Chapter 2 The Unification Movement in Korea |
1973 - Safeguarding the Unified Front |
The motto for l973 was the same as for l972: Safeguarding the Unified Front. As the years pass, it has been possible to feel more strongly that the destiny of the providence is aligning itself with God's will and feel one's heart overfeeding with hope. Reverend Moon spent most of his time in America, except for some four weeks in two visits to Korea, from July 22 to August 7, and from November 11 to 24. This seemed to be the year when Reverend Moon's schedule was most busy due to the urgent demands of God's will. It was on December 18 on third year that his seven sons and daughters, including Ye-jin Nim, emigrated to America. From this year on, the Korean church carried out its administration with Reverend Moon absent. As it was up to the Korean members to restore their country, they began to feel a sense of mission to fulfill that responsibility as the members in the motherland of the worldwide faith. This was also the year when Baek-rim Lee, the elderly spiritualist, came to Seoul from Nonsan on a tour of the entire nation. Through her spiritual works she testified to the urgency of the providence, and attempted to awaken those who were spiritually lazy. It was notable that after she came, numerous other spiritualists appeared on the scene having a diversity of influences, with some even causing harm. In the past, the church had invested a great deal of capital, as well as "resources of the heart," into its external activities. However, from this time on, it devoted itself to internal progress, establishing and pushing forward the three great objectives including the doubling of the number of members, the secure establishment of district headquarters in all districts, and the training of leaders. Some of this year's activities and events: (1) Mobile witnessing team activities (2) One hundred-day training session (3) Mobilization of all members from the Korean Unification Theology Seminary (4) Activities by dedicated university students and members of the Tong-II Group (5) A nationwide district soccer tournament (6) The holding of the monthly Sung Hwa Youth cultural lecture (7) The holding of the Sung Hwa Alumni meeting (8) Establishment of the Association of Korean and Japanese Religions (9) Establishment of the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) (10) Blessed wives witnessing activities Following is an elaboration on some of the points mentioned above. The monthly Sung Hwa Youth cultural lectures was first held on February 2 with the intention of elevating the cultural understanding, both externally and internally, of invited members of Unification Church- affiliated organizations and the church headquarters in Seoul. Dr. Dong-sik Yoo was invited to give the first talk, and other educated people followed. Since that occasion, the church has held fifty-four such lectures. On December 1, one hundred-day training began for the purpose of educating church leaders by arming them with the Principle, VOC theory, and Unification Thought, together with education of character and heart. The second Sung Hwa Alumni Association general meeting was held on November 17, ten years after its establishment. In addition, the Professors World Peace Academy, promoting friendly relationships between academics, was founded. It held its inaugural meeting on May 6 centering on professors who has made a connection through CARP activities or the invitational Principle seminars. The church sought people to work in the newly-established Tong-II Group, selecting them from among the elite who were entering society after university graduation. They were educated into an awareness of God's will, and many embraced and became pillars of that will. A selection training period of one week was held for 185 candidates in January, and seventy-seven from among the 103 persons who were chosen from this selection training attended a forty-day training session. Especial mobilization of these new Tong-II Group members was organized, and fifty-six were assigned to make a foundation in society. Thirty-one were assigned to various organizations and companies. One was assigned as a church leader. Meanwhile, the mobilization of the blessed wives who had been witnessing officially ended that year. Their work had a great deal of influence and brought considerable result, both visibly and invisibly. Although it was important that they go through the internal anguish of such a mobilization, in must be recorded here that they spiritually protected the destiny of their nation through their suffering. Reverend Moon was, meanwhile, leading the worldwide mission activities. The center of worldwide missionary work in 1973 was the United States. Mobile teams for the American church members were organized again. From January 15, training was held for l05 members from Europe, following which they were organized into mobile One World Crusade teams, and assigned regions. Twenty-three Dutch members who had arrived somewhat later joined in, and thirty Japanese members were also mobilized in the area surrounding New York. The scope of activities was vigorously extended by dividing America into east en west, and organizing fifty-one mobile teams to work throughout the United States. From March 1, sixty members, including some from Japan, began a 100-day training session. They were given six examinations, and twenty members were selected. Two mobile fundraising teams, A-team and B-team, were set up, consisting of ten members each. Leaders were chosen following competition in the sale of flowers and candles. These rigorous selection standards, including for the selection of the team leaders, made a strong foundation for the external activity. Centering on New York, members went out on the street to expand witnessing activity through "Rallies for God," and sold admission tickets. Meanwhile, beginning September 7, advertisements were placed in numerous newspapers across the United States, including the New York Times, making it known that Reverend Moon would speak on the theme Christianity in Crisis: New Hope. Reverend Moon purchased a new headquarters for church activities, named Belvedere, on twenty-two acres of land. It was the venue for a remarkable event: Reverend Moon had dialogue with eighty dignitaries and invited 120 graduate students from Oxford and Cambridge Universities, plus 120 graduate students from Tokyo University. They were also taught the Principle. The rapidly increasing influence of the Unification Church was demonstrated when thirty-five important leaders from different spheres participated in a banquet at the Washington Hilton Hotel. Reverend Moon received the support of many who had sympathy with his cause as he traveled to the first sixteen cities of a 21-city speaking tour. He was also presented with such honors as keys to the cities, citations and proclamations, statements of encouragement and honorary citizenship's. Many mayors proclaimed the day of his speech the "Day of Hope and Unification." In the midst of these events, the citizens of America experienced abundant spiritual works. Reverend Moon placed his "Answer to Watergate" statement in the November 30 issue of both the New York Times and Washington Post, to help America overcome the crisis. The outline of the statement was Forgive, Love, Unite, and it had significant influence at this time of crisis. Notable events this year included:
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