

Six periods of time

We saw the pattern of 6 stages of time in the history of the Jewish people. This pattern is symbolic and prophetic. When we look at Christian history, we will see a corresponding six stages.

These stages will not be symbolic but literal periods of time that will match within 2 or 3 percent the corresponding time period in Jewish history. The time periods in Jewish history prophesy the pattern God will use in preparing the Christian world for the coming of the Third Adam.

God created man on the sixth day. The number six is symbolic for man. Satan has claimed that number. Because it took six days to create the world or six periods of time, God has used six periods of time to restore man.

We learned earlier there are 3 stages in the growth period -- formation, growth, and completion. Each of these stages has 3 stages.

Man fell at the top of the growth stage in the Growth Period. This stage is the sixth stage or completion level of the growth stage, the second stage in the Growth Period. To restore man there will be therefore six stages of time to bring man back to the point of the fall. At this point we are reborn through the Messiah and grow to perfection by following the principle that the Messiah teaches us and he lives by.

Just as the Israelites had been persecuted for 400 years, Christians were persecuted by the Romans. Christians were considered a dangerous sect or cult. St. Paul himself was a persecutor before God struck him off his horse as he was traveling to a city to persecute Christians. He was converted to Christianity and witnessed to thousands.

For three hundred years Christianity grew in the Roman Empire. During that time they were sometimes persecuted. But God was behind this minority religion and it kept growing. Then God gained a major victory in 312 A.D. when God the emperor Constantine had a vision. While leading his army he saw a cross of light in the sky and an inscription:"By this sign, conquer. He won the battle at Milvian Bridge and was converted to Christianity. In 313 he issued the Edict of Milan, a decree of toleration toward the Christian sect.

In 392 Theodocius I made Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. If it required 400 years for Christianity to become the state religion, what if Jesus had been able to lead the early disciples to Rome. In his lifetime, the Roman Empire would have turned to God. Today there would be no religion called Christianity, because Jesus would have united the world into one family under God.

"I am coming soon"

Why did Jesus say to his disciples he would return soon by coming in a dramatic way on the clouds? There are two reasons. First, Jesus knew if he spoke clearly about another man coming as a Second Messiah there would be too much confusion caused by so many people saying they were the one.

The other reason was that Jesus wanted to keep the disciples faith at a high point. He knew that the disciples and all mankind would suffer because of the terrible mistake of the crucifixion. If he told the disciples clearly of the coming persecution, he was afraid they would lose their heart and zeal. Rev. 22:20 says,"Surely I am coming soon." And in Matthew 10:23 Jesus said, "...for truly, I say to you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel, before the Son of man comes." In Matthew 16:28, he said,"Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom." In these passages Jesus was saying that the Second Coming would take place very soon. Of course, Jesus did not return in their lifetime. Why did Jesus lead them to think he would?

Jesus wanted Christianity to survive the terrible persecution it had ahead of it. Because the disciples felt Jesus' return was imminent they were encouraged and remained dedicated and had the strength to build the early Christian Church.

Historians have discovered that Jesus was actually born in 4 B.C. 392 from 4 B.C. is 396 years which matches the 400 years of slavery in Egypt within 2 or 3 percent. Just as God sent a liberator, Moses, to the Israelites, God sent the liberator Theodocius to the Christians.

Persecution In

Roman Empire

Jesus 4 B.C. ______________________392 Theodocius


Jewish History                                       Christian History

400 Preparation 2nd Adam  
210 Jewish Captivity  
400 Divided Kingdoms  
120 United Kingdom  
400 Period Of Judges  
400 Persecution In Egypt Persecution in Roman Empire


The second period of Jewish history was the 400-year period of Judges, a feudal period. Christianity also went through 400 years of a feudal era called the Dark Ages ruled by Patriarchs. The five most influential Patriarchs were the bishops of Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem. The Bishop of Rome eventually became the leading patriarch and was called"Pope.

The period of Judges ended when Samuel anointed Saul King. The period of Patriarchs ended when Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne King on Christmas day, 800 A.D. 392 to 800 is 408 years. Again, Christian history matches Jewish history by 2 to 3 percent.

  Period of


Theodocius 392 ______________________ 800 Charlemagne


Jewish History                                       Christian History
400 Preparation 2nd Adam  
210 Jewish Captivity  
400 Divided Kingdoms  
120 United Kingdom  
400 Period Of Judges Period of Patriarchs
400 Persecution In Egypt Persecution in Roman Empire

After the 400-year period of Judges came the period of the United Kingdom. Likewise, Charlemagne created a united Christian Kingdom.

Charlemagne's favorite book was Augustine's City of God and he felt he had a mission to unite Europe and create a model Christian empire. Under his charismatic leadership he encouraged the building of schools. It was like a renaissance but, unfortunately, the Kingdom was divided after three generations under the leadership of his son, and later his grandsons. The period of the United Christian Kingdom ended in 919 when Henry I was crowned. Eight hundred to 919 is 119 years. This compares with the 120 years of the Israelite United Kingdom.

  United Kingdom

800 Charlemagne  Sons  Grandsons  919


Jewish History                                       Christian History
400 Preparation 2nd Adam  
210 Jewish Captivity  
400 Divided Kingdoms  
120 United Kingdom United Kingdom
400 Period Of Judges Period of Patriarchs
400 Persecution In Egypt Persecution in Roman Empire


At the end of the United Kingdom of Israel, the chosen people were split into two camps -- North Israel and South Judah. Likewise, the chosen people, the Christians, were divided into two camps, the East Franks which became Germany, and the West Franks, later to become France.

The dates in the Parallels of History are not arbitrary. They are precise. For example, if we study what historians say of the period around the year 919 we see that the Principle is true. For example, the book, History of Germany begins by saying,"In the year 911 the German tribes elected a Frankish duke to be their King. After his early death their choice fell upon the Saxon duke Henry, who was successful in compelling homage of the remaining tribes (in 919). These events revealed the will of the scattered German peoples to form one corporate whole; they laid the foundation of the German State, and may be regarded as the beginning of German History.

And as for the history of France we read in an encyclopedia,"The development of France as a nation was a long process, the first stage of which is the division of the Carolinian Empire. The Carolinian empire was the empire of Charlemagne's family.

Germany was the Abel side and France was the Cain side in this division. There was also division, called the great Schism, between the Pope of Rome and the patriarch of Constantinople. Today the division in Catholicism is between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church.

During this period the Roman Catholic Church grew in strength. The Pope was as powerful during the Middle Ages as many Kings. But the church became corrupt with its wealth and power. And just as God sent prophets to Israel and Judah to chastise and raise the people, God sent monastics such as St. Bernard, Thomas Aquinas, and St. Francis to bring reformation but many church leaders continued in corruption.

Because the Israelites refused to listen to the prophets, Israel was invaded. Likewise, because the Christian Church did not listen to God's messengers, the Holy Land was invaded. Crusades were formed to preserve them but each was unsuccessful.

The end of the Jewish Divided Kingdoms came when Judah was taken captive and exiled to Babylon. In Christian history, the divided empire ended in 1309 when the Pope was exiled to Avignon, France. The 390 years from 919 to 1309 correspond to the 400 years in Jewish history.

