World CARP News

Volume 2, Issue 3

Page 5

Dreams and Fireworks

Tongil Moo Do Breakthrough
Jesper Hendriksen

More than 20 black belts in the style of Tongil Moo Do gave an impressive demonstration of their skills and spirit in Seoul this week. "Practicing Tongil Moo Do has given me new confidence in myself and convinced me that today's youth can be led away from the prevailing culture of immorality and materialism," said Bat Erdene, one of the performing black belts.
Bat first began training in Tongil Moo Do at a 40-day seminar in Moscow last autumn. He then organized another seminar in his homeland of Mongolia in January at which he earned his black belt. More than 80 young Mongolians attended the seminar, which included lectures on character development and elements of spiritual training as well as intense instruction in the techniques of Tongil Moo Do.

Martial Arts to the tune of Survivor's 'Eye of the Tiger'