True Love and Forbidden Love |
by Jesus Gonzales Losada |
True Love and Forbidden Love - Forward
An Investigation Into The Cause Of Immorality And Suffering, Its Historical Origin And Its Solution
Love is the greatest and most powerful force in the universe and the source of life and happiness.
The act of love is destined to be, according to the divine principle, the most beautiful, sacred and sublime experience. But, if this act is carried out in an illicit way it becomes the dirtiest, most degraded and shameful experience. Therefore, illicit or forbidden love is also a very destructive force that causes enormous frustrations, disappointments and suffering.
This book, which has been inspired by the extraordinary discoveries made by Reverend Sun Myung Moon, introduces important revelations on this everlasting and important topic of love.
This is a translation of the book
El Verdadero Amor Y El Amor Prohibido
First edition July 1992
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