Divided Kingdoms

of East and West

919 _____________________ 1309


      Jewish History                      Christian History                       
400 Preparation 2nd Adam  
210 Jewish Captivity  
400 Divided Kingdoms Divided Kingdoms
120 United Kingdom United Kingdom
400 Period Of Judges Period of Patriarchs
400 Persecution In Egypt Persecution in Roman Empire

The King of France moved the papal court from Rome to Avignon to keep close watch over the Pope. This period of exile lasted from 1309 to 1377. This period of nearly 70 years is called the "Babylonian Captivity of the Church." After 70 years of exile in Babylon, the Israelites were freed and went home. After 70 years papal exile, Christianity tried to rebuild itself. But there were troubles. At one time the church had three Popes. Order finally was established, but the church government fell into corruption again.

In Jewish history, after the Babylonian captivity and return, a reformer, Malachi appeared. After the papal captivity and return, the German, Martin Luther, another reformer appeared in 1517.

The Christian captivity and return lasted from 1309 to 1517, a total of 208 years. This matches the 210-year period of Jewish captivity and return.

Papal Captivity

and Return

1309 ___________________ 1517


Jewish History                                       Christian History
400 Preparation 2nd Adam
210 Jewish Captivity Papal Captivity
400 Divided Kingdoms Divided Kingdoms
120 United Kingdom United Kingdom
400 Period Of Judges Period of Patriarchs
400 Persecution In Egypt Persecution in Roman Empire

Four hundred years after Malachi came the period of the preparation for the Second Adam. Likewise, God spent 400 years after Martin Luther to prepare the world for the Third Adam.

When Adam and Eve fell, they became ignorant spiritually of God and ignorant of the workings of the physical world. Mankind is basically good and has throughout history been led by his basic good nature to overcome his ignorance. There is a gyroscope that is like a compass which constantly leads man to return to a close relationship with God by restoring his spiritual senses.

Likewise there is a deep urge to find the scientific laws that govern this universe to restore the third blessing of dominion over creation. We are to live in harmony with nature and also in luxury, free of disease, hunger and suffering that has been unleashed by Satan since the Fall.

We are going to look at the dramatic advance by mankind to overcome ignorance in the last 400 years. God is the main force behind this because he wants the world prepared spiritually and physically for the new Messiah. God wants him to be accepted and heard the world over. We must not repeat the mistake the Israelites and Romans made 2000 years ago.

Jesus was only able to tell a few parables and was not given the time to speak in depth:"I have said to you in figures, the hour is coming when I shall no longer speak to you in figures but tell you plainly of the father (John 16:25).

The third Adam will speak in clear language because God will have through education and in spirit raised mankind. God was devastated that the Israelites were not advanced enough to understand Jesus and were so low spiritually that they nailed him to a cross. God was not going to have this happen again. So the last 2000 years God has been working with Jesus and good spirit men and women to raise mankind to a higher level spiritually and intellectually.

Jesus said that day will come when the Messiah will give all the truth:"I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the spirit of truth comes. He will guide you into all truth (John 16:120). The Divine Principle is"all the truth that speaks"plainly of the Father.

Satan has also been hard at work these 400 years to thwart God's efforts. There has been such an advancement of knowledge, goodness, charity and spiritual values and yet at the same time there has been incredible brutality and suffering of so many millions and even billions of people, especially in the twentieth century. The 20th century is the final showdown in the battle between God and Satan.

The last 400 years can be divided into three periodsBeach roughly lasting 130 years. In each period we will look at the development of the satanic side which we will call the Cain side and we will follow the Abel or God's side.

To overcome mankind's ignorance of the external world man's original nature has driven him to the study of science. This is why we see the advent of the Renaissance.




The first period is divided into the Cain development of the Renaissance and the Abel development of the Reformation. The new burst of exploration and learning in the Renaissance had its roots in Hellenism. There was renewed interest in the ancient Greeks or Hellenic culture. The Greeks were not particularly religious, and men of the Renaissance, although they usually believed in God, were so preoccupied with their new discoveries and the world around them that they concentrated more on the pleasures of this world unlike the Medievals who went too far in concentrating on the future heaven. A major influence that also stirred more interest in the physical world was the effect of the many who went on the crusades. Many found in the Near East fabulous cities with exotic foods and dress that diminished the impact of the Church which said this world was a vale of tears and not to be enjoyed.

God supported the Renaissance. God wanted man to be the Lord of Creation and to enjoy this earth, but he wanted a balance of an understanding of the spirit too. God wanted man to be free of the chains of Satan. He created man with reason and a unique individuality. Unfortunately some people came to emphasize man's reason and individuality too much. They began to emphasize humanism over religion. This rise in humanism emphasizing the five physical senses and looked more to man's reason than to the value of visions, dreams, revelations and mysticism. These developments began to separate men from God. Satan was guiding this. Satan corrupted the legitimate use of material things in life. He promoted hedonism, greed and the view that man is the center of the universe and not dependent on God.

God was successful in the Renaissance by giving man a better view of his body and the world. He inspired naturalness in the art of Michelangelo and others. God desired that man restore his self-esteem which Satan took away.

Man became excited about the world around him. Copernicus and Leonardo da Vinci made great discoveries. Descartes invented analytic geometry. Galileo advanced astronomy. The telescope and microscope were invented. Columbus discovered America.

Another invention God inspired was the printing press. Satan's tactic is ignorance and the suppression of truth and knowledge. God wanted the world educated unlike the Israelites who killed Jesus. To help reach the world God helped Martin Luther translate the Bible into German. Dante wrote in Italian, Chaucer and Wycliffe in English rather than the Latin that only a few could read.

God was working, not only 400 years to prepare the world for the Messiah, but also He was preparing for the modern world 600 years. The Bible says God created man on the sixth day. God prepared an environment for six periods of time and then Adam was born. The number six is the number for man and in God's providence of re-creation He starts a preparation period of six centuries before the Messiah is born. Six centuries before Jesus, God sent intellectual and spiritual leaders to elevate people to a higher spiritual level so they could more easily accept the Messiah when he came. It is not a coincidence that around 600 B.C. Confucius and Buddha came. The Greek civilization emerged about the sixth century B.C. God influenced it to raise man's understanding of the world through the arts and sciences.

Likewise, six centuries before the Third Adam was to be born, God raised mankind and prepared an environment for him to be accepted by starting the Renaissance in Italy around the fourteenth century.


The Renaissance had its roots in ancient Greek Hellenic thought. This was basically a horizontal view of the world. The truer view is to see the world from a vertical viewpoint. The religious life is an Abel-view of life and the secular life is a Cain-view of life. The roots of Western civilizations's religion is the ancient Hebrew culture called Hebraism.

While Satan was active corrupting the Renaissance, God was working to bring a better religious way of life by turning from Catholicism and siding with the Protestant revolution -- a revival and improvement of Judeo-Christianity. The Messiah would come on the Protestant foundation.

Just as Malachi chastised the priesthood for its corruption, Martin Luther chastised the Roman Catholic church for its corruption. To raise money to build St. Peter's in Rome, Pope Leo X gave traveling monks the right to sell indulgences or letters of pardon for sins committed. Luther was angry at this and other things so he wrote his complaints. In 1517 he posted his 95 theses on the door of the Wittenburg Church. He was excommunicated. Luther said everyone should have a direct relationship with God and tore the excommunication papers up in public and burned them.

Other leaders in the Protestant Revolution were Hus, Wycliffe, Calvin, and Zwingli. The Protestant Reformation led to actual war that lasted over 100 years ending with the Thirty Years' War which ended in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia in which Protestantism won in northern Europe.




The next period is divided into the Cain development of the Enlightenment and the Abel development of spiritual awakening.

In this period God inspired such scientists as Isaac Newton, Ben Franklin and Lavoisier, the father of chemistry. God was preparing for the coming Industrial Revolution that would raise mankind out of drudgery, so we could pursue spiritual growth. Philosphers discovered the joy of reason and logic. God influenced some to advance learning. Satan worked to twist it to making people become agnostic and atheistic.

