Unification Thought Study Guide |
Contents - List Of Questions
I. General Introduction
1) What is Unification Thought?
II. Ontology
2) What are the objects of ontological study?
3) What are the attributes of the Original Being, that is, the contents of the Original Image?
4) What is the structure of the Original Image like?
5) What is the Developing (Dynamic) Quadruple Base in the Inner Quadruple Base and what is it in the Outer Quadruple Base, of the Original Image?
6) What is the relationship between the Origin-Division-Union Action and the Quadruple Base?
7) What is the structural unity of the Original Image?
8) How can you diagram the structure of Sung Sang and Hyung Sang in Existing Beings?
9) Diagram the relationship between the dual characteristics of Sung Sang and Hyung Sang and the dual characteristics of positivity and negativity in man.
10) Describe and list some examples of the give-and-take action between positivity and negativity.
11) What are the Three Motives of Development?
12) Explain about paired elements and opposition.
13) Diagram and explain simply the relationship between the location of the Individual Image and Creation,
14) What is the relationship between the Individual Image of living things and the environment?
15) Explain the connected body in relation to the Original Image.
16) What is the Yang Sang (Status-image) of the existing being?
17) What are the position and order of the existing being?
18) Why is man a cosmic center who dominates the cosmos? By using a diagram, explain how it is that man is the highest center in terms of the Sung Sang purpose.
19) List some examples which have no circular movement and explain why they don't have circular movement.
20) Why does the development of vital beings need circular movement in time, that is, spiral movement?
21) What is the basic difference between vital beings (life) and inorganic matter?
22) What is development?
III. Theory of the Original Human Nature
23) What is the Theory of the Original Human Nature? Why do we need this Theory?
24) What is the difference between the Original Nature, essence and existence?
25) What is the relationship between Sung Sang and Hyung Sang in the Original Nature?
26) What is the relationship between positivity and negativity in the Theory of the Original Human Nature?
27) What is the meaning of individuality in the Theory of the Original Human Nature?
28) What is the Object Position? What is its necessity?
29) What is the Subject Position? What is its necessity?
30) What is true democracy from the viewpoint of the Theory of the Original Human Nature?
31) What is Being with Heart?
32) What is Being of Logos?
33) What is Being with Creativity?
34) Summarize Kierkegaard's existentialism simply and criticize one of his most important points from the viewpoint of Divine Principle
35) Explain and criticize Nietzsche's "Superman" and his view of value simply.
36) What is Jaspers' "Limit Situation" (Grenzsituation)? How is the existence understood?
37) Simply criticize and conquer the summary of Jaspers' philosophy.
38) What are Heidegger's anxiety (Angst) and concern (Sorge)?
39) Simply criticize and conquer Heidegger's theory on anxiety and concern.
40) What is Heidegger's temporality (historicity)?
41) Simply criticize and conquer Heidegger's historical time.
42) What are nullification (neantisation) of consciousness and freedom (liberte) according to Sartre?
43) What are Sartre's existence and subjectivity (subjectivite)?
44) Criticize and conquer Sartre's subjectivity.
IV. Epistemology / 27-30
45) What are the two basic standpoints from the viewpoint of the source of cognition?
46) What are the two basic standpoints from the viewpoint of the essence of cognition?
47) What is the transcendental method of Kant?
48) What is the dialectical method of Marx?
49) What is the cognition method from the viewpoint of the Divine Principle?
50) What is the Law of Resemblance in cognition?
51) What is the prototype in cognition?
52) How is the prototype formed in cognition?
53) How are physicochemical processes and mental processes formed in cognition? How is cognition established?
V. Logic
54) What is the concrete meaning of content and form in logic?
55) What are some characteristics of formal logic?
56) What are the characteristics of the logic of communism?
57) What is the basic standpoint of Unification Logic?
58) What is form in Unification Logic?
59) What is law in Unification Logic?
60) How does Unification Logic deal with content?
VI. Ethics
61) What is the difference between the concepts of ethics (Sittlichkeit) and morality (Mortalitat) from the viewpoint of the Divine Principle?
62) What is the relationship between love and ethics?
63) What are order and equality in ethics?
64) Simply criticize and conquer Bentham's utilitarianism.
65) What is the categorical imperative of Kant? Criticize and offer a counterproposal.
66) What is pragmatism, especially instrumentalism of Dewey?
67) Criticize the instrumentalism of Dewey and give a counterproposal of this.
VII. Theory of Art
68) What is the significance of art and beauty?
69) Why can we say that art is an activity to create joy?
70) What are the two aspects of the activity of art?
71) Why are there two aspects in the activity of art?
72) What are the subjective conditions and the objective conditions required in appreciation?
73) What is the beauty to be perceived when one reaches the ultimate height of truth?
74) What conditions are required in creating a work of art?
75) What is the relationship between art and morality?
VIII. Theory of History
76) What is the weak point of the view of history by traditional Christianity? Also, what have been the consequences of its weak points?
77) What are the basic laws of history, through which God's providence has been working?
78) What are the basic laws of historical development?
79) Draw a chart which shows the providential relationships and directions of central cultural history and peripheral cultural history.
IX. Theory of Education
80) Criticize democratic education.
81) Criticize communist education.
82) What are the basic starting points of Unification Education?
83) Draw a chart showing the idea of education, the method of education, and education viewed by an ideal image, corresponding to the perfection, multiplication, and dominion of God.
84) What is Heart education?
85) What is an education of moral standard?
86) What is an education of technique?
87) What is the ideal image of man formed by an education of heart, and education of moral standard and an education of technique (knowledge) respectively?
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