Divine Principle Lectures from the 120 Day Workshop |
by Ken Sudo |
Principle of Restoration
A. Introduction to History
As you know, Adam and Eve were supposed to reach perfection sinlessly. After reaching perfection, God and man were supposed to be united into oneness and establish the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, but they fell into hell. Actually, Adam and Eve went to the perfection level of the growth stage and Satan invaded; thus the formation stage, the growth stage and perfection stage were defiled by Satan.
The Messiah will come as a second Adam, another Adam. Before the coming of Adam, there was no sin in the Garden of Eden. For the second Adam to be able to come, sin must be cleansed and at least we must have established a condition to cleanse the sin or it is impossible for second Adam to come. The Messiah will come based on the condition to have restored through reversal course, the formation and growth stage. Therefore, the Messiah will come when the third degree of the growth stage is restored. This is the foundation for the Messiah.
Man failed by himself, so man must restore the foundation for the Messiah by himself. This is man's portion of responsibility. Then the Messiah will come and bring solution of sin through rebirth, and after solution of sin, then growth with the Messiah through the perfection stage. This is the fundamental course through which fallen man can fulfill the purpose of creation and reach perfection. This is the answer to the question of how I am to live.
This must be the point of blessing. If we are in the stage before the blessing, we are going this course, and after the blessing we start this final course. Many Christians in the growth stage can also only be restored by the coming of the Messiah. This is the understanding of our life course.
B. Restoration Through Indemnity
In order to understand God's dispensation, we must understand God and we must understand ourselves. Then in what situation are we now? This is one of the most important ways we understand salvation.
First of all, in order to understand the situation of fallen man, we must understand the situation of perfect man. Then what is perfected man? Man is made after the image of God. When man and God are one in 100% love, he cannot be separated from God. He can have communication or give and take action only with God. This is the characteristic of perfected man. He has no possibility of fall, no communication with Satan.
How about fallen man, myself. Fallen man was made after the image of God so fallen man has the image of God, but because of the fall of man, our blood lineage is defiled by Satan's blood. God's intention is to take him back to His side, but if He tries, then Satan can accuse and say, "Can you take him back to you? He has my blood, my blood lineage. His blood was defiled by me. Can you take him back?" Then, God cannot take him back and cannot do anything and cannot have give and take action with fallen man; for instance, fallen Adam. Even if Satan tried to take him to his side, then God will never give approval to Satan, because however defiled he may be, Adam is Adam, son of God.
Without approval of God, it is impossible for Satan to take him to his side. Satan cannot take him and God cannot take him so he is just floating. Satan cannot touch and God cannot touch so he is just doing his own thing. At the same time he doesn't like to commit sin, yet he cannot do anything good at all. This is so-called famous midway position. (Diagram #96.) We are very familiar with it. If we go to the spiritual world then we are just floating in the spiritual world, just like a balloon, not in Heaven, not in Hell. If he is in the midway position, God cannot start His dispensation at all and Satan also cannot do anything at all. What to do with this problem?
The reason God cannot have communication with fallen man is because he was defiled by satanic blood. If fallen Adam is divided into two, good and evil, then Adam is separated from the satanic blood lineage and God can have contact with him. Good and evil must be divided into two. Then Adam must be cut in half with-a big knife.
Adam cannot start anything, so God gave him two sons, Cain and Abel. Eventually, if he can establish some good condition to deny sin, to deny satanic lineage or satanic nature, then he will belong to God. But if he establishes a condition to deny God then he belongs to Satan.
If you are walking on the street and someone said, "Why don't you hear Divine Principle?" and you came, and heard Divine Principle, is this not a good condition? This is why God was able to pick you up from Satan's side to God's side. If someone denied God's words, and said they didn't like the Principle, this is an evil condition. Then they can be invaded and taken by Satan.
When we see into our inside, there must have been an essential desire to come back to God. Then, sin once committed, cannot be solved unconditionally. Sin must be redeemed or indemnified. We must establish a condition to indemnify the sin that we committed. We call this an indemnity condition. (Diagram #97.) In order to restore the original relationship with God we must establish an indemnity condition. This is called restoration through indemnity. Therefore, we must pay or we cannot restore. It is a very realistic principle. We must pay or we cannot buy anything. If we want to feel God, then we must pay indemnity. If you want to have skin touch with God, if you want to receive Heavenly truth, then you must pay indemnity. To get into the kingdom of God, you must pay indemnity. This is a plain truth.
Then, how can we pay the indemnity condition? There are three degrees or amounts of indemnity conditions. First of all, equal amount of indemnity. For instance, if I broke the window and I am renting, then the owner will get angry with me. Even though I had a good relationship with him, as soon as he saw that I broke this window, the good relationship would be broken and he would get angry. If this window glass cost maybe $50 and if I pay $50, the same amount or value which was lost, if I pay that amount, then he will smile again. (Diagram #98i.) Then our original relationship will be restored. This is equal amount of indemnity condition.