Spiritual Awakening

The Abel view of life, the Great Spiritual Awakening countered the Enlightenment. God inspired John and Charles Wesley, the founders of the Methodist Church; George Fox, the founder of Quakers; Emmanuel Swedenborg, who revealed much about the spirit world; and Philip Spener, the leader of the Pietist movement.

The fiery evangelism of George Whitehead, Jonathan Edwards and others started the Great Awakening, a movement of revivals throughout America.

God also worked through the humanities with some writers such as Wordsworth and Coleridge. These and other romantic poets heightened man's sensitivity.





In the third period leading up to the second advent of the Messiah, God and Satan battled for the minds and hearts of people. God is for freedom, and Satan is for slavery. God worked to elevate mankind to a high spiritual, intellectual and economical level. Satan worked to create an atmosphere that would be dangerous for the savior of the world to preach the good news of the Divine Principle. This period ended with World War I that took the lives of millions of people on a global scale. Satan's goal is to kill people, especially the Third Adam. This is why we see so much violence in the twentieth century. More people have been killed in this period than in any time in history. It is the bloodiest time in history because it is the final showdown between God and Satan.

One of Satan's greatest lies is that government force used to regulate millions of lives is good and necessary for order and harmony. He whispered in mankind's ear to use force to take from the haves to give to the have nots. Satan twists the meaning of good words to deceive people. He twisted the word"equality to inflame people to go on a crusade of being Robin Hoods stealing from the"greedy to give to the"poor. Of course, the result was the very opposite and everyone is betrayed.

God's tactic was to whisper in mankind's ears and guide them to use persuasion instead of force. He worked to teach mankind to believe in freedom of speech and religion. A classic in the literature for free speech is John Milton's Areopagitica. God spoke through John Locke who wrote the classic statement for absolute freedom of religion in A Letter Concerning Toleration. This influenced Thomas Jefferson to introduce freedom of religion in the Bill of Rights. These are eloquent defenses of freedom from government regulation. They were powerful influences on the thought of the West. God worked to educate people to respect other faiths, especially minorities. Satan influences people with fear and to use government to kill or abuse nonconformist believers. One tactic he has used recently is to use force in so-called deprogramming to break the faith of those who accept minority faiths.

God is for free enterprise, and Satan is for statism. Statism is"the principle or policy of concentrating extensive economic, political, and related controls in the state at the cost of individual liberty. It is the belief in big government. Satan uses the force of government to regulate everything, even families and churches.

Statists, whether communists, socialists, welfare staters or liberals also believe in feminism, the ideology that seeks to abolish the traditional roles of men being the protector, patriarch and sole provider for their families. Conservatives are on the Abel side and are more for the traditional, Biblical roles for men and women than the liberals.

Free enterprise is"an economic and political doctrine holding that a capitalist economy can regulate itself in a freely competitive market through the relationship of supply and demand with a minimum of governmental intervention and regulation. It is a belief in limited government. Economic libertarians and many conservatives believe in laissez-faire capitalism and therefore trust people. They do not believe in using massive government force to regulate people and therefore treasure freedom such as Jefferson wrote in The Declaration of Independence. God was behind the Founding Fathers writing the Constitution of the United States and George Washington becoming the first president in 1789.

The Cain side of the second period ended with the French Revolution in 1789. Unlike the American Revolution it was not led in the spirit of God. The people marched into Notre Dame and enthroned the Goddess of Reason. The French Revolution laid the seeds for the use of violence by dictators to resolve differences with its Reign of Terror that culminated in Napoleon. It was this satanic atmosphere that Marx picked up when he met Engels in Paris in the 1840s and together they wrote Satan's Bible, the Communist Manifesto, that presented Satan's dream of his ideal world of big brother government. Orwell's books Animal Farm and 1984 dramatically show it to be a nightmare.

Satan introduced his final ideology with Karl Marx and Frederich Engel's Communist Manifesto in 1848. They taught Satan's core beliefs of totalitarianism, atheism and violence. Lenin actualized these teachings politically by creating the Soviet Union in 1917 which became, as President Reagan correctly called, an"evil empire.

The Abel side of the second period ended with the American Revolution in 1776. God worked to build America to become the leader of the Free World that had the values of being democratic, not totalitarian; Judeo-Christian, not atheistic; defensive, not offensive. God worked through the Founding Fathers of America to create a nation of freedom and peaceful exchange of political power. He sided with the North in fighting against the slavery in the South in the Civil War. He also inspired missionaries to spread Christianity to every continent in the world during this period. Adam Smith vs. Karl Marx

In the last 400 years God has worked to create an advanced spiritual and physical environment for the Messiah. In the 140 year period from the American Revolution to the First World War, there was tremendous advancement in every area of life. Economically, God inspired the Industrial Revolution to raise people out of poverty and give them the opportunity to become educated and be prepared to understand the Messiah when he came. God spoke through Adam Smith who wrote The Wealth of Nations. It is no coincidence that it was published in 1776, the year of the American Revolution. It taught the revolutionary view that free enterprise brings wealth. Satan promotes socialism

Satan countered with his ideology of socialism. His spokesmen was Karl Marx and Friedreich Engels who criticized capitalism for being greedy and immoral in such diabolical books as the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. Some Christians were led by Satan to twist their idealism to believe in socialism. Charles Kingsley started a movement called Christian Socialism in 1848, the same year Satan had Marx and Engels publish their evil beliefs. Also in 1848, Robert Owen started a socialist society in America where everyone was equal, but it failed as all socialist experiments fail. Socialism is a false ideology. It is not in line with God's laws of the universe. It is centralized power. God is for decentralized power.

God promotes capitalism

At America's inception, Satan influenced the Pilgrims to organize themselves with socialism when they landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. William Bradford was their leader and wrote of their experience in his classic book, Of Plymouth Plantation. He writes how they almost died of starvation because they organized themselves according to socialism. Bradford abandoned socialism after three years and switched to capitalism. From then on they had food and prospered. He wrote how socialism does not work.

What made people so excited about Marxism was not only that it pandered to the lowest emotions of envy and jealousy towards those who succeed, but it presented itself as idealistic. It offered an ideal world. Adam Smith wrote another book teaching the value of having good character, but he did not have a great vision of an ideal world. Neither did the Founding Fathers. Marx had a global vision of a perfect world where everyone was equal and taken care of. It excited people to follow his teachings and vision of a world that was fair. The reality of that dream was more poverty, less freedom, and less fairness and equality in those countries that adopted socialism than those that lived by capitalism.

Because socialism is centralized power it attracts evil men who push aside or kill well meaning, idealistic egalitarians. When evil men gain power they become tyrants who use the power of the state to force people to be equal. The result of their worker's paradise is equality of misery. Capitalism is based on the free market. Socialism is based on force. When people have a choice, they always choose capitalism. One way to see what side God is on is to see if there are people escaping. In authoritarian governments and organizations people vote with their feet. Because America has been the"land of the free it has been a home for millions of immigrants seeking a chance to fulfill their dreams in a free society.

Marx had a theology of atheism that placed faith in man. Capitalism did not have anyone to give it a theology that was more powerful than Marx's criticism of so-called capitalist's greed. So America increasingly became socialistic out of ignorance and guilt. By the end of the 140 period America had begun the slide down the slippery slope of socialism.

