Divine Principle Lectures from the 120 Day Workshop |
by Ken Sudo |
History of Restoration
Chapter 1. Providential Age for the Foundation of Restoration
Section V. Providence of Restoration Centering on Jesus
Jacob was successful in taking his family to Canaan, their native land, and the mission of Moses was to take his race back to Canaan. But Jesus' mission was to take mankind back to the Garden of Eden. This was the mission of Jesus. (Diagram #133.)
First of all, the first worldwide course of restoration into the land of Canaan. First of all, the foundation of faith - the central figure was John the Baptist. The mission of John the Baptist, who came as a prophet, was to lay the foundation for Jesus, to prepare for Jesus' coming. And the conditional object - first of all, it's a 40-day condition to separate from Satan. There is no exact explanation in the Bible, but there must have been some 40-day condition to separate from Satan.
God's words were given to John the Baptist when he was in the wilderness. Therefore, he knew what was forthcoming. Therefore, he came back to Israel and said to the people, "Repent, repent! The kingdom of God is near at hand. Repent! The kingdom of God is near at hand." Therefore, if the foundation of substance had been laid, the foundation for the Messiah would have been laid. And the position of central figure for the foundation of substance was also John the Baptist.
When John the Baptist was born, miracles occurred around him. His father, who had been unable to believe the revelation that a son would be born to him, had been struck dumb for this disbelief. When John was born, his father could speak again. To see this fact, many people thought the baby must have a great mission. And expectation for him was great. This was the providence for the start. In the case of John the Baptist, it was impossible to strike Satan directly; therefore, through miracles, people were amazed and Satan had to retreat.
If the Israelites had obeyed John the Baptist, the foundation for the Messiah would have been laid.
The Israelites were waiting for the Messiah's coming. But as you know, John the Baptist couldn't fulfill his mission. He couldn't understand anything about Jesus. He testified about the Messiah but because of satanic invasion lie couldn't understand at all, and he was taken by Satan and killed. Therefore, because of the faithlessness of John the Baptist, the central figure of the foundation of faith was lost to Satan. Therefore, the foundation of substance was lost to Satan.
Therefore, the foundation for the Messiah was lost to Satan. Then, even though Jesus was already there, Jesus couldn't stand as the Messiah. Therefore, if only John the Baptist had fulfilled his mission and if he laid the foundation for the Messiah centering on John the Baptist, Jesus could have been the Messiah. And upon this foundation Jesus could have gotten married. And Jesus would have been True Parents of the Israelites, and after, True Parents of all mankind.
But the first worldwide course of restoration into Canaan was lost to Satan. Therefore, another chance had to be given for the Israelites to establish the foundation for the Messiah. Instead ' of the first, the second worldwide course of restoration into Canaan must be established. Instead of John the Baptist, Jesus was able to find Peter. But Peter wasn't enough. He was not qualified enough to be the central figure to establish the foundation for the Messiah, although people usually think of him in this role. Father sometimes said, even God couldn't imagine that Peter would become a disciple. Therefore, he wasn't enough to be a disciple, to be a central figure of the foundation of faith for the Messiah. Therefore, inevitably, instead of John the Baptist, Jesus himself had to be responsible for the foundation for the Messiah.
Therefore, this time the central figure was Jesus himself, and the conditional object was a 40-day condition to separate from Satan. This was 40 days fasting. Jesus had to fast 40 days because John the Baptist was lost to Satan. Therefore, Jesus himself had to establish the foundation for the Messiah. (Diagram #134.) Also, God spoke through Jesus. Therefore, God's words were given.
Next, the central figure for the foundation of substance, was also Jesus himself. Now he needed the providence for the start. This has two aspects: one, a miracle; next, truth; God's words. Therefore, Jesus struck Satan with God's words and also worked wonders and miracles. Jesus didn't come to do miracles. Is there anyone who was saved by a miracle? No. A miracle is good for surprise, but has nothing to do with the solution of original sin. Without the solution of original sin, no one can be saved. Therefore, Jesus came to solve sin, not to work wonders or to do miracles.
There are many religions whose founders can work wonders. Then many of them think that because they do the same things as Jesus did, they must be the Messiah, but the mission of the Messiah isn't to do miracles. Therefore, the Lord of the Second Advent doesn't have to work miracles at all. He doesn't come to work wonders; he comes to solve sin.
Therefore, when Jesus did miracles, Jesus said, "Don't tell others." And also when Jesus asked Peter, "Who do you think I am?" and Peter answered, "You are Christ, the son of God," the next moment Jesus said, "Don't tell that." He said this because he was resuming John the Baptist's position and he was indemnifying the failure of John the Baptist. Therefore, his position wasn't the Messiah's position; his position was the position of John the Baptist.