Even in the Bible, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. If you give someone a wound by biting them, you must be bitten in order to indemnify the pain of the man you bit. If someone kills someone, then he must be killed to indemnify the sins he committed. In the Old Testament Age, this principle was applied, therefore no forgiveness.
If I had a good relationship with the landlord, if I gave him souvenirs and he was happy with them and then afterwards if I broke the window, he got angry with me but all I had was $30, then if he was a stranger he would get angry and say pay $50. (Diagram #98ii.) But if he was a friend, he would say, don't worry about that. This is called the lesser amount of indemnity condition. This is so-called forgiveness. Christians are supposed to be crucified because of their own sin, but only having faith in Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, without having been crucified themselves, Christians are qualified to get into Paradise.
This is salvation in Christianity. This is a typical example of forgiveness. Baptism is also such a condition. As in the time of Noah, baptism symbolized Noah's ark. Therefore, Christians are supposed to be crucified and drowned to death, but instead of flood judgment, now only water. In the beginning, they submerged in the water, but now Christians became lazy. This is a lesser amount of indemnity condition. Baptism or sacraments are instead of Jesus' blood and flesh.
And three, greater indemnity condition. If I or my father had a good relationship with the owner, even if I broke the window he could forgive me. If my father had a bad relationship with him and my father was indebted to him, if I went and said I'm sorry I broke the window, he would get more angry with me and say "Your father did this; pay altogether with your father's debts also." (Diagram #98iii.) This is called a greater amount of indemnity condition.
Because Jesus got victory, Christians receive forgiveness of sins without crucifixion. Do you think the mission of the Lord of the Second Advent will be heavier or lighter than Jesus' mission? If a forerunner fails in his mission, when he comes again then the followers must pay more indemnity. The Lord of the Second Advent must be persecuted by Satan more, tortured more than Jesus, and he has to overcome.
Next, then how are the indemnity conditions made? For instance, if there is a table and if I spill the water, the table was spoiled and in order to restore the original clean table this water must be wiped away. Then, the action to wipe away must be a reversal course of spilling water. This is the principle of restoration. (Diagram #99i.) We can find the principle of human history in such routine and casual events. We can indemnify our sin through a reversal course of the fall of man. For instance, when Jesus came, the Israelites hated Jesus and killed him. In order to indemnify the failure of the Israelites, the second-Israelites, Christians, must love, not hate Jesus, even at the price of life. This is the reason there are so many Christian martyrs in history.
Who is responsible for that? We said that God cannot save mankind by Himself. Why? It wasn't God but man who committed sin. It isn't God but man, who must indemnify sin. Sinners however, cannot indemnify or cleanse sin, so a sinless man must come. This is the Messiah. It's not God who can solve sin. (Diagram #99ii.) From this point of view, Jesus cannot be God Himself. Christianity could not understand this point. They thought that Jesus was God Himself, the Creator. But it is only sinless Adam who can save mankind.
Then what should be the content of the payment of indemnity? In order to save mankind what should we do? Fallen man cannot send the Messiah, only God can send the Messiah. Should we wait for the Messiah's coming without doing anything, with just our mouths open? Pray? We must lay a foundation for the Messiah's coming, therefore Jesus said, be awake. With big eyes open.
We must lay a foundation for the Messiah. As previously mentioned, because of the fall of man, man fell into Hell and before the Messiah's coming man must indemnify the sin he committed. Because of the fall Adam lost what he should have fulfilled, the three great blessings. What should Adam have fulfilled?
First of all, in order to reach perfection God needed Adam himself as the central figure. For Adam to reach perfection he had to keep the commandment. It was impossible for Adam to reach perfection unconditionally. The condition was to keep the commandment through the growth period of 21 years. This perfection can be expressed in various ways. (Diagram #100.) The numbers 12, 4, 21 and 40 signify perfection. These internal numbers should have been realized when he reached perfection. During this period, Adam and Eve needed faith that God is here and man is made after the image of God. As long as they could keep faith, Adam and Eve could be the foundation to God. We call this the foundation of faith.
When he reached perfection Adam would be a substantial body of God, a perfect mirror of God. So he could have been the foundation of God with substance, not with invisible faith. This means God could have lived in him, dwelled in him, and he would have then been the pure vessel of God.
Then how could Adam have fulfilled these conditions? The conditions of faith and substance were lost by the fall and must be restored; otherwise, the Messiah cannot come.
God lost Adam, so God must restore someone who can resume the Adam position. This person is called the central figure. According to the Bible, central figures have been Abel, Noah, Abraham, Moses, kings, and John the Baptist. (Diagram #101.)