God is patient. Satan is impatient. Socialists are impatient and do not believe in trusting people. They feel superior and more enlightened and do not believe in a growth period of free enterprise that will in time eliminate poverty and inequality. Socialism always causes more problems and make things worse. The Founding Fathers were wiser than the those of the 20th century that turned to government force instead of a belief in the invisible hand that Adam Smith wrote of. Because America has focused on government instead of the family and volunteer organizations such as the church to solve society's problems, it's internal life has declined and it has not achieved as much externally as it could. The Messiah comes to restore the timeless truths that America has abandoned and to elevate the world higher by uniting every person under one religious ideology.

Feminism vs. the Traditional Family

Another outgrowth of Communism was the feminist movement that aimed at destroying the traditional family. There were many voices against feminism, but they were progressively drowned out. Alexis de Tocqueville warned in his classic book Democracy in America in the 1830s that America would suffer if it adopted feminist ideology. Unfortunately it did, and now we have an epidemic of family breakdown because women have left the home to compete with men in the marketplace and tragically put children in day care and elders in nursing homes instead of caring for them at home. Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote her evil document Seneca Falls Declaration in 1848, the same year Marx and Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto. There is absolutely nothing good in these books. Since these ungodly ideas have been introduced there has been a raging debate over the roles of men and women ever since. Today almost everything Stanton and Marx dreamed of in their writings has come true. Socialism and Feminism are now the reigning ideologies of the America.

It was exactly 72 years from 1848 to 1920 when socialism and feminism went from being seen as ridiculous and unthinkable to winning the cultural war of ideas. Rev. Moon proclaimed he and his wife to be the True Parents 72 years after 1920 in 1992. He teaches that feminism, like communism, could last for only 70 years until there would be a movement against them. And today we see the Soviet Union giving up communism, and many women giving up careers and going home to take care of their husbands, children and parents. For a more detailed explanation of this topic, read my book called The Ten Keys to Building the Ideal World.

God and Jesus are not pacifists

Satan has worked to make his champions use force to get what they want. God has worked to make his champions use persuasion in solving disputes. But God is for defense when attacked. America needs the Divine Principle to elevate it to be a better Abel. To win Cain, Abel must be outstanding. Even so, Cain has the responsibility to unite with Abel even though Abel is not perfect. In those cases where Cain nations or individuals attack the Abel side, then Abel must use force to fight back. This is the only role for government. Pacifism is not God's way. In wars such as the Civil War God was on the side of the North. In the wars of the twentieth century He has been on one side and Satan has been on the other. Satan has influenced the West to be weak sometimes such as when America failed to win the Korean War. The peace rallies against the Vietnam War were inspired by Satan who wants America weak. Although God wants his champions to fight when necessary He does not teach that war is what will ultimately restore the world. Education is God's ultimate way for bringing a unified world. And those in the Abel position must be the best teachers. They must teach better and reach more people against those who teach Satan's lies. The Messiah comes as the ultimate teacher.

Right vs. Left

The third period ends with the First World War and the beginning of Satan's champion nation, the Soviet Union, in 1917 by Lenin. It's ideology was Marxist-Leninism or Communism which is consistent with socialism, feminism, atheism, statism and secular liberalism.

America was God's champion. It led the Free World and championed the values of free enterprise, conservative traditional family values, belief in God and Christianity.

The seeds of Communism and the Free World were sown at the crucifixion of Jesus. The thief on the right accepted Jesus and foreshadowed the Free World which even politically is called"right. The thief on the left denied Jesus and foreshadowed Communism, called the"left. We read in the Bible: "When the son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left (Matt. 25:31-33).

The Free World says, "There is a God. We accept our shepherd. The Communist world says, "God does not exist. They deny their master. The free world is symbolized by sheep; the Communist world by goats. There are deep differences between the Free World and the Communist World. The most important battle between them is not physical, but mental. It is an ideological war.

Four hundred years after the reformer Malachi, Jesus, the Second Adam, was born. Likewise, approximately 400 years after Martin Luther, the Third Adam was born. Four hundred years after 1517 is 1917. God has worked to prepare the world for the new Messiah in the 20th century, and Satan has worked to destroy him.  

Preparation for

3rd Adam

     Luther 1517 ___________________ 1917 Third Adam


Jewish History                                       Christian History
400 Preparation 2nd Adam Preparation 3rd Adam
210 Jewish Captivity Papal Captivity
400 Divided Kingdoms Divided Kingdoms
120 United Kingdom United Kingdom
400 Period Of Judges Period of Patriarchs
400 Persecution In Egypt Persecution in Roman Empire

Persecution In Roman Empire Period of Patriarchs United Kingdom Divided Kingdoms Papal Captivity Preparation 3rd Adam
400 400 120 400 210 400


The time of the coming of the Messiah is called the Last Days. It doesn't mean the last days of the earth, but the last days of evil. Mankind is basically good, but has inherited sin and ignorance of the spirit world, so mankind is influenced both by Satan and God.

Communism is Satan's greatest instrument of terror. But Satan works in many ways. He works to destroy the family unit. Thousands of children are murdered by their parents each year in America. 40,000 children die each day around the world from hunger and poor water. The statistics for broken homes, suicide, drug abuse and many other tactics of Satan are frightening. There is more suffering in the last days than at any time. It is an intense time of turmoil and confusion. The following are some aspects of the Last Days.

1. Jesus warned before he died that at the time of the second coming that " ... many will come in my name, saying 'I am the Christ ...'" (Matt. 24: 3-5). One indication of telling when the Third Adam would be born is that there will be a number of men saying they are the savior of the world: "' ... what will be the sign of your coming and the closing of the age?' and Jesus answered them, 'take heed that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying 'I am the Christ ...' (Matt. 24:3-5).

The last days will be a time of much spiritual phenomena and awakening. There will be spiritual longing as well as a decline in conventional religion. The 20th century is that time predicted in Acts 2:17 where it says, "... in the last days ... I will pour my spirit upon all flesh ... This explains why there is so much spiritual phenomena today. Satan sometimes twists this phenomena and leads people into insanity, crime, suicide and following possessed, evil people like Hitler or Jim Jones.

Jesus said: "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive the many" (Matt. 24:11). We see a multitude of gurus in the 20th century who claim to have the truth. These men who receive the revelation saying YOU are the lord are not aware that they are hearing not that they are the Lord of the Second Advent, but they along with everyone are to be lords of creation when they reach perfection. These men are partially spiritually open but because they have not reached perfection their communication and understanding of God is limited. These people communicate at different levels of spirit world according to their different spiritual development , intellect, environment, etc.

The Lord of the Second Advent will have total understanding of God's heart and will. He will lead a true life and be able to answer the fundamental questions of life. The center of God's providence is Judeo-Christianity, and he must come on that foundation.

Christianity is divided in hundreds of different denominations -- some of which are even at war with each other such as in Ireland between the Catholics and Protestants. Because men have interpreted the bible differently, the Messiah comes to clarify the Bible through revelations from God so that Christianity can be united into a higher dimension. God is beyond denominationalism. The Messiah will teach Christianity to transcend its differences and ascend to a higher level. The Messiah must first bring unity to world Christianity. When those men who feel they are the Messiah become really humble they will then realize they do not have these qualifications and will direct their followers to the true Messiah and will himself follow the Messiah. Until they do they are minor false Christs who cannot lead their followers or anyone else into the ideal world just as the main false Christ of Communism cannot.

2. The last days will be a time of secular selfishness, pleasure seeking and rebellion: YOU must understand this, that in the last days distressing times will come. For people will be lovers of money, boasters, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, brutes, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (II Tim. 3:1-4). Are most people lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god? The world is filled with immorality and selfishness. At the end of the twentieth century billions of people watch TV which glorifies pre-marital sex.

