Truth Is My Sword Volume I - Collected Speeches in the Public Arena |
by Bo Hi Pak |
Introduction By General Alexander M. Haig, Jr.
General Alexander M. Haig, Jr., USA (Ret.) was U.S. Secretary of State (1981-82) and Supreme Allied Commander of NATO (1975-79).
This compilation of selected speeches from 1978 to 1999 by Dr. Bo Hi Pak is a remarkable treatise on one man's devotion to his country, his faith, and indeed to the creation of a better world for all mankind. Soldier, diplomat, business leader, publisher, teacher, religious leader, Dr. Pak has served as key assistant to Reverend Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church, for over forty years. As such, Dr. Pak's speeches provide a unique perspective on many of the events that have shaped the post-World War II period during the Cold War and beyond.
As a long-time friend of Dr. Pak, I garnered a far better appreciation of the global reach and the remarkable variety of his activities through reading these speeches. Thus, I am pleased to contribute this Introduction to his Truth Is My Sword, cognizant of the determination and energy with which Dr. Pak has sought to further his deeply held personal convictions.
Reflecting on the life that is recounted in many of Dr. Pak's speeches, the reader will be struck by the passion with which this man has approached the many challenges and struggles that often characterize the lives of those few who are willing to sacrifice for the common good and for principled causes. Born in Japanese-occupied Korea in 1930, Dr. Pak describes the impact of the Korean War on his love for and ultimate loyalty to the United States. Having served on the staff in Tokyo and in frontline positions in Korea under General Douglas MacArthur, I can easily identify the admiration which Dr. Pak obviously holds for General MacArthur. Dr. Pak understood, even as a young veteran, that it was MacArthur's strategic vision and rare leadership that enabled the Republic of Korea to become a frontline state in the struggle against Soviet attempts at global hegemony. Since much of my own life has been dedicated to the containment and, where appropriate, the rollback of Soviet imperialism, I strongly endorse the work Dr. Pak has done to develop and operate organizations designed to promote values inimical to the tenets of Marxist Leninism.
From the battlefield of the Korean peninsula to the halls of the U.S. Congress, Dr. Pak's speeches mirror the convictions of an individual whose ardent sense of justice has always been the cornerstone of his advocacy of personal freedom and democracy. Both in the struggle against communist tyranny, and in his steadfastness against the abuse of due process, Dr. Pak has courageously opposed the tendency of some to succumb to emotion or hatred or become captives of domestic politics. I witnessed this firsthand as President Richard Nixon's Chief of Staff. At the time, we welcomed the fact that Reverend Moon, Dr. Pak, and their adherents stood firm in insisting on due process for a beleaguered president during the Watergate maelstrom.
The decade of the 1980s witnessed perhaps the most public evidence of Dr. Pak's laudable efforts to influence world affairs at a time of international change. As Soviet-backed or Soviet-dominated governments were consolidating their positions in Angola, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, and elsewhere, Dr. Pak became the point man for what Pravda referred to as "Reverend Moon and his championship of anti-Sovietism." Dr. Pak's efforts contributed to the establishment of such regional and global organizations as CAUSA International in Latin America, the International Security Council, the World Media Association, the Summit Council for World Peace, and the American Leadership Conference. Central to each of the organizations, as Dr. Pak relates in his speeches, was the goal of safeguarding and strengthening democratic institutions, based on Judeo-Christian values, and confronting head-on the atheistic forces aided or directed by godless Marxism in the Soviet mold. Reverend Moon and I both predicted the collapse of the Soviet system due primarily to the contradictions and flaws inherent in the Soviet model of Marxism. Although the world has yet to achieve the universal triumph of democratic Judeo-Christian values, the above-mentioned institutions and organizations continue to foster these values through religious, racial, and ethnic programs that have become an integral part of the free, democratic, and increasingly interdependent world.
Of the institutions inaugurated by Dr. Bo Hi Pak, it is The Washington Times and his original Chairmanship of the Washington Times Corporation that has proven to be indispensable to life in Washington, D.C. The Washington Times is an important player and contributor to the policymaking process and keeps our nation's capital from becoming once again a one-newspaper town. As the defeat of Soviet-style Marxism-Leninism has been central to his endeavors, Dr. Pak's "crusade," as described in this text, is to strengthen the universal truths that make life worth living: honesty, character, family, and the dignity of the individual. These are the hallmarks of his life's work.
On August 26, 1991, at Dr. Pak's invitation, I spoke on the "Prospects for Peace" at the inaugural meeting in Seoul, Korea, of the International Federation for World Peace. I concluded my remarks on that occasion as follows:
Are our grandchildren going to say to us, you were content to tend your own vineyard while your neighbor struggled? Or are we going to rise above the temptations or complacency so that the peace of the 21st century is truly a contrast to the conflict of the 20th century? We must work as nations together so that it may be said of us: They prepared a world of the future that redeemed by its justness the suffering of the past.
Dr. Bo Hi Pak is one who has not been content to sit on the sidelines as others struggled. He has risen above complacency and he has committed himself to making the 21st century better for us all. His speeches and actions are a testament to this noble work.
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