. Similar people gathered around them, Peter, James, and so on. Outcasts, a tax collector, whom everyone despised. Father said one day that even Heavenly Father never imagined that Jesus would have such poor disciples. Satan, on the other hand, had many prestigious people gathering around him.
Nevertheless, Jesus himself was great and worked many miracles and wonders among the people. Many people came because he did work miracles and thought that he might be the Messiah. Some people went to talk to Jesus and said, "If you are the Messiah, then where is Elijah?" (Diagram #66.) Jesus implied that John the Baptist was Elijah, but John had already denied this. The people thought that Jesus was lying so they began to persecute Jesus. They first tried to degrade him and then they became angry and finally conspired the murder of Jesus. Jesus was one, his words and his behavior were one, but people called him the Prince of Devils, a blasphemer.
Jesus was pure and like an untarnished mirror; the image in the mirror was the reflection of the man who stood in front of him. People saw their own selves in Jesus. People who called Jesus Prince of Demons must have been demons. Those who said Jesus was outrageous, must have been outrageous. They said Jesus was evil, because they., themselves were evil.; they saw their own natures in Jesus. Finally, they decided to destroy the mirror so that they could see their impurities no longer.
As you know, the purpose of sending the Messiah was to save Israel first, and through saving Israel, Jesus could have saved all of mankind. Satan's intention was to interfere with the mission of Jesus, and through utilizing the fallen nature of the Israelites, Satan was successful in letting them betray him. Based on this fact of rebellion and betrayal, Satan went to God and said, "Look at your elect; they are betraying Your son Jesus, and because of this betrayal and rebellion, can I invade and destroy the Israelites?" Satan's accusation was right. So long as it was principle, God had to give approval, and if approval was given to Satan, he could have destroyed the Israelites and mankind. If all the Israelites and all of mankind were lost to Satan, how could Jesus save mankind?
Jesus couldn't do anything at all. Now when the Israelites betrayed Jesus, the only way to save the Israelites and mankind was for God to give His son Jesus to Satan, instead of the Israelites. This is the reason why the blood of one man who died on the cross 2,000 years ago could cover all the sins that mankind committed. Even those who were born after the death of Jesus were qualified to be given forgiveness of sin. His blood was more precious than all of mankind, because Jesus was a sinless man. Jesus' blood from a scientific point of view is the same as we have, but the value of his blood was far different than others. His blood was able to cleanse the sins of the world. Jesus was handed over to Satan, and Satan wanted to kill Jesus, but Jesus had committed no sin for which he could be killed.
Finally, Satan was able to give a false accusation against Jesus. As you know, Judas Iscariot had resentment against Jesus, and Satan never overlooked this. Satan entered Judas and let him betray Jesus. At the Last Supper, Jesus said, "I know that someone is going to betray me," and each disciple said, "Teacher, I don't think so," even Judas. But Jesus said, "It is you," and Judas slipped away to the high priest. He said Jesus had committed a sin for which he deserved death, the most impure sin. Jesus came to indemnify the failure of Adam; therefore, Jesus had to take charge of Adam's failure and not commit the sin that Adam committed.
The high priests now tried to arrest Jesus and after the last supper Jesus took three disciples and went to the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed that the cup of crucifixion could pass from him, but everything was already decided. All the disciples slept, and Jesus had no support at all. The only way to go was the crucifixion and even Heavenly Father couldn't receive his prayer. Judas guided the soldiers to the place where Jesus was and told them that the man whom he would kiss was Jesus, the one they were looking for. One disciple who was with Jesus cut off the ear of one of the soldiers, but Jesus was calm and said no. He was arrested and taken away.
Now, many curious people gathered around Jesus' trial to look and see what was going on. Pontius Pilate investigated Jesus and couldn't find anything wrong with him at all. He said this man was innocent. According to Jewish law, adultery deserved death, but according to Roman law, fornication and adultery were not punishable, and Pontius Pilate couldn't find anything at all.