3. "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars" (Matt. 24:6). The wars of the 20th century have been more widespread, devastating and frequent than any time in history.

4. There will be a naivete to evil by many who will advocate peace, without understanding that we cannot negotiate and co-exist with evil. For when they shall say, 'peace and safety'; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape (I Thess. 5:3). A perfect example of this is Chamberlain's sincere but naive act of flying to Munich and signing a worthless piece of paper with Hitler in 1938. A year later there was war. The peace marchers and nuclear freeze movement are naive and unwittingly encouraging the evil nations of this world.

There are many Christians who believe that God does not want a unified world. Christians look only to the afterlife as being a place where Christians will live happily ever after and they will forget the billions of people who are doomed to hell. It is a serious flaw in Christian theology that sees any attempt to world unity as satanic. Arnold Toynbee often spoke of the world moving to unity. He said, Living together as a single family is the only future mankind can have now that Western technology has simultaneously annihilated distance and invented the atomic bomb ... the alternative to the destruction of the human race is a worldwide fusion of all the tribes, nations, civilizations, and religions of man. Billy Graham and other Christian leaders do not know that the Messiah comes to unify mankind on earth.

God is guiding the world to unity. The historian Arnold Toynbee found 28 cultural spheres in history. God has worked to decrease that number to four: Judea-Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. The Messiah comes on the foundation of Christianity but will unite all religions into God's family where there is one religion. Toynbee is the most famous historian of the 20th century. He predicted there would be world unification under one government brought about by a new religion. He felt that a nation from the far east would be the unifier of mankind.

5. The Bible says in the Last Days there will arise an Anti-Christ who will try to rule the world. Christians fail to see that the Antichrist is Communism. Because the Messiah will speak of one unified world with one culture and one language his efforts will be viewed by many Christians as the Anti-Christ.

Christianity has always taught that Jesus is coming back to save the world. Fundamental and Pentecostal Christians believe Jesus is coming on the clouds. They believe in the rapture which says that on Judgement Day devout Christians will rise in the air to meet Jesus in the sky. Those who are alive will drift to heaven, and those who have died will come out of their graves, their physical body restored, and will rise also. This rising of the dead is called resurrection. After all Christians are safe with Jesus, those left on earth will be tortured in hell and the earth will be destroyed.

The Divine Principle teaches that none of these events will take place. Some Christians have believed these things because they have mistakenly read the Bible literally when they should have read it symbolically.

Clouds are symbolic
Thief in the night

Matthew 24:30 reads, They will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Rev. 1:7 says, Behold, he is coming with the clouds. But we read what seems to be a contradictory way the Messiah will come in I Thess. 5:2, The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. To enter as a thief has been interpreted that he will come out of the clouds unexpectedly. But the true interpretation is that he will come not only unexpectedly, but like any successful thief, he will come quietly, not dramatically. Jesus came quietly into the world like a thief in the night. So will the Third Adam.

At the time of Jesus, Elijah was to come on the clouds. Malachi prophesied, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes (Mal. 4:5). God spoke through Malachi promising that Elijah would return prior to the Messiah. Everyone in Israel was waiting, but Elijah did not return on the clouds. Jesus said John the Baptist was Elijah. Elijah's mission returned, not Elijah himself. Likewise, Jesus' mission will return, not Jesus himself.

Many Israelites sincerely believed the Messiah would come dramatically on the clouds because of a passage in the Book of Daniel: "I saw in the night visions, and behold with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man ... And to him was given dominion and glory and kingdom, that all peoples, nations and languages should serve him" (Dan. 7:13-14).

Luke 17:20 reads, "Being asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God was coming he answered them, 'The Kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed.'" There will be no visible signs, Jesus says, such as clouds and trumpets.

In Acts 1:11, angels warned that Christ will not return on the clouds and it is no use looking up into the sky when they said to the disciples, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven?" The clouds are symbolic.

Rev. 17:15 says, "The waters that you saw, where the harlot is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues." Water is a symbol for impure fallen mankind. Clouds are vaporized water. Water on earth is impure but when it is evaporated or distilled it is pure. Therefore, impure man or water when made pure becomes clouds or pure people. We will see the Messiah, the Bible says, because he will be surrounded by disciples who lead a purer life than others.

Cloud of witnesses are Unificationists

This is what the Bible means when it says a "cloud of witnesses" (Heb. 12:1). The Messiah will first gain a few followers, then many will come. After there are thousands of disciples witnessing for the Messiah the whole world will begin to see him. These people are the members of the Unification Church.

Jesus' coming was quiet and unexpected. Jesus compares the second coming of the Messiah to the time of Noah when everyone is living their individualistic lives not thinking of God or very little about God until it is too late: "As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they did not know... So will be the coming of the Son of man" (Matt. 24:37-39). The Second Coming will be as unexpected as Jesus'.

When will Christ return? Jesus said, "But of that day and hour no one knows ..." (Matt. 24:36). But it also says in that same verse that God does know. And we read in (Amos 3:7), "surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets."

There are many examples in history of God revealing his plans. God revealed to Noah the flood judgement and Lot the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. At the time of the Second Coming of the Lord, God will speak to a few prepared people.

Jesus said that "the Second Coming of Christ would come like a thief in the night". But the Bible also says that "the Lord would not come like a thief to those who were not of the night but are of light and Of the day" (I Thess. 5:45). These few people will be awake while the rest of the world is asleep and in darkness.

The Third Adam will return and like Jesus will be born of a woman and grow up in a humble setting. When he begins his ministry only a few prepared people will see him. As the number of these disciples grows it will eventually become a cloud of witnesses who will witness for the Lord and then mankind will see the Messiah.


The end of the 400 year preparation for the Messiah -- the Third Adam -- began in 1517 and ended in 1917. The world in 1917 was divided between the nations on God's side and those on Satan's side. The three beings in the Garden of Eden were Adam, Eve and the Archangel. In WWI there were three nations who were in those positions representing God and three nations in those positions representing Satan. Those on the side of Satan were Cain nations and those on God's side were the Abel nations. WWI was a world wide separation of good and evil, of Cain and Abel. God's nations were America in the Adam position, England in the Eve position, and France in the Archangel position. Satan's nations were Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey.


The World Wars have three good nations and three evil nations fighting each other and this is referred to in Revelations which speaks of evil coming in threes: "... three foul spirits... demonic spirits... who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty" (Rev. 16:13-14). Revelations also says that the side of good must be alert and persevering against these great evils: "Blessed is he who is awake" (Rev. 16:15); "So be zealous and repent" (Rev. 3:19); "here is a call for the endurance of the saints" (Rev. 14:12).

World War I was inevitable as worldwide payment for the first Adam. World War I was an indemnity payment for Adam in the Garden of Eden. It was total confusion in the Garden of Eden, and there was total confusion during WWI. The Kaiser was related to the royalty of England. No one felt the war would last long. Everyone was incredibly immature and naive just as Adam was in the Garden of Eden.

One book said this of the Kaiser at the time Hitler was starting WWII: "he had always had a very personal, almost childish, conception of God and he now turned to his Bible more frequently than ever in order to discover an explanation for the new punishment that seemed to be awaiting mankind.... He possessed neither the intellect nor the character to shoulder the burden thrust upon him. 'It was not his fault,' wrote Winston Churchill, 'it was his fate.' Alas, it was the fate of all of us, for the Kaiser set in motion a chain of events ... that drove the whole world to war."

