Divine Principle Lectures from the 120 Day Workshop |
by Ken Sudo |
History of Restoration
Chapter 1. Providential Age for the Foundation of Restoration
Section IV. Providence of Restoration Centering on Moses
As you know, Jacob was the first man who fulfilled man's portion of responsibility. This is why he was given so much blessing and was admired by all. He was able to restore the family level foundation to receive the Messiah. But, because Satan already had a nationwide dominion, in Egypt, for instance, the foundation for the Messiah needed to be made on the nationwide level, in order to cope with Satan. Therefore, the foundation had to be raised and lifted up or exalted.
First, the family level foundation to receive the Messiah must be exalted or lifted up to the racial level. This was the mission of Moses. Then, the kings were responsible to raise it from the racial to the national foundation. Then, if the kings had been successful, upon this foundation the Messiah could have come. But unless the foundation was laid on the racial level, it was impossible to go from the family to the national level. Therefore, this was the mission of Moses. We need a general view of the providence centering on Moses.
First of all, the foundation of faith. Moses, as the central figure, was the representative of God, God's position. Moses, who received a revelation from above and spoke to Israel and conveyed the message to Israel, was in the position of God. Instead of God, he did it. In the Old Testament Age, God was directly responsible for the dispensation. In a sense, in the New Testament Age, His son was responsible - Jesus was responsible. In the pre-Old Testament Age, an offering was offered as a conditional object. But first of all, Abel and Noah were successful in their offerings. Abraham failed at first but afterwards, through Isaac, he, too, was successful. (Diagram #124a.) This was the third attempt at the offering, the perfection stage. The dispensation of the offering was successful, so men didn't have to offer an offering as a conditional object, except in special cases. The reason why things had been offered was to lay the foundation to restore God's words. Originally, the conditional offering was God's words, do you remember?
When Adam came, the central figure was Adam and the condition was God's words. Adam couldn't reach perfection without a condition, which was to keep God's commandment. The commandment was given so man could reach perfection and this is also why the Ten Commandments were given. The conditional object for Moses was God's words. God's words can be given based on a 40-day condition of separation from Satan.
Based on this foundation of faith was the foundation of substance. The central figure for the foundation of substance was also Moses. Moses was the leader of the race, the leader of the Israelites. This is the Abel position. Moses was able to start his mission by striking Satan. This is called the providence for the start. The providence for the start was based on unity between Moses and the Israelites. Then, instead of one person, Cain is now the entire nation of Israelites. Now, if the Israelites loved and obeyed Moses, then the foundation of substance could be laid. Finally, it was laid. The foundation for the Messiah was laid on a racial level. Then the racial level was to be expanded to a nationwide foundation to receive the Messiah based on the kings. This is a general view of the providence of restoration centering on Moses. (Diagram #124b.)
When Moses was born in Egypt, it was already time for the Israelites to go back to Canaan. During 400 years of tribulation, the people of Israel had groaned and prayed to God for help. God had heard their voice but couldn't send anyone to save them during the indemnity period. Now God sent the liberator, Moses. Pharaoh tried to kill Moses, but because of the wisdom of his mother, he was brought into the palace of Pharaoh and was raised there and was to inherit everything from Pharaoh. But when he was 40 years old, he received a message through his mother that he wasn't an Egyptian, but that he had the blood of the Israelites running in his veins. He know that it was his mission to save his own race, the Israelites, who were under the Egyptians. He forsook everything he had, and tried to jump into the Israelites to help them and save them.
He started his mission, and God chose him as a central figure. For the conditional object as an offering, there must be a 40 days condition to separate from Satan. This was the 40 years period in Pharaoh's palace. Then he heard his mother's words which were God's words. When Moses started his mission, he saw an Israelite who was being mistreated by an Egyptian. (Diagram #125.) He loved the Israelites and one of them was being mistreated by a satanic Egyptian in front of him. With resentment towards Satan and love towards the Israelites, he killed the Egyptian. This was the providence for the start.
As you know, at the time of Adam, Cain killed Abel - or we think Cain killed Abel, but behind Cain there was Satan. Satan killed Abel through Cain. First of all, Satan attacked God's side, and Satan started his dispensation or providence, centered on himself. God preserved the right to repay for that. Therefore, now from God's side, Moses, or the Abel position, God was able to start His dispensation by Attacking Satan's position, the Egyptian. This was the meaning of the providence for the start.