Pilate intended to forgive Jesus because he was innocent. According to tradition, at the time of Passover, one criminal was forgiven and at this time another criminal names Jesus Barrabas was also being held by the Romans. Instigated by the high priests and scribes, people shouted for Barrabas. "What should we do then with this man called Jesus?" Pilate asked. "Crucify him!" the crowd said. Reluctantly Pilate was forced to make the decision to crucify Jesus and Jesus was sentenced to death.
Jesus was tortured and a crown of thorns was put on his head. Afterwards a big cross was put on his back and he was treated like one going to the slaughterhouse. When he was taken to Calvary, he had huge nails driven into his body. His legs were crossed and a nail driven through them. His skin was torn and blood splashed and at the top of his pain, not because of pain or resentment, but because of love, he was thinking of the people of Israel, not himself. What he asked was why the people were murdering him, because he knew they and their descendants would suffer in the pits of hell. If you knew the pits of hell you could not nail me. "Oh, Heavenly Father, please forgive the man who is nailing me, because he doesn't know what he is doing!" (Diagram #67.)
We have never seen such a true man on earth. He was slain and crucified. His skin was torn and blood splashed and trickled over his face, body and legs. Because of the weight of his body, he was choking and ' had difficulty breathing. In order to breathe he tried to lift himself up, but the more he tried, the more his skin was ripped. The people around him ridiculed him. Jesus was forsaken by all. His mother couldn't understand him and he was forsaken by his own family, race, and even his own disciples whom he loved the most. Did he do anything evil? He was just forsaken by all. He had no foundation at all. The only way that he was allowed to go was the way of crucifixion. The only being on whom he could rely was Heavenly Father. Even Heavenly Father turned His face from him. He cried, "My God, why have You forsaken me?" Because man forsook God, Jesus, who was in charge of the failure of man, had to be forsaken by God and had to penetrate to be obedient to God, and he did it.
Suddenly darkness covered the sky in midday and people who ridiculed Jesus became speechless because they were afraid. They were now filled with awe gazing upon Jesus on the cross with his blood trickling over his body. It became dark from noon until three o'clock. After three hours on the cross he shouted, "God, take my soul," and then he died. These people gazing at the cross now began to pound their chests and say he was righteous, he was righteous. One incognito disciple of Jesus went to Pilate and asked if he could have approval to bury Jesus.
Pilate had sentenced Jesus, knowing he was innocent; so probably because of the sting of conscience, Pilate gave his permission. The disciple pulled Jesus' bloody body down and washed it. He wrapped Jesus' body with cloth and took him to the tomb he had prepared and came down the hill.
The next morning women who Jesus loved and who loved Jesus came to the hill and went to the tomb. When they arrived, Jesus' body had disappeared. An angel came to them and said that Jesus had arisen. With surprise and rapture the women ran down the hill to the disciples. But the disciples who heard this news couldn't understand anything at all. They couldn't believe it.
But Jesus appeared before them and they were surprised and could now understand that Jesus was an unusual man. They had followed him for three years and did not understand who he was. They must have been ashamed of their faithlessness and disobedience. Maybe Peter, who was temperamental, cried, especially because he betrayed Jesus badly. It was too late: living Jesus was no more. He asked Peter if he loved him, asked him three times if Peter loved him.
After this pledge, the disciples could understand what was going on. After this event, they became serious, and became crazy for Jesus. They taught in the synagogue and shouted in the streets that Jesus had arisen. Many of the disciples were crucified. Peter was said to have been crucified upside down. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came down from Heaven and alighted on each, and inspired by the Holy Spirit they began to speak in different languages and began to give new gospel. (Diagram #68.) Now Peter stood steadfast and became a great preacher. This was the foundation of Christianity. Jesus was in the position of Father and the Holy Spirit was in the position of Mother, and now there can be given birth to children of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Jesus was spiritual, Holy Spirit was spiritual, and so their children were spiritual; these are Christians.
Based on this foundation of believing in the crucifixion and resurrection, Christians can be forgiven for their sins.