A biographer wrote that "scholars now believe that whatever the failings of the Kaiser he had not, as was commonly supposed, planned or even desired a big war only a little war! No longer was he an evil or cruel despot, but just a blunderer."

WWI was devastating just as the Fall was. Millions of people died. The Allies won and this paid an indemnity payment to restore Lucifer dominating Adam, and it laid the foundation for the world to receive the Third Adam. There was enough goodness and sacrificial spirit on God's side that God could send the Messiah.

Revelations 12:15 says the Messiah will be born on earth: "She brought forth a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron." And Revelations 3:12 says the returning Christ will have a new name, "He who conquers... I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, and the new Jerusalem, which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name."

WWI lasted from 1914 to 1918. The Abel nations, the Allies, were victorious over the Central Powers. Abel subjugated Cain. The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919 and the foundation for the Messiah was laid on a world wide level. On February 25, 1920 (lunar calendar January 6, 1920) the third Adam was born. With him came God's ideology the Divine Principle.

Christianity is wrong in saying it is heresy that another man will assume Jesus' mission. Christianity is now fulfilled in the Third Adam who brings God's truth, The Divine Principle the Completed Testament.

Perfection                               Third Adam                
Completion                             Completed Testament
Growth                                   New Testament           
Formation                               Old Testament            

We must understand and remember that Jesus told the Israelites not to read the Old testament as the letter of the law but in the spirit of the Law. Christians are now asked to read the New Testament the same way.

In the Garden of Eden Lucifer struck a death blow to Adam. Then Cain struck his brother. Throughout human history evil has constantly struck and good has had to defend itself, but usually losing against evil. Now it is God's turn to win the final battle. Three years before the Messiah was born Satan struck mankind with his ideology of atheistic Communism in 1917. Satan always invades first. Three years later, in 1920, the Messiah was born. The number three is God's number of perfection and the three years from 1917 to 1920 represent a separation from Satan. The Third and final Adam is on earth and will be successful. God has always succeeded on his third attempt.

It is not a coincidence that Yeat's poem "The Second Coming" was published in 1920. For more information on the events surrounding 1920 please see my book titled 1920.

God worked the 2000 years since Jesus to prepare nations to be his champions. The Second Coming was not to be in Israel as many Christians think. Jesus was clear in saying another nation would become the chosen nation and Israel would lose its status. He says this in the Parable of the Vineyard: There was a householder who planted a vineyard... and let it out to tenants.... When the season of fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants, to get his fruit; and the tenants took his servants and beat one, killed another, and stoned another. Afterward he sent his son to them, saying, 'They will respect my son.' but when the tenants saw the son... they killed him. When therefore the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? They said to him, 'He will put those wretches to a miserable death, and let out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons.'" Jesus said to them, "Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation producing the fruits of it" (Matt. 21:33-35).

The householder is God; the vineyard is Israel, and the tenants were the prophets who were abused by the people. The son was Jesus who the Israelites killed. The other tenants is a new nation. What nation is it? We read in the Bible, "Then I saw another angel ascend from the rising of the sun, with the seal of the living God" (Rev. 7:2). The rising of the sun means that the new nation will be from the Far East.

This nation must have the proper qualifications. Like Israel it must be a small religious nation that will have a history of domination so as to understand God's suffering heart. It has to be a nation with a belief by some that the Messiah will come to its nation. That nation is Korea.
  Korea is the chosen nation

The Korean people are peace-loving. In their 4000-year history they have never invaded another country. Yet they have been dominated many times. Like the Israelites, they know the suffering of oppression, and they have many prophecies in their literature that the Messiah will come to them.

Korea's history is one of suffering and hardship. They have been molded into a people whose character makes them uniquely qualified to be the Chosen people. They are a deeply religious people, a passionate people that accept all major religions; Islam, Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity flourish there.

Korea has the fastest growing Christian population. It has the largest congregations in the world. Many go to church before daylight. They embrace their religious faith with an intensity that puts followers of those religions from other countries to shame.

God is our parent who has a suffering heart, and God can only be met in deep suffering and pain. The Messiah and the chosen people are the pioneers who must know God's suffering heart. They must be a sensitive and emotional people. They must be tough and disciplined, able to endure the harsh standard of sacrifice and purity needed to overcome persecution. The Korean people have these characteristics. The Messiah was born in a small unimportant town in what is today North Korea. This is hardly the place anyone in the major powers of the world (such as America) would expect a savior to come.

Jesus was also born in a small and unimportant town. It was hardly the sort of place anyone from the Emperor of Rome down to the very people of Israel would have expected to find a young man who would someday be seen as the savior of the world by hundreds of millions of people.

The Korean flag is symbolic for God. The dual characteristics of God reflected in the world through the invisible mind and external body and the duality of masculine and feminine (i.e., of God being a parent) is represented by the red and blue colors of the center circle. The upper red paisley represents the yang nature of masculinity; the lower blue paisley represents the yin nature of femininity.

Red symbolizes God's love and life. God created our blood red. Satan distorts this color. The communist Soviet Union's flag was red. There are "red light districts" of prostitution symbolizing the Fall.

The blue in the center circle symbolizes God's truth. These are the life elements God gives for us to grow spiritually. The black trigrams in each corner symbolize the four seasons and cardinal directions of north, south, east and west. The number four is also the symbol for the family unit of the four-position foundation. The circle symbolizes eternity, or God. The flag is white, symbolizing God's purity.

Revelations speaks of white robes. Because white was for centuries the primary color worn by Koreans, Korea was known as the "white-clad" people. The name of the capitol is Seoul. Korea's ancient name was Chosen. Korea geographically looks like the sexual organ of a man. The savior is a man who will bring new life to the world.

The writing system Koreans use is called Hangul, which means "the Great Writing." King Sejong commissioned an academy called the College of Assembled Worthies to do phonological research.. In 1443 they had completed the orthographical design of han'gul. The king introduced han'gul to the public on October 9, 1446 and the Korean people observe this day as a national holiday under the name of Han'gul Day.

Hangul is a phonetic writing. Each consonant and vowel sound represent a cosmological principle. For example, vowels and semi vowels have three basic letters and their combinations. The three basic ones are ! , -- and *. One book explains that for ! ( a sound similar to aw in law), THE tongue retracts and its sound is deep; the roundness of its shape is a depiction of Heaven." For --, "the tongue retracts a little, and its sound is neither deep nor shallow; the flatness of its shape is a depiction of Earth." For *, THE tongue does not retract, and its sound is shallow; the uprightness of its shape is a depiction of Man." Therefore, the basic vowel symbols are based on the trinity of Heaven (!), Earth (--) and Man (*). All the other vowel and semivowels are interactions of these three symbols. It is not only based on a trinity but also on a duality of yin and yang sounds.

There was some vehement opposition to Hangul for those who felt they should stay with the Chinese writing but over time it became the national language. During the occupation of Korea, Satan used Japan as his means to eliminate Han'gul, which would be genocide to the chosen people's culture. The Korean people were forced to use Japanese as the only language. All older Koreans can speak fluent Japanese. When Korea was liberated in 1945, Han'gul Day was established as a national holiday. Koreans love han'gul and are proud of it. Han'gul is easy to learn and therefore most people became literate and this democratized all walks of Korean life. It is the most scientific writing system in the world. The ultimate unification of the world as one family will be when all mankind speaks Korean.

In 1936 when the young Messiah was 16 years old Jesus came to him as he was deep in prayer on a mountain side on Easter morning. Jesus asked him to complete his mission of bringing unity to mankind. For the next nine years he learned the Divine Principle from God, Jesus and many saints in the spirit world, and he fought terrible spiritual battles with Satan to discover the Fall-- how evil came into the world. Only the pure Messiah can discover the root of evil.