By hitting Satan, God can start. This is a providence for the start. When you say to Satan, "From now on, you are not my parents and I am not your son," we hit Satan like that. Jesus said to Satan, "I have nothing to do with you." This is a providence for the start example. Once said this way, a person cannot go back. This is the providence for the start.
Then, all the conditions were laid. Then, if the Israelites had obeyed Moses, the foundation for the Messiah could have been laid, but the Israelites couldn't understand Moses' intention. They had always been mistreated. Therefore, when they saw the Egyptian was killed, they thought they might be killed. Moses came to save the Israelites, but they couldn't understand that he came to save them. They thought they might also be killed, and they were afraid of Moses. Therefore, the Israelites couldn't obey Moses and the foundation of substance was taken by Satan. The first course to enter Canaan was taken by Satan. Therefore, Moses was cast out and lie went into the wilderness of Midian. lie had to lead a life in the wilderness for forty years.
For the second course to enter Canaan on the racial level, the central figure was also Moses. Because he didn't fail his mission, he was chosen to be the central figure again. The conditional object of 40 days was laid by 40 years' period in the wilderness. (Diagram #126a.) And now, when the 40 years' period was finished, he was already 80 years old. Moses first started his mission when he was 40 years old; this was just 390 years after the start of Israel into Egypt. When Moses started his mission the second time, the actual time then was 430 years.
After 40 years in the wilderness, God called Moses again. Moses found God's light shining and he went there and met with God. God said, "Take off your shoes." And God said that He had heard the groaning of the Israelites and He said to Moses, "Go to Egypt and bring the Israelites back to Canaan." But Moses was afraid and he hesitated. Then, because he said he wasn't a good speaker, God gave him Aaron, his brother, and another helper, his sister, Miriam. Therefore, Moses, Aaron and Miriam are just like God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Moses was about to start his mission to go into Egypt again and to take his people to Canaan, when God appeared to him. God was about to kill Moses, but owing to the wisdom of his wife, through the circumstances of his son, Moses was saved. This trial has the same meaning as the trial when Jacob was attacked by the angel. In order to be responsible for the racial level mission, Moses had to go through the family level foundation again. This is why God attacked him. He got victory, and so he was qualified to start his new mission to establish the racial level foundation for the Messiah.
Moses went into Egypt and began to negotiate with Pharaoh. Now, the central figure was Moses, and he had to lay the providence for the start. As you know, the significance of the providence for the start is to hit Satan. By hitting Satan, God can make His providence for the start. (Diagram #126b.) When Moses went into Egypt, Pharaoh was so stubborn it was very difficult to persuade him to let Moses take back his people. In order to persuade him, Satan has to be struck from God's side. Moses struck Satan through Pharaoh with the three miracles first. First of all, Pharaoh made his rod a snake and Moses made his rod a snake, and Moses' snake swallowed up Satan's snake. This symbolizes Jesus swallowing Satan up, because Moses' mission was the image of the mission of Jesus. In the mission of Moses, therefore, we can find the mission of Jesus. When Moses put his hand into his bosom, it became leprous and next time he put his hand into his bosom it became clean again. This symbolizes that when Eve was embraced by Satan she became impure but when Eve is embraced by sinless Adam she will be pure again. And next, lifeless water became life, blood. This means lifeless world can be filled with life, salvation.
But even after seeing these miracles, Pharaoh's heart couldn't be changed. Next, ten calamities were given by Moses because at the time of Jacob, he was deceived by Laban, or Satan, 10 times. This is the reason why there were ten calamities. Israel was attacked by three days of light and dark - there were contagious diseases and locusts came, frogs came and many things came. Still Pharaoh was stubborn. According to the Bible, God made him stubborn so that the Israelites might have hatred against Pharaoh, so that it would be difficult for them not to go back to Canaan. Also, God wanted to let them know that the God of the Israelites is the true God and that the god of Egypt was not the true God.
Finally, God attacked the Egyptians with the death of the firstborn son. Then, only the Israelites were given the revelation that they must put the blood of sheep on the door-post, so that angels from heaven would pass over without attacking the family. Therefore, the Israelites did it. This is the revelation of Passover. The Israelites were saved, but many children of the Egyptians were killed and even Pharaoh lost his son. To see the dead body of his own son, Pharaoh was now shocked, and he lost his force and he gave approval to Moses to leave Egypt for three days only, and under the approval of Pharaoh, the Exodus started.