II. The Limit of Salvation Through the Cross and the Purpose of the Messiah's Second Coming
Owing to the crucifixion and the tragedy of God and the Messiah, now Christianity was established and salvation was given to mankind. Nevertheless, this world is still filled with sin and suffering. As you know, John the Baptist came and his mission was like a fortress, and because it was broken, Jesus was attacked by Satan directly. The Holy Spirit led Jesus to the wilderness and he suffered for 40 days fasting and three temptations by Satan after he was through fasting. This was the condition to restore the three great blessings. Satan was defeated by Jesus' victory and Satan had to retreat, and the condition Satan had to invade Jesus was now cleansed. Jesus became pure and Satan had to retreat, but he didn't give up trying to destroy Jesus.
Instead of attacking Jesus directly, Satan interfered with Jesus' mission using an indirect method; he utilized the fallen nature of the Israelites in leading them to betray Jesus. Instead of being able to save all of mankind, Jesus had to be crucified on the cross.
Therefore, it wasn't Jesus but the Israelites and mankind who should have been crucified. The sinless Messiah was crushed at the hands of Satan. His body was broken, but Satan wanted to destroy Jesus' spirit also. However, Jesus was steady and was like a rock in his faith. Just imagine, if you hit a rock with your fist; which do you think will break? Rock or fist? Satan also hit the rock with all his might and by hitting Jesus, was destroyed. Jesus destroyed Satan by being hit. The crushing of Jesus' body was not his victory but his strong spirit won him the victory.
Now God could start a new dispensation based on Jesus' victory. Now God was able to execute His power and give Jesus the qualification of resurrection. Jesus was resurrected after three days in the tomb and stayed on earth for 40 days. Then why 40 days?
Forty is the number to separate from Satan. Satan tried to invade Jesus but after 40 days fasting, Jesus subjugated Satan. Now Jesus became pure, but because of the sin mankind committed, because of the failure of the Israelites, Satan defiled Jesus' body and so Jesus must be cleansed again. In order to re-separate from Satan, Jesus had to go through this second 40 day period, and then became pure and qualified to go back to God. Now the ascension of Jesus took place and Jesus went up into the air.
Now there was established a sphere of resurrection of Jesus where Satan could not invade. This is the victory of Jesus. The victory of Jesus was in the spiritual world, not on earth, and Jesus created a place where no Satan could invade.
How can Christians be saved? Christians are born as sinners and are destined to die because of sin, but by believing and having faith in Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, Christians can be one with Jesus through faith. (Diagram #69.) Faith brings Christians into oneness with Jesus. I was supposed to be crucified, but Jesus was crucified instead and got victory over death. By uniting with Jesus, Christians are qualified to be one with Jesus and are qualified to go where no Satan can invade in the spiritual world.
This salvation in Christianity is just spiritual. This is because Jesus is father and Christians are children and the victory of the father is the victory of the children. At the same time, Jesus' body was invaded by Satan and the same condition should be inherited. As soon as a person believes in Jesus, Satan can invade his body. Therefore, his spirit and mind belong to Jesus, but Satan can utilize his fleshly desire and let him commit sin. The spirit belongs to God, the flesh belongs to Satan; terrible separation between mind and body.
Even St. Paul suffered so much, as you know. He shouted, "what a miserable man I am!" Was it because of his lack of faith? No. The closer he came to Jesus, the more he was invaded by Satan. So Christians who loved Jesus more than their own lives were invaded by Satan and were crucified, eaten by lions or burned at the stake at the hand of the Roman Empire. They suffered not because of lack of faith but because of the crucifixion itself.
Followers must go the same path as the founder. Because Jesus himself went the course of crucifixion, his disciples had to go the course of crucifixion. The more Christian they were, the more terrible their course was. Father said he was so serious, because if he has the terrible course of crucifixion, then his disciples and all of us must go the same course. He said that we are lucky, because if we were in the time of Jesus, we would all have died already. Owing to Father, we are here with our physical body. So martyrs don't come from lack of faith, but have to go the same course as Jesus.