He lived during a time when Korea was dominated by the Japanese. They brutally tortured many Christians. They tried to obliterate their culture and language. During the 40 years of domination from 1905-1945 they changed the name of the country from Korea to its ancient name of Chosen. Sun Myung Moon worked with those Christians who refused to worship the Japanese shrines. (Ancient Israel had been dominated by the Greeks who also made the people worship their gods.) Many of these Christians had revelations the Lord was coming to them. Sun Myung Moon was beaten to near death by Japanese soldiers, but he never revealed the names of any Christians in the underground movement.

On August 15, 1945 the world rejoiced as the Japanese surrendered. The Korean people were free from their domination, and the Koreans celebrated even more than the rest of the world. In the middle of this rejoicing, when everyone was delirious with happiness, Sun Myung Moon made his way to his torturers. He loved his enemies. He found them and told them they were in great danger and to their disbelief he helped carry their luggage to their vehicle and helped them to return to Japan before they were punished. On this day, the young Messiah began his public ministry. The purpose of World War II was not only to stop the satanic Hitler and defend ourselves from Japan but a more internal reason was to free Korea from Japanese bondage so the Messiah could speak freely. The relationship between Korea and America was parallel to that of Rome and Israel. South Korea was governed in 1945 by the American Army.

Satan tried to rule the world by starting World War II. God worked hard to support the Allies: America, England and France. In 1945 they were victorious over the axis nations: Germany, Italy and Japan.

The Second World War was inevitable to pay for the tragedy of murdering Jesus. again God's side won and this blood payment on a world level allowed the Third Adam to begin his ministry in 1945 as the young Messiah. World War II was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Armageddon in Revelations.

Hitler was a satanic imitation of Jesus -- the Second Adam. Hitler was a Jew; he started his public life when he was 30 years old. He never married but had a secret girlfriend named Eva. He spoke of a millennium, never had children and his body was never found. He spoke of Jesus and thought of himself as the savior of the world.

The ultimate reason for the victory of World War II was to free the Messiah in Korea. God and the Messiah are in a hurry. During World War II the Messiah was in great danger. To end the war quickly, God inspired the buildingB and the use of the atomic bomb. And it worked. Japan immediately surrendered and Korea was liberated. The Messiah could speak freely. In 1945 he approached those in the John the Baptist positions. They rejected him and like Jesus he had to take a John the Baptist role.

God's plan was for the young Messiah to be accepted by the Korean Christians. God had prepared Sygman Rhee to be the President of Korea. He had been working tirelessly to free Korea for 40 years. He had lived in America and received his Ph.D. at Princeton from Woodrow Wilson who was the president of Princeton then. Rhee was Christian, spoke perfect English and had a western wife. He was to accept the Messiah and then with the Korean Christians be the John the Baptist who would witness to the Christian leaders of America and to the President of the United States. It was a reenactment of Jesus who with John the Baptist and the Israelites were to go to Rome. Within three years since he started his ministry on August 15, 1945 by 1948 America would have accepted the Messiah and sacrificed even more than it did in WWII to help the poor nations of the world and to convert the Soviet Union with its example of sacrificial God's love. But the political leaders remained ignorant as well as the Christian leaders.

Billy Graham was world wide John the Baptist

Billy Graham was the world wide John the Baptist. Elijah and John the Baptist have worked with him to make him famous. He does not know they are trying to get him to accept the new Messiah anymore than John the Baptist knew that Elijah was working with him to accept Jesus. Billy Graham, like John the Baptist, has rejected the Messiah. Because he and the Christian leaders have done so it is extremely difficult for the one billion Christians to accept the new Messiah because they follow and believe their leaders. God prepared Billy Graham. It is no coincidence that his wife, Ruth, went to a Christian school in North Korea when she was 16 years old. She is the same age as the Messiah.

World War III

World War III is the cold war with Communism. It doesn't have to be a hot war, and still is not inevitable. The Soviet Union was weak in 1945. America was at its peak. It was God's golden opportunity for America to spread the Messiah's teaching, the Divine Principle, to all the corners of the world. Within seven years -- from 1945 to 1952 the entire world would have accepted the Messiah. It would have been the glorious messianic age. Communism would have disappeared. In 1945 China wasn't even communist yet. It would never have gone communist. If the Messiah had been accepted then the Soviet Union would have give up it's satanic ideology of atheistic Marxism/Leninism and joined the allies of America, England, and France with Korea to build an ideal world.

But tragically those in the John the Baptist position rejected the young Messiah. He had married in 1945 and even his wife did not understand him. The young Messiah, like Jesus, had to then take a suffering course and go out and witness to average people and build a group around him who would act as John the Baptist. The powerful leaders of the world such as Sygman Rhee and President Roosevelt never knew. And because Korea and the allies remained ignorant of God's will they declined. By not taking their leadership role, the Soviet Union took world leadership. Communism spread like wildfire since 1945. In 40 years it controlled almost half of the earth's population. America since 1945 has rapidly declined. It has progressively lost its spirit and vision. Because of the failure of the Christians, the chosen people, to accept the Messiah, there has been a war of ideology and sometimes of bloody fighting between the Free world and the Communist world. England lost its position of Eve nation and God focused on Japan. This is why England has declined and Japan has rapidly advanced.

In 1945 Korea was liberated from Japan. The United States and Russia jointly occupied the country, with the 38th parallel separating them. In 1947 the General Assembly of the United Nations resolved that a democratic election should take place in Korea. The Russians refused to allow the United Nations Commission to enter the Russian Zone. So voting was held only in South Korea in 1948. Russia vetoed South Korea's admission to the United Nations and organized North Korea to be communist.

In 1946 while people were trying to escape from the North, which was ruled by the Russian army, the young Messiah went to the North. He began to gain many followers from established Christian churches. Many untrue rumors were spread and out of jealousy and fear some ministers reported him to the Communist authorities as a danger to the state and for being sexually immoral. The pure Messiah was arrested and tortured five different ways. First he was deprived of food and sleep. After two days of no food and sleep most people will confess anything. After 3 days most people become crazy. Sun Myung Moon has iron will and endured without complaining. The guards became afraid of his super human strength when he endured 7 days of sleep deprivation.

Second, his ankles were tied and he was hung from the ceiling. Then hot red pepper powder was mixed with water and poured into his nose.

Third, he was made to sit on his knees with a square wooden bar between his thighs and calves. Then his torturer would jump on his thighs and break his muscles and skin so badly that he could not walk, but only crawl for a week.

Fourth, his hands were tied behind his back, and he was hung from the ceiling. He couldn't breathe and lost consciousness. They let him down after three hours.

Fifth, his back was beaten with a wooden rod. His shirt was soaked with blood. His kidneys, stomach, lungs and all internal organs were badly damaged. Finally, they thought he was dead and threw him on a snow bank. His members found him and carried him to the church and called a doctor. The doctor said there was no hope for his survival. For 10 days he vomited blood. He was like a skeleton -- only skin and bones. The members were so sad. The Messiah had come and been killed again. But miraculously he healed. It took him six months to recover.