Just imagine, according to the Bible, 600,000 people started. Moses gave the direction, let's go. And so, many Israelites started to Canaan through the wilderness. It must have been so difficult to go through the wilderness. How about water and food? There was almost no hope, but nevertheless, they started. The only being on whom Moses could rely was Heavenly Father. So much faith in God; this was the motivation on which Moses was able to start; faith in God. Therefore, Moses was great in faith, and the Israelites were also great in faith. Their faith and the faith of Christians must have been greater than ours. Unless we can have more faith than them, we will never be able to fulfill our mission. Therefore, we must restore faith in Father, and in the central figure. The Unification Church must restore faith; the Unification Church needs faith now. They started, and three days passed without any help from heaven. This is the same course as Abraham's course, Jacob's course. After three days, God guided the Israelites with a pillar of cloud in the daytime, and a pillar of light in the nighttime. This is just Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Cloud and light, centered on God. The cloud and light symbolized the coming of Jesus and the Holy Spirit centered on God.
They came to the Red Sea and after three days they didn't go back. Pharaoh became angry at Moses and dispatched troops to kill them all. The Egyptians chased after them and found them in front of the sea. There was no place to go. Women and children began to cry and scream. Men hesitated and they shouted, cried and screamed because they were afraid of the Egyptians. If Moses had lost faith, who could have saved the Israelites? No one at all. Therefore, the only way through which salvation can come must be this way. Moses believed in God's capability. This was the faith ' of Moses. Therefore, he went and prayed, and God gave him direction to hit the waters with his rod. Owing to his faith, God wrought miracles and the sea water was divided into two, and Moses and his people went through the bottom of the sea. The next moment the waters came back again and those Egyptians who were chasing after them were drowned and died. This was the victory of the faith of Moses.
Now, when they arrived in the wilderness, God gave a blessing. God provided quail and manna. Therefore, after the victory of faith, God blessed them. (Diagram #126c.) Then they came down, and where they were, they had to fight against the Malachite's. And now Moses lifted up his hands and Aaron and another man supported Moses' hands. And because Moses' hands were raised during the battle as God commanded, the Israelites won. This means where the Holy Spirit and Jesus are one with God, Christians are able to fight against Satan. Therefore, likewise, when Moses lifted up his hands, Joshua and Caleb were able to get victory over the Malachite's. Based on this victory, they were given a great blessing at Mount Sinai. (Diagram #126d.)
God called Moses when he arrived at Mt. Sinai. Moses fasted for 40 days under the direction of God. And after 40 days' fasting, Moses was given the Ten Commandments. They were written on two tablets. One tablet symbolized Jesus and the other symbolized the Holy Spirit. One was a vertical message, the other was a horizontal message. The first four commandments signified the relationship between God and man, and the other six signify the relationship between man and man. Just imagine - an 80-year-old man fasted 40 days in the mountains by himself. And he was given the Ten Commandments. And when he came back, at the base of the mountain, his people were dancing and singing, centering on a golden calf. He got angry and threw the tablets down to the earth and the Ten Commandments were broken, and he went back to the mountain and fasted another 40 days, one or two days after his first fast. How much and how deep his faith was! How much he loved God and the Israelites. The next time when he came back, the Israelites repented and obeyed Moses. (Diagrams #127a, 127b.)
Based on the new commandments, they made the tabernacle. Then what is the tabernacle? It is the ark of the covenant, in which there were the tablets of the Ten Commandments, manna, and the rod. (Diagram #127c.) There were cherubim there, through which God could speak to the people. Many priests would come there and be given revelations from above. As you know, in Genesis 3:24, cherubim came and blocked the way to the tree of life.
Then, now, through this ark of the covenant, the way to the tree of life was opened symbolically. This is the ark of the covenant. It symbolizes Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Then, the most holy place contained the ark of the covenant. Only priests who were qualified could come and pray. (Diagram #128.) This is the structure of the tabernacle, and it symbolized the physical body and spiritual body of Jesus. The tabernacle was a symbolic Messiah. Through receiving commandments, the Israelites are given a symbolic Messiah. Based on the victory of the battle against the Malachite's, the Israelites were given such a great blessing through the tabernacle.
