Patriarchy works. The Traditional family structure rings right in our gut. We like to see intact conservative families. There have been three powerful organizations that have made the headlines lately because they publicly announce their written constitution and value statement and mission statement that men are to take back their leadership position that feminists have taken away in the most violent and confusing century in human history. Let's pray that America [and the UC] see that God is speaking through these courageous organizations that are unequivocally standing up for godly patriarchy. Those organizations are the Promise Keepers, Southern Baptists, and Mormons.

Promise Keepers

The founder of the largest men's movement in America is Bill McCartney. He was a successful football coach who almost lost his family because he was not being a good enough father. He committed adultery, was an alcoholic and his daughter became pregnant twice from two different men on his football team. His wife, Lyndi, was so depressed she became bulimic and lost 80 pounds once. They went through counseling and finally Bill found the principles to live by. He tells his story in his book Sold Out. Lyndi helps write the book and she says that they are now in harmony and happy. They have also written a book together to help other married couples.

Southern Baptists

The Promise Keepers are despised by feminists for boldly saying men must lead their families. When the Southern Baptists made a public statement that men are the head of the house the media had a field day making fun of it. President Clinton was a member and joked about it. He quit and now attends the liberal Methodist with his fellow socialist/feminist comrade, Hillary. Paige Patterson is the president of the Southern Baptists. He and his wife Dorothy both teach the beauty of patriarchy. They are a happy couple and show in deed as well as word God's way for marriage.

The following is a full-page newspaper ad of support for the Southern Baptists. You can read more about this ad and statements from the Baptists and their friends at In this ad they print the part of the Baptist's written statement of beliefs that deals with men providing and leading their families and women submitting. When the UC moves higher up spiritually and also writes a strong statement for the traditional family, then it will begin to attract new members. And when the UC moves even higher than the Southern Baptists and proclaims to the world in writing in a full-page ad in newspapers that only men lead outside the home as the Andelins teach, then the UC will have gone beyond the Old and New Testament.


The Completed Testament era will be one where the whole world accepts the written statement of values from the leadership of the UC that only men lead -- period. Combine the vision of utopia from Father and absolute sexual roles and we have an unbeatable truth. Soon the whole world would join in our crusade for the Ideal World. If Miss Kim, David Kim and Col. Pak had known this in 1960 and put it in writing, it would have been a best-seller and 40 years later, Father would be considered the Messiah by every person on the planet. Tragically, Father and the elders did not grasp this core value of God and proclaim it. Father has sabotaged himself by not explaining that absolute values means first the value of men leading, protecting and providing for their family and that only men are the Commander in Chief of their nations. By being digested by Satan's culture that encourages women to act like Josette Shiner, Cheryl Wetzstein and Catherine Ono, the UC has died.


God could not bless all the tremendous efforts made for money and manpower we made in the last 40 years. If there had not been this fatal flaw, the Messianic Age would have happened in Father's lifetime. Now it will take many years to undo the damage that the written feminist teachings in UC publications and lying and brutal MFT did to crush the spirits of members and turn off the world's population to God's chosen people who people sense are not right somehow. There would have been no deprogrammings and the parents would have joined if the UC had clearly written values for capitalism and traditional family values. Instead they spend hundreds of millions on the conservative Washington Times but write in the Principle that God's ideal is socialism. And Father says in one breath that American women should not be bones and then encourages them to be U.S. Senators. A confused mind does nothing, and the UC has done nothing in America for the last 40 years. If they would have listened to God speaking through such best-selling authors as Milton Friedman who spoke against socialism and Helen Andelin who spoke against feminism, Father would never had gone to jail and would now have the President, Congress and Supreme Court members of his movement.


Tyler Hendricks and familyGod wanted the Divine Principle to sweep America and in 2000 they have yet to write a clear Principle, let alone one that goes beyond Friedman and Andelin. I am pleased that in an issue of the UNews in 2000, President Tyler Hendricks has an article called "Heavenly Socialism" and says it really means the free market. The next step is for Tyler to cut out the words socialism from the Principle with the ruthlessness a surgeon has for cutting out cancer. Tyler and all those who are in leadership or are writers in the UC should write a clear statement for patriarchy in and out of the house. When the UC becomes a monolithic force for pure, absolute values then sisters like Cheryl will quit their jobs and start a Titus 2:3-5 ministry. Then the Andelins and everyone else will join.


The key phrase in the Baptist statement of faith (written below) is where they write that a husband "has the God-given responsibility to provide for, to protect, and to lead his family. A wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband."

Southern Baptists... you are right!
photo of 3 families standing At a time when divorce is destroying the fabric of our society, you have taken a bold stand for the biblical principles of marriage and family life. We thank you for your courage!
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You are right because
you recognized that the family
was God's idea, not man's, and that marriage is
a covenant between one man and one woman
for a lifetime.

You are right because
you called husbands
to sacrificially love and lead their wives.

You are right because
you called wives to graciously submit to their husband's
sacrificial leadership.

You are right because
you affirmed that the husband
and wife are of equal worth before God.

You are right because
you reminded us that children
are a blessing and heritage from the Lord.

Most importantly, you are right because your
statement is based on biblical truth!

Baptist Faith & Message
Article XVIII. The Family

God has ordained the family as the foundational institution of human society. It is composed of persons related to one another by marriage, blood, or adoption.

Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. It is God’s unique gift to reveal the union between Christ and His church, and to provide for the man and the woman in marriage the framework for intimate companionship, the channel for sexual expression according to biblical standards, and the means for procreation of the human race.

The husband and wife are of equal worth before God, since both are created in God’s image. The marriage relationship models the way God relates to His people. A husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church. He has the God-given responsibility to provide for, to protect, and to lead his family. A wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ. She, being in the image of God as is her husband and thus equal to him, has the God-given responsibility to respect her husband and to serve as his helper in managing the household and nurturing the next generation.