Also, there are many children born from pious Christians, but there has never been one child who was born sinlessly. Their children are sinners because in Christianity original sin was not solved. Then salvation in Christianity is not enough.
III. Death of Jesus
The understanding of 2,000 years of traditional Christianity is that the mission of Jesus must have been crucifixion, that Jesus came to die. God loves mankind, therefore by giving blood Jesus cleansed our sin and through faith in Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection we can be saved. We don't deny this; our question is, did Jesus come to die? This would mean that there isn't any dispensation to save mankind without crucifixion.
If the opinion or theological understanding is right, then there are many contradictions in the Bible. First of all, from the words of Jesus' disciples, Jesus shouldn't have been crucified. In Acts 7:51-53, the Bible says, "You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your forefathers did, so do you, and they killed those who announced the coming of the righteous one, whom you have now betrayed and murdered."
Also, St. Paul said that only by faith in Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection can you be saved. I Cor. 2:8 says, "None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory." These are the words of St. Paul. If this is the word of St. Paul, how can theologians explain these words? He knew that Jesus didn't come to be a Lord of suffering. He said Jesus came to be a Lord of glory.
From the providence of God, if the mission of Jesus is the crucifixion itself, why did God prepare a foundation for 2,000 years? God did not raise the Israelites to crucify him, but to protect him. God made the Israelites prepare for the Messiah's coming, not the Messiah's crucifixion. If only the Messiah is killed, then no one needs a foundation at all. Then the two thousand years of history must have been in vain. Can God be so foolish? Then Jesus shouldn't have been crucified.
Look at the sayings and words of Jesus. Throughout his ministry was there even one speech where Jesus asked to kill himself? If the mission was crucifixion itself, then why did Jesus not ask people to kill him, in order to be saved? He only asked one thing and that was to believe in him, and obey him. Therefore, Jesus said, in John 10:36-38, "I am the Son of God. If I am not doing the works of my Father, then do not believe me; but if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father." Obey me and love me, that is all. (Diagram #70.) If people didn't believe, then Jesus cried. This is shown in Matthew 23:37 when he laments because the people of Israel will not gather around him. If he came just to die, why would he talk this way?
Then did they believe that Jesus was the Messiah, obey him as the Messiah? No. It was Jesus' desire and God's desire to have the people believe in Jesus as the Messiah. The people didn't do that so God's and Jesus' desires were not realized. Crucifixion was a result of the disobedience and disbelief of the people. Then, crucifixion must be the result of disbelief and disobedience and lack of love. Has there ever been a time in all of dispensational history when a lack of love has fulfilled God's dispensation? Not at all. There has been no case where disobedience fulfilled God's dispensation. Could crucifixion be the fulfillment of God's desire? It's very clear that the crucifixion could not be God's desire. God never planned to see Jesus crucified.
Christianity thought Jesus could save mankind only through crucifixion but Jesus should have saved mankind without death. Jesus never said, "Crucify me, kill me!" He said, love and obey me. Crucifixion was a result of disobedience. If all mankind believed and followed Jesus as Messiah, then who could kill Jesus? If Christian theology is right, then if all mankind had believed in Jesus, then no one could have killed Jesus, and there would have been no salvation at all. This is a strange ideal, if the only way left to save obedient mankind is to commit suicide. If Jesus came to die and if no one would kill him then he would have to kill himself. We can discuss from this point, even with the pope.
Then another point, after the Last Supper, Jesus prayed at Gethsemane with three disciples. Jesus prayed that the cup of crucifixion could pass from him. He prayed with bloody sweat; how serious he was. If the mission of Jesus was that he just came to die, and only by death could Jesus save mankind, then this final moment must have been the most wonderful moment for Jesus. Tomorrow Jesus would be crucified, and then Jesus could fulfill his mission. If the crucifixion theory is right, how can theologians explain Jesus' praying that the crucifixion might be taken away? They generally say that this shows the human nature or humanity of Jesus. This sounds good but if the mission of Jesus was crucifixion itself, Jesus must have been at this time denying his own mission to save mankind. (Diagram #71.)