Because God knew that the course going into Canaan was very difficult, God was afraid that even Moses might fail his mission. Then, if the Israelites were against Moses, and even Moses lost, then the providence of God would be in vain. Therefore, God gave a special blessing or privilege to the Israelites through the tabernacle. They were given one condition; that if even only one person kept faith in the tabernacle even though all were lost to Satan, it was possible to continue the providence of God. If one person was faithful and had faith in the tabernacle, then even when all was lost to Satan, the providence of God would be successful. It was a great privilege. Based on this tabernacle, the Israelites were successful in their mission.
The tabernacle was symbolic of the Messiah, so in order to receive the tabernacle, the Israelites had to set a foundation to receive it. First of all, a foundation of faith. The central figure was Moses. There had to be a 40-day condition of fasting and God's words were, in this case, the Ten Commandments.
Therefore, the best condition was given, but still the Israelites didn't obey Moses and complained of many things. Moses kept faith, but the Israelites themselves couldn't fulfill their mission, so the second foundation was lost to Satan.
On the way back to Canaan, there were many troubles and difficulties because the Israelites had no experience of life in the wilderness. They became hungry and thirsty and they complained very much that they wanted to eat watermelon and cucumbers. And God wasn't happy to hear their complaining, because when they had been in Egypt there must have been many watermelons and cucumbers, but it was impossible to get these things in the wilderness. Therefore, they complained.
God chastised them once, but still they complained. Then, in order to indemnify their complaints or disobedience, God gave directions to Moses to send 12 delegates to Canaan to spy on the people there, especially those in Jerico, for 40 days. (Diagram #129.) One delegate from each tribe was chosen and they went to spy on Jerico for 40 days. When they came back, except for two of them, Joshua and Caleb, they said, the people there are impossible to overcome, they are very tall and very strong. It means death to go there. The people were afraid and many complained and said we shouldn't have come, let's go back. But still, Joshua and Caleb said that they could do it. According to the usual understanding based on scientific understanding or past experience, it was impossible. But Joshua and Caleb had faith, and said, "We can make it." It seemed crazy. People got angry with them, and began to stone them. Now God was angry with them, and said because of this disbelief, the 40 days would become 40 years; that the 40 days should each be indemnified by one year. The second course into Canaan was then lost to Satan.
From that time on, the Israelites had to wander for 40 years. During this period, there were so many difficulties - disbelief, hunger, and many things. Because of disbelief, many were bitten by vipers and still God showed on the rod of Moses and said if only they gazed (Diagram #130.) Therefore, there was almost no faith at all, so how difficult the period was.
Moses needed a providence. Moses prayed to God and God told Moses to strike the rock, but when Moses struck the rock, he struck it twice, not once as God had directed. Afterwards, Moses heard God's voice and it said that because lie had struck the rock twice, he was disqualified to get into Canaan. He had to die on the mountain where they could see Jerico close by. How grieved Moses was. Moses petitioned or entreated God to get into Canaan, but God said Moses couldn't get into Canaan; he had to die.
Moses had served God and the Israelites for 120 years. He had fasted 80 days, an 80-year-old man had fasted forty days twice. How much he loved God and the' Israelites. Then why was lie forsaken by God? In order to understand the-reason why he was forsaken by God, we must know what is meant by striking the rock. The rock means Adam. Therefore, the first strike meant to strike fallen Adam, to restore the original Adam. Therefore, this meant Adam would be given the water of life. By striking the rock, they were given the water of life. This means that the Israelites could start their mission. This was the providence for the start.
But Moses struck the rock twice. The second strike means to strike the second Adam, who was to be born sinlessly. When Moses struck the rock the second time, Moses struck Jesus. The mission of Moses was to prepare for Jesus' coming. However faithful he might have been, he was invaded by Satan. Those who have been invaded by Satan cannot stand as the central figure. This is why Moses was forsaken by God. In this meaning, eventually, Moses couldn't fulfill his mission. He petitioned and entreated, but he had no approval from God, and he died. Therefore, because of Moses' action, Jesus was struck by Satan once. Therefore, if the Israelites betrayed Jesus, Jesus would have to be crucified. This was the remote reason why Jesus was crucified.
In order to indemnify Moses' failure, Elijah came, but Elijah could not fulfill.
