Unification Thought |
By Dr. Sang Hun Lee |
Preface / xiii
Part I - Fundamental Theory
The Significance and History of Ontology
The Meaning of Existence
1. Traditional Ideas of Existence
1. Objects of Ontological Study in Ancient Times
2. Medieval Concepts of Existence
3. Modern Concepts of Ontology
4. Current Concepts of Ontology
2. Ontology Based on the Unification Principle
Section A - Basic View
Section B - Concepts of Existence
Section C - The Theory of the Original Image (Divine Image)
1. The Contents of the Original Image
a. Divine Image
b. Divine Character (Divinity)
2. The Structure of the Original Image
a. The Formation of the Four Position Base Centering on Heart
(i) Inner Quadruple Base
(ii) Outer Quadruple Base
(iii) The Inner Structure of the Hyung Sang
(iv) The Identity-Maintaining (Static) Quadruple Base, and the Developing (Dynamic) Quadruple Base
(v) The Inner Structure of the Logos (the Inner Developing Quadruple)
b. The Chung-Boon-Hap Action or the Origin (Thesis) Division-Union (Synthesis) Action
c. The Structural Unity of the Original Image
Section D - The Being Image of Existing Beings
1. Individual Truth Body
a. Universal Image
(i) Sung Sang and Hyung Sang
(ii) Positivity and Negativity
(iii) Logos and the Harmony between Positivity and Negativity
(iv) Subject and Object
(v) Paired Elements and Opposition
b. Individual Image
(i) The Location of the Individual Image
(ii) The Monostratic Nature of the Individual Image
(iii) The Individualization of the Universal Image
(iv) The Individualization of the Chung-Boon-Hap Process
(v) The Individual Image, Idea and Concept
(vi) The Universal and Individual
(vii) The Individual Image and the Environment
2. The Connected Body
a. The Connected Body and Dual Purposes
b. The Connected Body and the Original Image
Section E - The Yang Sang ("Status-Image") and the Position of the Existing Being
1. The Yang Sang of Existing Beings
2. Position of the Existing Being
3. The Various Types of Circular Movement, and Developing Movement
(i) Types of Circular Movement
(ii) Development and Spiral Movement
(iii) Direction of Developing Movement 103
(iv) Purpose, Law, and Necessity in Development 105
Section F - Existing Form of Being
3. Critique of Major Traditional Viewpoints of Substance
(i) Plato (427 - 347 B.C.)
(ii) Aristotle (384 - 322 B.C.)
(iii) Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274)
(iv) Descartes (1596 - 1650)
(v) George Wilhelm Hegel (1770 - 1831)
(vi) Karl Marx (1818 - 1883)
(vii) Oriental Philosophy -Sung-Ih Hak
Part II - Partial Theories
1. Theory of the Original Human Nature
Section A - Meaning and Necessity of the Theory of the Original Human Nature
(i) Necessity of the Original Human Nature
(ii) Original Nature and Fallen Nature
Section B - The Original Nature
a. The Original Nature and Essence
b. The Original Nature and Existence
Section C - The Original Human Nature Pursued by Existentialism
1. The Existentialists' Views on Existence and Man
(i) Kierkegaard's "Individual"
(ii) Nietzsche's Superman Thought
(iii) Jaspers' Limit Situation
(iv) "Existence" of Heidegger
(v) Subjectivity of Sartre
(vi) Summary
2. The Critique of Each Existentialist Philosophy and View of Humanity
(i) Critique of Kierkegaard
(ii) Critique of Nietzsche
(iii) Critique of Jaspers
(iv) Critique of Heidegger
(v) Critique of Sartre
Section D - The Original Human Nature Viewed from the Unification Principle
1. Being with Divine Image
a. Sung Sang and Hyung Sang (Perfectness)
b. Positivity and Negativity (multiplication and norm)
c. Individual Image in God
2. Being in Position
a. Being with Object Position
b. Being with Subject Position-Dominion
c. Being with an Intermediary Position
3. Being with Divine Image
a. Being with Heart
b. Being of Logos (Norm)
c. Being with Creativity
Section E - The Original Nature and Second Nature
(i) The Difference between the Original Nature and the Second Nature
(ii) The Communists' View of the Original Nature
2. Epistemology
Section A - The Meaning of Epistemology and the Process of its Formation
(i) The Origin of Epistemology
(ii) Novum Organum of Francis Bacon
Section B - Traditional Epistemology Viewed from the Contents of Cognition
1. Epistemology Emphasizing the Object Only
a. From the Viewpoint of the Source of Cognition-Empiricism
b. From the Viewpoint of What Is the Essence of Cognition-Realism
2. Epistemology Emphasizing the Subject Only
a. From the Viewpoint of the Source of Cognition Rationalism
b. From the Viewpoint of the Essence of Cognition Subjective Idealism
Section C - Traditional Epistemology Viewed from the Cognition Method
1. The Transcendental Method of Kant
(i) The Unification of Empiricism and Rationalism
(ii) Matter and Form
(iii) Ding an Sich ("Thing-in-Itself")
(iv) Cognition Form
2. The Dialectical Method of Marx
(i) The Theory of Reflection
(ii) Sensitivity, Reason and Practice
(iii) Absolute Truth and Relative Truth
Section D - The Basis of Epistemology by the Unification Principle
1. Everything is the Object of Man's Pleasure
2. All Things are Objects of Man's Dominion (Control)
3. There is Give-and-Take Action Between the Subject and Object
Section E - Unification Epistemology (Epistemology Based on the Give-and-Take Law)
1. Critique of Traditional Epistemologies
(i) Why Subject and Object Exist
(ii) The Object Must Exist Outside 188
(iii) Is the "Thing-in-Itself" (Ding an Sich) Unknowable?
