Chapter 2 The Unification Movement in Korea |
Pioneer-Witnessing and Publication of Wolli Haesol |
Due to the strenuous witnessing efforts of the churches at Muju, Wonju, Chuncheon, Jeonju, Jungeup, and also at Pusan and Taegu, membership gradually increased. Following the establishment of HSA-UWC, Reverend Moon instructed Missionary Hyun-shil Kang to meet with the founders of other religious groups, spiritual groups and those who has received revelation, and preach to them about the Principle and God's will. Some of these people became core figures of the Unification Church and the number of churches expanded. In early 1957, some twenty churches were established throughout the country. In July of that year, two members were sent to each of seventy cities for forty-day pioneer-witnessing. In fact, a number of members including Hyun-shil Kang and Hee-ok Kim had previously witnessed in this way, but this was the first time it was undertaken on such a large scale.
Up until that time, Principle lectures had mainly been given with the aid of a blackboard. Large audiences had therefore been difficult to accommodate. The long-awaited publication of Wolli Haesol ("Explanation of the Principle"), on August 15, 1957, resolved this difficulty and copies were delivered to all church centers around the country. Forty-day pioneer-witnessing was also undertaken during the winter, and has become the annual tradition of the church. Many guests became members through this activity. From January 1 of the following year, churches were established in each county.
When One Worships in the Spirit and the Truth
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