Children, from the moment of conception, are a blessing and heritage from the Lord. Parents are to demonstrate to their children God’s pattern for marriage. Parents are to teach their children spiritual and moral values and to lead them, through consistent lifestyle example and loving discipline, to make choices based on biblical truth. Children are to honor and obey their parents.


Dr. Joe Aldrich
President Emeritus, Multnomah Bible College
Kerby and Susanne Anderson
President, Probe Ministries
Dr. Hudson and Miriam Armerding
Former President, Wheaton College
Dr. Steve Arterburn
CEO, New Life Clinics
Jack and Kay Arthur
President and Vice President,
Precept Ministries
Gary and Carol Bauer
President, Family Research Council
Scott and Theresa Beck
Former CEO, Boston Market
Joel and Carol Esther Belz
Publisher, World Magazine
Gary and Donna Bishop
President, Mission Aviation Fellowship
Ronald Blue
President, Ronald Blue & Co.
Bill and Vonette Bright
President, Campus Crusade for Christ International
Dr. Frank Brock
President, Covenant College
Harold and Grace Brown
Professor, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Larry and Judy Burkett
President, Christian Financial Concepts
Dr. Bryan and Kathleen Chapell
President, Covenant Theological Seminary
Dr. Robert and Marietta Coleman
Director, Billy Graham School of Evangelism
Chuck and Patty Colson
CEO, Prison Fellowship
Adolph and B.J. Coors, IV
National Speaker
Dr. J.B. and Bette Crouse
President, OMS International
James and Carol Cymbala
Pastor, Brooklyn Tabernacle
Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Director of Women’s Ministries,
Life Action Ministries

Dr. Lane and Ebeth Dennis
President, Crossway Books
Dennis and Karen Dirks

Dean, Talbot School of Theology
Dr. James and Shirley Dobson
President, Focus on the Family
Dr. Tony and Lois Evans
Pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship
Dr. Norman and Barbara Geisler
Provost, Southern Evangelical Seminary
Dr. Gene and Elaine Getz
Founder, Fellowship Bible Churches
Franklin Graham
President, Samaritan’s Purse
Bill and Doris Greig, Jr.
CEO, Gospel Light Publications
Lars and Elisabeth Gren
Elisabeth Elliot, Author and Speaker
Dr. Wayne and Margaret Grudem
President, Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Todd and Debbie Hunter
National Director, Association of
Vineyard Churches
Bishop T.D. Jakes
President, T.D. Jakes Ministries
Kay and Charles James
Dean, Robertson School of
Government, Regent University
Dr. D. James Kennedy
Pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
Tim and Beverly LaHaye
Dr. Daniel Lockwood
President, Multnomah Bible College
H. B. and Beverley London, Jr.
V.P., Ministry Outreach, Focus on the Family
Dr. Crawford and Karen Loritts
International Speaker and Author,
Campus Crusade for Christ
Sam and Peggy Moore
CEO, Thomas Nelson Publishers
Dr. Marvin and Susan Olasky
Professor, University of Texas;
Editor, World Magazine
Dr. Stephen F. Olford
CEO, Encounter Ministries
Dr. Raymond and Anne Ortlund
CEO, Renewal Ministries
Greg and Kathleen Parsons
Executive Director, U.S. Center
for World Missions
Bishop Phillip Porter
Pastor, All National Pentecostal Center
Dennis and Barbara Rainey
Executive Director, FamilyLife
James and Beth Robison
President, Life Outreach International
Kyle and Mary Lynne Rote, Jr.
CEO, Athletic Resource Management
Al and Margaret Sanders
Chairman of the Board, Ambassador
Advertising Agency
Phyllis Schlafly
President, Eagle Forum
Kennedy and Mary Smartt
Moderator, Presbyterian Church in America
Dr. Joseph and Marti Stowell
President, Moody Bible Institute
Elmer and Ruth Towns
Dean, Liberty University
Dr. Thomas Trask
General Superintendent, Assemblies of God
Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth Ulmer
Faithful Central Baptist Church
Jack and Esther Wease
Director, Evangelical Methodist
World Missions
Dr. Stu and Linda Weber
Pastor, Good Shepherd Community Church
Dr. Terry and Mary White
President, The Navigators
Dr. Bruce and Darlene Wilkinson
President, Walk Thru the Bible
Douglas and Nancy Wilson
Editor, Credenda/Agenda
John and Susan Yates
Rector, The Falls Church (Episcopal)

For an expanded list of names and
hometowns, visit

We stand with you!
We are pastors and lay leaders, civic and business leaders, husbands, wives, fathers, and mothers representing a variety of denominations, who believe in and strongly affirm this statement on the family.


Dr. Jack Hayford
Pastor, The Church on the Way
Dr. Howard and Jeanne Hendricks
Distinguished Professor, Dallas Theological Seminary
E. V. Hill
Pastor, The Mount Zion Baptist Church
Don and Barbara Hodel
President, The Christian Coalition;
Former Secretary of the Interior
David and Phyllis Howard
President, Latin American Mission
Mike and Janet Huckabee
Governor and First Lady of Arkansas
Anne Graham Lotz
President, Angel Ministries
Dr. Erwin and Rebecca Lutzer
Pastor, Moody Bible Church
Dr. John and Margaret Maxwell
CEO, Injoy
Bill and Lyndi McCartney
CEO, Promise Keepers
Mike McCoy
Co-CEO, McCoy Corporation
Josh and Dottie McDowell
Director, Josh McDowell Ministries
Norman and Anne Miller
CEO, Interstate Battery Corporation

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3900 North Rodney Parham, Little Rock, AR 72212
A division of Campus Crusade for Christ