Carolyn Graglia
(pronounced graw-lee-ah) has a wonderful book critiquing feminism called Domestic
Tranquility: A Brief Against Feminism. She has a law degree from Columbia University
and worked in the Justice Department and a prominent Washington law firm. When she had
children she gave up her career and enjoyed being a housewife. (You can see and hear an
interview of her on Booknotes on C-SPAN at
that she gave on August 2, 1998).
She writes, "Since the late 1960s, feminists have very successfully waged war against the traditional family, in which husbands are the principal breadwinners and wives are primarily homemakers. This war's immediate purpose has been to undermine the homemaker's position within both her family and society in order to drive her into the work force. Its long-term goal is to create a society in which women behave as much like men as possible, devoting as much time and energy to the pursuit of a career as men do, so that women will eventually hold equal political and economic power with men. This book examines feminism's successful onslaught against the traditional family ... and defends a woman's choice to be a homemaker."
"A critical weapon in feminism's arsenal has been the status degradation of the housewife's role. From the journalistic attacks of Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem to Jessie Bernard's sociological writings, all branches of feminism are united in the conviction that a woman can find identity and fulfillment only in a career. The housewife, feminists agree, was properly characterized by Simone de Beauvoir and Betty Friedan as a 'parasite', a being something less than human, living her life without using her adult capabilities or intelligence, and lacking any real purpose in devoting herself to children, husband, and home."
Androgyny -- the goal
on the twin assumptions that equality means sameness (that is, men and women cannot be
equals unless they do the same things) and that most differences between the sexes are
culturally imposed, contemporary feminism has undertaken its own cultural impositions.
Revealing their totalitarian belief that they know best how others should live and their
totalitarian willingness to force others to conform to their dogma, feminists have sought
to modify our social institutions in order to create an androgynous society in which male
and female roles are as identical as possible. The results of the feminist juggernaut now
engulf us. By almost all indica of well-being, the institution of the American family has
become significantly less healthy than it was thirty years ago."
"The first prong of contemporary feminism's offensive has been to convince society that a woman's full-time commitment to cultivating her marriage and rearing her children is an unworthy endeavor. Women, assert feminists, should treat marriage and children as relatively independent appendages to their life of full-time involvement in the workplace. To live what feminists assure her is the only life worthy of respect, a woman must devote the vast bulk of her time and energy to market production, at the expense of marriage and children. Children, she is told, are better cared for by surrogate, and marriage, as these feminists perceive it, neither deserves nor requires much attention; indeed, the very idea of a woman's 'cultivating' her marriage seems ludicrous. Thus spurred on by the women's movement, many women have sought to become male clones."
"But some feminists have appeared to modify the feminist message; voices -- supposedly of moderation -- have argued that women really are different than men. In this they are surely right: there are fundamental differences between the average man and woman, and it is appropriate to take account of these differences when making decisions both in our individual lives and with respect to social issues. Yet the new feminist voices have not conceded that acknowledged differences between the sexes are grounds for reexaming women's flight from home into workplace. Instead, these new voices have argued only that these differences require modification of the terms under which women undertake to reconstruct their lives in accordance with the blueprint designed by so-called early radicals. The edifice erected by radical feminism is to remain intact, subject only to some redecorating. The foundation of this edifice is still the destruction of the traditional family. Feminism has acquiesced in women's desire to bear children (an activity some of the early radicals discouraged). But it continues steadfast in its assumption that, after some period of maternity leave, daily care of those children is properly the domain of institutions and paid employees. The yearnings manifested in women's palpable desire for children should largely be sated, the new voices tell us, by the act of serving as a birth canal and then spending so-called quality time with the child before and after a full day's work."
"Any mother, in this view, may happily consign to surrogates most of the
remaining aspects of her role, assured that doing so will impose no hardship or loss on
either mother or child. To those women whose natures make them less suited to striving in
the workplace than concentrating on
husband, children, and home, this feminist diktat denies the happiness and contentment
they could have found within the domestic arena. In the world formed by contemporary
feminism, these women will have status and respect only if they force themselves to take
up roles in the workplace they suspect are not most deserving of attention. Relegated to
the periphery of their lives are the home and personal relationships with husband and
children that they sense merit their central concern.
"Inherent in the feminist argument is an extraordinary contradiction. Feminists deny, on the one hand, that the dimension of female sexuality which engenders women's yearning for children can also make it appropriate and satisfying for a woman to devote herself to domestic endeavors and provide her children's full-time care. On the other hand, they plead the fact of sexual difference to justify campaigns to modify workplaces in order to correct the effects of male influence and alleged biases. Only after such modifications, claim feminists, can women's nurturing attributes and other female qualities be adequately expressed in and truly influence the workplace. Manifestations of these female qualities, feminists argue, should and can occur in the workplace once it has been modified to blunt the substantial impact of male aggression and competitiveness and take account of women's special requirements."
"Having launched its movement claiming the right of women -- a right allegedly
denied them previously -- to enter the workplace
on an equal basis with men, feminism then escalated its demands by arguing that
female differences require numerous changes in the workplace. Women, in this view, are
insufficiently feminine to find satisfaction in rearing their own children but too
feminine to compete on an equal basis with men. Thus, having taken women out of their
homes and settled them in the workplace, feminists have sought to reconstruct workplaces
to create 'feminist playpens' that are conducive to female qualities of sensitivity,
caring, and empathy. Through this exercise in self-contradiction, contemporary feminism
has endeavored to remove the woman from her home and role of providing daily care of her
children -- the quintessential place and activity for most effectively expressing her
feminine, nurturing attributes.
"The qualities that are the most likely to make women good mothers are thus redeployed away from their children and into workplaces that must be restructured to accommodate them. The irony is twofold. Children -- the ones who could benefit from the attentions of those mothers who do possess these womanly qualities -- are deprived of those attentions and left only with the hope of finding adequate replacement for their loss. Moreover, the occupations in which these qualities are now to find expression either do not require them for optimal job performance (often they are not conducive to professional success) or were long ago recognized as women's occupations -- as in the field of nursing, for example -- in which nurturing abilities do enhance job performance."