2. The Give-and-Take Relation between the Subject and Object and the Activity of Cognition
3. The Development of Cognition
4. The Ground and Method of Cognition
a. Appraisal and Correspondence
(i) Is the Mind a Tabula Rasa (Blank Tablet) by Nature?
(ii) There Must Be An Appraisal of Correspondence
(iii) Man Has the Prototypes of All Things Within Him
(iv) The Prototypes Exist Deep in the Latent Consciousness
(v) Cognition is the Unification of the Outside and Inside
b. The Similarity of Content and Form
c. Transcendence and Priority
(i) The Priority of the Prototype
(ii) The Development of the Prototype
d. Spiritual Cognition
5. Summary and Conclusion
3. Axiology
Section A -The Significance of Axiology
Section B - The Theoretical Foundation of Axiology
(i) Dual Being
(ii) Dual Purposes
(iii) Dual Desires
Section C - The Kinds of Value
(i) Truth, Goodness and Beauty
(ii) Love
(iii) Holiness
Section D - The Essence of Value
(i) The Essence of Value
(ii) The Purpose of Creation
(iii) The Give-and-Take Action of Relative Elements and Harmony
Section E - The Decision of Actual Value and the Standard of Value
(i) The Decision of Actual Value
(ii) Subjective Action
(iii) The Importance of the Subjective Conditions
(iv) The Standard of Value
(v) Relative Elements and Absolute Elements
Section F - Present Day Life and Value
(i) The View of Purpose and Value
(ii) The Necessity of a New View of Value
4. Ethics
Section A - The Necessity of Unification Ethics and its Origin in the Unification Principle
a. The Necessity of Ethics
b. The Basis of Ethics in the Unification Principle
Section B - The Definition of Ethics
Section C - Ethics and Morality
Section D - Family Four Position Base and Ethics
a. God's Ideal of Creation and the Family Four Position Base
b. The Actualizing Process of Love
c. The Principle of Order in Ethics
d. Order and Equality
Section E - Critique of the Traditional Theories of Goodness
a. Critique of the Modem Viewpoints of Goodness
(i) Bentham's Utilitarianism
(ii) The Categorical Imperative of Kant
b. Critique of the Current Viewpoints of Goodness
(i) The Intuitionism of Moore (1873 - 1958)
(ii) The Emotive Theory of Logical Positivism
(iii) The Instrumentalism Theory of Pragmatism
5. Theory of History
Section A - The View of History by the Unification Principle
(i) The History of Sin
(ii) The History of Re-creation and Restoration
Section B - The Character of History According to the Unification Principle
1. Re-Creation by the Logos
2. The Goal and Direction of History
(i) Hegel's View of History
(ii) Marx's View of History
(iii) Spengler's View of History
(iv) Toynbee's View of History
3. The Laws of History
Section C - The Laws of Re-Creation in History
1. The Laws of Creation
2. The Laws of Restoration
Section D - The Unity, Individuality and Difference of Historical Development
(i) The Unity of Historical Development
(ii) The Individuality of Historical Development
(iii) Differentiation of Historical Development
Section E - The Laws of Historical Development and the Method of Studying History
(i) The Basic Laws of History
(ii) History and the Give and Take Law (G-T Laws)
(iii) The Law of Will-Action
(iv) The Historic View of the Struggle between Good and Evil
(v) Development by the G-T Action or by Struggle?
(vi) The Essence of Struggle
Section F - The Pattern of Historical Development
1. From the Providential Viewpoint
(i) The History of God's Words
(ii) The Providence of Parallel Periods
2. From the Viewpoint of Religion and Politics
(i) The Law of Dominion of the Center
(ii) The Four Types of Society
(iii) The Reasons for the Formation of the Four Societies
3. From the Viewpoint of Economy
(i) Mutual Relationships of Religion, Politics and Economy
(ii) The Developmental Steps of Economy
(iii) The Inequality of the Development of Religion, Politics and Economy in the Period of the New Testament
(iv) The Development Stages of the Economy in the New Testament Age
Section G - History and Culture
1. The Central Providence and Peripheral Providence in Cultural History
(i) The Central Providence of Cultural History
(ii) Peripheral Providence
2. Sung Sang Culture and Hyung Sang Culture
(i) Hebraism and Hellenism
(ii) The Sources of the Two Cultures
(iii) The Termination of History is a Unified Culture
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