Because man lost the condition, man couldn't keep God's words; then the conditional object must be to keep God's words again. But because man fell, he became below all things. The creation never committed sin at all. Even rats are sinless. Which is purer? Rats are purer than us. Then how can we restore the relationship between God and man?
For instance, Mr. A and Mr. B have been on good terms, but for some reason Mr. A was deeply hurt and is angry with Mr. B. If B goes to Mr. A and says, "How are you?" he will be more angry with B. What should B do? Mr. B has to bring something he likes to Mr. A. If Mr. A likes wine to drink, then when he comes home, he finds a bottle of Johnny Walker. He is surprised - Who brought this? Mr. B. and his ill feeling against him will decrease. He still doesn't like Mr. B at all but he likes Johnny Walker so much.
The next night, another bottle of Johnny Walker appears. Then his ill feeling will decrease, and when he finds a big, special Johnny Walker the next night, he is very happy and all ill feeling will disappear. Now he feels indebted. And when Mr. B comes with a smile, Mr. A comes out of the house and says, "I missed you.." And the original relationship can be restored. This is the position of God and fallen man.
Because of the fall, man gave a deep wound to God. He has been bleeding, so we must bring something He likes so much. From the beginning the offering must be purer than man, because God is pure. Even though we are impure, if we offer pure things, God will be pleased to see it. God's ill feeling to man will decrease. So, at the time of Moses, the tabernacle was given and at the time of kings the temple was built. Jesus came and became the offering, and now, symbolically, the Christian church. These were conditional objects to give joy to God and to console God. This conditional object is an expression of faith toward God.
At the same time, everything was taken by Satan, so only what we offer before God can He call His own. The growth period was lost to Satan. This period must be restored and this is called the indemnity period of 12, 4, 21 and 40. Now the foundation of faith can be restored.
Based on this foundation of faith, the foundation of substance should be restored. The essential meaning of the foundation of substance was unity with God. In order to make unity between God and man, man had to make a condition to solve and cleanse sin: to have removed fallen natures. (Diagram #102.) Centering on the central figures of Abel, Ham, Jacob, Moses, the kings and John the Baptist, we should have laid the condition to have removed the fallen nature. When both the foundation of faith and foundation of substance are restored, we can restore what Adam lost. We can receive the Messiah. (Diagram #103.) This is man's portion of responsibility. Then God will send the Messiah and He will solve my sin and I can be reborn, and we can reach perfection and establish the kingdom of God. Even you, yourself must establish the foundation to receive the Messiah.
D. History and "I"
Every one of us must have been born 20 or 30 years ago, or so many years ago on the earth. He must have looked and observed his own life course, but at the same time Heavenly Father must have been looking at and observing your entire life course. From God's point of view, we are not only the fruits of 20 years' life course, but also fruits of 6,000 years of history of restoration. For instance, in order for me to be able to be here in the Unification Church, there must have been the foundation of Christianity. This means that without the crucifixion of Jesus, there would have been no Christianity and thus, no Unification Church, no Messiah. We owe much to Jesus, we owe much to Christians who died under the persecution of the Roman Empire, because without them "I" am not here. Then we can say that Jesus' blood on the cross is now running our veins, and the blood of Christians who became the prey of lions is running in our veins also. Their sacrificial life or merit of their sacrificial life came to fruition in me.
I am not only myself, but I am crucified Jesus. If we investigate our 20 years of life, we feel, "I am not worthy to be a member of the Unification Church; I did not do anything pure and good." Still God has chosen us, not because of ourselves, but because of our ancestors. Their effort, tears, sweat and blood, came to fruition in us. Then now, I am not "I" anymore, "I" am the fruits of the history of restoration. Through solution of our sin, we can solve the past. If we fail in our mission, it means that Christians and our ancestors will also be taken by Satan. "I" am myself no longer. "I'' am a fruit of 6,000 years of the history of restoration.
Therefore, through solution of sin, our ancestors can solve sin. If "I'' am saved, the ancestors will be saved. If "I" fail in "my" mission, the ancestors will be taken away by Satan. (Diagram #104.) And also, "I" am the center of this world, and there must be so many people who can be saved through me. Thousands and thousands and millions and millions must be saved through me.
Then we must be the center of this world, of the present, past, and through solution of sin, we can be sinless and start the sinless future of mankind. Therefore, "I'' am the starting point of the sinless future. If this point is lost, if I myself am lost, the past, present, and future will be lost.
How precious it is to be in such a position, but it is only because we are one with the Messiah. So we must understand our mission. From this moment we are an individual person no longer. "I" am an individual person no longer. On your shoulders are thousands of people who must be saved; beside you there are thousands and thousands of people to be saved, and after you there are thousands of people to be saved through you. The content is the same, but when the viewpoint is different, we can find how important "I" am. Therefore, through whom can God solve the past, present, and future?
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