True Love and Forbidden Love |
by Jesus Gonzales Losada |
In the realization of this essay the following books were consulted:
Divine Principle, (HSA-UWC)
Outline of The Principle level 4
Divine Principle. Study Guide, Young Whi Kim
Unification Theology & Christian Thought, Young Oon Kim
Unification Theology, Young Oon Kim
Presentations on the Unification Principle, (CARP)
International Leadership Seminar, Outline of Presentations, (CARP)
Divine Principle Home Study Course, (HSA-UWC)
God's Warning to The World I, II, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, (HSA-UWC)
God's Will and The World, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, (HSA-UWC)
The Path of a Pioneer (HSA Publications)
A Prophet Speaks Today, The words of Sun Myung Moon, (HSA-UWC)
The Way of Tradition Vol. I, II, III, IV, (HSA-UWC)
Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Public Talks Vol. I (U.F.E. Publications)
Guidance for Heavenly Tradition, Young Whi Kim Pecado,
sexo y autocontrol, Norman Vincent Peale (Editorial Grijalbo)
Fundamentals of Unification Thought, Sang Hun Lee (Unification Thought Institute)
True Love, Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Vol. One, (HSA-UWC)
And the publications:
Unification News (HSA-UWC)
Today's World (HSA-UWC)
Blessing Quarterly (HSA-UWC)
This essay, although it makes references to the teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church, does not represent and should not be considered an official publication of the Unification Movement. The full responsibility for the contents of this work rests solely on its author.
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