This is a silly idea. Even rascals give their lives for the sake of their boss. So how can we say the Son of God wanted his life spared without fulfilling his mission? This is an incredible misunderstanding of the mission of Jesus. Jesus didn't come to fulfill his mission by dying. He came to establish the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven. First of all, he must save this world and then the spirit world. Jesus came as the Messiah. Has there even been one person free from sin while Jesus was on the earth or since? Jesus came as the Messiah but couldn't save even one person on the earth.
We can say that Jesus was very serious in his time at Gethsemane. If Jesus died, then who can console the broken heart of God? Jesus could understand the depths of God's scars. If Jesus died, who could save mankind? Mankind would be involved in tragedy and misery again. If Jesus was crucified, the mission of the Israelites would be in vain and the descendants of Israel would suffer so much. Because Jesus loved the Israelites so much, he wept for Israel and wanted to live. Jesus came as the Messiah and couldn't save one person.
That is why Jesus prayed that the crucifixion would pass him by. He had no foundation at all. Because the disciples slept, Heavenly Father couldn't give approval to Jesus' prayer. Now Jesus could understand that the only way to go was the way of crucifixion. Now he asked for forgiveness for his unaccomplished mission. "Oh Heavenly Father, if you appreciate my work, please embrace those disciples who are like newborn babies. Heavenly Father, if you appreciate my work, then let me come again. My bosom is choked with sorrow; let me come again. I want to save mankind." He asked God in this way and after awhile he received God's answer. All mankind would be given the word of life like the water of the ocean. He stood up steadfast when the soldiers drew near to him to arrest him.
IV. Dual Prophecy
From this standpoint, no one can say that Jesus came to die. Nevertheless, we meet another opposition. When we investigate the Bible, we can find a prophecy of crucifixion. For instance Isaiah 53, the entire chapter is a prophecy of Jesus' crucifixion. Also, Jesus himself prophesied that he would be crucified. Therefore, Jesus must have been destined to be crucified. This is true, but this is a partial view. There is another kind of prophecy in the Bible; this is the Lord of Glory. I Cor. 2:8 which I already quoted, said that Jesus came as a Lord of Glory. Also, Isaiah 9:6-7, or 11:4, 60:1-22. Also Luke 1:32-33.
According to the Bible, there are two kinds of prophecy to the mission of Jesus. We should not be partial. This quotation is right, and this quotation is also right. Once God said He is sending the Messiah, He will send the Messiah. However, there are two possibilities. Man always has to be persuaded to fulfill his portion of responsibility. To fulfill or not to fulfill. (Diagram #72.)
If the Israelites had obeyed and loved Jesus as the Messiah, no one could crucify Jesus. Then Jesus' course would have been one of the Lord of Glory and he would have been able to save mankind. But the Israelites didn't obey Jesus and the only way to save mankind was to give an indemnity condition of blood for the faithlessness of the people. If there had been no disbelief, Jesus would have had to pay no indemnity at all. Then which of the two do you think was God's will? He must have desired belief and obedience. God never planned the tragedy at all.
How could Christianity develop this misunderstanding? Christianity had its foundation in the letters of St. Paul, in which he emphasized that faith in Jesus' resurrection and crucifixion was the way to salvation. St. Paul came after Jesus' death. When St. Paul started his mission, Jesus was dead for several years. Upon this foundation and explanation, the only way to be saved is to believe in Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. It is true, but Christians couldn't understand that they were persecuted because of the crucifixion. They admired the crucifixion and could not see Jesus from God's point
It was only because of the betrayal by the Israelites that Christianity had to be established. Now the Divine Principle is God's understanding of the life and death of Jesus. Because of fallen nature and sin, even theologians couldn't understand the broken heart of Jesus and just asked to be given salvation; this is asking for self-centered salvation. Now the time has come to repay Jesus' resentment. Now our Father has come and we are obeying Father as indemnity for the Israelites. By doing this, the mission of Jesus will be fulfilled on the earth.
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