He is always completely pure and innocent, yet he has been put in prison six times -- once in a Japanese prison, once in North Korea, three times in South Korea and once in America. The total time he has spent in prison has been five years. Almost three years of that was in a death camp in North Korea. After recuperating from being tortured, he began to preach again, and again Christian ministers reported him. This time the Communists sent him to Hungnam Prison. Most men died there in a few months. He endured this living hell for almost three years. The men were required to bag a chemical fertilizer that cut into the flesh and exposed the bones in the hands. Their hands were usually bloody. The worst and most difficult job in the camp was to spend long hours carrying these 80 pound bags on their backs to the weighing machines and then load them on railroad cars. He took this job everyday. No one in human history has ever worked harder than him.

All prisoners were given only one cup of rice to eat each day. When some died in the middle of eating, the others would jump on the dead man and pick any grains out of his mouth. They didn't try to help him but were so starving that they acted as animals. Sun Myung Moon for the first three weeks in this terrible concentration camp divided his little portion of rice in half and gave it to others. The Messiah is the most generous, loving and sacrificial person on earth, because he is our true parent.

Sometimes his followers would bring some food to him but he would give it away to other prisoners. The clothes of beggars were better than the inadequate clothes of these prisoners. They suffered so much in the bitterly cold weather. His mother once brought him some good winter clothing. She stood at the fence and cried as she saw him give all of it away.

When the men returned to their large rooms at night, they all collapsed into sleep on the concrete floor. Sun Maung Moon would sleep in this room full of men near the bucket that served as their toilet. No one ever saw him sleep because he prayed when they went to sleep and he woke and prayed before they awoke. He prayed without complaint to God and comforted God's heart.

In 1950 he was freed by the United Nations forces as the Korean War began. He traveled to South Korea with two of his followers who he found from those who had been scattered by the war. One man, Mr. Kim, had a broken leg. Sun Maung Moon carried this man on his back to the South.

As his followers increased in South Korea he continued to live a humble life. For three years he didn't celebrate his birthday; instead he fasted and gave the money that would have been spent for food towards the buying of a bicycle the members could use for witnessing. He wore old clothes from thrift shops. He ate humble food from a small tray placed on the floor. Until he was 40 years old he rarely used a table. The stories of his poverty, persecution, sacrifice, endurance, strength, and tears are almost beyond imagination. Through everything, he has returned only love and truth.

Korean War

On June 25, 1950, North Korea ruled by Kim Il Sung, invaded South Korea. The Security Council met in emergency session the next day. One veto from any nation in the council stops all action. Russia would have vetoed any proposal to help, so God made sure that the Russians were absent from the meeting.

The council acted swiftly and denounced the invasion. President Truman directed General MacArthur to lead the 16 nations who volunteered to fight in aiding South Korea. These 16 nations represented the age of Eve when Lucifer seduced her. Satan was raping God's nation, and God fought back.

When the United Nations forces counter-attacked, the 30-year-old Messiah was freed from his concentration camp, and traveled to the south with millions of refugees. God wanted MacArthur to free God's Chosen nation, but Truman committed the greatest act of cowardice in the 20th century and fired MacArthur, leaving the North Koreans in bondage under communism.

Many Americans are confused about the Korean war. Why was the whole world focused on this tiny poor nation which was as obscure to Americans as Israel was to the Roman Empire? The importance of Korea is beyond words. It is the fatherland of the Messiah. It is God's chosen nation. And it is the place of the showdown between God and Satan.

The Korean people paid a terrible price for rejecting the Messiah. If the Messiah had been accepted the world would not have had to send its young men to die in Korea. God worked with McArthur to make the Inchon landing a success. The internal purpose of the Korean war was to free the Messiah from a death camp.

Because Truman did not stand up to communism in Korea, Communists invaded Vietnam and again we let them win. There would have been no Vietnam war if we hadn't lost in Korea. Truman's error is a graphic example of Edmund Burke's insight when he said, THE only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

The culmination of the Abel-view of life is to see America as God's champion in the 20th Century and Russia as Satan's champion. Satan strikes first with his religion of Communism on the national level in Russia. And later God gives his ideology, the Completed Testament of the Divine Principle to America. America must unite and overcome communism and socialism with God's ideal as expressed in the Divine Principle. God never wishes for bloodshed but a nonviolent conclusion to differences. It is not inevitable that there will be a military confrontation between America and communist nations, but if the Divine Principle isn't accepted it is a possibility.

The Messiah comes to teach mankind the truth. God has worked to create a world-wide communications and transportation system to enable the Messiah to teach the world. It is no accident that in such a short time in the 20th century we have cars, planes and lightening-fast satellite communication.

This is what the Bible speaks of in symbolic language in Luke 17:24: For as the lightening flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, so will the son of man be in his day. The purpose of having a television in every home and soon a video player in every home is that God wants America to see the Messiah and hear the Divine Principle. We are living now in the last days. We are in an age where evil is being judged and subjugated and goodness is on the rise, and God will reign instead of Satan. We are in a cosmic spring that sadly only a few are seeing now.

We are living in the most exciting time in history. The Messiah is on earth. Jesus had such historical impact because of his message of love and now the Lord of the Second Advent has come and spoken the whole truth of God's love. The Completed Testament is the volumes of speeches and hours of video of the Messiah and his family who will carry on his mission.
  Unification Church Third and Final Chosen People

Through Jacob's victory, Israel became God's chosen people. When they failed the Christians became the chosen people -- the second Israel. When Christians failed the Messiah created a third and final chosen people -- those that follow and support him.

The Divine Principle is the Completed Testament. The Messiah is on earth and is a living Divine Principle. He is living truth and love. It is each person's responsibility to accept the Messiah. We do this by first studying his words and deeds. By doing so we can know the Messiah and love him. The key to accepting the Messiah is ultimately prayer. If we ask God sincerely we will receive what we ask for.

We are being called to be saints. America must realize her historical mission. Americans must be the instruments God can use to save the world. The blood of so many precious American young people who were sacrificed is crying from the ground.

The building blocks of the Kingdom of Heaven are families who are centered on God and the Messiah. The Messiah is doing that by teaching and training people and then marrying them in public, mass weddings.

1960 -- First True Marriage!

In 1960 God blessed in marriage the Third Adam to a Korean woman. They are the first perfect parents in human history. They are the fulfillment of the marriage supper of the lamb in Revelation: Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty thunder peals, crying, 'Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage supper of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to be clothed with fine linen, bright and pure' -- for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. And the angel said to me, 'Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb' (Rev. 19:6-9).

Resored Original Trinity True Parents True Parents on earth!

Because the True Parents are on earth we can be reborn completely. Each of us has the chance to help build the ideal world as prophesied in the Bible. To conclude let's look at the prophecy in Revelations 21:1-4 which is being fulfilled now: "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first earth had passed away, and... I heard a great voice from the throne saying, 'Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away."

Rev. Moon spoke in every state of America on his Day of Hope tour teaching what you have read here. He concluded his final speech saying, "We are living in such an extraordinary time, at the birth of a new age! Heaven is quite near. And if you earnestly call upon God, He will answer you."

"You must urgently ask Him, 'How can I know if Rev. Moon is telling the truth?' Do not let me or anyone else answer that question for you. Let God answer you directly."

"So, go in peace, and please ask God earnestly, sincerely. Confront God in prayer. God will reveal the answer to you."

"The new hope for mankind is the Messiah. And that 'great and terrible day of the Lord' is at hand! It is up to you whether that day will be great or terrible. If you meet the Messiah, for you that day will be great. But if you fail to meet him, then for you that day will indeed be terrible."

"God bless you."

I hope you will read my other books that go more deeply into the Divine Principle. They are Christian History from God's Viewpoint and Ten Keys to Building the Ideal World. Please contact me about them at my E-mail: JOHNGODWIN@HOTMAIL.COM. Please feel free to send me your thoughts. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