If, based on this foundation centering on Jesus, the Israelites had loved Jesus and obeyed Jesus, then a foundation of substance would have been laid along with a foundation of faith. The foundation for the Messiah would have been laid. Then, based on this foundation, Jesus could have stood as the Messiah through his marriage. Then, Jesus could have been Messiah of all mankind, True Parents, sinless parents of all mankind, through whom all mankind could be born anew. This is the solution of sin. This is the mission of the Messiah.
But, as you know, because of the disbelief and disobedience of the Israelites, finally Jesus was crucified. The central figure was killed. Therefore, there was no foundation for the Messiah at all, and also the Messiah himself was killed at the same time. Therefore, Jesus was crucified in his position of John the. Baptist. Everything was lost to Satan. Therefore, the second worldwide course of restoration into Canaan was lost to Satan. This was the crucifixion.
Therefore, we must understand that while Jesus came as the Messiah, he couldn't be the Messiah when he was here on earth. Jesus couldn't even save one person in the true meaning. This is the reason why Jesus had to pray desperately at Gethsemane. How sorrowful he was. How grieved he was to have to die without fulfilling his mission on earth, without becoming the Messiah on earth. He had come as the Messiah, but he did not want to die without fulfilling his mission on earth; because, in a sense, he wasn't the Messiah yet. He came as the Messiah but he wasn't approved as the Messiah yet.
And now, the third worldwide course of restoration had to be done. Jesus had died; therefore, it was impossible to establish the foundation for the Messiah on this earth. Therefore, a new dispensation started centering on arisen Jesus. Therefore, the foundation itself was spiritual. (Diagram #135.) Therefore, first of all, a spiritual foundation of faith was given. The central figure was Jesus again--Jesus was now arisen Jesus. And there was a conditional object of a 40-day period. This was the reason why Jesus appeared on earth for 40 days. The forty days was Jesus' resurrection period. Also, God's words were given through Jesus. Based on this foundation, the spiritual foundation of substance was laid. The central figure was now arisen Jesus. Centering on arisen Jesus, the providence for the start must be laid. This was now miracles. Therefore, arisen Jesus gave disciples even to work wonders. And now, because the disciples were arisen Jesus, they must have been deeply repentant of their faithlessness. They were with Jesus three years, but to tell you the truth, they couldn't understand who was. But now, after Jesus' death, they met with arisen Jesus and they were shocked. They must have been deeply repentant of their faithlessness and also their betrayal.
They must have cried because of remorse and repentance, but it was too late. Centering on arisen Jesus, they became desperate, they became crazy for Jesus. They preached in the street and in the synagogue.' They preached on the street and said, "Jesus is arisen. Jesus is arisen. Jesus is arisen." The disciples, even the new disciples chosen by lot, obeyed arisen Jesus desperately. Therefore, now, centering on arisen Jesus, the disciples loved and obeyed Jesus. Now, upon this foundation, we can say that the foundation was successful. The foundation was just spiritual, but upon this foundation, the Messiah could come spiritually. Therefore, when 120 people were praying, now heaven onened and the Holy Spirit descended on each and they were filled ivith.spirit, and they began to speak different languages. This is the foundation of Christianity. Therefore, the 120 apostles now served the world spiritually through their mission. Then this pattern must be substantiated through the Messiah's Second Coming. Now, in the third seven-year course, 120 disciples or apostles must go on overseas mission.
From the family level to the tribal level, to the racial and nationwide and worldwide levels, the foundation was laid of worldwide Christianity. Therefore, we must understand that although Jesus came as the Messiah, Jesus couldn't be the Messiah. Even when Jesus was arisen, he wasn't the Messiah. Even after a 40-day period, even after Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came down, Jesus was only approved as Messiah in the spiritual world. Jesus is the father position and the Holy Spirit is the mother position. Therefore, when they are united into oneness, new spiritual life can be given. Then Jesus and the Holy Spirit can be sinless parents of all mankind through whom all mankind can be born anew spiritually.
Therefore, poor Jesus, poor Jesus. He couldn't be the Messiah on earth. This was the reason why he prayed so desperately, and even when he was nailed he prayed for the man who nailed him, not because of resentment, not because of pain, but because of love he prayed. And as soon as he was arisen, he started to save mankind again. How do you think - if you've served others from morning till night, but they couldn't understand your love, and they got angry with you, and finally they killed you, then could you help them from the spiritual world without resentment? Just imagine, he was killed by all, but he never had resentment against mankind and he just continued to love mankind from the very day of resurrection he started to love mankind, to save mankind. How great he was! How great he was!
Jesus was truly a man of love because he loved God, he loved mankind without any resentment. Even just after the resurrection, he started to save mankind with all his might and mind. Yes, he was truly a man of love.
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