In order to indemnify Moses' failure again, John the Baptist came, but John was not able to fulfill. Therefore, Satan was able to strike Jesus directly. This was the temptation, and finally, because of this reason, Jesus was crucified. The providence for the start was successful, but Moses couldn't fulfill his mission, and he died. Then, if there had been no tabernacle, the providence of God would have been destroyed, but there was the tabernacle, so even though Moses was lost, many had faith in the tabernacle. So, instead of Moses, if someone would be responsible for the Israelites, then the providence was approved to be continued.
Now God chose Joshua. The providence for the start was already made. If the Israelites would obey Joshua, the foundation of substance would be laid. During the 40-year period, most of the Israelites who had come out of Egypt died. Therefore, the Israelites who obeyed Joshua were the younger generation. (Diagram #131.) They had no complaint because they had never eaten watermelon. They were born in the wilderness and raised in the wilderness, so it was natural for them not to have any watermelon or cucumber at all.
When Joshua was appointed to be responsible for them he gathered them. We call these the internal Israelites - those who had come out of Egypt, we call external. It was easy for the younger generation to obey Joshua because they had no relationship with the past. They said, "It's great. We will do all you command us to do. We'll go wherever you send us." They, in some ways, resemble us. It is the same because Joshua represented the Lord of the Second Advent. At the Second Coming, young people gather around because they have no relationship with the past. They can easily say yes. They answered Joshua that they would go anywhere that he sent them, that if anyone rebelled against his orders and didn't obey every command, he would be put to death. Terrible fate they had.
They showed great faith toward Joshua and they obeyed him to the last detail and 40,000 Israelites encircled Jerico and besieged Jerico. And the tactics were very odd peculiar tactics. They just walked around this castle of Jerico seven times, and all of them were shouting; and the next morning the walls fell- like an earthquake; and they dashed into Jerico and they took Jerico, the satanic camp. Based on this victory, the other country was subjugated by the Israelites and they were all faithful to the last minute. Centered on Joshua, the foundation of substance was laid.
Now for lessons. It was supposed to be possible for the Israelites to reach Canaan in 21 days. But right away 21 months were spent in the wilderness. If 1,000 people are here in Barrytown and some great leader comes, then says, "Let's go to Ohio," can you start without complaining? If He ask the leader how do we get water, he says that he has no idea, and says maybe Heavenly Father can give it to you. (Diagram #132.) Can you obey him? What is the next question? Food. Same answer. Housing? Maybe no problem with sleeping bags. Then 200 or 300 miles in the wilderness. Can you go from the beginning without complaining?
But still, when Moses said, "Let's go," the Israelites grudgingly said, "Let's go." Moses was great in his faith, but the Israelites were also great in their faith. The only being on whom they were going to be able to rely was Heavenly Father. They started, so their faith must have been great, and out of those who started from Egypt, how many of them arrived? Just two, Joshua and Caleb. Still, of the 600,000 people who started, was there even one person who died because of lack of water? No, not one died of thirst. If only they had faith, God was able to give water even from the rock. Out of those who died, was there even one person who died from hunger? No. If only they had faith, God was able to give even quail and manna. People died, not because of thirst and starvation, but because of lack of faith, faithlessness. Among those chosen by God, no one has died for any reason except for lack of faith, and only with faith can those who were chosen by God fulfill their mission. This means that we can fight against any enemy. We have only to be afraid of our own lack of faith. If we have faith, we don't have to be afraid of any enemy. Therefore, we must study the faith of the Israelites, and the faith of Moses.
Because we are fallen, if we don't establish a good condition, Satan can accuse us. When we pass the trail, only then can God give the blessing. If God gives a blessing, then even afterwards we must go through a terrible trial. First of all, after 40 years of trial in Egypt, Moses was given the first chance to start. When the Israelites failed, there was another 40 years of trial before a new blessing for the start was given. After three days of travel, God gave the blessing of the pillar of cloud and light. After the trial of the Red Sea, the Israelites were given a blessing of quail and manna. After the trial of battle against the Malachite's, the tabernacle was given. After a trial a blessing will be given. Therefore, if we want to be blessed, we must go through a trial. If you want to be glorified, you must go through your own difficulties. Therefore, if you have difficulties, it means a coming blessing. Welcome trial and say, "Come on trial, I can eat you up." After overcoming difficulties, a great blessing will greet you; it never fails. Those who want to be glorified don't avoid difficulties and trial.
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